6 75 effect upon trade between member states

Commercial Law of the European Union Ius Gentium Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 4

Commercial Law of the European Union Ius Gentium Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 4

... 55 57 59 61 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 73 73 74 74 75 76 76 77 78 79 79 81 83 85 86 88 88 90 91 92 92 92 93 93 94 95 xxii Contents [3.135] [3.140] [3.145] [3.150] [3.155] [3. 160 ] [3. 165 ] [3.170] ... [20 06] ECR I -65 85; [2008] CMLR 16 (p 1297) [6. 50] Compagnie Maritime Belge Transports SA v Commission (C-395/ 96 P) [2000] ECR I-1 365 ; [2000] CMLR 10 76 [6. 40], [6. 105], [6. 110], [6. 115], [6. 120], ... 192 [6. 65] Object of the Agreement 192 [6. 70] Prevention, Restriction or Distortion 193 [6. 75] Effect upon Trade Between Member States ...

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2016, 22:31

596 1,3K 1
Số học 6 (30-31), 2 cột

Số học 6 (30-31), 2 cột

... = {1; 2; 3; 6} Vậy có cách chia tổ Cách chia thành tổ có tổ: (24 : 6) + ( 18 : 6) = ( HS) Mỗi tổ có HS nam HS nữ IV Củng cố (3'): - Nhắc lại cách giải BT - Tìm ƯC ( 16, 24), BC ( 16, 24) V Dặn ... ƯCLN(12,30) = ? ?2 Tìm ƯCLN ƯCLN(8,12, 15) = ? 36 = 22 32 84 = 22.3 168 = 23.3.7 Chọn thừa số chung: Số mũ nhỏ 2, số mũ nhỏ đó: ƯCLN( 36, 84, 168 ) = 23 = 12 Qui tắc: Muốn tìm ƯCLN hai hay nhiều ... ƯCLN(8, 2, 15) = 22 = 12 Tìm ƯCLN(24, 16, 8) 24 = 23 16 = 24 = 23 ƯCLN(24, 16, 8) = 23 = 24 IV Củng cố (3'): - Nhắc lại qui tắc tìm ƯCLN hai hay nhiều số - Tìm ƯCLN( 16, 24) V Dặn dò (2'): - Xem lại...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:25

4 330 0
Giáo án tiếng anh 6 Học kì II (Unit 10)

Giáo án tiếng anh 6 Học kì II (Unit 10)

... the next lesso -Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY th Period 61 : PartA : HOW DO YOU FEEL? EX – 5 ,6, 8 I Objectives: After this lesson, the S : - Ask and answer about the feeling ... lesson -Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period 63 th: PartB : FOOD AND DRINK EX – 4,5 ,6 I Objectives: After this lesson, the S : - Ask and answer about food and drink ... structures and ex - Prepare the next lesson -Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period 62 th: PartB : FOOD AND DRINK EX – 1,2,3 I Objectives: After this lesson, the S : - Ask and answer...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2013, 01:26

10 6,4K 62
Giáo án anh 6 Học kì 2(unit 13)

Giáo án anh 6 Học kì 2(unit 13)

... They are the beginning of sentences and between clauses -Ask the S to make up the sentences - SS= SS(GW) - S = S(PW) -Feedback 3- Practice -Ex on the page 1 36: Read aloud -Ask the s to repeat in ... make up the questions for the sentences in the text -Devide the class into groups -Call on each member of each group to write the question - S ,S ,S on the board Ex: We often play volleyball in...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2013, 01:25

10 715 1
Chapter 6 The Single Index Model and Bivariate Regression

Chapter 6 The Single Index Model and Bivariate Regression

... Probability 0.00 961 7 0.002000 0.150000 -0.187000 0.059024 -0.0 364 91 3.1 266 64 0.1 068 51 0.9479 76 Jarque-Bera Probability 0.013992 0.012000 0.148000 -0. 260 000 0. 068 353 -1.1045 76 5.952204 67 .97932 0.000000 ... = vs H1 : α 6= is tα=0 = −0.0002 − = −0.0 363 0.0 068 b so that α is only 0.0 363 estimated standard errors from zero Using a 5% signi& cance level, |t58 (0.025)| ≈ and |tα=0 | = 0.0 363 < so we not ... 1978:01 1982:12 Observations 60 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std Dev Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera Probability -2.31E-19 -0.000553 0.139584 -0.1040 26 0.051 567 0.493494 2.821 260 2.515234 0.284331 -0.10...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 15:17

20 495 0
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : Unit 5: THINGS I DO A1 - 2 (P52 - 53) pdf

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : Unit 5: THINGS I DO A1 - 2 (P52 - 53) pdf

... breakfast S1: What time you get up ? S2: 5.30 Name get up have breakfast play games homework Vien 5.30 6. 15 4.30 7.00 * Write it up (*) III HOMEWORK: - Do A1, (P44 - workbook) - Prepare A3, (P53, 54)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

