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Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 11:51
... confusion inefficient computer Visit the New International Business English website: www.cambridge.org/elt/nibe Resources include: interactive exercises, a Business English glossary, articles and information ... letter of credit 5 CFR Visit the New International Business English website: www.cambridge.org/elt/nibe Resources include: interactive exercises, a Business English glossary, articles and information ... articles and information on the Cambridge Business English Certificate examination. © Cambridge University Press 2000 Test New International Business English UNIT 7 Money matters Vocabulary EXERCISE...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:21
New cambridge advanced english
... an English text, try to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context before you consult a dictionary. Highlight any expressions that are new to you. New Cambridge Advanced English ... your knowledge further. New Cambridge Advanced English is specially designed to be suitable BOTH for students who are preparing for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam AND ... Introduction New Cambridge Advanced English will help you to develop all your skills in English: speaking, listening, reading and writing — as well...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 16:37
Tài liệu English Dictionary docx
... (TECHNICAL) accelerator accelerator accelerator Strana 31 Collins COBUILD English Dictionary. txt This is an abridged version of her new novel `The Queen and I'. = shortened shortened abroad ... described by the adjectives. the desirability of global co-operation Strana 8 Collins COBUILD English Dictionary. txt The temperature crept up to just above 40 degrees Victoria Falls has had above ... controlled by the company selling the goods or service, such as Strana 16 Collins COBUILD English Dictionary. txt absent-minded absent-minded absent-minded absent-minded [ADJ] Someone who...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu Japanese - English Dictionary ppt
... homing akutibuso−ra−hausu : active solar house Japanese english (dictionnaire) Japanese english Dictionary 42 Japanese english (dictionnaire) Japanese english Dictionary 3 ainiueru : to hunger (starve) ... irony Japanese english (dictionnaire) Japanese english Dictionary 23 a−ban : urban a−bandezain : urban design a−baniti− : urbanity a−banraifu : urban life a−banrinyuaru : urban renewal a−bansupuro−ru ... trailing clouds aitaizukude : by mutual consent aitashugi : altruism Japanese english (dictionnaire) Japanese english Dictionary 26 aizouheison : ambivalence aizu : sign, signal ajasuto : adjust aji ...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 06:20
... communicate with another form. Example: T: I study English Ss: I study English T: Yesterday Ss: I studied English yesterday T: Now Ss: I’m studying English now - Multiple-position substitutions: ... textbook English 10” interesting, and the majority of students who were asked admit that English speaking skills are very important to them , they are not really interested in speaking English ... one of the main purposes of studying English is to use it for communications. Being able to speak English is an important criterion to assess a learner of English. However, it is a common issue...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33
German−English Dictionary Vol.I pdf
... crotched, branched off German English I: A−L A 29 German English Dictionary Vol.I éditions eBooksFrance www.ebooksfrance.com German English I: A−L German English Dictionary Vol.I 1 aber : however, ... promotion Absatzgebiet : marker Absatzgebiet {n} : trading area German English I: A−L A 47 German English I: A−L German English Dictionary Vol.I 3 abrichten : drill Abrieb {m} : attrition abriegelnd ... : dequeuing abbauen : abolish, to slash, dismantle abbaünd : retrenching German English I: A−L A 5 A German English I: A−L A 4 Ablage : stacking Ablage (Dateien) : files Ablage {f} : deposit,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20
German−english Dictionary Vol.II potx
... : neatened machte sauber : cleaned machte scharf : primed German English II: M−Z M 9 German English II: M−Z German english Dictionary Vol.II 3 macht grob : coarsens macht hygenische : sanitizes macht ... masons, bricklayers Maurerei : bricklaying Maurerpolier : bricklayer foreman maürt : stonewalls maürte : stonewalled Maürwerke : masonries Maus : mouse [pl: mice], mouse Mäuschen : mousie Mäuse ... mural Mauerblümchen : wallflower mauern : stonewall mauern : walls mauern : to lay bricks Mauerwerk : masonry Maul : yap Mäuler : yaps German English II: M−Z M 40 manche : some manchmal ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Collapsed Consonant and Vowel Models: New Approaches for English-Persian Transliteration and Back-Transliteration" ppt
... Persian to English transliteration. 6 Conclusions We have presented a new algorithm for English to Persian transliteration, and a novel alignment al- gorithm applicable for transliteration. Our new transliteration ... with the new alignment algorithm: for the Large corpus, the new alignment approach gives a relative increase in accuracy of 15.5% for TOP-5 (p<0.0001) and 10% for TOP-10 (p=0.005). The new alignment ... results of applying our new alignment al- gorithm are presented in the last column of Ta- ble 1, comparing word accuracy of CV-MODEL3 us- ing GIZA++ and the new alignment for English to Persian transliteration....
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Similarity between Words Computed by Spreading Activation on an English Dictionary" pptx
... is systematically constructed from Gloss~me, a subset of an English dictionary. 3.1 Gloss~me A Closed Subsystem of English A dictionary is a closed paraphrasing system of nat- ural language. ... derivations. A dictionary, viewed as a whole, looks like a tangled network of words. We adopted Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE) [1987] as such a closed system of English. LDOCE ... words as a new tool for text analysis. The simi- larity is measured on a semantic network constructed systematically from a subset of the English dictionary, LDOCE (Long- man Dictionary...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:21
chinese english dictionary
... and dwell on the trivial 壁 bìwall; sth .resembling a wall; cliff; ram- part; breastwork 【壁报】 wall newspaper; wall paper; wall poster 【壁橱】 a built-in wardrobe or cupboard; closet; wall chest 【壁灯】 ... category; fasten with a pin or clip; stick in 【别称】 another name; alternative name 【别出心裁】 create new styles; adopt an original approach; an out-of-the ordinary idea 【别动队】 ①special detachment; commando ... u- nique ( or distinctive) style; in a class by it- self; peculiar 【别开生面】 open up a fresh outlook; A new leaf is turned .; break fresh ground 【别来无恙】 You have been well, I trust, since we parted ? 【别离】...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 13:50
Giáo viên đóng vai trò gì khi dạy chương trình tiếng anh trực tuyến english discoveries online
Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2014, 07:27