Quản trị cung ứng nguyên vật liệu đầu vào

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu chuỗi cung ứng xuất khẩu ngành hàng nước xả vải của công ty TNHH quốc yế Unilever Việt Nam (Trang 69)

6. Bố cục của luận văn Quản trị cung ứng nguyên vật liệu đầu vào

Phịng mua hàng (SM - Supply Management) dựa vào kế hoạch nguyên nhiên vật liệu cần thiết để sản xuất sản phẩm cuối cùng được lập ra bởi bộ phận kế hoạch cung ứng, tiến hành thương thảo giá cả, ký hợp đồng mua nguyên nhiên vật liệu từ các nhà cung ứng trong nước và nước ngồi dưới sự giám sát của bộ phận mua hàng


Start Testing: 06-May-2010

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4


After 24h, Cracking Test & Top Load test current bottle 3,2L: NOT OK (It is because with layer 1, some of bottles have defect (dent bottle)).

TOP LOAD TESTING INCREASED BOTTLE 3.2L WEIGHT (131G +/-3G) Start testing: 13-May-2010

Machine : Hounsfield Speed : 33 mm/min

Unit: kgf

Date : 14-May-10 Information of Spec :

Topload (unfilled bottle) : 30 kgf (Target min) Topload (filled bottle) : 40 kgf (Target min)


No. Weight Topload Weight Topload No. Weight Topload Weight Topload

1 131.80 31.48 131.63 34.00 1 131.40 50.78 130.62 51.77 2 131.50 31.17 130.40 35.72 2 131.06 46.43 131.06 50.65 3 131.41 27.87 130.29 33.96 3 130.56 47.55 130.12 53.74 4 131.84 31.85 130.16 33.45 4 131.31 48.06 131.03 49.25 5 30 130.41 30.66 130.84 33.96 5 40 131.24 48.10 130.34 50.37 6 kgf 131.59 32.29 131.06 36.06 6 kgf 130.04 50.78 130.27 54.35 7 130.99 31.34 130.57 34.26 7 131.81 46.30 130.73 48.64 8 130.78 32.22 130.64 35.89 8 131.15 48.71 131.11 49.42 9 130.47 21.89 130.29 34.77 9 131.02 47.08 130.58 52.24 10 131.74 29.98 131.25 31.37 10 131.63 45.75 131.52 51.87 130.41 21.89 130.16 31.37 130.04 45.75 130.12 48.64 131.84 32.29 131.63 36.06 131.81 50.78 131.52 54.35 131.25 30.08 130.71 34.34 131.12 47.95 130.74 51.23







Result: (3,2L Yellow bottle) with water: OK– without water: Not OK. Result: (3,2L Pink bottle) with water: OK– without water: NotOK.


From: Lin, Tung

Sent: Monday, May 30, 2010 9:57 AM

To: Chou, Alice; Chen, Tina-ST; Chen, Claire; Chao, Connis; Chu, SuePin Cc: Huang, Shelly

Subject: RE: SNG fabcond. defects summary (READ PLEASE)_Update TT result

Dear All,

Recently SNG 3.2L Transit,

5/28: 3 containers unloaded

According to PKG & QA inspection, The Repport as below

01 container of SNG 3.2L N20380 Blue (Bottle: 131g+/-3 resin; outer: 3layers) defect rate 1.0%(6 cases deform)

01 container of SNG 3.2L N20460 Yellow (Bottle: 131g+/-3 resin; outer: 3layers) defects rate 1.2% 20 casesdeform

01 container of SNG 3.2LN20400 Floral (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 3layers) defects rate 2.8%45 casesdeform

Defect rate should be 0%

Result: No matter 128gor 131g bottle weight transit test are FAIL

Regards, Lin Tung


From: Lin, Tung

Sent: Monday, June 13, 2010 5:57 PM

To: Chou, Alice; Chen, Tina-ST; Chen, Claire; Chao, Connis; Chu, SuePin Cc: Huang, Shelly

Subject: RE: SNG fabcond. defects summary (READ PLEASE)_Update TT result 2nd time

Dear All,

Update 2nd TT result for bottle 3.2L increased weight as follow:

6/10: 2 containers unloaded

Please refer the attached mail

01 container of SNG 3.2L N20400 Floral (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 5layers + divider) 01 container of SNG 3.2L N20400 Floral (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 5layers + divider) Result: 128g with 5layers outer case+divider: PASS

Thanks. Regards, Lin Tung

Diem, Hoang-Yen

Subject: RE: SNG fabcond. defects summary (READ PLEASE)_Update TT result 2nd time

Dear Nam and Bon,

Summary the uploading result as below, 131g with outer 3 layers testing result is failed and 5 layers + divider result is pass.

so we suggest that VN improve outer case to 5 layers in next shipment. please provide your comment. thanks.

