rw r r 2 root other 0 apr 7 15 26 file1

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Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2021, 06:11

10 16 0
PP SUNLIGHT Á Á Á NHÓM 3 Đ I N H H U Y Ề N T H Ắ M K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 9 4 ĐỒ N G N G Ọ C L I N H K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 7 8 P H Ạ M T H Ị N G Ọ C Y Ế N K 1 9 4 0 7 1 0 0 2 T R Ầ N G I A H Â N K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 6 9 B Ù I T H Ị B Í C H N G Ọ C K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 8 5 P H Ạ

PP SUNLIGHT Á Á Á NHÓM 3 Đ I N H H U Y Ề N T H Ắ M K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 9 4 ĐỒ N G N G Ọ C L I N H K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 7 8 P H Ạ M T H Ị N G Ọ C Y Ế N K 1 9 4 0 7 1 0 0 2 T R Ầ N G I A H Â N K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 6 9 B Ù I T H Ị B Í C H N G Ọ C K 1 9 4 0 7 0 9 8 5 P H Ạ

... K19 4 07 0 978 K19 4 07 0994 PHẠM THỊ NGỌC YẾN PHẠM NGỌC THẢO UYÊN K19 4 07 10 02 K19 4 07 0999 TRẦN GIA HÂN LÊ TRẦN GIA HÂN K19 4 07 0969 K19 4 07 0968 BÙI THỊ BÍCH NGỌC NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG HẠNH K19 4 07 0985 K19 4 07 09 67 ... thương hiệu Brooke Bond PG Tips Tăng cường sức mạnh thị trường chăm sóc da việc mua lại ChesebroughPonds Gia nhập thị trường Việt Nam với vốn đầu tư 300 triệu 1996 20 00 20 07 20 09 - 20 10 Mua công ... nhân SƠ LƯỢC CƠNG TY 1 90+ quốc gia Có mặt nhãn hàng Unilever 2, 5 tỷ người Sử dụng sản phẩm Unilever ngày 51 tỷ euro doanh thu Trong năm 20 20 với 58% đến từ thị trường 25 triệu nhà bán lẻ Tạo mạng

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2022, 21:49

60 34 1
MPP8-502-C08V-Milk Price Registration and Regulations in Vietnam_Will It Lower Milk Prices--Jonathan R. Pincus_CV10-02-44.0-2015-10-01-13582579

MPP8-502-C08V-Milk Price Registration and Regulations in Vietnam_Will It Lower Milk Prices--Jonathan R. Pincus_CV10-02-44.0-2015-10-01-13582579

... Other: Dielac 456, thùng 148 .28 3 11 0, 07 1 27 .77 8 1 70 . 000 Other: Step 1, thùng 163 . 20 6 0, 07 153 .333 184.444 Other: Step 2, thùng 1 60. 3 70 0 ,06 1 50. 000 1 80. 000 Other: Dielac 123 , hộp 153 . 900 0, 07 ... 1 80. 000 Other: Dielac 123 , hộp 153 . 900 0, 07 145 .00 0 1 70 . 000 Other: Dielac 456, hộp 1 47 .00 0 0, 06 1 40. 000 1 62. 500 Other: Step 2, hộp 159 . 70 0 0, 07 1 50. 000 177 . 500 Kết giá biến thiên đáng kể chí bên khu ... VND/KG USD/KG VND 60, 000 $4 .00 Jan- 10 Jan -09 Jan -08 $0. 00 Jan - 07 VND Jan -06 $1 .00 Jan -05 VND 15 ,00 0 Jan -04 $2. 00 Jan -03 VND 30, 000 Jan- 02 $3 .00 Jan -01 VND 45 ,00 0 Nguồn: Chương trình tiếp thị sản

