Tóm tắt chương 3

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu đề xuất hoạt động marketing mix cho bia tiger của công ty tnhh nhà máy bia heineken (Trang 58 - 104)

V. Kết cấu đề tài

b) Xây dựng kế hoạch truyền truyền thông

3.7 Tóm tắt chương 3

Chiến lược chiêu thị của Tiger giai đoạn 2015-2020 đã đi đúng hướng, gặt hái được nhiều thành quả tích cực, giai đoạn tiếp theo từ 2021-2025, công ty Heineken Việt Nam nên tích cực đẩy mạnh truyền thông hơn nữa, để sản phẩm ngày càng được nhiều người biết đến và tin dùng. Đặc biệt các công cụ chiêu thị: viral video marketing, truyền hình, quảng cáo qua facebook,… cần được đẩy mạnh hơn nữa để đạt hiệu quả tốt hơn.

Công ty Heineken Việt Nam có nhiều điểm mạnh, và cơ hội để dẫn đầu thị trường trong những năm tiếp theo, nâng cao vị thế của mình trong lĩnh vực bia rượu. Bên cạnh đó, công ty cũng có không ít điểm yếu và những thách thức từ thị trường và các đối thủ cạnh tranh. Công ty cần nhận biết rõ khả năng và hạn chế của mình để có thể phát triển sản phẩm đúng hướng, tránh bị thị trường dần sa thải. Thông qua các kết quả đạt được trong chiến lược chiêu thị của Tiger giai đoạn 2015- 2020, em có đưa ra một số hạn chế, giải pháp và kiến nghị nhằm cải thiện, nâng cao hiệu quả hoạt động chiêu thị của Tiger trong thời gian tới. Đó là những ý kiến khách quan, những nhìn nhận sau khi phân tích về chiến lược chiêu thị của Tiger. Những đề xuất đó có thể hỗ trợ Tiger đẩy mạnh chiêu thị của mình trong thời gian tới, nâng cao hình ảnh thương hiệu.


Bài báo cáo đã đi sâu tìm hiểu cơ sở lí luận về marketing và chiến lược chiêu thị trong marketing. Đồng thời phân tích, đánh giá chiến lược chiêu thị của Tiger trong những năm 2015-2020 và đề ra những kiến nghị, giải pháp hữu hiệu giúp nâng cao hiệu quả chiêu thị của Tiger trong những năm tiếp theo.

Sau khi tìm hiểu, phân tích, đánh giá, em đã làm rõ được chiến lược chiêu thị mạnh mẽ, sáng tạo của bia Tiger cùng với chất lượng sản phẩm vướt trội, đã giúp thương hiệu ngày càng thành công. Chiến lược chiêu thị của Tiger đã đạt nhiều thành công, quảng bá cho sản phẩm, nâng cao vị thế của Tiger trong lòng khách hàng. Tiger đã trở thành thương hiệu được quan tâm hàng đầu trên các phương tiện truyền thông của thị trường bia rượu. Hoạt động chiêu thị góp phần đem Tiger đến gần hơn khách hàng, đứng đầu về thị phần.

Em cũng có rút ra một số kiến nghị, giải pháp, để giúp Tiger ngày càng hoàn thiện hoạt động truyền thông của mình, tiếp tục phát triển vững chắc trong tương lai, và giữ vững vị trí thương hiệu bia hàng đầu của mình.


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Giới thiệu về Heineken Việt Nam. (không ngày tháng). Được truy lục từ Heineken Việt Nam: https://heineken-vietnam.com.vn/gioi-thieu/#heineken-vietnam

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http://www.brandsvietnam.com/congdong/topic/7169-Nhan-dinh-cua-nguoi- tieu-dung-ve-cac-thuong-hieu-Bia-tai-Viet-Nam#prettyPhoto

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Kiểmtra đạo văn lần 1

Thông tin tuyển dụng các vị trí Marketing của Heineken Việt Nam và các doanh nghiệp khác trong thị trường bia, rượu.

