... Frequency from Rural and Urban areas ………………… 14 Figure Gender Distribution in Urban and Rural ………………… 15 Figure Marital Status of both Urban and Rural ………………………… 16 Figure Educational Attainment Graph ... Attainment Graph Comparison of Urban and Rural areas …………………………………………… 16 Figure Employment Status of Rural and Urban in Graph form … 17 Figure Opinion about water quality in Laguna Lake ………………… 18 ... communities in urban (Cabuyao, Sta Rosa and San Pedro) and rural areas (Victoria, Pila and Pagsanjan) surrounding Laguna lake about the water quality caused by pollution This study will further investigate
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2022, 13:06
... hygiene intervention in? ?urban and? ?rural schools in? ?Bangladesh: a pilot study Mahbub‑Ul Alam1*, Farhana Sultana1, Erin C. Hunter2,3, Peter J. Winch3, Leanne Unicomb1, Supta Sarker1, Mehjabin Tishan Mahfuz1, ... pilot intervention in four schools (2 urban, rural) in Dhaka, Bang‑ ladesh We selected 527 schoolgirls (grades to 10; aged 10 to 17 years) for a baseline survey and 528 girls at endline The intervention ... pads, and gender committees to promote a gender-friendly school environment and maintenance of intervention facilities We esti‑ mated intervention uptake and intervention effect by calculating
Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2022, 11:12
seasonality of water quality and diarrheal disease counts in urban and rural settings in south india
... water quality and diarrheal disease counts in urban and rural settings in south India Alexandra V. Kulinkina1, Venkat R. Mohan2, Mark R. Francis3, Deepthi Kattula3, Rajiv Sarkar3, Jeanine D. Plummer4, ... decreased and higher rainfall increased diarrheal risk with temperature being the predominant factor in urban and rainfall in rural sites Associations with microbial contamination were inconsistent; however, ... disease counts and WQ in public (i.e street level public taps in a groundwater fed distribution system) and private (i.e household water storage containers) domains in urban and rural sites in Vellore
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 16:29
Quản lý phát triển đô thị nông thôn theo hướng tăng cường khả năng chống chịu ở vùng đồng bằng sông cửu long (discussion on resiliency of urban and rural development in the mekong delta region
... Cities Resilience Index Understanding and measuring city resilience In: AL, S B E (ed.) Arup, Rockerfeller foundation CANADA, E D 2013 The High Cost of sprawl: Why Building More Sustainable Communities ... method for crafting robust decisions for a deeply uncertain world Global Environmental Change, 23, 485-498 HIEU, N N 2017 Integrated planning: from understanding to implementing institution Vietnam ... 2016 Urban flood management: from planning to implementation MCGEE, T G 1991 The Emergence of Desakota Regions in Asia : Expanding a Hypothesis The Extended Metropolis : Settlement Transition in
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2022, 17:45
Physical fitness among urban and rural Ecuadorian adolescents and its association with blood lipids: A cross sectional study
... as 60% of the 505,000 habitants are city dwellers, while Nabón is in a rural area with approximately 90% of 15,000 inhabitants living in the surrounding rural areas Data from the National Institute ... mean BMI increased In addition, in both rural and urban areas the improved scores the performance on the speed shuttle run and longer duration of bent arm hang were significant, and inversely ... increased In the urban area there was an inverse association of bent-arm-hang and handgrip with cholesterol and LDL In the rural area, adolescents who reached the Healthy Fitness Zone according
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 16:20
Numerical model for simulation of waves in surfzone and nearshore areas based on Boussinesq equations: Results for plane beaches
... Chen, Q., Kirby, J T., and Dalrymple, R A., 2000 Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation, breaking, and runup I: 1D Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering, 126(1), 39–47 [5] ... Nhóm tác giả xin trân trọng cảm ơn TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO [1] Schäffer, H A., Madsen, P A., and Deigaard, R., 1993 A Boussinesq model for waves breaking in shallow water Coastal engineering, 20(3–4), ... physical phenomena of waves in the nearshore areas, especially, suitable for the simulation of wave-induced current including rip currents Keywords: Boussinesq model, wave induced current, FVM, nearshore
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2020, 01:57
Doctoral thesis of Cultural studies: Khmer cultural values in building new rural areas in the Southwest
