fce use of english 1 student s book

Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 1

Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 1

... Suggested Answer section 260 Practice test 15 6 Revision 16 0 • Nouns/ Articles I 12 9 Test 1A / 18 T1 Test 2A / 28 TB Test 3A / 38 T15 16 3 Practice test 17 3 Determiners/Pronouns 17 7 Practice test 1O ... late?" she asked me She asked me if/whether I could let Joan know she would be late "Which of these dresses suits me best?" she asked Lynn She asked Lynn which of those dresses suited her best 10 ... qualification in business studies Once she 8) had successfully completed (successfully/complete) the course she 9) was promoted (be/promoted) to the position of assistant manager After she 10 ) had been

Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2022, 05:17

121 26 0
Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 2

Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 2

... h in Sue 's house Mrs Sm ith wasn't sure whether she should submit her proposal doubtful Mrs Smith was doubtful about submitting her proposal 10 "Students are not allowed in the c lassrooms during ... wishes 14 She has never offered to share the expenses Never the expenses has 15 "It was you who took my pen, George, wasn't it?" said Sam Sam his pen accused 16 ... Marking Scheme for Tests A I B Section A 12 items x marks each 12 Section B 18 items x marks errt':h 18 Section C items x 0.5 marks each Section D items x 0.5 marks each Section E items x marks each

Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2022, 05:31

166 11 0
english zone 1 student s book

english zone 1 student s book

... Speaking Work in pairs Answer the questions below Guess your partner 's answers and then ask her I him these questions and check if you were right Me 10 11 12 13 14 15 What time you usually get up? ... trainers to school? school start at eight? we go to bed after ten o'clock? we wear a uniform? English students go to school on Saturdays? Make questions with these words school you go to on Sundays? ... and ask and answer, Example It 's a girl She 's got a yellow T-shirt She 's got red and white jeans She 's got grey trainers The other students listen and draw a picture based on the description Speaking

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2021, 13:57

96 71 0
postcards 2e 1 student''''''''''''''''s book

postcards 2e 1 student''''''''''''''''s book

... PAIRS The English alphabet has five vowels Write the vowels in the blanks Monda ~ Wea ,.CIa ~ Tl\l/i-scra~ I ~lWla ~ 2 3 q 5 T U01d"ll 'rla"ll Salurda~ 6 7 8 q 10 11 IZ 13 11 1 15 16 17 18 ... are) 2 11 40 S 17 70 3 15 50 6 18 80 8 Unit 1 _ 2 Use the verb 77 15 99 5 Pronundation 13 am 5 (It is) my English homework my friend s classmates 7 Practice A Label the pictures with ... four five six seven 16 17 18 19 20 fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 2 Valentine 's Day _ 3 Christmas _ 4 New Year 's Day _... of be has three forms: B 22 10 7 " 1, 1 , _

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2014, 16:37

145 308 1
thi FCE, Use of English

thi FCE, Use of English

... become professional authors, and even fewer have the joy of seeing their novels top the (1) of bestselling books. Some of the world&apos ;s famous crime writers have achieved the (2) success of all. ... weekend?' he asked her. suggested He for dinner at the weekend. 2. His boss won't tolerate lateness. put His boss won't lateness. 3. The school I studied at last year was better ... weekend. 2. His boss won't tolerate lateness. put His boss won't lateness. 3. The school I studied at last year was better than this one. good This school my last one. 4. Although

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2015, 21:59

12 640 4
Build_Grow - Everyone Speak! Beginner 1 Student''s Book Keys

Build_Grow - Everyone Speak! Beginner 1 Student''s Book Keys

... else does she buy? She buys a blue cap B Present your story to the class After the presentation, listeners can ask the speaker questions about the story Unit • 41 UNIT Whose key is this? 10 Speaking ... is this [are these]? b Whose game console is this? – It? ?s mine c Whose key is this? – It? ?s Tom? ?s It? ?s [They’re] d Whose cell phone is this? – It? ?s Tom? ?s e Whose digital camera is this? – It? ?s ... pictures [Sample Answers] [Sample Answers] Title Peter? ?s is missing key Peter is sad because his key is missing It was in the drawer But now it? ?s gone Peter looks under the bed There is a lunch

