78 expression tree with 5 bit intermediate result 712

Tách 6 metoxy 8 hydroxy flavanon và 5,7  dihydroxy flavanon từ cây gioi [eugenia jambos] ở nghệ an

Tách 6 metoxy 8 hydroxy flavanon và 5,7 dihydroxy flavanon từ cây gioi [eugenia jambos] ở nghệ an

... 250 -270 4.30-4.60 Flavanon 2 75- 2 95 2.20-4.30 Flavon 255 -2 85 4.20-4.40 3 15- 350 Flavonol 255 -2 75 4.20-4.40 350 -3 85 Chalcon 370-3 95 4.42-4.49 Aurol 3 85- 4 15 4.44-4.48 Anthoxyani n 4 75- 5 45 4. 35- 4 .50 ... 1,1 15, 5 - pinen 1,8 18,8 camphen 0,7 0,4 - pinen 5, 3 11,1 myrcen 0,3 0,4 -phellandren 0 ,5 0,4 - tecpinene 0,1 0 ,5 p xymen 0,9 0 ,5 -oximen 26 ,5 14,0 10 -tecpinen 26 ,5 14 ,5 11 linalol 1 ,5 1,8 ... flavanon (19,84%) 5, 7-dihydroxy flavanon (16, 65% ) 8-dihydroxy, 5- metyl flavanon (4 ,55 %), 6,8-dihydroxy, 5- metyl flavanon (3,64%) 5- hydroxy, 7-metoxy, 6,8-dimetyl flavanon Khoa hoá học 15 (1,8%) Đại...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 09:51

41 324 0
Báo cáo y học: "The shunt from the cyclooxygenase to lipoxygenase pathway in human osteoarthritic subchondral osteoblasts is linked with a variable expression of the 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein" doc

Báo cáo y học: "The shunt from the cyclooxygenase to lipoxygenase pathway in human osteoarthritic subchondral osteoblasts is linked with a variable expression of the 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein" doc

... COX2 inhibitor In low OA osteoblasts, PGE2 treatments decreased FLAP expression about 2 .5- fold (p < 0.0 25) , whereas inhibiting endogenous PGE2 production with NS398 did not inhibit FLAP expression ... the linear portion of the amplification of GAPDH with 25 cycles and of 5- LO or FLAP with 35 cycles; PCR amplifications were therefore performed with these respective numbers of cycles After amplification, ... conditions with already high PGE2 levels, the addition of PGE2 failed to modify FLAP expression, whereas inhibiting PGE2 production with NS-398 enhanced FLAP expression about 4-fold (p < 0.0 25) Such...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:23

10 459 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 5 pot

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 5 pot

... per 95 Costrng (expensive)ever $55 million,the dde is also(4) built Steel Dragon 2000's archfivalis thebrandnew Kingda ride Ka al SixFlags Great Adventure Par( ne Philadelphia, USA.lt (5) competitor, ... speed heightWith riders for and traveTlingup ar to 128milesper hour(206kilomeires hour)it is by far per (6) (fast) (talD, rollercoaster on eafth.lt is also(7) rJde with a maximum height 456 feet{139merres) ... hadspoken thetechnician to When lwasa young child (play) footballfor hourswithoutgetting dred (notcome) Thechildren on holiday withus nextsummer, (cook)but l\4y husbandis really he'shopeLess cleaning...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 846 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

... his l4oybehe fargot to tqkeit with hin l atia'sprobablypossedthe exom 5hestudied veryhard your Where\ urnbrelLa? /m absaLuteLy youforgatto sure bting it Complete text with ,, ustlnight lcan't hove ... backdoor My brother r0 Strange 15 A told B told to us c told us askedrnewhat James for my birthday A I wanted B did I waft C wanted me My gjrlfriendaskedrne go to the party with heL A willi s iilwould ... GcSE year, d is sixyears old for e is waiting his examresults the b Readthe text againand correct factual mistakes thesestatements in Exam results cornng out laterthisrnonth, are got Piers Sharma...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 857 1
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

... wonen fiving in the United States between the ages of 30 and 45 with anrua1 incomes in excess of $ 25, 000 l nrany sylLabtes dolnese w0r 05 GD How have? thewords thecotrect Put into column marl( main ... garden huge was grew fromthe treesThetrees | usedto p ck the lemons there, Theold ladyused lemons makelenronade the to I had picked lemons the Complete sentences the with compound adjectives first ... Darren becaus€ arethe onlyoneswithkeys the safe they to Thethief beena srnok€r b€cause there wasa cigarette on the floor end been Briggs I\4r because wasat homewith h€ thisw fe allnight stolen...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 484 0
Giáo án lịch sử 8 chuẩn 30 tiết 5,6,7 bài 3,4

