... weight DNA - in our case only 100 ng of sheared DNA The downside of very short reads (35 bp) was mostly offset by the deep sequence coverage, allowing a detailed analysis of the coding capacity of ... 429§ 129 127 Presence of overlapping genes No Yes Yes Number of SSU-LSU rRNA genes 2¶ 22 Unkown¥ Unkown¥ Gene density Number of 5S rRNA genes 2¶ Number of tRNAs 37 46 46 Number of tRNA synthetases ... 1,017†† 1,002†† Number of tRNA introns (size in bp) Number of splicesomal introns (size in bp) Number of predicted ORFs Number of ORFs assigned to functional categories Mean size of CDS (bp) *The genome...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20
... mechanism of B19 NS1-induced cytotoxicity (34, 35) Further confirmation for the reduction of apoptosis in the PathI transduced population of HepG2 cells was obtained using cell cycle analysis of HepG2 ... (35) The endogenous apoptotic cascade is often activated in cells that cannot overcome a set of well defined cellular insults such as an accumulation of DNA damage, disruptions in mitochondrial ... lack of an efficient B19 viral replicon and therefore direct experimental verification of the role of amino acid variation on replication efficiency or viral fitness must await the availability of...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:32
Báo cáo y học: "Selected amino acid mutations in HIV-1 B subtype gp41 are Associated with Specific gp120V3 signatures in the regulation of CoReceptor usag" pot
... of RNA template, μl of mM Mg++, μl of Dnase Rnase free water, 0.75 μl of each primer at a concentration of 10 μM, μl of Rnase out (40 U/μl), 1.5 μl of RT/Taq, μl of dNTPs at a concentration of ... viruses, regardless of the presence of sCD4, while for R5 isolates only upon addition of sCD4 [100] Consequently, the inaccessibility of this antibody to R5-tropic viruses in the absence of sCD4 might ... evolution of the V3 region of HIV-1 is the cell receptor usage, the escape from host immune response, or a combination of the two [73,74] By analyzing the gp41 sequences, we found 35 out of 345...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 01:20
Nuôi trồng và xác định thành phần amino acid của một số loài nấm bào ngư (Pleurotus spp.) bằng kỹ thuật sắc ký lỏng cao áp HPLC
... London p 2-39 12 Royer Y Stainer, Michael Doudoroff, and Microbial World Prentice-Hall, Inc p.88-90 Edward A Adelberg The 39 13 Thomas D Brock Biology of microorganism Pretice-Hall, Inc p.684-681 ... for students of Bacteriology Molds, Yeast, And Actinomycetes John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York p.7-9 15 Zakia Bano, K.S Srinivasan, and H.C Srivastava, 1963 Amino acid composition of the Protein ... khoa học phổ thông, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh TIẾNG NƢỚC NGOÀI Archer J.P Martin 1952 The development of partition chromatography Nobel lecture, December 10 Alexander Efimov, 2005 HPLC introduction...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 09:35
... PROTEIN Duplication (Nhân đôi DNA) Transcription (Replication) - Sao chép mật mã di truyền RNA Processing (Sửa chữa RNA) Translation - Giải mã (tổng hợp protein) 1 DNA RNA m.RNA t.RNA r.RNA n.RNA ... Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic Prokaryotic cell SỰ HOẠT HÓA AMINO ACID (Activation of amino acid) Amino acylt.RNA synthetase Enz R HC-NH2 OH CO P α-Amino acid OH P 3' ribose 5' ribose ... CHẾ TIẾN TRÌNH SINH TỔNG HỢP PROTEIN Chất ức chế Tác động Quinolon I II Ức chế Gyrase tháo vòng DNA vi khuẩn Kháng lao (rifamycine) Ức chế RNA polymerase Exotoxin Corynebacterium diptheria Ức...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Chương 2: Amino acid - Đơn vị cấu tạo Protein pdf
... chuẩn độ nhóm COOH aminoacid Để xác định amino acid đầu N-tận người ta cho tác dụng với 24 dinitrofluobenzen (phản ứng sanger) hay phenyliothiocyanate (phản ứng Edman) Sau xác định amino acid N-tận ... A.,1998, Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science, W H Freeman, 3rd Rev Edit Hans U B., 1974 Methods of Enzymatic Analysis Second English Edition Acdemic Press, Inc., New York San Francisco London, ... J M., 2004 Modern spectroscopy John Willey & Sons Ltd 4th ed 10 Lehninger A.L., 2004 Principle of Biochemistry, 4th Edition W.H Freeman, 2004 11 Lodish H., 2003 Molecular Cell Biology 5th ed.W.H...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 15:16
... đôi DNA) Transcription (Replication) - Sao chép mật mã di truyền RNA Processing (Sửa chữa RNA) Translation - Giải mã (tổng hợp protein) DNA RNA polymerase m.RNA t.RNA r.RNA n.RNA PROTEIN DNA ... ammonia tự máu 2.4.Sự khử carboxyl amino acid 3.TIẾN TRÌNH SINH TỔNG HỢP PROTEIN 3.1.Sự tổng hợp DNA, RNA 3.2.Sự hoạt hoá amino acid 3.3.Các giai đoạn tiến trình tổng hợp protein 3.4.Cơ chế kiểm ... Amino acyl site 30 S 40 Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell 22 SỰ HOẠT HÓA AMINO ACID (Activation of amino acid) R OH H2N-CH-CO Amino acylt.RNAENZ synthetase ENZ ∼ Adeno R OC-CH-NH2 P Enz-Amino...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 19:25
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Tối ưu quá trình lên men thu nhận amino acid l-lysine từ vi khuẩn Corynebacterium glutamicum VTCC-B-656 " ppt
... sucrose: roles of malic enzyme and fructose-1,6bisphosphatase, Metab Eng (4) (2005) 291 [8] YT Ko, JR.Chipley, Role of biotin in the production of lysine by Brevibacterium lactofermentum, Applied ... 172-178 Optimization of fermenting process amino acid lysine by Corynebacterium glutamicum VTCC - B - 656 Tran Thi Minh Tam, Nguyen Thuy Huong Department of Biotechnology, University of Technology, ... [1] Eggeling, Sahm, The cell wall barrier of C.glutamicum amino acid efflux J.Biosci Bioeng 92 (2001) 201 [2] Lothar Eggeling, Michael Bott, Handbook of Corynebacterium glutamicum, CRC Press Taylor...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 17:20
... Association of Feed Control Officials, a metal amino acid chelate is lithe product resulting from the reaction of a metal ion from a soluble salt with amino acids with a mole ratio of one mole of metal ... including the levels of the elements ingested, the age of the animal, Ph of the intestinal contents and environment, the state of the animal with respect to deficiency or adequacy of the element, ... function as part of a metalloenzyme are other examples of metabolically essential chelates.(16) The third group of chelates consist of those which interfere with utilization of essential cations...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 16:20