motor recovery functional mobility and activities of daily living

báo cáo khoa học:" Disability in activities of daily living, depression, and quality of life among older medical ICU survivors: a prospective cohort study" potx

báo cáo khoa học:" Disability in activities of daily living, depression, and quality of life among older medical ICU survivors: a prospective cohort study" potx

... Page of 10 Table SF12 Physical and Mental Component Scores and Activities of Daily Living at One Month and One Year Follow-up Interview Characteristic One Month One Year Any Impairment in Activities ... 17% of the variance in the PCS and 20% of the variance in the MCS The impact of ADL disability is consistent with the findings of Andersen et al [12], who found a correlation coefficient of 0.289 ... independence and quality of life In contrast, our one year model did not reveal an association with functional status and quality of life This may be due to the absence of an association or due to loss of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:22

10 280 0
Báo cáo y học: "Airflow limitation or static hyperinflation: which is more closely related to dyspnea with activities of daily living in patients with COPD?" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Airflow limitation or static hyperinflation: which is more closely related to dyspnea with activities of daily living in patients with COPD?" ppt

... objective and subjective measurements of COPD than dyspnea at the end of exercise, and that the former was more predictive of mortality [11] Therefore, dyspnea while performing the activities of daily ... Dyspnea Index (BDI) was used to evaluate dyspnea with activities of daily living The relationship between the BDI score and the clinical measurements of pulmonary function was then investigated Results ... for each of the following categories: functional impairment, magnitude of task and magnitude of effort, with higher scores indicating more severe dyspnea The original Japanese version of the BDI/TDI...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20

17 422 0
Tài liệu Chronic Disease, Functional Status and Quality Of Life Among The Elderly In Singapore pdf

Tài liệu Chronic Disease, Functional Status and Quality Of Life Among The Elderly In Singapore pdf

... mortality and prolong survival Improved healthcare Little impact on functional wellbeing or quality of life Increased chronic diseases and functional disability Escalate use and costs of medical and ... quality of geriatric care, assisted living and long-term care, designs for housing, built environment and transportation, and promotion of ‘active ageing’ Population ageing in Singapore is rapid and ... in the way of realizing quality of life Success in improving physical and social functioning and quality of life will be determined by measures taken to improve Access and quality of medical...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

29 552 0
Cd toxicity effects on growth, mineral and chlorophyll contents and activities of stress related enzymes

Cd toxicity effects on growth, mineral and chlorophyll contents and activities of stress related enzymes

... activation of enzymes already present in plant cells (Van Assche and Clijsters, 1990a) Changes in SOD and POD activities, and in the (iso)SOD and (iso)POD patterns have been reported both in leaves and ... and Khan N S 1983 Influence of lead and cadmium on the growth and nutrient concentration of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and egg-plant (Solanum melongena) Plant Soil 74, 387–394 Khan D H and ... H and Moore R B 1976 Effects of cadmium on respiration rate and activities of several enzymes in soybean seedlings Physiol Plant 36, 4–6 Lichtenhaler H K and Wellburn A R 1983 Determination of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:22

10 487 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Stabilities and activities of the N- and C-domains of FKBP22 from a psychrotrophic bacterium overproduced in Escherichia coli pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Stabilities and activities of the N- and C-domains of FKBP22 from a psychrotrophic bacterium overproduced in Escherichia coli pptx

... composed of N- and C-domains, which are spanned by a 40 amino acid long a3 helix The N-domain consists of a1 and a2 helices and an N-terminal region of a3 helix The C-domain consists of six b-strands ... consist of N- and C-domains, it would be informative to construct the SIB1 FKBP22 variants containing either one of these domains and compare their activities and stabilities with those of the ... Comparison of thermal stability of SIB1 FKBP22* and E coli FKBP22* Fig DSC curves of N-domain+, C-domain+, and SIB1 FKBP22* The DSC curves of N-domain+ (thick line), C-domain+ (thin line), and SIB1...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

11 332 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Helicobacter pylori single-stranded DNA binding protein – functional characterization and modulation of H. pylori DnaB helicase activity pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Helicobacter pylori single-stranded DNA binding protein – functional characterization and modulation of H. pylori DnaB helicase activity pptx