Giáo án lịch sử 8 chuẩn 30 tiết 5,6,7 bài 3,4

... công nghiêp Cách mạng công nghiệp Anh + 1764 Giêm- -gri vơ sáng chế máy kéo sợi Gien ni - Năm 17 85, ét mơn cac-rai chế tạo máy dệt đầu tiên, xuất dệt tăng gần 40 lần - 1784 Giêm oát phát minh máy ... đọc đoạn nớc chữ nhỏ trang 19 => Xe lửa đờng sắt - Học sinh quan sát hình - Từ 1760 1840 Anh 15 SGK diễn chuyển biến từ ? Nêu kết sản xuất nhỏ thủ công cách mạng công nghiệp sang sản xuất máy ... nhân G: Sơ lợc SGK? Em nêu phong trào đấu tranh tiêu biểu công nhân Anh, Pháp, Đức H: quan sát H 25 G: Công nhân Anh kí tên Phong trào công nhân năm 18301840 - Phong trào phát triển mạnh mẽ + 1831...

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2016, 22:06

9 410 0
Hình 8:Tiết 44 -Bài 5 :Trường hợp đồng dạng thứ 1 ( C_C_C )

Hình 8:Tiết 44 -Bài 5 :Trường hợp đồng dạng thứ 1 ( C_C_C )

... minh Kiểm tra cũ A Cho gt hình vẽ MN // BC M N B 15 c B' MN // BC AMN ~ ABC (định lí) (1) AM MN AN MN AN = = = = MN = 10, AN = AB BC AC 15 12 + AMN ABC có AM = A' B' (= 4) AN = A' C ' ... số đồng dạng 1/2 Đún g B B' 15 12 10 A C A' C' Chặng 1: Tính B'C' Chặng 2: Tính BC Chặng 3: Có nhận xét hai tam giác ABC A'B'C' A'B'C' ~ ABC Vì: 10 = = (= ) 12 15 Dặn dò: Nắm định lí, nắm bước ... = (= ) 12 15 Dặn dò: Nắm định lí, nắm bước chứng minh định lý Bài tập: Bài 29, 30, 31 Sgk 74, 75 Xin cám ơn thầy cô giáo em học sinh giúp hoàn thành tiết dạy ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 11:10

11 490 2
Ly 8  08-09(tiet 5 den tiet 35).doc

Ly 8 08-09(tiet 5 den tiet 35).doc

... nhiêu? Biết thể tích P = d.V =27.103 5. 10-3 = 1 35( N), vật 5dm3, trọng lượng nước FA = dn.V = 104 .5. 10-3 = 50 (N) 10000N/m3 Mà P1 = P – FA = 1 35 – 50 = 85( N) ĐS: 85N 4.Em hiểu nói công suất 4.Công ... phút) Kiểm tra: - HS 1: Hãy nêu đặc điểm hai lực cân Chữa tập 5. 1, 5. 2 5. 4 - HS 2: Quán tính ? Chữa tập 5. 3 5. 8 - HS 3: Chữa tập 5. 5 5. 6 Có thể đồng thời gọi HS lên trình bày bảng Tạo tình học ... 5. Một cần cẩu làm việc với công suất 2,5kW để nâng vật chuyển động 5. Cụng cần cẩu thực 15s lên cao 10m Tính khối lượng vật Biết thời gian làm việc cần cẩu là: A = p.t = 250 0. 15 = 3 750 0(J), 15s...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 16:10

89 577 0
TD 8 ( Tiết đôi ) 5-6

TD 8 ( Tiết đôi ) 5-6

... hàng dọc, thực theo nhóm ngời Đội hình chơi ĐHXL * * * * Nm hc 2008-2009 * * * * * * * * * * * * 5m GV * * * * ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 22:10

2 341 0
Tuan 8 giao an lop 5

Tuan 8 giao an lop 5

... chm 84,2 > 84,19 6,843 < 6, 85 47 ,5 = 47 ,50 0 90,6 > 89,6 * Bi 2/43: Vit cỏc s sau theo th t t n ln: 4,23 ; 4,32 ; 5, 3 ; 5, 7 ; 6,02 * Bi 3/43: Tỡm ch s x, bit: 119 Lp 5C Trng Tiu hc Khỏnh Li Nm ... với 35, 698m Ta thấy: Phần nguyên 35m = 35 m Phần TP 35, 7m 7/10m = 7dm =700mm Phần TP 35, 698m 698/1000m = 698mm Mà 700mm > 698mm nên 7/10m > 698/1000m Do 35, 7m > 35, 698m KL (SGK Tr 41) * Ghi nhớ ... số TP a) 5, 7 ; 32, 85 ; 0,01 ; 0,304 theo thứ tự từ bé đến lớn? Bi 3/43: Vit cỏc s sau theo th t t HS làm cá nhân HS lên bảng n ln làm bài.HS NX GV kt lun 41 ,53 8 ; 41,8 35 ; 42, 358 ; 42 ,53 8 * HS...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 00:10