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2016, 06:48

23 0 0
Oreilly learning UML 2 0 apr 2006

Oreilly learning UML 2 0 apr 2006

... diagram, 22 2 transitions, 21 2, 21 4? ?21 7 internal transitions, 21 9 notation for, 21 2 self-transition, 21 5 signals between, 22 2 tricky actors, 23 triggers, 21 2, 21 5 tutorials for UML, 19 typographical ... package, 20 6 dependencies between, 198, 20 4, 20 8 importing another package, 20 5? ? 20 8 namespaces of, 20 1 nested, 20 0, 20 3 notation for, 199, 20 1 target package, 20 5 use cases in, 20 9 using in software, ... Copyeditor: Laurel R. T Ruma Proofreader: Reba Libby Indexer: Angela Howard Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery Interior Designer: David Futato Cover Illustrator: Karen Montgomery Illustrators: Robert Romano,

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 10:23

288 400 0
Visibooks the visibooks guide to calc 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060399 pdf

Visibooks the visibooks guide to calc 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060399 pdf

... is accurate However, Visibooks™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, quality, reliability, or freedom from error of this document or the products described in ... trademark of Visibooks, LLC All brand and product names in this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies Visibooks™ makes every effort to ensure that the information ... Calc 2. 0 By Jill & Kevin Jordan The Visibooks Guide to Calc 2. 0 Copyright Copyright © 20 06 by Visibooks™, LLC All rights reserved Trademarks and Disclaimer Visibooks™ is a trademark

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2019, 11:54

162 75 0
Visibooks the visibooks guide to base 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060380 pdf

Visibooks the visibooks guide to base 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060380 pdf

... Add/delete records 119 Edit records 121 Find records 123 Filter records 126 Working with Queries 131 Create queries 1 32 Sort results ... is accurate However, Visibooks™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, quality, reliability, or freedom from error of this document or the products described in ... GLOSSARY 155 Report Presents information retrieved from a table or query in a preformatted, easy-to-read way Select Query A query that asks a question about the data stored in tables, and provides

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2019, 13:25

162 82 0
Visibooks the visibooks guide to impress 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060410 pdf

Visibooks the visibooks guide to impress 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060410 pdf

... Guide to Impress 2. 0 by Jill & Kevin Jordan The Visibooks Guide to Impress 2. 0 Copyright Copyright © 20 06 by Visibooks™, LLC All rights reserved Trademarks and Disclaimer Visibooks™ ... Visibooks™ is a trademark of Visibooks, LLC All brand and product names in this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies Visibooks™ makes every effort to ensure that ... information in this book is accurate However, Visibooks™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, quality, reliability, or freedom from error of this document or the

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2019, 13:27

136 76 0
Wrox professional dot NET framework 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 0764571354

Wrox professional dot NET framework 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 0764571354

... readers for binary readers, 26 4, 26 8? ? 27 1 definition of, 26 4? ?26 5 text readers, 26 4? ?26 8 reading data using, 25 6? ?25 8, 26 0? ? ?26 4 seeking data using, 25 9? ?26 0 writers for binary writers, 26 4, 26 8? ? 27 1 definition ... buffered streams, 27 8 buffering reads and writes, 26 0? ? ?26 1 closing and disposing stream, 26 0 compressed streams, 27 8? ? 27 9 definition of, 25 5? ?25 6 memory streams, 27 9? ?28 0 readability of, 25 7 readers ... of, 26 4? ?26 5 text writers, 26 4? ?26 8 writing data using, 25 8? ?25 9, 26 0? ? ?26 2 string freezing, NGen, 165 string interning, 88 string type, IL, 1 72 StringBuilder class, 20 2 String.Format method, 186 StringReader

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2019, 16:32

300 90 0
Wrox professional dot NET framework 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 0764571354

Wrox professional dot NET framework 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 0764571354

... readers for binary readers, 26 4, 26 8? ? 27 1 definition of, 26 4? ?26 5 text readers, 26 4? ?26 8 reading data using, 25 6? ?25 8, 26 0? ? ?26 4 seeking data using, 25 9? ?26 0 writers for binary writers, 26 4, 26 8? ? 27 1 definition ... buffered streams, 27 8 buffering reads and writes, 26 0? ? ?26 1 closing and disposing stream, 26 0 compressed streams, 27 8? ? 27 9 definition of, 25 5? ?25 6 memory streams, 27 9? ?28 0 readability of, 25 7 readers ... of, 26 4? ?26 5 text writers, 26 4? ?26 8 writing data using, 25 8? ?25 9, 26 0? ? ?26 2 string freezing, NGen, 165 string interning, 88 string type, IL, 1 72 StringBuilder class, 20 2 String.Format method, 186 StringReader