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2017, 16:14

29 782 0
Reading boat 1 student s book

Reading boat 1 student s book

... target words G: ##+=t=, #+a=+ ;+*rjr Er +s1 't They are Terry s friends + Terry is B years old He likes to exercise He likes to play board games This is Terry 's sister She is years old She likes to drink ... Eu$*r Buste.r is Terry 's family dog He is year old He likes to chase cats This is Terry s dad He is 36 years old He likes to drink green tea This is Terry 's mom She is 35 years old She likes to ... each passage and capiure the imagination of young learners Thus, students maintain interest in the series from the first to the last passage Reading Boat also provides an easy-to-foilow lesson format

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2020, 08:39

98 56 0
fun fun korean 1 student s book

fun fun korean 1 student s book

... prepare for theirstudies x Tdltelilodr'tor g=;{*.*tri"R-rrar+: D i a l o g u& e Story Thissectionwil,tbe usedas a speechsample,in whichthe studentswilt u t t i m a t e l ,uys e a f t e r t h ... learners to daityactivities approaches in one'sthoughtseffectivety rea[life to communicate themesand functionsusefuIin the daitylives,especialty of grammarandmereexptanation thetextdoesnotteachbythe ... otherwise, etectronic, priorwrittenpermission of the pubLisher KY0B0BookCentreC0 Ltd ,J o n g r o1- g a Jongro-Gu, Seoul 11 0 -12 1Korea Tel: 82-2-2076-0366 Fax:82-2-2076-0470 HttP:/[IYY7YY |^Yobo book. co.kr

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2020, 09:13

280 240 0
live beat 1 student s book

live beat 1 student s book

... Grammar Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives I my you your he his she her it its 11 Complete the sentences with I, you, he, she, my, your, his, her Is Emma your sister? This is Daniel It? ?s first ... goodbye Countries and nationalities Compass points 1d They’re British! ACROSS CULTURES p12 SKILLS FOCUS: READING 1e My name? ?s Antonio p14 SKILLS FOCUS: WRITING 2a What? ?s that? p16 Indefinite article: ... Rosie: No, she summer ./9 Complete the types of music 10 12 LISTEN AND CHECK YOUR SCORE Grammar … /15 Vocabulary … /16 Phrases /Use your English …/9 Total …/40 10 Skills Revision Read Listen Look

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2021, 16:17

121 44 0
[123doc] - answer-keys-use-of-english (1)

[123doc] - answer-keys-use-of-english (1)

... Certificate Skills: Use of English © Oxford University Press Page 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A C A B D A D A C B 2.2 First & last A B 10 11 12 the third time I’ve asked you she has (ever) driven ... First Certificate Skills: Use of English © Oxford University Press Page ECCE Practice Grammar c d d c a c b d Vocabulary 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 b c a d b a d c FCE Practice Part 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... First Certificate Skills Use of English Answers Unit The present 1. 1 The present Stop & check A 10 11 12 13 14 15 B ✓ A re you staying in a hotel? Do you like the

Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2021, 10:44

69 6 0
live beat 1 student s book

live beat 1 student s book

... Grammar Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives I my you your he his she her it its 11 Complete the sentences with I, you, he, she, my, your, his, her Is Emma your sister? This is Daniel It? ?s first ... goodbye Countries and nationalities Compass points 1d They’re British! ACROSS CULTURES p12 SKILLS FOCUS: READING 1e My name? ?s Antonio p14 SKILLS FOCUS: WRITING 2a What? ?s that? p16 Indefinite article: ... Rosie: No, she summer ./9 Complete the types of music 10 12 LISTEN AND CHECK YOUR SCORE Grammar … /15 Vocabulary … /16 Phrases /Use your English …/9 Total …/40 10 Skills Revision Read Listen Look

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2022, 10:54

121 4 0
Skyrocket 1 student s book

Skyrocket 1 student s book

... cookies and juice french fries and water Ihave a hot dog, a banana, cake and milk Ihave a sandwich, an apple, cookies and milk Unit ws 4Ä 416 1 616 767676763434342 411 414 1 616 2 616 1424545 81& 3 &14 1 616 16762626265656343 ... dest) desk? #4 No, it isn’t t Yes, it is No, it isn’t Are these your see) Yes, they are ae No, they aren't @ (is Is this your your ease) eraser? Yes, it is _—= , © => = ose pencils? No, it isn’t ... the school objects Unit At Schoot 2A ? ?s this? What 's this? What can it be? This is a pencil Just for me! + @ Poi ointand.chant Play School Supplies 4® What 's this? It? ?s a/an Is this your ? Yes,