18 370 0
Unit 8 - Speak+LF3,4,5

Unit 8 - Speak+LF3,4,5

... fresher expensive more expensive beautiful more beautiful Period 45: Unit 8: Country life and city life Lesson 2: Speak Language focus 3,4 ,5 - The boy is getting taller - The weather is becoming colder ... The traffic is getting more crowded - The houses are becoming bigger - There are more green trees - The streets are becoming cleaner and larger - Goods is getting more expensive Make the comparisions ... buildings and houses - The houses are becoming more modern - The city is getting more beautiful - The streets are becoming dirtier / noisier - The food is getting more expensive Talk about the changes...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 19:11

15 1,1K 2
Tài liệu Windows 8 Application Development with HTML5 docx

Tài liệu Windows 8 Application Development with HTML5 docx

... 50 Provide what the user needs 51 Design for touch 51 Enable multitasking 53 Assume connectivity 54 Taking Advantage of the Development Environment 55 ... of the Development Environment 55 Sticking with Visual Studio 55 Picking a language 56 Touring Expression Blend 57 Making the Change from Windows Development ... multiselect 151 Built-in animations 152 Working with Groups Using Semantic Zoom 153 Using Semantic Zoom 154 Considering the technical details 156 www.it-ebooks.info...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 09:20

387 3,3K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Gene expression silencing with ‘specific’ small interfering RNA goes beyond specificity – a study of key parameters to take into account in the onset of small interfering RNA off-target effects potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Gene expression silencing with ‘specific’ small interfering RNA goes beyond specificity – a study of key parameters to take into account in the onset of small interfering RNA off-target effects potx

... and A549 cells were seeded in culture plates (Corning, Lowell, MA, USA) at 25 000 cellsÆcm)2 (143B and IMR-90) or 50 000 cellsÆcm)2 (A549) 24 h before being transfected with DF for 24 h with ... siRNA2 are 5 UGACUUCCCUGGCCUAUUUUU-3¢, 5 -ACAUUGAGC UCCUCUCUUGUU-3¢, 5 -GAUAAGGUUGCUUCAGU UAUU-3¢ and 5 -ACAGUACGCUAUGAAACUAUU-3¢, respectively As a negative control, we used an NT siRNA (5 -UAGCGACUAAACACAUCAA-3¢) ... h 0h 24 h 48 h 0h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 3 .5 3.0 2 .5 2.0 1 .5 1.0 0 .5 0.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 E Rel mRNA abundance the expression level of the RNAi pathway components...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

16 494 0
Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy with 5-Aminolevulinic Acid in Operative Gynecology pdf

Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy with 5-Aminolevulinic Acid in Operative Gynecology pdf

... ectocerv-suspicion [17] endocer [18] ectocer 35 30 25 20 15 10 600 650 700 750 13 16 17 18 Fig Patient K aged 55 years Diagnosis: T1A1N0M1 cervical cancer cer (n = 9): kf = 45. 6 and kdc = 17.2 (Fig 4) We also ... [17] serosa-met [24] periton-n [ 25] perit-met [27] met-salnk 25 30 25 20 15 10 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 10 11 16 17 24 25 27 Fig Patient D aged 56 years Diagnosis: T3cN0M1 ovarian ... 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 [0] h-n [6] endom-n [3] endom-left-and 1211 35 30 25 20 15 10 600 650 700 750 Fig Patient Yag aged 44 years Diagnosis: T1N0M0 adenocarcinoma For this patient,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20

7 203 0
wiley windows 8 application development with html5 for dummies (2013)

wiley windows 8 application development with html5 for dummies (2013)

... 50 Provide what the user needs 51 Design for touch 51 Enable multitasking 53 Assume connectivity 54 Taking Advantage of the Development Environment 55 ... Application Development with HTML5 ® FOR DUMmIES ‰ Windows Application Development with HTML5 ® FOR DUMmIES ‰ by Bill Sempf Windows® Application Development with HTML5 For Dummies® Published ... of the Development Environment 55 Sticking with Visual Studio 55 Picking a language 56 Touring Expression Blend 57 Making the Change from Windows Development ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:46

387 1,8K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Nop53p interacts with 5.8S rRNA co-transcriptionally, and regulates processing of pre-rRNA by the exosome ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Nop53p interacts with 5.8S rRNA co-transcriptionally, and regulates processing of pre-rRNA by the exosome ppt