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2019, 13:45

300 95 0
Visibooks the visibooks guide to impress 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060410 pdf

Visibooks the visibooks guide to impress 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060410 pdf

... Guide to Impress 2. 0 by Jill & Kevin Jordan The Visibooks Guide to Impress 2. 0 Copyright Copyright © 20 06 by Visibooks™, LLC All rights reserved Trademarks and Disclaimer Visibooks™ ... Visibooks™ is a trademark of Visibooks, LLC All brand and product names in this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies Visibooks™ makes every effort to ensure that ... information in this book is accurate However, Visibooks™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, quality, reliability, or freedom from error of this document or the

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2019, 15:45

136 67 0
Visibooks the visibooks guide to base 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060380 pdf

Visibooks the visibooks guide to base 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060380 pdf

... Add/delete records 119 Edit records 121 Find records 123 Filter records 126 Working with Queries 131 Create queries 1 32 Sort results ... is accurate However, Visibooks™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, quality, reliability, or freedom from error of this document or the products described in ... GLOSSARY 155 Report Presents information retrieved from a table or query in a preformatted, easy-to-read way Select Query A query that asks a question about the data stored in tables, and provides

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2019, 15:48

162 70 0
Visibooks the visibooks guide to calc 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060399 pdf

Visibooks the visibooks guide to calc 2 0 apr 2006 ISBN 1597060399 pdf

... is accurate However, Visibooks™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, quality, reliability, or freedom from error of this document or the products described in ... trademark of Visibooks, LLC All brand and product names in this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies Visibooks™ makes every effort to ensure that the information ... Calc 2. 0 By Jill & Kevin Jordan The Visibooks Guide to Calc 2. 0 Copyright Copyright © 20 06 by Visibooks™, LLC All rights reserved Trademarks and Disclaimer Visibooks™ is a trademark

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2019, 16:13

162 65 0
Nghiên cứu cấu trúc và một số tính chất vật lý  của vật liệu R 2 In (R=Ho, Tb)

Nghiên cứu cấu trúc và một số tính chất vật lý của vật liệu R 2 In (R=Ho, Tb)

... sắt từ ( 20 0) ( 20 1) 400 0 3 500 (a) 20 00 (1 02 ) (1 10) 25 00 (0 02) Cƣờng độ (a.u.) 300 0 1 500 100 0 500 0 100 20 0 300 400 500 600 70 0 ( 20 0) ( 20 1) 2? ? (độ) 4 500 (b) 3 500 25 00 (1 02 ) (1 10) 300 0 (0 02) Cƣờng ... sở (1 02 ) (1 10) 400 0 ( 305 ) ( 304 ) (4 02 ) 80 90 (22 4) (3 12) (22 2) (114) (00 4) ( 20 0) (1 12) (0 02) 100 0 (22 0) (21 2) ( 300 ) ( 20 2) 20 00 ( 100 ) ( 101 ) (0 02) Intensity (cps) 300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 (deg.) ... (1 02 ) (1 10) 80 ( 400 )( 401 ) ( 401 ) ( 304 ) 75 Al (21 4) (3 12) (21 0) (21 1) (00 4) ( 105 )(3 10) 20 00 ( 20 2) ( 20 0) ( 20 1) (1 12) (0 02) ( 100 ) 300 0 (21 3) ( 20 4) (22 0) Al 400 0 ( 20 3) ( 104 ) (21 2)( 300 ) ( 301 ) 500 0 ( 101 )

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2020, 16:02

52 24 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural basis for stereo-specific catalysis in NAD+-dependent (R )-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase from Acidaminococcus fermentans pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Structural basis for stereo-specific catalysis in NAD+-dependent (R )-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase from Acidaminococcus fermentans pptx

