Một phần của tài liệu tóm tắt luận văn thạc sĩ kỹ thuật optimization of cutting parameters(duong xuan truong DHKTCN) (Trang 105 - 110)

function dothinangsuat

%Ve do thi cua

%Cac gia tri can de ve do thi duoc load tu file %co dinh mot bien de ve do thi sau do ve contour

clc load qdatab2 [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.005:max(Tr)],[min(Sr):0.01:max(Sr)]); z=exp(bq(1)+bq(2)*log(x)+bq(3)*log(y)+bq(4)*log(qoptim(3))+bq(5)*log(x).*log(y)+bq(6)*log(qoptim(3))* log(x)+bq(7)*log(qoptim(3))*log(y)+bq(8)*log(x).^2+bq(9)*log(y).^2+bq(10)*log(qoptim(3))^2); h1=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') zlabel('Nang suat Q (g/ph)')

set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nang suat Q voi t,S ({\it V toi uu})','FontSize',14)


[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200q_t_s % h2=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Sr):0.005:max(Sr)],[min(Vr):2:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bq(1)+bq(2)*log(qoptim(1))+bq(3)*log(x)+bq(4)*log(y)+bq(5)*log(qoptim(1))*log(x)+bq(6)*log(qop tim(1))*log(y)+bq(7)*log(x).*log(y)+bq(8)*log(qoptim(1))^2+bq(9)*log(x).^2+bq(10)*log(y).^2); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nang suat Q (g/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nang suat Q voi S,V ({\it t toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

grid on

print -djpeg-r200q_s_u

%%%%%5h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.02:max(Tr)],[min(Vr):1:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bq(1)+bq(2)*log(x)+bq(3)*log(qoptim(2))+bq(4)*log(y)+bq(5)*log(qoptim(2))*log(x)+bq(6)*log(x).* log(y)+bq(7)*log(qoptim(2))*log(y)+bq(8)*log(x).^2+bq(9)*log(qoptim(2))^2+bq(10)*log(y).^2); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nang suat Q (g/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nang suat Q voi t,V ({\it S toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

print -djpeg -r200q_t_u


function dothimon

%Ve do thi cua luong mon hs

%Cac gia tri can de ve do thi duoc load tu file hs_dab2.mat %co dinh mot bien de ve do thi sau do ve contour

clc load hs_dab2 [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.01:max(Tr)],[min(Sr):0.005:max(Sr)]); z=exp(bhs(1)+bhs(2)*log(x)+bhs(3)*log(y)+bhs(4)*log(hsoptim(3))+bhs(5)*log(x).*log(y)+bhs(6)*log(hso ptim(3))*log(x)+bhs(7)*log(hsoptim(3))*log(y)+bhs(8)*log(x).^2+bhs(9)*log(y).^2+bhs(10)*log(hsoptim(3 ))^2); h1=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') zlabel('Luong mon hs (mm) ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua luong mon hs voi t,S ({\it V toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200hs_t_s % h2=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Sr):0.01:max(Sr)],[min(Vr):3:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bhs(1)+bhs(2)*log(hsoptim(1))+bhs(3)*log(x)+bhs(4)*log(y)+bhs(5)*log(hsoptim(1))*log(x)+bhs(6 )*log(hsoptim(1))*log(y)+bhs(7)*log(x).*log(y)+bhs(8)*log(hsoptim(1))^2+bhs(9)*log(x).^2+bhs(10)*log(y ).^2); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph )') zlabel('Luong mon hs (mm)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua luong mon hs voi S,V ({\it t toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg) ') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph ) ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200hs_s_v %%%%%5 h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.01:max(Tr)],[min(Vr):0.8:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bhs(1)+bhs(2)*log(x)+bhs(3)*log(hsoptim(2))+bhs(4)*log(y)+bhs(5)*log(hsoptim(2))*log(x)+bhs(6 )*log(x).*log(y)+bhs(7)*log(hsoptim(2))*log(y)+bhs(8)*log(x).^2+bhs(9)*log(hsoptim(2))^2+bhs(10)*log(y ).^2); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph ) ') zlabel('Luong mon hs (mm)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua luong mon hs voi t,V ({\it S toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph ) ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg -r200hs_t_v 3. HÀM ĐỒ THỊ NHÁM BỀ MẶT function dothinham

%Ve do thi cua

%Cac gia tri can de ve do thi duoc load tu file %co dinh mot bien de ve do thi sau do ve contour

clc load tinhra [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.009:max(Tr)],[min(Sr):0.008:max(Sr)]); z=exp(br(1)+br(2)*log(x)+br(3)*log(y)+br(4)*log(roptim(3))+br(5)*log(x).*log(y)+br(6)*log(roptim(3))*log( x)+br(7)*log(roptim(3))*log(y)+br(8)*log(x).^2+br(9)*log(y).^2+br(10)*log(roptim(3))^2); h1=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') zlabel('Nham be mat Rz ')

set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nham be mat Rz voi t,S ({\it V toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200rz_t_s % h2=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Sr):0.005:max(Sr)],[min(Vr):1:max(Vr)]); z=exp(br(1)+br(2)*log(roptim(1))+br(3)*log(x)+br(4)*log(y)+br(5)*log(roptim(1))*log(x)+br(6)*log(roptim( 1))*log(y)+br(7)*log(x).*log(y)+br(8)*log(roptim(1))^2+br(9)*log(x).^2+br(10)*log(y).^2); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nham be mat Rz ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on


[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpegrz_s_v %%%%%5 h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.03:max(Tr)],[min(Vr):8:max(Vr)]); z=exp(br(1)+br(2)*log(x)+br(3)*log(roptim(2))+br(4)*log(y)+br(5)*log(roptim(2))*log(x)+br(6)*log(x).*log( y)+br(7)*log(roptim(2))*log(y)+br(8)*log(x).^2+br(9)*log(roptim(2))^2+br(10)*log(y).^2); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nham be mat Rz ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nham be mat Rz voi t,V ({\it S toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

Một phần của tài liệu tóm tắt luận văn thạc sĩ kỹ thuật optimization of cutting parameters(duong xuan truong DHKTCN) (Trang 105 - 110)

Tải bản đầy đủ (PDF)

(120 trang)