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II. Tiếng Anh
1. Charles J.Corrado & Bradford D.Jordan, Fundamentals of Investments
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2. Aswath Damodaran, Corporate Finance - Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Copyright 1997
3. Tim Lee, Economics for professional Investors, Prentice Hall Europe, copyright 1998.
4. Ross, S. "The Current Status of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)". Journal of Finance, Vol. 33, No 3.
5. William F.Sharpe, Fortfolio Theory and Capital Markets, McGraw- Hill, copyright 2000
6. ELTON/GRUBER , Modern Fortfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, John Wiley & Sons INC, 1985
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8. Keith Cuthbertson, Quantitative Financial Economics, Stock, Bonds
and Foreign Exchange, Wiley, copyright 1999.
9. Risk Management and analysis, Volume 1: Measuring and Modelling
Financial Risk
10. William Sackley, Fundamental of Corporate Finance (Text Book and Test Bank), McGraw - Hill, 2000.
11. Richard A. Brealey and Stewart C. Myers, Principles of Corporate
Fianance, McGraw - Hill, Inc, 1996
12. John J. Hampton, Financial Decision Making, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, 3 rd Edition, 1993.
13. Gerald I. Whete, CFA, Ashwin Paul C. Sondhi, PhD, Dov Friend, PhD, The analysis and use of Fiananial Statements, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1994.
14. Jack Clack Fracis, Management of Investment, Mc Graw Hill Inc, 3rd
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15. Moshe Ben - Horim, Essentials of Corporate Finance, Allyn and Bacon, Copy right 1987.
16. Peter Shearer, Business Forecasting and Planning, Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited, 1994.
17. Berrard J. Winger and Nancy Mohan, Principles of Financial Management, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1991.
18. David M.Weiss, After the trade is made: Processing Securities
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19. Charles B.Carlson, CFA, copyright 1996, Buying Stock without a
20. Leslie S.F. Young và Raymond C.P. Chiang, HongKong Securities
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Tr−ờng Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân 21. Jonh Dalton, How the stock market works, NewYork Institute of 21. Jonh Dalton, How the stock market works, NewYork Institute of
22. John C.HULE, Options, Futures, and other Derivative, Prentice Hall Publishing
23. Keith Cuthbertson - NXB: Wiley, copyright 1999, Quantitative
Financial Economics
24. Robert D.Edwards and John Magee, Techical analysis of stock trends, AMACOM.
25. Robert Zipf, How the bond Market Works, NewYork Institute of Finance
26. Steven R.Drozdeck - Karl Gretz, The Broker Edge How to sell securities in any Market, NewYork Institute of Finance
27. Pass Track – Series 7 (Principles and Practices) – Dearborn
Financial Publishing
28. Charles J.Corrado & Bradford D.Jordan, Fundamentals of Investments
- Valuation and Management, Mc Graw Hill, 2000.
29. Tim Lee, Economics for professional Investors, Prentice Hall Europe, copyright 1998.
30. William F.Sharpe, Fortfolio Theory and Capital Markets, McGraw- Hill, copyright 2000
31. ELTON/GRUBER, Modern Fortfolio Theory and Investment
Analysis, John Wiley & Sons INC, 1985
32. Robert A. Haugen, Modern Investment Thoery, copyright 2001
33. Keith Cuthbertson, Quantitative Financial Economics, Stock, Bonds
and Foreign Exchange, Wiley, copyright 1999.
34. Risk Management and analysis, Volume 1: Measuring and Modelling
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35. William Sackley, Fundamental of Corporate Finance (Text Book and Test Bank), McGraw - Hill, 2000.
36. Aswath Damodaran, Corporate Finance - Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Copyright 1997
37. Richard A. Brealey and Stewart C. Myers, Principles of Corporate
Fianance, McGraw - Hill, Inc, 1996
38. Arthur J.Keown - David F.Scott - John D.Martin - Jay William Petty,
Basic Financial Mangement, Prentice Hall Internatinal, Inc.
39. Aswath Damodaran - Peter L.Bernstein, Invetsment Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
40. Robert C. Pozen, The Mutual Fund Business, The MIT Press.
41. Ingo Walter and Roy C.Smith, Global Capital Markets and Banking, Mc Grall Hill.