Công ty TNHH Nhà máy bia Heineken Việt Nam

STT Công việc Mô tả công việc Yêu cầu công việc Quyền lợi được hưởng 1 Trợ Lý Tiếp ThịThương Mại Khu Vực (Regional Trade Marketing Assistant Manager) * Key Role:

- The key role is ensure high quality execution of trade activities planned for the region

- Be responsible for tracking and reporting on all trade activities in the region - Communicates trade marketing activities to sales - Supports Regional Sales team in development and execution of regional trade activities

- Manages the logistics and deployment of all promo materials required for regional activities

- Be responsible for ensuring that PICOS is cascaded down and executed by the sales representatives and DSMs

* Required Behaviors - Demonstrates knowledge of the Opco brand portfolio,

- University Degree in Business Administration, Economics & Marketing is preferable

- Knowledge of

professionally advertising, culture and sociology - At least 03- 04 years working experiences in the relevant field in beverage industry/ FMCG

- Decision making, good communication,

negotiation & presentation skills

- Ready to travel frequently

- Analytical thinking and problem- solving skills - Conversation with spoken, written English and PC such as Microsoft Office/ Photoshop - Having chances to get attractive company bonus every month/year - Company trip once a year + Joining party - Salary and position is reviewed 1 time a year - Bonus by individual ability and company’s performance. - Social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and other benefits - Dynamic and sociable working environment.

channel strategy priorities and objectives 2 Trợ Lý Dịch Vụ Khách Hàng (Customer Services Assistant

- Handle and process customer orders, inquiries and questions, according to internal processes and work instructions.

- Receive and handle customer complaints, monitor and evaluate the resolution process, in consultation with relevant stakeholders.

- Track and monitor customer orders, inquiries and complaints in the customer service systems, according to key indicators (e.g. service level, costs). - Uses TPM methodology and Customer Value Pillar as tool-kits for continuous improvement.

- Administer and document customer orders, inquiries and complaints (e.g. enter data into standard company systems), in accordance with established procedures. - Identify and exploit cross- and up selling opportunities with existing or new

customers and/ or forward these to Sales

Representatives or Account Managers.

- Ability to effectively work cross-functionally - Ability to think both on strategic and operational level

- Experience of working directly with Customers - Strong listening skills - Local language + English both oral and written preferred. - Having chances to get attractive company bonus every month/year - Company trip once a year + Joining party - Salary and position is reviewed 1 time a year - Bonus by individual ability and company’s performance. - Social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and other benefits - Dynamic and sociable working environment.

3 Accounts Assistant

- Receive, check payment documents

- Liaise with requestor for verification when needed to ensure all documents are in line with company's policies and requirement for

payment process. - Prepare AP payment vouchers for payment

requests and coordinate with Financial & Treasury

section to ensure payment are made timely and legally according to agreed payment terms to avoid negatively affect to production in case of late payment.

- Record all transactions into the systems accurately and ensure all are compliance with accounting standards, company's policies & procedures and prevailing laws & regulations

- University degree in Finance & Accounting, Marketing

- 1 years of working experience (prefer in JV/foreign companies) - Good skill in time management

- Focus on details, accuracy

- Having responsibility - Adaptability, team work, communicative skill - Conversant in English (speaking/writing/reading), PC literacy - Having chances to get attractive company bonus every month/year - Company trip once a year + Joining party - Salary and position is reviewed 1 time a year - Bonus by individual ability and company’s performance. - Social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and other benefits - Dynamic and sociable working environment.

4 Trợ Lý Tiếp Thị Thương Mại Khu Vực (Regional Trade Marketing Assistant Manager)

- The key role is ensure high quality execution of trade activities planned for the region

- Be responsible for tracking and reporting on all trade activities in the region - Communicates trade marketing activities to sales - Supports Regional Sales team in development and execution of regional trade activities

- Manages the logistics and deployment of all promo materials required for regional activities

- Be responsible for ensuring that PICOS is cascaded down and executed by the sales representatives and DSMs

* Required Behaviors - Demonstrates knowledge of the Opco brand portfolio, channel strategy priorities and objectives

- Understand the process of channel activity

development, demonstrating knowledge of policies and procedures

- University Degree in Business Administration, Economics & Marketing is preferable

- Knowledge of

professionally advertising, culture and sociology - At least 03- 04 years working experiences in the relevant field in beverage industry/ FMCG

- Decision making, good communication,

negotiation & presentation skills

- Ready to travel frequently

- Analytical thinking and problem- solving skills - Conversation with spoken, written English and PC such as Microsoft Office/ Photoshop. - Having chances to get attractive company bonus every month/year - Company trip once a year + Joining party - Salary and position is reviewed 1 time a year - Bonus by individual ability and company’s performance. - Social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and other benefits - Dynamic and sociable working environment.

