pet result student book audio

Pet Result Student'sBook_Key

Pet Result Student'sBook_Key

... wood  forest mountain  river  valley desert  hill  valley Writing  p23 a, c, e Yes PET pp10-14.indd 11 PET Result © Oxford University Press 26/5/10 12:13:10 Buying and selling Grammar  p30 Speaking  ... and other continents The site gives you links to other websites where you can book your holiday so C isn’t correct PET Result © Oxford University Press 26/5/10 13:17:56 Grammar  p33 Vocabulary  ... less choice e came f give me g of love Review 1  p36–37 PET pp19-23.indd 1 B  A  D  C  C  B  A  A a b c d took take e take f g taking PET Result © Oxford University Press 26/5/10 13:17:56 a I

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2021, 10:45

31 2 0
English result elementary student book

English result elementary student book

... Trang 1 EnglishResult Elementary Student? ??s Book Trang 2 — - ®&maswees | EINE ETN MEY sus fors ara ee Interaction using sorry to ask for »p6 repetition Howtosay phone numbers ... Jones on >> p.126 Take turns to be student A Student A You are one of the people in the photos You choose Students B and C Ask these questions Guess Student A’s first name Trang 12 1 BỊ ... with a partner Student A Read out one of the sentences below Student B Respond with one of the phrases in exercise 9 1 My English exam’s tomorrow 2 My exam result? ??s very good 3 These books are half-price

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2018, 04:21

160 227 0
Get ready for IELTS student book (có link tải audio ở trang cuối)

Get ready for IELTS student book (có link tải audio ở trang cuối)

... explanations of key points • An MP3 CD with audio for the Student' s Book and Workbook Get Ready for IELTS ,'/nr�t , JI Pft ln�tc:lollUmncdiatc: IUTS&ndl�.5 link audio: ... homework, or for consolidation or extension in class This Student' s Book contains: • • • • Twelve units of engaging material to help students improve their language skills Exam tips and Exam ... Questions 1-4 You will hear three students talking to their tutor about the presentation they are planning Choose the correct letter, a, b or c On the second slide, the students are planning to The

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2017, 05:46

162 1,4K 2
New grammar 1 - student book

New grammar 1 - student book

... big book for Trig Articles; Position of adjectives; Nationality adjectives Here 's a big book for you , Trig It's blue The big book 's an English dictionary ), The small book' s a grammar book ... grammar book And here 's a small book It's yellow Grammar lesson Articles: a/an and the Nationality adjectives We use a 1;)1 before a consonant: a book, a small book an I;)nl before a vowel: an ... a vowel: an English dictionary the 10;)1 before a consonant: the book, the yellow book )!1 the Ic before a vowel: the English book Country Adjective and language America Au strali a Ch ina Egypt

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:07

97 963 20
fairyland 3 student book

fairyland 3 student book

... ong og_oin I Lookof Mono'spens/pencils! I J J cose! 2 Lookof Horry's books/pencil I J ,-a boord a ) Counl Write r twonorebooks t ffi pencil pencils three a ta a aa I Lookof Mono'spencil, lf'sso ... old ore you? B: o... ,,, $I[' pr * f rf a=-'t',- a rt,,, : i'i'- s, do a /f listen write openyourbook stondup olsW9l' Look mg at Javourite things ! r Whot isJulio's fovouritecolour? 7 * * :l *€ ... * € € be quiet sil down '\ # & * ts ! , -Irnts ts mv re( ' I r l + pencttcose 0-r Thisls mg notebook fl lt's red,toof * € a # Red is mJ favourite eolour! # w m** i G 4 * +*##e+... t It' so pen,

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:24

113 706 0
new cutting edge elementary student book phần 4 ppt

new cutting edge elementary student book phần 4 ppt

... Number the things in the picture she describes, Task: speaking 1 Work in pairs Student A: Look at picture A on this page Student B: Look at picture B on page 148 Do not look at your partner's picture ... some or any a Are there _AwU_ Mexican students in your class? b I'd like water, please c Ihavent got _ brothers or sisters d l've got e-mails from my students e I'm sorry but there isn’t milk ... eat healthily Look at her shopping list on page 147 for two minutes, then some and any close your book Grammar 1 We use some and any with uncountable and plural nouns Complete the sentences with

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:20

18 709 4
face2face upermediate Student Book pdf

face2face upermediate Student Book pdf

... 1a) " re a} Look at book covers ' these books? Ifso, '\ b} Check 1 or in a dictionary " /" a) Work in pairs Student A, read the reView of One HundredYearsDISolitude Student B,... pUl 11 ... Work in pairs StudentA ~ plO4 StudentB ~ plO7 Follow the instructiollS ~ Vocabulary books and reading Grammar defining non-defining reduced relative clauses Review Vocabulary " Books and reading ... sentencestress give English its natural rhythm Work in groups of four Student A -+ pIOS Student B -+ pios Student C -+ plIO Student D -+ pIllo Follow the instructions Real World making refusing

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2014, 11:58

155 819 6
English level 3 Student book

English level 3 Student book

... idea is it? Possessive adjectives It’s my book It’s your book It’s her book It’s his book It’s our book Those are your books Those are their books Possessive pronouns It’s mine It’s yours ... this game standing in small groups 2 One student is the “spellmaster” and can keep his or her book open The other students close their books 5 The student with the most points at the end ... some yogurt? A: No, thanks B PAIRS Student A, ask for something to eat Student B, say there isn’t any and offer something else Student A, accept or refuse Student B’s offer ... the questions