... serve agriculture and rural areas, take the market of rural areas to develop industry, narrow the income gap between rural areas and city 1.3.New rural areas in the southwest Building NRAITSW is ... focusing on building traditional villages in the ethnic group both to take advantage of leisure time, and to increase stable income for the Khmer in the countryside; Thirdly, training and retraining ... groups in and outside the region Building NRA is a right policy of our Party and State during the period of encouraging industrialization and modernization of the country Building new rural areas
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2020, 02:45
Designing an esp reading syllabus for civil servants of the ministry of agriculture and rural development at college of management in agriculture and rural development no1
... Read and understand Tables □ Read and understand manual instruction □ Read and understand basic grammatical pattems in texts □ Read and understand materials in English on agriculture and rural ... 2nd, 1996 by Minister o f Ministry o f Agriculture and Rural Development CMARD has been assigned to offer training and reíresher courses for civil servants working in agriculture and rural development ... anagement Training, the College o f Forestry M anagement Training and the College o f Water Resources Management Training under Decision 406TTg dated June 17*, 1996 by Prime Minister and Decision
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2021, 16:59
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) a comparative study of the solid waste management practices of households from urban and rural communities surrounding laguna lake, philippines
... practice more the proper SWM It is recommended to disseminate more information on proper SWM by conducting more seminars, training and projects in urban communities Further research is needed to identify ... industrial centers and mainly composed of agricultural lands Barangay – is a term referring to the smallest administrative division in a town in the Philippines Barangay Hall – refers to building or hall ... Municipal solid waste in the Philippines, 2008-2013 (Manzanera, 2011) Figure Surveyed households in urban areas 21 Figure Surveyed households in rural areas 21 Figure
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2022, 17:02
edom to explore examining the influence of independent mobility on weekday weekend and after school physical activity behaviour in children living in urban and inner suburban neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic status
... reduction in CIM has emerged in Australia and New Zealand [22], again in England [23] and New Zealand [24,25], and in other countries such as Sweden [26], Italy [6], Denmark [27] and Finland and other ... for heart and respiratory diseases [19] Data from the United Kingdom and Germany indicate that CIM has been in decline since the 1970s [20,21] Since Hillman and Adams’ landmark study into CIM, ... function and health outcomes [60- 68] and, b) increasing priority towards shifting time spent sedentary to time spent in light physical activity (i.e minimizing sedentary behaviour and maximizing light
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 09:27
links between fear of humans stress and survival support a non random distribution of birds among urban and rural habitats
... FID and CORTf nor differences in CORTf between urban and rural individuals If individuals choose to breed in urban habitats6 or in rural sites with different levels of human disturbance according ... relationship for rural individuals (see Results) Discussion Human disturbance and stress in urban and rural birds. With the accelerating pace of anthro- pogenic global change, understanding how organisms ... for urban and rural birds; “time” = between year differences Figure 2. Estimates of annual survival (mean and 95% CI) obtained for 109 urban and 74 rural adult burrowing owls Model φ urban φ rural
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 15:05
Role of social enterprises in agricultural and rural community development in myanmar challenges and opportunities
... more inclusive and sustainable future for rural communities in Myanmar by fostering collaboration, obtaining government backing, investing in technical and social training, and encouraging private ... Recommendation for Businesses and International Non-Governmental Organizations Investments made by private businesses and INGOs in social enterprises working in the agricultural and rural development ... providing training programs with an emphasis on sustainable farming techniques, entrepreneurship, marketing, and community engagement Technical training ensures the use of sustainable farming practices,
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2023, 06:19
(Luận văn) role of social enterprises in agricultural and rural community development in myanmar challenges and opportunities