... YCpGAL-A-NOP53 NOP53, YCp33GAL-A NOP53, YCp33GAL-A-NOP53 NOP53, YCp33GAL-A-N-NOP53 NOP53, YCp33GAL-A-C-NOP53 Dnop53, YCp33GAL-A-NOP53,pGAD-NOP53 Dnop53,YCp33GAL-A-NOP53,pGAD-N NOP53 Dnop53,YCp33GAL-A-NOP53,pGAD-C-NOP53 ... [argU ileY leuW Camr]* Euroscarf Euroscarf Dnop53 ⁄ GAL:: NOP53 (YDG 151 ) YDG 152 YDG 153 YDG 154 YDG 155 YDG 156 YDG 157 YDG 158 YDG 159 YDG160 YDG161 DH5a BL21 Codon Plus (DE3) RIL 4174 [31] [31] [31] ... pGAD-NOP53 pGAD-N-NOP53 pGAD-C-NOP53 YCplac33GAL-A YCp33GAL-ANOP53 YCp33GAL-A-NNOP53 YCp33GAL-A-CNOP53 pGFP-N-FUS pGFP-N-NOP53 pGFP-C-NOP53 pRFP-NOP1 pET-NOP53 pGEX-N-NOP53 pGEX-C-NOP53 pGEX-RRN3...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:20

15 380 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Hepatitis B virus X protein interacts with β5 subunit of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protei" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Hepatitis B virus X protein interacts with β5 subunit of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protei" pptx

... 2 75: 151 57- 151 65 Kuzhandaivelu N, Cong YS, Inouye C, Yang WM, Seto E: XAP2, a novel hepatitis B virus X-associated protein that inhibits X transactivation Nucleic Acids Res 1996, 24:4741-4 750 ... colonies from the library screening that developed blue colour over a 5- day incubation period at 30°C A1 -5, B1 -5, C1 -5, D1 -5, E1 -5, F1, G6-10, H6-10, I6-10, J6-10, K6-10, L6: colonies that turn blue ... TIBS 19 95, 20: 151 - 155 Publish with Bio Med Central and every scientist can read your work free of charge "BioMed Central will be the most significant development for disseminating the results...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

8 374 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Human adenovirus type 19 infection of corneal cells induces p38 MAPK-dependent interleukin-8 expression" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Human adenovirus type 19 infection of corneal cells induces p38 MAPK-dependent interleukin-8 expression" potx

... receptor 2- and Toll-like receptor 5- dependent and -independent pathways Infect Immun 20 05, 73(3): 152 3- 153 1 http://www.virologyj.com/content /5/ 1/17 48 49 50 51 52 53 Eliopoulos AG, Gallagher NJ, ... + SB (μM) 0 10 20 IL-8 (pg/ml) IL-8 (pg/ml) 50 0 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Virus Figure HAdV-19-induced IL-8 expression HAdV-19-induced IL-8 expression (A) Increased IL-8 mRNA was detected ... NFκB in the cytoplasm exists as subunit homodimers (e.g., p50p50 and p65p 65) and heterodimers (p50p 65) bound to the inhibitor of κB (IκB) With the appropriate stimulus, IκB kinase initiates phosphorylation...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

11 363 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Low RBM3 protein expression correlates with tumour progression and poor prognosis in malignant melanoma: An analysis of 215 cases from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Low RBM3 protein expression correlates with tumour progression and poor prognosis in malignant melanoma: An analysis of 215 cases from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study" potx

... n(%) 95 (44.2) 120 (55 .8) missing p-value Age Mean 68.00 67. 15 (range) (47-83) Mitotic count 0.001** (46-81) Gender Female 45( 47.4) 63 (52 .5) Male 50 (52 .6) 57 (47 .5) II 21(22.3) 50 (42.4) IIII 48 (51 .1) ... LMM, Other 1 95( 22) 1.00 1 95( 30) 1.00 1.00 Nodular 53 (24) 5. 63(3. 15- 10.08) 53 (22) 3.86(2.21-6.74) 2.32(1.20-4.94) 213(30) 35( 16) 1.00 5. 80(3.12-10.77) 1.00 6.29(3.46-11. 45) 1.00 3 .52 (1.63-7.61) ... 103(21) 4.39(1. 65- 11. 65) 1.93(0 .51 -7.26) 103(21) 1.70(0. 85- 3.40) IV-V 51 (21) 9.99(3.76-26 .55 ) 1.02(0.24-4.34) 51 (18) 3.04(1.49-6.22) Breslow Continuous 248(47) 1.07(1.03-1.11) 248 (53 ) 1.07(1.03-1.12)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

9 388 0