4 924 1
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : Unit 6. PLACES A1 - 3 (P62-63) pptx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : Unit 6. PLACES A1 - 3 (P62-63) pptx

... there is lake Post reading: Picture dvill P62 or P63 EXample Exchange: - What's that ? - What are these - it's a river - They're trees Writing* A3 p63 Key: a) Our house has a yard b) it is near ... river and a park d) There are trees and flowers in the park III HOMEWORK - Do A1 (P60) - Prepare U6 - A4-5 (P64) IV TEACHER'S REMARK SELF - EVALUATION AND ... things in their books Feedback: T - WC While reading: A1 Our house P62 Ps read and check their prediction Ordering vocabulary * P62 I reads the second "bulebble" aloud "it's beautiful here " There...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

4 1,7K 0
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 11. WHAT DO YOU EAT? Lesson 4 B1,3-4 (P119-120) potx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 11. WHAT DO YOU EAT? Lesson 4 B1,3-4 (P119-120) potx

... 2 noodles beef 6( milk) 7/5 h vegetables bananas orange juice water Word cue drill: Example exchange B3 P120 Breakfast/ ... a coke etc III HOME WORK: Learn by heart vocabulary and structure Do B1 Prepare U11 lesson5 B5 -6 (P120) IV TEACHER’S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

4 2,9K 2
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 12. SPORTS AND PASTIMES Lesson 1 A1,2 (P124-125) ppt

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 12. SPORTS AND PASTIMES Lesson 1 A1,2 (P124-125) ppt

... WORK: - Learn by heart vocabulary and pattern - Do A1,2 (workbook) - Prepare U12 lesson A3-5 P125-1 26 IV TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

5 3,1K 5
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 14 MAKING PLANS Lesson 1 A1-3 (P134-135) pot

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 14 MAKING PLANS Lesson 1 A1-3 (P134-135) pot

... The summer vacation (1) The citadel (2) (to) stay with (someone) (3) (to) stay for (4) my uncle (6) my aunt (5) (to) visit (2) Presentation dialogue: Reading : A1 P140 - Teacher models - Students...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

5 5,6K 17
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 14 MAKING PLANS Lesson 3 B1-4 (P144-145) docx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 14 MAKING PLANS Lesson 3 B1-4 (P144-145) docx

... match S3: … III HOME WORK: - Learn by heart the example - Do B1-4 (workbook) - Prepare B5 -6 (P145-1 46) IV TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

4 1,4K 2
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 15 COUNTRIES Lesson 5 C1-2 (P162-164) doc

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 15 COUNTRIES Lesson 5 C1-2 (P162-164) doc

... đặc trưng Beach (n) bói tắm  Presentation text:  Comprehension questions (answer key) C1 P 162 - 163 What are the “ natural features” Lan tells us about? ( mountains rivers lakes rain forests ... of mountains/ rivers/ forests(countable N) Rain Practice: (uncountable N)  Picture drill C2 P 164 a→g Example exchange: S1: Does the Vietnam have lots of (mountains)? S2: yes, it does (nb: the ... III HOME WORK: - Learn by heart the vocabulary and pattern - Do C1-2 (work book) - Prepare C3 P 165 IV TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

4 1,3K 0
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 15 COUNTRIES Lesson 6 pps

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 15 COUNTRIES Lesson 6 pps

... by heart the vocabulary - Read the text more than once - Do C3 (work book) - IV Prepare U 16 A1-3 P 166 - 167 TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ... mountain in the world While reading:  C3 P 165 Students read and check their true/ false prediction Key: a) T b) F c) F d) T e) F  Comprehension questions C3 P 165 Luck numbers a) LN! b) What are the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

5 2,4K 1
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 2 A2 (P166-167) doc

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 2 A2 (P166-167) doc

... Hai has on his farm and things he proceduces - Mr Hai has Mr Hai proceduces While reading: A2 P 166 (ignore” a dog and a cat”) Students checks their prediction Key: Mr Hai has: paddy fields a small ... chickens cows Mr Hai produces: rice 2.vegetables fruit milk eggs Comprehension questions: A2 P 167 a→e Grids (with key) Hai has/ grows/ proceduces… lot A Some Paddy fields  Rice A few A little ... (produce)? S2: ( a lot) III HOME WORK: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do A2 (work book) - Prepare A4-5 (P 168 ) IV TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

5 942 2
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 . MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 1 doc

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 . MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 1 doc

... are there? S2: There are ( a few) Production: chain game “ What’s for dinner?” Example A1 P 166 A3- 167 S1: There’s a little rice S2: There’s a little rice and some tomatoes S3: There’s a little ... few… S4: etc… III HOME WORK: - Learn by heart the pattern - Do A1,3 (work book) - Prepare A2 (P 166 - 167 ) IV TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ... Tablesveges (vegetables) Presentation: Presentation text A1 P 166  Model sentence: - How much rice is there? - There’s some a lot of = (lots of) rice a little...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

4 1K 2