... indicates the position of the ssDNA in the absence of SSB protein and the subsequent retardation of the band with an increasing amount of SSB is also shown *Position of the double-stranded control DNA ... properties and ssDNA binding activities similar to that of EcSSB Complementation of E coli Dssb strain with HpSSB and in vivo localization of HpSSB in E coli Although HpSSB showed oligomerisation and ... Effect of HpSSB on ATPase activity of HpDnaB in the presence of ssDNA The release of radiolabeled Pi from (c-32P)ATP was monitored in the absence and presence of different concentrations of HpSSB...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

13 439 0


... and simplified description of the mechanisms of primary and secondary oil recovery processes  and clearly  explains  the  need  for  the  implementation  of EOR  processes  to  boost the recovery of oil and/ or to displace and produce the significant amounts of oil  ... Recovery (EOR) Processes and Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Sites Fig Summary of Conventional Oil Recovery Processes 2.3 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes EOR refers to the recovery of ... storage of carbon dioxide and enhanced oil recovery II Cooptimization of storage and recovery. " Energy Conversion and Management, 46 (11-12), July 2005, 1941-1956 Lake L W "Enhanced Oil Recovery. "...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

330 287 0


... and simplified description of the mechanisms of primary and secondary oil recovery processes  and clearly  explains  the  need  for  the  implementation  of EOR  processes  to  boost the recovery of oil and/ or to displace and produce the significant amounts of oil  ... Recovery (EOR) Processes and Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Sites Fig Summary of Conventional Oil Recovery Processes 2.3 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes EOR refers to the recovery of ... storage of carbon dioxide and enhanced oil recovery II Cooptimization of storage and recovery. " Energy Conversion and Management, 46 (11-12), July 2005, 1941-1956 Lake L W "Enhanced Oil Recovery. "...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

330 530 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Transcriptome mining, functional characterization, and phylogeny of a large terpene synthase gene family in spruce (Picea spp.)" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: " Transcriptome mining, functional characterization, and phylogeny of a large terpene synthase gene family in spruce (Picea spp.)" pptx

... synthases from grand fir (Abies grandis) - Comparison of constitutive and woundinduced activities, and cdna isolation, characterization and bacterial expression of δ-selinene synthase and γ-humulene ... 2), and the major products and their approximate proportions were also the same between the (-)-b-phellandrene synthases of grand fir and spruce To the best of our knowledge, a (-)-b-phellandrene ... comparison of mass spectra and retention indices with authentic standards if available, and retention indices, and/ or mass spectra from Adams [52] and NIST, and combined mass spectra and retention...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21

14 357 0
Social effects of the provision and distribution of daily service shops in HDB new town in singapore

Social effects of the provision and distribution of daily service shops in HDB new town in singapore

... independent city state consisting of the main island of Singapore and some 63 islets, yielding a total land area of approximate 710 sq km This land has to provide for the needs of not just a thriving city ... a better understanding of new town system in Korea She indicated that 20% of the land was used to be open space and a high of 8% to be commercial and business uses with a goal of achieving self-contained ... possible use of its land and sea space to ensure the survival of a city and nation (Keung, 1998) In addition, it has a plural society, comprising mainly ethnic Chinese, Malays and Indians, and a population...

Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 17:27

179 406 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Testing the potential of a virtual reality neurorehabilitation system during performance of observation, imagery and imitation of motor actions recorded by wireless functional nearinfrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Testing the potential of a virtual reality neurorehabilitation system during performance of observation, imagery and imitation of motor actions recorded by wireless functional nearinfrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)" potx

... Premotor cortex and the recognition of motor actions Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 1996, 3(2):131-41 Lotze M, et al: Activation of cortical and cerebellar motor areas during executed and imagined hand ... O_R and IM_L (RH p < 0.001), O_L and IM_L (RH p = < 0.001) and IM_R and IM_L (RH p < 0.001); analog for Δ[HHb] between-conditions O_R and IM_L (RH p < 0.001), O_L and IM_L (RH p = < 0.001) and ... reflect an aspect of handedness in right-handed subjects who may require more cortical activity when using the non-dominant hand Future studies may include both left-handers and right-handers Considering...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

13 577 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Age and gender differences in seven tests of functional mobility" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Age and gender differences in seven tests of functional mobility" doc

... stability and (B) Near tandem balTests of (A) Coordinated stability and (B) Near tandem balance During the stair ascent and descent tests, 45% and 52% (respectively) of older people held the handrail ... stability and near tandem balance tests are less similar to everyday tasks than tests such as the sit to stand and stair negotiation which are integral elements of activities of daily living Normative ... occurrence of falls and the onset of disability Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide reference data and examine age and gender differences in seven functional mobility tests The second...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