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2023, 17:29

128 0 0
1Evans virginia dooley jenny grammar targets 1 student s book

1Evans virginia dooley jenny grammar targets 1 student s book

... seeseddsiadintoapsasse sssssesssesssesssesssessssessseosssosssseessecsssessssesnseensesane make/new friends: -"` “YOU (say) 1? ?) sssssseseeeess=ee Their ‘Fill in the blanks with the verbs ... Grammar (Units 1- 5) oa Revision Units 1- 5 oo ccc ceeccseesesseeessecseesecseseseccsceecsnersiesaseecatens p.l2 Unit Unit Plurals ( -s ending) There is/There are Unit Adjectives Unit Plurals/Irregular ... This is Paul eeeeree this? Atsssuncses ? ?s he? BS Abb sssccnnnnensennsess *s his name? B: It? ?s my umbrella B: John Write, as in the example Z2 a hat /brown i A; B: Who? ?s he? This is Bob He? ?s my

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2023, 10:29

92 5 0
Grammar friends 1 student's book

Grammar friends 1 student's book

... thebog? on t he s w i n g ... uswho hossomething co[[ed possessive 's I'm Alison 's brother Thisislamie 's book Thismork' is coLLed opostrophe on Circle possessive the 's This is Alison'sfomiLg brother ... b mueors munose mgfoce m9orms 1 Review pronouns Subject (1) questions Yes/no (1) Jobs What 's Jones? Mr He 's policeman a What'sMrsJones? She 's doctor a Heondsheoresubject pronouns Weuse when ... t is F inger sing... she Yes , he firemo n Is is Yes he , Uni t4 (1 Wh- questions Prepositions place of It'son theswina Where 's iso wh- question conuseit to oskoboutthe ? We ptoce position something

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 12:54

82 6,4K 76
Technical English 1. Teacher's Book

Technical English 1. Teacher's Book

... chisel 2 screwdriver 3 spanner 4 saw 5 screws 6 nuts 7 bolts 8 washers 9 antenna 10 cable 11 adapter 12 plug ~ ·- Extra activity Put students into small groups Students close their books Ask ... British English, but Do you have is more common in American English Note that have is used in this book because it 's easier for students to acquire as it 's used with the auxiliary do in the same ... chuck of a drilling machine have jaws The verb consists (of) is used in technical English instead of has when all the main parts of a tool or other object are listed, as in: A spade consists of

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2015, 16:45

143 15,6K 329
boost grammar 1 student s book

boost grammar 1 student s book

... englishtips.org englishtips.org englishtips.org [...]... scanned by serzt do not share this book on premium platforms like langacademy englishtips englishtips englishtips.org englishtips.org

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 21:23

38 1,1K 2
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book – third edition” for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book – third edition” for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4 .1: Teacher? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... 4.2: Students’ background of learning English 29 Chart 4.3: Students’ self-assessment of their English level at the beginning of the course 30 Chart 4.5: Students’ progress after

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2020, 14:47

95 83 0
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book  third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “english file beginner student’s book third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4 .1: Teacher? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... 4.2: Students’ background of learning English 29 Chart 4.3: Students’ self-assessment of their English level at the beginning of the course 30 Chart 4.5: Students’ progress after

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2020, 09:16

95 106 0
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “English File Beginner Student’s Book – Third Edition” for non-English major students at a preparatory school in Viet Tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook “English File Beginner Student’s Book – Third Edition” for non-English major students at a preparatory school in Viet Tri

... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4 .1: Teacher? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... 4.2: Students’ background of learning English 29 Chart 4.3: Students’ self-assessment of their English level at the beginning of the course 30 Chart 4.5: Students’ progress after

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:01

95 33 0
The empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

The empirical evaluation of the coursebook english file beginner student’s book – third edition for non english major students at a preparatory school in viet tri

... Students’ Book, non -English major iii LIST OF TABLES Table 4 .1: Teacher? ?s assessment of students’ English level at the beginning of the course 30 Table 4.2: Learners’ purposes of learning English ... What is your students’ progress after the course? Considerable progress Not much progress Moderate progress No progress at all SECTION 3: The suitability of the coursebook to students’ needs What ... 4.3: Students’ self-assessment of their English level at the beginning of the course 30 Chart 4.5: Students’ progress after the course 36 Chart 4.6: Students’ and teachers’ evaluation of the

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:03

114 32 0

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