-- container no.TRLU-6237825 SNG 3.2L Blue (Bottle: 131g+/-3 resin; outer: 3layers) , defect result is 1.0 %, test result NO PASS.

-- container no.TRLU-9449392 SNG 3.2L Yellow (Bottle: 131g+/-3 resin; outer: 3layers) , defect result is 1.2 %, test result NO PASS.

--container no.OOLU-7272918 SNG 3.2L Floral (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 3layers) , defect result is 2.8 % , test result NO PASS.

--container no.TTNU 5654825 SNG 3.2L Floral (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 5layers + divider) , defect result is 0 % , test result PASS.

--container no.TRLU 8626826 SNG 3.2L Floral (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 5layers + divider) , defect result is 0 % , test result PASS.

--container no.MSKU6141763 SNG 3.2L Blue (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 5layers + divider) , defect result is 0 % , test result PASS.

--container no.PONU1689380 SNG 3.2L Blue (Bottle: 128g +/-3 resin; outer: 5layers + divider) , defect result is 0 % , test result PASS.

Best Regards Tina-ST Chen Planning Specialist Unilever Taiwan Ltd. Tel: +886-2-7719-1355


From: Ha, Tran-thi-ngoc

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 6:20 PM

To: Ha, Tran-thi-ngoc; Dung, Nguyen-H-Thanh; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Nga, Chau-Ngoc; Diem, Hoang- Yen; Lien, Huynh-Thi-Chuc; Phong, Le-Huynh; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Anh, Nguyen-Thi-Tuyet; Dang, Huynh-Chi; Kha, Pham-Tan; Tinh, Tran-Van; Phuong, Mai-T-Thanh; Thuy, Nguyen-Thanh; Yap, Lay- Ping; Christy, Nguyen; Hoang, Nguyen-Huu; Lanh, Phan-thi; Dao, Ta-Cong; Hung, Dinh-Quang; Hoang, Nguyen-Huu; Diem, Hoang-Yen; Lien, Huynh-Thi-Chuc; Phong, Le-Huynh; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Anh, Nguyen-Thi-Tuyet; Dang, Huynh-Chi; Kha, Pham-Tan; Tinh, Tran-Van; Phuong, Mai-T-Thanh; Thuy, Nguyen-Thanh; Dao, Ta-Cong; Hung, Dinh-Quang; Thuy, Nguyen-Thi-Xuan; Thuy, Phan- Nguyen; Xuan, Ngo-Thi-Yen; Thuy, Nguyen-T-Thu; Tho, Le-Duc; Dung, Dang-Hoang; Nam, Hoang- Duy; Lanh, Phan-thi; Yap, Lay-Ping; Uyen, Ng-Le-Kim; Xuan, Ngo-Thi-Yen

Cc: Djoude, Isabel

Subject: RE: Issues of export billing process: mismatch b/w SAP billing vs. commercial inv

Dear All,

Thanks for your attendances and contributions to outcome with solutions to resolve the issues and improve the future process.

Here are the minutes of meeting this morning:

1/ wrong price (system & process issue)

Wrong price master set up in system for STO/PIR

=>The issues is: there is a margin b/w STO (price cross company MSO) and PIR (UAPL/SU


The agreement and communication price leads by UVN RS team is STO price to UAPL, but in the system definition, the PIR is price to apply for UAPL and SU (i.e. UVN export country), not STO.

So when STO price is setting in system equal to our commercial inv price, the PIR price in system will be auto-deduct x% margin.

=>Consequences: wrong price post in the system=> wrong system invoices lead wrong T.O,

wrong debtors recorded in GL.

=>Solutions: UVN RS team will work with regional partners to clear communication/ the way of

price setting in system for export through UAPL, and also take responsibility of checking PIR before export. (PIC: Phong/ Nam)

Wrong price due to billing cross quarter in the system

=>The issues is: a shipment requires multiple outbound delivery by containers, and depends

on physical stock availability.

=>Consequences: If the PR is agreed with price of previous quarter, and the price is renewed

at the beginning of the following quarter, then the cross billing/ outbound delivery will cope with the issue of price gap b/w 2 quarters.

=>Solutions: UVN RS team need to agree a timeline to update price in system with related

partners, and DCs need to cross check the billing price vs. commercial inv sent by RS if cross quarter billing. If any mismatch, then need to fix the issue before delivery. No pre-billing or delay billing in the system.

How to correct the wrong system invoices pending from Jan to May.2011?

=>Solutions: AR to raise ticket of the wrong price issue and assign to local IT-CSO(export)

track: Ms.Tran.