9 386 0
understanding vietnamese consumer behavior for toyota yaris and recommendation for promotion activities of toyota motor vietnam

understanding vietnamese consumer behavior for toyota yaris and recommendation for promotion activities of toyota motor vietnam

... or want, and a search for and evaluation of information about the products and brands that might satisfy it Post-purchase activities include the evaluation of the purchased item in use and the ... development of 7.87% in the year of 2009, of which GDP of Industrial made up 3.94% and foreign direct investment grew by 55% GDP per capita of the year 2009 was 1,083 USD, of which GDP per capita of Hanoi ... is defined as the study of buying units and the exchange processes involved in acquiring, consuming and disposing of goods, service, experiences, and ideas” (John C Mowen and Micheal Minor (1998),...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 08:49

121 1K 7
assessment of cadmium flows related to domestic activities and proposal of recovery solutions

assessment of cadmium flows related to domestic activities and proposal of recovery solutions

... UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY VNU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE Ngo Van Anh ASSESSMENT OF CADMIUM FLOWS RELATED TO DOMESTIC ACTIVITIES AND PROPOSAL OF RECOVERY SOLUTIONS Major: Waste Management and Contaminated ... Refining of non-ferrous metals - residual levels of cadmium in zinc and lead ores; copper refining with the level of emissions is low • Production of iron and steel - emissions to air, water and landfill ... the flows and stocks of materials within a system defined in space and time It connects the sources, the pathways, and the intermediate and final sinks of a material Because of the law of the conservation...

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2015, 08:54

107 185 0
Cash Flow Management: A Framework Of Daily Family Activities Glenn Muske1 and Mary Winter Cash Flow Management: A Framework Of Daily Family

Cash Flow Management: A Framework Of Daily Family Activities Glenn Muske1 and Mary Winter Cash Flow Management: A Framework Of Daily Family

... unnecessary Ambert, Adler, Adler, and Detzner (1995) and Yin (1989) suggest that an in-depth study of a small number of cases begins to allow explanation of “cause and effect” relationships Similarly ... presentation of early drafts to family financial management professionals for their response and feedback; and finally, meeting with faculty members in the design and development of the study ... other person or group Ease and convenience As the money managers discussed the development and use of a financial management system, the concept of ease and convenience often surfaced Money managers...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2015, 08:34

12 401 0


... cooperating the activities of all departments The Deputy Director of Finance and Administration is in charge of all financial and fiscal management aspects of company operations Key duties of Deputy ... as the port of entry, the names of the importer and exporter, a detailed description of the goods, the quantity of the goods, the value of the goods, the currency, and the country of origin Specific ... director and two deputy director (one deputy director is in charge of finance and administration and the other is in charge of technique) In which, the general director is the head of the company and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 09:11

49 894 2
A cross cultural analysis of english textbook for grade 10 and suggestion of supplementary activities for students’ cross cultural awareness

A cross cultural analysis of english textbook for grade 10 and suggestion of supplementary activities for students’ cross cultural awareness

... introduced by Cortazzi and Jin (1999: 204) Table One Distribution of frequency and percentage of types of references to Vietnamese and foreign cultures according to Checklist One Types of reference Reference ... peoples and cultures, developing students positive feelings and attitudes towards those countries, peoples and cultures, and by doing so, fostering students love and respect of their own language and ... promote intellectual understanding of cross-cultural issues Anyway, preparation of both of these activities seems to be time-consuming and require a certain level of familiarizing with the target...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:58

51 1,4K 16
the meaning and structure of a narrative a systemic functional analysis

the meaning and structure of a narrative a systemic functional analysis

... for many areas of English grammar It is called functional because of his development of the theory of the ideational, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions functional components of meaning in ... some of the most important issues related to the experiential aspect of functional grammar Analyze the meaning and structure of a narrative based on the systemic functional analysis 1.3 Scope of ... relationships of co-ordination (or parataxis the linking of elements of equal status, the initiating and continuing elements are free) and subordination (or hypotaxis the linking of elements of unequal...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:48

39 827 2
Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

... Wildi also presents the two types of induction motors: “the squirrel cage induction motor and the “wound motor An explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of each is given Essential concepts ... What are hybrid and electric cars? Under the supervision of Dr Geoff Walker, a group of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Ph.D students at the University of Queensland are constructing ... Head of School, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld, 4072 Dear Professor Simon Kaplan, In accordance with the requirements of the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

93 695 1