... 28 . 17 (6.84) 5.3 (31.6) 1 .25 45 20 .00 2. 79 71 4 20 ⁄ 1 9159 98.4 (91.9) 18.34 (6.84) 5.3 ( 20 .6) 1 .25 55 20 .00 2. 79 71 581 ⁄ 191 52 98.4 (91.8) 18.43 (6.93) 5.5 (19.1) 0. 53 (after SHARP) 1 .05 00 20 .00 2. 76 ... Cruickshanks DPI coordinate error Ramachandran plot (%); favored, allowed regions a 20 .00 –1.98 ⁄ 0. 177 ⁄ 0 .22 5 25 64 (24 .8) ⁄ 396 ( 37. 6) 0. 02 3 ⁄ 1.6 97 0. 145 90. 8, 9 .2 Numbers in parentheses represent ... Project (1994) Acta Crystallogr D 50, 7 60 76 3 FEBS Journal 27 2 ( 20 05 ) 26 9 28 1 ª 20 04 FEBS NAD+-dependent (R) -2- hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase 51 De La Fortelle E, Irwin JJ & Bricogne G (19 97) ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

13 456 0
Khảo sát hệ thống tăng áp trên động cơ diesel r 2 2 VGT lắp trên xe hyundai santafe

Khảo sát hệ thống tăng áp trên động cơ diesel r 2 2 VGT lắp trên xe hyundai santafe

... A3 A2 40 0C 50 0C T=1,3 A4 45 0C T=1,4 Tg =5 50 C T=1,6 1 900 0 A1 1,5 T=1 ,2 17 500 1 20 00 1 ,0 1 ,0 nt= 900 0 vg/ph 1 500 0 mk -3 P0 10 Hỡnh 2. 16 - c tớnh ca cm Tuabin Mỏy nộn 19 PHN 3: I TNG V PHNG ... Diesel R 2. 2 VGT 2. 1.1 Cỏc c im v thụng s k thut ca ng c Diesel R 2. 2 VGT - Cụng sut cc i: 1 97 mó lc ti 3 800 vũng/phỳt - Momen xon cc i: 4 30 Nm ti di tua 1 800 -25 00 vũng/phỳt - Dung tớch xi lanh: 21 99cc ... 16 /03 n 22 /05 / 20 15 a im thc : Cụng ty TNHH Phc Lc Giỏo viờn hng dn : ThS Vừ Cụng Anh B mụn : K thut cụng trỡnh Hu, 20 15 DANH MC CC HèNH V Hỡnh 2. 1 - Mụ phng ng c Diesel R 2. 2 VGT Hỡnh 2. 2...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2016, 09:07

51 801 16
Chapter 2 - CSharp 3.0 Language Features

Chapter 2 - CSharp 3.0 Language Features

... b1 = new BigInt( 100 000 00) ; BigInt b2 = new BigInt( 100 000 01); b1.IsEqual(b2); //CompareExtensions.IsEqual b1.IsGreater(b2); //CompareExtensions.IsGreater © Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs ... delegate string MyConverter(int num); class Converters { public static string IntToString(int num) { return num.ToString(); } } MyConverter converter = new MyConverter(Converters.IntToString); string ... Beware of capturing side-effects: for (int i = 0; i < 100 ; ++i) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => { Thread.Sleep( 100 ); Console.WriteLine(i); }); //Prints 100 , 100 times } //Fix by declaring...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2013, 16:18

56 395 0
Tạo web-protal với NukeViet 1.0, 2.0 và 3.0 Part 7

Tạo web-protal với NukeViet 1.0, 2.0 và 3.0 Part 7

... Hỗ trợ trực tuyến: Trang 55 Tạo dựng Web-Portal NukeViet Trước cài đặt theme MSN, bạn vào website tải file MSN_theme.rar ( 27 KB) ... 4.11) Hỗ trợ trực tuyến: Trang 53 Tạo dựng Web-Portal NukeViet Hình 4.11: Tạo Block dạng CSDL Block chèn lên trang chủ sau (xem hình 4. 12) Hình 4. 12: Hình ... (trong thư mục gốc nukeviet) (xem hình 4. 10) Hỗ trợ trực tuyến: Trang 52 Tạo dựng Web-Portal NukeViet Hình 4. 10: Các file copy vào thư mục Blocks Các Block...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

12 386 0