There are alternative options and need regional support team advices for actions:

1. Re-update PIR back to price of Q1, do cancel original invoice and re-bill a replacement inv.

2. Do CN/DN for pricing gap

For those invoices missing commercial invoice references, end users (DCs) must do manual adjust document in SD source, and send the mapping list of system number vs. commercial inv number to AR (Ms. Lanh/Hong) to do manual adjust document in FI source for tax declaration, reconciliation debtors…

Please feel free to input if I missed something, or correct me if I’m wrong somewhere. Thanks a lot to All.

Best Regards,

Tran Thi Ngoc Ha

Finance-Account Receivable Tel: 08-4135686

Ext: 2289

From: Ha, Tran-thi-ngoc Sent: 16/05/2011 1:55 PM

To: Dung, Nguyen-H-Thanh; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Nga, Chau-Ngoc; Diem, Hoang-Yen; Lien, Huynh- Thi-Chuc; Phong, Le-Huynh; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Anh, Nguyen-Thi-Tuyet; Dang, Huynh-Chi; Kha, Pham-Tan; Tinh, Tran-Van; Phuong, Mai-T-Thanh; Thuy, Nguyen-Thanh; Yap, Lay-Ping; Christy, Nguyen; Djoude, Isabel; Hoang, Nguyen-Huu; Lanh, Phan-thi; Dao, Ta-Cong; Hung, Dinh-Quang Cc: Uyen, Ng-Le-Kim; Xuan, Ngo-Thi-Yen

Subject: RE: Issues of export billing process: mismatch b/w SAP billing vs. commercial inv Dear PEX, PCs, CPLs,

We are coping with export billing issues. These issues happen monthly since SAP went live and not yet been fix up to now.

The key reason of value mismatch b/w system inv and commercial inv is pricing difference. The human mistake of wrong commercial inv number keying in SD billing header text is not much count, just few cases and can ask user improvement, more careful…

So we should focus on 2 main issues:

1/ wrong price(system & process issue) need PEX/PCs and CPL support to fix the issues. It is the

biggest issue and caused lot of mismatch export invoices (e.g Pakistan (Apr), Philippines (Mar+Apr), Singapore via UAPL(Feb+Apr), Taiwan (Mar), Turkey (Jan).

Only the case of Turkey had been fixed the issue now in SAP. And Pakistan have been fixed by renew commercial invoices matched with system invs.

Others are still pending now and become bigger and bigger overtime.

2/ lack of commercial inv. in text field (human mistake)

Need user improvement and discipline in export billing process with user manually input the reference of commercial invoice in text field.

I do call for your attentions and co-operations to fix the issue of export billing ASAP. Otherwise, we will sink in a garbage wrong database, wrong export concerns debtors in SAP!

Dear Hoang,

Could you call a meeting for this ASAP? We need CSE-Tho+Dung, RS (cLien+Diem+Phong), Billing doer (Tinh/Kha/T.Anh/Dang, TrLMTho), CSO-IT (DQHung, TaCongDao), FI (Layping, Christy, PhanNgThuy, NgHa,Hong,Hoang), PEX (Isabel).

From: Ha, Tran-thi-ngoc Sent: 13/05/2011 11:23 AM

To: Dung, Nguyen-H-Thanh; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Nga, Chau-Ngoc; Diem, Hoang-Yen; Lien, Huynh- Thi-Chuc; Phong, Le-Huynh; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Anh, Nguyen-Thi-Tuyet; Dang, Huynh-Chi; Kha, Pham-Tan; Tinh, Tran-Van; Phuong, Mai-T-Thanh; Thuy, Nguyen-Thanh

Cc: Uyen, Ng-Le-Kim; Christy, Nguyen; Lanh, Phan-thi; Yap, Lay-Ping; Xuan, Ngo-Thi-Yen Subject: Issues of export billing process: mismatch b/w SAP billing vs. commercial inv Importance: High

Dear CSE/RS team,

Could you help review export billing process? why every month we still cope with the same issue of export billing vs. RS commercial inv?

+ issue of mismatch b/w SAP billing vs. RS commercial inv, which is out of SAP, but be treated as official export doc for Custom declaration, importer’s payment.

+ Issue of lacking information of commercial invoice number in SD text field, which is very important reference for both exporter and importer to match SAP inv with commercial inv.

AR has raised this issues many times and asking for your supports and discipline in inv and billing process, but it seems not much improve.

I suggest CSE (process owner, process champion) lead a focus group meeting to sort out this issue ASAP.


PS: Chi Nga, CLien, Diem oi, Please incorporate to improve export billing process . Thanks a lot.