... agricultural and rural communities during a challenging period characterized by the Covid-19 pandemic and a military coup in Myanmar With farmers facing difficulties sustaining their farming practices, ... agricultural and rural community in Myanmar, specifically focusing on their role in supporting farmers The research question and conceptual framework center around understanding the current challenges and ... Social Enterprise, including the challenges and opportunities encountered, as well as strategies for improving Social Enterprises in agricultural and rural development By employing a qualitative
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2023, 14:37
Overview of gender mainstreaming in agriculture and rural development in Vietnam
... organizations and civil society in promoting gender mainstreaming; and v) setting up institutional monitoring systems to track progress in gender mainstreaming in agriculture These are expanded on in Table ... remote areas are illiterate, leading to immense difficulty in obtaining credit for production and business Men tend to have more advantages in accessing credit for investments and training on using ... sustainable livelihood development; Increasing the participation of women in leadership and improving knowledge and skills of gender mainstreaming of staff managing and implementing policies and
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2024, 18:55
... ĐỀ CƢƠNG CHI TIẾT HỌC PHẦN QUY HOẠCH ĐÔ THỊ VÀ KHU DÂN CƢ NÔNG THÔN (URBAN AND RURAL RESIDENTIAL PLANNING) I Thông tin về học phần o Mã học phần: QL03089 o Số tín chỉ: 2 (2-0-4) ... học phần (Không quá 100 từ) QL03089 Quy hoạch đô thị và khu dân cƣ nông thôn (Urban and rural resideential planning (2TC: 2 – 0 – 4) Cơ cấu cƣ dân trong phạm vi vùng lãnh thổ; Đô thị và quá trình ... tế xây dựng phƣơng án quy hoạch V Nhiệm vụ của sinh viên - Chuyên cần: Sinh viên phải tham dự ít nhất 75% số tiết học - Chuẩn bị cho bài giảng: Sinh viên phải đọc giáo trình và sách tham khảo
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2024, 07:57
Tài liệu Child health inequities in developing countries: differences across urban and rural areas pptx
... in slums and peri -urban areas than in more privileged urban neighborhoods, and even than in rural areas [4,9] The evidence of large and even widening inequalities in health between the rich and ... socioeconomic inequalities in health in developing countries, by examining differences across urban and rural areas in health inequalities Specifically, the goals of this study are: (1) to document and ... than urban- rural differentials in malnutrition Comparing within -urban differentials in child malnutrition to ruralurban differentials in malnutrition shown in Table reveals that within-urban...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20
Schooling, transitions and reproductive citizenship for poor people in urban and rural north India: Preliminary results from Alwar and Dewas docx
... so In each district we have selected a rural and an urban community (hereinafter referred to as rural and urban Dewas, rural and urban Alwar) Basic information about the sites is provided in ... adulthood joined in and were unwilling to move away, and some mothers -in- law prevented women from being interviewed at all In considering the ways in which schooling experiences play into the lives ... adulthood? In particular, what difference does schooling make to the experiences of poor young women, in urban and rural areas in north India? The key transitions that young women face in north India...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20
Antenatal and delivery care utilization in urban and rural contexts in vietnam a study in two health and demographic surveillance sites
... area and 127 in the urban area 4.2 The Use of Antenatal and Delivery Care in Urban and Rural Areas High proportions of women using ANC and delivery care were observed in both sites Ninety-seven percent ... to urban areas and 4-fold among ethnic minority mothers compared to the Kinh majority [46] U5MR in mountainous areas and poor households is 3- to 4-fold compared to lowland areas and higher income ... framework in these LMICs [59, 60] Almost all HDSSs are located in rural areas, including FilaBavi and ChiliLab in Vietnam The urban HDSS in Hanoi aims to be a similar infrastructure for research and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 03:33
Comparision between background concentration of arsenic in urban and non urban areas of florida
... discernible in urban areas than in non -urban areas (Fig 2) There is a greater possibility of finding contaminated areas in urban environments due to greater human disturbance than in non -urban areas ... in soils from urban and non -urban areas In general, arsenic concentrations in urban areas were higher than those in non -urban areas Arsenic concentrations varied significantly with land-use in ... distribution in (a) Gainesville (ns200), (b) Miami (ns240), and non -urban areas (ns448) in Florida centrations in non -urban areas surrounding the two cities and land-use categories analyzed within the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:22