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2015, 13:53

160 811 0
Super minds student book 4a

Super minds student book 4a

... start (school)? What was in (the book) ? How did you find (the book) ? Thema I must (wear a helmet) I mustn’t (swim here) Give me /him / her / us / them (the book) , please The knight The letter ... outdoors group, three students like riding their bike \y Classmates and their free ti _ Today we asKed what the students in our class prefer doing in their free time The results were very ... are |6 students in the class Half of them (8 students) say that they love being outdoors in their free time They love riding their bikes (3), going for walks (2) and playing football (3) 5 students

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2015, 17:15

43 735 3
Super minds student book 4b

Super minds student book 4b

... more than one book a week reads in bed likes adventure stor likes Tunny stories reads comics doesn’t like crime stories Trang 27 — Book review ‘A true friend’ by RI Glass This book is about ... WN _ © =) a SIE it with Toll © = S t up the end of the book with the object on it 6 epeat the experiment, coverin the book in a towel and then ue On a smooth surface, the object ... This book is about Erin She hasnt got any friends, Then she gets some | ề friends I liked this book Book: The Clown | Author: — Robert Wise Main Jim / popular / character: very tunny : - Whot

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2015, 17:19

44 678 1
Super minds student book 4c

Super minds student book 4c

... band They are called 4by4 Nick is the drummer Sharon and Rick play the guitar, Keith plays the trumpet most successful song is ‘Dancing Trang 11 an astronaut ‘ll | tlu Through Space, ‘ll climb ... Trang 12 ) owly | door s k to the | ` Put your book on your head caretully Touch your nose quickly three t imes 2 Trang 13 Lucy: I can’t see ... children are going to go to the Paulo is going to read beach Bruno is going to ledrn to surf | \_ books on the beach Lucia is going to eat lots of ice cream and build a big sandcastle Trang

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2015, 17:22

43 433 2
Super minds student book 5a

Super minds student book 5a

... with the pet Useful language {eee Student A Td like to buy Ề How much ? a Is it ? How big does the tank have to be ? What do I have to ? How often do I have to ? Is it safe to ? Student ... how often m if you can play with it You are the owner of a pet shop Someone is going to ask Ou questions Be about an exotic pet the h You tell the buyer: nay he buy = how much it is & ... Trang 2 ln, Khu Waly aE CAMBRIDGE Trang 3 P of the book { The Science lesson Vocabulary | Grammar Story and Thinking value skills Experiments

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2015, 15:20

65 577 11
Oxford english time student book 2

Oxford english time student book 2

... Data Rivers, Susan, English time Student book 2/ Susan Rivers, Setsuko Toyama, pcm Includes index Summary: Teaches English as a second language to beginning ESL students through the use of pictures ... questions, vocabulary, and review , 1.English language—Textbooks for foreign speakers— Juvenile literature (1 English language—Textbooks for foreign speakers,| I Toyama, Setsuko Il, Title, PE1128 ... the book? long u_ blue Classroom Objects Yeah, you're right shelf It’s in/on/under/ glue Let’s clean up cupboard next to the desk Sue Okay Let’s get the broom | table flute desk Where are the books?

Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2016, 00:18

81 459 4
Grammar space beginner 3 Student Book

Grammar space beginner 3 Student Book

... are included in the back of the book They allow students to easily access the book? ??s main grammar points Contents Nouns & Sentences Future Tense 01 Jeff reads many books Parts of a Sentence 13 ... diaries, book reports, advertisements, news reports, instructions, etc This allows students to apply their knowledge of the grammar rules in a meaningful context Review At the end of each unit, students ... exercises allow students to reinforce and gradually expand their understanding of the grammar rules that they have learned This section involves correction exercises that train students to recognize

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 20:51

53 454 0
Grammar space beginner 3 Student Book keys

Grammar space beginner 3 Student Book keys

... are included in the back of the book They allow students to easily access the book? ??s main grammar points Contents Nouns & Sentences Future Tense 01 Jeff reads many books Parts of a Sentence 13 ... diaries, book reports, advertisements, news reports, instructions, etc This allows students to apply their knowledge of the grammar rules in a meaningful context Review At the end of each unit, students ... exercises allow students to reinforce and gradually expand their understanding of the grammar rules that they have learned This section involves correction exercises that train students to recognize

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 20:52

53 574 0
Fun4Movers student book

Fun4Movers student book

... British Library ISBN 978-1107-44478-2 Student? ??s Book with audio and online activities ISBN 978-1107-44480-5 Teacher’s Book with audio ISBN 978-1107-44481-2 Class Audio CD ISBN 978-1107-48404-7 Presentation ... Movers Student? ??s Book Robinson and Saxby ISBN 978 1107 613072 ISBN 978 0521 172813 ith Au d i o w Student? ??s Book Third edition with Online Activities Anne Robinson Karen Saxby for Movers Student? ??s ... She’s good at sport! It’s my book, not hers! 4 Shall I invite her to my party? A B C So do I! Good idea! Here you are! 5 What’s her phone... Fred Lucy John Jane Peter Tom G Look at the picture

Ngày tải lên: 29/12/2016, 14:42

127 469 0
American english file 4 student book

American english file 4 student book

... you, Tom For what student level would you teach this conversation? TASK - INTRODUCING Jack: How are you doing? Peter: Hi You’re …Jack, right? Jack: Yeah And sorry, you’re …? Peter: Peter Riley Jack: ... campus last week Peter, this is my friend, Ming Lee She’s just moved into the building Peter: Hi, Ming Lee Ming: Nice to meet you You can just call me Ming Lee’s my last name For what student level ... has motivation o takes responsibility for learning o share some common characteristics in class STUDENT LEVELS advanced upper intermediate intermediate lower intermediate elementary false beginners...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:14

13 3,6K 6

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