Tran Thi Ngoc Ha

Finance-Account Receivable Tel: 08-4135686

Ext: 2289

From: Lanh, Phan-thi Sent: 12/05/2011 5:19 PM

To: Phong, Le-Huynh; Anh, Nguyen-Thi-Tuyet; Dang, Huynh-Chi; Kha, Pham-Tan; Tinh, Tran-Van; Phuong, Mai-T-Thanh; Thuy, Nguyen-Thanh

Cc: Ha, Tran-thi-ngoc; Tho, Tran-Le-Minh; Uyen, Ng-Le-Kim


Dear all,

Trong thang 4-2011 nhung inv nay chua bill + bill thieu + bill thua. File dinh kem la nhung Commercial inv bill thieu va bill thua chi tiet theo tung SAP INV va USER bill.

Cac Anh Chi vui long bill & dien so commercial inv dung giup Em nhe. Co truong hop dien sai so commercial inv Em phai check rat kho khan.Cac Anh Chi check va feedback gap giup Em. Mong rang trong thang 05 se khong bi nhu vay nua.

Cam on Cac Anh Chi rat nhieu. Le Thi Thu Hong,

3 017 TW 11 - 34,792.65 (34,792.65) chua bill 4 018 TW 11 102,412.13 110,559.62 (8,147.49) Bill thieu 5 020 TW 11 218,909.91 116,930.44 101,979.47 Bill thua 6 007 PK 11 87,405.25 55,753.75 31,651.50 Bill thua 7 008 PK 11 - 30,140.01 (30,140.01) chua bill 8 033 PH 11 20,120.00 20,520.00 (400.00) bill thieu 9 034 PH 11 20,120.00 20,520.00 (400.00) bill thieu 10 035 PH 11 - 21,940.00 (21,940.00) chua bill 11 036 PH 11 - 21,940.00 (21,940.00) chua bill 12 038 PH 11 - 21,940.00 (21,940.00) chua bill 13 045 PH 11 - 20,520.00 (20,520.00) chua bill 14 055 PH 11 - 9,813.74 (9,813.74) chua bill 15 042 PH 11 236,711.89 257,911.89 (21,200.00) bill thieu 16 051 PH 11 168,861.74 169,115.83 (254.09) bill thieu 17 052 PH 11 31,340.00 45,041.60 (13,701.60) bill thieu 18 053 PH 11 205,153.74 172,880.00 32,273.74 bill thua 19 057 PH 11 33,090.00 22,460.00 10,630.00 bill thua 20 058 PH 11 164,760.00 157,610.00 7,150.00 bill thua 21 059 PH 11 138,710.00 160,050.00 (21,340.00) bill thieu 22 017 MY 11 40,109.97 39,850.97 259.00 Bill thua 23 028 TH 11 - 16,242.79 (16,242.79) chua bill 24 048 KH 11 - 51,585.34 (51,585.34) chua bill 25 053 KH 11 - 16,718.46 (16,718.46) chua bill 26 020 SG 11 38,397.71 39,991.11 (1,593.40) Bill thieu 27 029 TH 11 133,171.56 133,162.33 9.23 Bill thua 28 032 TH 11 19,269.00 36,465.30 (17,196.30) Bill thieu 29 051 KH 11 83,022.19 84,020.94 (998.75) Bill thieu

Nhung INV nay bill trong thang 4 chua dien so commercial inv Anh/Chi dien giup Em luon nhe.



DOCUMENT NUMBER Bill.Doc. TRANS DATE No of days Total due amount (USD) USER

15000235 Unilever Philippines. Inc.2000042126370003955303/04/2011 -8 21,340.00 KPHAMTAN 15000235 Unilever Philippines. Inc.2000042847370004004404/04/2011 -9 20,120.00 KPHAMTAN 15000235 Unilever Philippines. Inc.2000042850370004004704/04/2011 -9 20,120.00 KPHAMTAN 15000235 Unilever Philippines. Inc.2000045365370004264409/04/2011 -14 13,955.69 DHUYNHCHI 15000235 Unilever Philippines. Inc.2000054217370005045528/04/2011 -33 21,340.00 DHUYNHCHI 15000246 Unilever Taiwan Ltd. 2000038639370003612127/03/2011 -1 8,147.49 DHUYNHCHI 15000246 Unilever Taiwan Ltd. 2000041070370003866901/04/2011 -6 8,276.05 DHUYNHCHI 15000246 Unilever Taiwan Ltd. 2000044321370004152207/04/2011 -12 8,534.40 DHUYNHCHI 15000394 Unilever Asia Private Ltd2000044858370004209408/04/2011 -13 4,359.18 DHUYNHCHI 15000394 Unilever Asia Private Ltd2000046278370004336413/04/2011 -18 11,775.50 DHUYNHCHI

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu chuỗi cung ứng xuất khẩu ngành hàng nước xả vải của công ty TNHH quốc yế Unilever Việt Nam (Trang 69)

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