Một phần của tài liệu tóm tắt luận văn thạc sĩ kỹ thuật optimization of cutting parameters(duong xuan truong DHKTCN) (Trang 105)

function dothinangsuat

%Ve do thi cua

%Cac gia tri can de ve do thi duoc load tu file %co dinh mot bien de ve do thi sau do ve contour

clc load qdatab2 [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.005:max(Tr)],[min(Sr):0.01:max(Sr)]); z=exp(bq(1)+bq(2)*log(x)+bq(3)*log(y)+bq(4)*log(qoptim(3))+bq(5)*log(x).*log(y)+bq(6)*log(qoptim(3))* log(x)+bq(7)*log(qoptim(3))*log(y)+bq(8)*log(x).^2+bq(9)*log(y).^2+bq(10)*log(qoptim(3))^2); h1=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') zlabel('Nang suat Q (g/ph)')

set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nang suat Q voi t,S ({\it V toi uu})','FontSize',14)


[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200q_t_s % h2=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Sr):0.005:max(Sr)],[min(Vr):2:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bq(1)+bq(2)*log(qoptim(1))+bq(3)*log(x)+bq(4)*log(y)+bq(5)*log(qoptim(1))*log(x)+bq(6)*log(qop tim(1))*log(y)+bq(7)*log(x).*log(y)+bq(8)*log(qoptim(1))^2+bq(9)*log(x).^2+bq(10)*log(y).^2); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nang suat Q (g/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nang suat Q voi S,V ({\it t toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

grid on

print -djpeg-r200q_s_u

%%%%%5h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.02:max(Tr)],[min(Vr):1:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bq(1)+bq(2)*log(x)+bq(3)*log(qoptim(2))+bq(4)*log(y)+bq(5)*log(qoptim(2))*log(x)+bq(6)*log(x).* log(y)+bq(7)*log(qoptim(2))*log(y)+bq(8)*log(x).^2+bq(9)*log(qoptim(2))^2+bq(10)*log(y).^2); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nang suat Q (g/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nang suat Q voi t,V ({\it S toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

print -djpeg -r200q_t_u


function dothimon

%Ve do thi cua luong mon hs

%Cac gia tri can de ve do thi duoc load tu file hs_dab2.mat %co dinh mot bien de ve do thi sau do ve contour

clc load hs_dab2 [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.01:max(Tr)],[min(Sr):0.005:max(Sr)]); z=exp(bhs(1)+bhs(2)*log(x)+bhs(3)*log(y)+bhs(4)*log(hsoptim(3))+bhs(5)*log(x).*log(y)+bhs(6)*log(hso ptim(3))*log(x)+bhs(7)*log(hsoptim(3))*log(y)+bhs(8)*log(x).^2+bhs(9)*log(y).^2+bhs(10)*log(hsoptim(3 ))^2); h1=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') zlabel('Luong mon hs (mm) ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua luong mon hs voi t,S ({\it V toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200hs_t_s % h2=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Sr):0.01:max(Sr)],[min(Vr):3:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bhs(1)+bhs(2)*log(hsoptim(1))+bhs(3)*log(x)+bhs(4)*log(y)+bhs(5)*log(hsoptim(1))*log(x)+bhs(6 )*log(hsoptim(1))*log(y)+bhs(7)*log(x).*log(y)+bhs(8)*log(hsoptim(1))^2+bhs(9)*log(x).^2+bhs(10)*log(y ).^2); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph )') zlabel('Luong mon hs (mm)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua luong mon hs voi S,V ({\it t toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg) ') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph ) ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200hs_s_v %%%%%5 h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.01:max(Tr)],[min(Vr):0.8:max(Vr)]); z=exp(bhs(1)+bhs(2)*log(x)+bhs(3)*log(hsoptim(2))+bhs(4)*log(y)+bhs(5)*log(hsoptim(2))*log(x)+bhs(6 )*log(x).*log(y)+bhs(7)*log(hsoptim(2))*log(y)+bhs(8)*log(x).^2+bhs(9)*log(hsoptim(2))^2+bhs(10)*log(y ).^2); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph ) ') zlabel('Luong mon hs (mm)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua luong mon hs voi t,V ({\it S toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph ) ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg -r200hs_t_v 3. HÀM ĐỒ THỊ NHÁM BỀ MẶT function dothinham

%Ve do thi cua

%Cac gia tri can de ve do thi duoc load tu file %co dinh mot bien de ve do thi sau do ve contour

clc load tinhra [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.009:max(Tr)],[min(Sr):0.008:max(Sr)]); z=exp(br(1)+br(2)*log(x)+br(3)*log(y)+br(4)*log(roptim(3))+br(5)*log(x).*log(y)+br(6)*log(roptim(3))*log( x)+br(7)*log(roptim(3))*log(y)+br(8)*log(x).^2+br(9)*log(y).^2+br(10)*log(roptim(3))^2); h1=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') zlabel('Nham be mat Rz ')

set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nham be mat Rz voi t,S ({\it V toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpeg-r200rz_t_s % h2=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Sr):0.005:max(Sr)],[min(Vr):1:max(Vr)]); z=exp(br(1)+br(2)*log(roptim(1))+br(3)*log(x)+br(4)*log(y)+br(5)*log(roptim(1))*log(x)+br(6)*log(roptim( 1))*log(y)+br(7)*log(x).*log(y)+br(8)*log(roptim(1))^2+br(9)*log(x).^2+br(10)*log(y).^2); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nham be mat Rz ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on


[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('Luong chay dao S (mm/vg)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on print -djpegrz_s_v %%%%%5 h3=figure('Position' , [120 90 400 460]); subplot(2,1,1); [x,y]=meshgrid([min(Tr):0.03:max(Tr)],[min(Vr):8:max(Vr)]); z=exp(br(1)+br(2)*log(x)+br(3)*log(roptim(2))+br(4)*log(y)+br(5)*log(roptim(2))*log(x)+br(6)*log(x).*log( y)+br(7)*log(roptim(2))*log(y)+br(8)*log(x).^2+br(9)*log(roptim(2))^2+br(10)*log(y).^2); surfc(x,y,z)

xlabel('Chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') zlabel('Nham be mat Rz ') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

title('Quan he cua Nham be mat Rz voi t,V ({\it S toi uu})','FontSize',14) subplot(2,1,2)

[C,h]=contour(x,y,z,5); Clabel(C,h);

xlabel('chieu sau cat t (mm)') ylabel('Van toc cat V (m/ph)') set(gca,'GridlineStyle','-') grid on

Một phần của tài liệu tóm tắt luận văn thạc sĩ kỹ thuật optimization of cutting parameters(duong xuan truong DHKTCN) (Trang 105)

Tải bản đầy đủ (PDF)

(120 trang)