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Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu quy trình phân tích một số kháng sinh họ Floquinolon trong mẫu tôm (Trang 57)


5. Tóm tắt công trình bằng tiếng Việt:

Bài báo trình bày việc tối ưu hoá vác quy trình phân tích dư lượng kháng sinh họ floquinolon (FQ s) trong m ẫu tôm trên cơ sở sử dụng kỹ thuật chiết pha rắn (với cột chiết trao đổi anion hoặc cation hỗn hợp) và phát hiện bằng sấc ký lỏng hiệu năng cao với detectơ huỳnh quang. H iệu suất thu hồi trung bình của các FQ trong khoảng 60 - 85%, giới hạn phát hiện định lượng trong khoảng 4,9 - 7,0 |ig/kg. Q ua phân tích một số m ẫu tôm m ua tại các chợ Hà nội đã phát hiện dư lượng kháng sinh Ciprofloxacin, N orfloxacin và E nrofloxacin với cỡ độ từng kháng sinh 5 - 1 3 ng/kg. Kết quả cho thấy khả năng sử dụng các quy trình nghiên cứu vào phân tích m ẫu thực tế.

6. T ó m tá t c ô n g trìn h b ằ n g tiếng A n h : “ A nalytical m ethod for Determ ination of Fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents in shrim p sample by solid phase extraction technique and high perform ance chrom atography/ fluorescence detection” submitted to the V ietnam ese A nalytical Sciences, 2008

The analytical procedure for determ ination of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent (FQ s) residues in shrim p sam ple were optim ized by solid phase extraction technique using several kinds o f ion exchange cartridges (M A X, M CX ) and reversed- phase liquid chrom atography in com bination with fluorescence detection. Average recoveries obtained for FQ s were in range o f 60 - 85% . Q uantitative determ ination limits for each FQ s w ere in range o f 4.9 - 7.C |ig/kg. C iprofloxacin. N orfloxacin and Enrofloxacin w ere found in som e shirm p sam ples collected in Hanoi m arket at



1. Title : Study on analytical method development for determination of Fluoroquinolone Antibacteria Agents in shrimp sample

2. Code : QT - 07 - 57

3. Managing Institution : Vietnam National University, Hanoi 4. Implementing Institution: Hanoi University of Science

5. Collaborating Institutions:

6. Coordinator : Dr. Duong Hong Anh

7. Key implementors : MSc. Pham Ngoc Ha

BSc. Tran Thanh Tuan BSc. Nguyen Hoang Tung

8. Duration : from 3/2007 to 3/2008 9. Budget : 20,000,000 VND

10. Main results :

Results in science and technology:

- Completing 03 analytical procedure for determination of Fluoroquinolone Antibacteria agents (FQs) in shirmp sample.

> Procedure 1: F ữ stly , th e hom ogenous shirm p sam ple w as extracted by shaking

with EtOH/axit axetic (99/1). The extract was cleanup by solid phase extraction technique using MCX cartridge. The clean up includes following stages: samples filling, 1st washing by 3 mL of EtOH/axetic acid (99/1), 2nd washing by 3 mL of MeOH, 3rd washing by 3 mL of NH3/H20 /M e 0 H (10/85/5), elution by 3mL NH3/M eOH (10/90). The elute was analysed by HPLC-FLD. Average recoveries obtained for FQs were in range of 64 - 83%. Quantitative determination limits were in range of 5,0 - 7,0 ng/kg. The investigated procedures were suitable for analysis of shirmp samples.

> Procedure 2: Fừstly, the homogenous shirmp sample was extracted by shaking with phosphate buffer (pH=7,4). The extract was cleanup by solid phase extraction technique using MAX cartridge. The clean up includes following stages: samples filling, 1st washing by 3 mL of NH3 5%, 2nd washing by 3 mL of MeOH, 3" 1 washing by 3 mL of H20 /M e 0 H (5/95) in 4% HCOOH, elution by 3mL HjO/M eOH (5/95) in 4% HCOOH. The elute was analysed by HPLC- FLD. Average recoveries obtained for FQs were in range of 62 - 84%. Quantitative determination limits were in range of 4 ,9 - 6 , 6 |ig/kg. The investigated procedures were suitable for analysis of shirmp samples.

extraction technique using MAX cartridge. The clean up includes following stages: samples filling, 1st washing by 3 mL of NH3 5%, 2nd washing by 3 mL of NH3 /M eOH/H2ơ (10/5/85), elution by 3mL NHj/MeOH (10/90) in 4% HCOOH. The elute was analysed by HPLC-FLD. Average recoveries obtained for FQs were in range of 60 - 85%. Quantitative determination limits were in range of 5 ,1 - 7,6 fig/kg. The investigated procedures were suitable for analysis of shirmp samples.

Results in practical application:

- Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin and Enrofloxacin were found in 3/4 shirmp samples collected in Hanoi market at concentration in range of 5 - 13 |!g/kg for each antibacterial agents.

- The investigated analytical methods need to be crosschecked by SPE/LC/MS/MS method for confirmation. If the comparison achives good results, the investigated analytical method can be used for practical purpose.

Results in training: 1 M aster thesis

Publications: 1 publication

1. Duong Hong Anh, Pham Ngoc Ha, Tran Thanh Tuan, Nguyen Hoang Tung. “Analytical method Development for Determination of Fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents in shrimp sample by solid phase extraction technique and high performance chromatography/ fluorescence detection" submited to Vietnam Analytical Sciences Journal

11. Evaluation grade (if the project has been evaluated by the the evaluation committee: excellent, good, fair)

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu quy trình phân tích một số kháng sinh họ Floquinolon trong mẫu tôm (Trang 57)

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