5 Quản Lý Phương Tiện Truyền Thông Số (Digital Media Manager)

Lead programmatic (always on) media campaigns • Develop and champion programmatic and advanced targeting strategy, including investment rationale for digital media budgets, impactful content and technology

recommendations, pushing forward our precision marketing initiatives • Maximize digital

effectiveness by proactive proposing customized channel mix based on brand objectives

• Cut spend on value- diluting activities and manage potential budget increments and cuts on a day to day base. Manage

programmatic media budget and track spend

effectiveness in a detailed way

• Develop KPI & metrics framework to steer digital media always -on


• Building new digital data views to support the business

• Develop harmonized reporting across brands

• Bachelor or Master degree, preferable in business/marketing or related field

• Min. of 3-5 years of digital media relevant experience; a strong background in in programmatic, integrated marketing communications and digital planning/buying is essential for this role • Experience using digital marketing

technologies/software to include one or more of the following: DSP,DMP, CDP, bid management, Google 360 Analytics or other digital marketing platforms

• Experience with social media channels; Facebook, GoogleAdwords, Youtube, Instagram

• Agency/client relations (either on agency or client side)

• English & Office skill

- Benefits: follow labor rules, and more: party, sport activity, salary review, annual team building... - Healthcare for you and your family - Training opportunities

6 Trợ Lý Tiếp Thị Bán Hàng (Sales

Promoter Assistant)

Overseeing and monitoring activities and performance of Promotion Coordinators (PC) and Promoters to ensure that they can meet HVBL’s standard and fully support Sales Team

Coaching, guiding and assigning tasks to PCs and Promoters to ensure these forces giving the full supports to sales team to achieve the sales volume and provide the good service to customers

Coordinating with Personnel & Admin section and sales team to select the qualified PCs and promoters

Coordinating with Training Section in planning and conducting training courses to help PCs and Promoters improve their performance and to enhance their knowledge and skills

Regularly reporting to Sales Manager and sales team matters relating to PC’s, Promoter’s and competitors’ activities and performance to enhance them to take proper and timely actions

College graduate in Business

Administration/Economics /Marketing

At least 2-year relevant experience in

sales/marketing of FMCG. Knowledge of HR / Labour Law

Good communication, planning and organizing Reliable, accurate, impartiality

Knowledge of market. Ready to travel to Lam Dong-Dac Lac-Dac Nong for working and Khanh Hoa for meeting.

- Fixed 13th month salary and

performance bonus - 18 days full paid leave a year - Opportunity for overseas

working/training (Asia, Holland...)

7 Chuyên Viên Thương Hiệu (Brand Executive) - Following up/implementing brand activities based on guidelines of brand identities to ensure all activities are in line with the brand plan and guidelines. - Monitoring the processes of implementing wall banner, billboard, print-ad, online media contents etc. to ensure these processes are done and launched timely and efficiently.

- Developing, planning the sponsorship activities based on the brand plans to build up the brand awareness for target customers/consumers. - Following the market trends through opinions of the consumers and business experts to build up the new promotion programs, campaigns or to modify the brand activities that are suitable for the market. - Coordinating with agencies to develop and implement the promotion and

sponsorship programs - Monitoring and balancing the sponsorship budget to ensure the activities are not exceeding the approved budget. - University degree in Business Administration/ Economics/ Marketing - Knowledge of professional advertising, culture and sociology - 1-2 year working experience in Marketing, Brand or advertising agencies - Presentation skill - Good communication skill

- Analytical thinking and problem-solving skill - Conversant with spoken and written English and PC such as all Microsoft Office and Photoshop - Creative thinking and enthusiasm

- Confident & bold in thinking & execting ideas

- Benefits: follow labor rules, and more: party, sport activity, salary review, annual team building... - Healthcare for you and your family - Training opportunities

8 Giám Đốc Thương Mại Truyền Thống

- Builds an annual activation plan that reflects the channel strategy and leverage key channel customer and consumer drivers

- Translate brand marketing

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu đề xuất hoạt động marketing mix cho bia tiger của công ty tnhh nhà máy bia heineken (Trang 58 - 104)