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Tiêu đề Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction A Case Study on Customer Care Service at Thai Nguyen Motor Trade and Service Limited Liability Company
Tác giả Nguyen Thi To Uyen
Trường học Central Philippine University
Chuyên ngành Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Thể loại research proposal
Năm xuất bản 2013
Thành phố Philippines
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  EVALUATION OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SATISFACTION A CASE STUDY ON CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE AT THAI NGUYEN MOTOR TRADE AND SERVICE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY A Research Proposal Presented to the College of Business and Accountancy Central Philippine University, Philippines In Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration, Vietnam In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION  Presented by: by:  NGUYEN THI TO UYEN UYEN October 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS   Page Content CHAPTER THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING 1.1 Background and Rationale of the Study Study 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Theoretical Framework  1.4 Conceptual Framework  1.5 The Operational Definitions 1.6 Significance of the Study 1.7 Scope and Delimitation CHAPTER REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical review 2.1.1 Define of customer  2.1.2 Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction Customer care 2.1.3 Service quality 2.1.4 Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Gap Model of Service Quality Quality Hezberg's Two Factor Theory Theory Relationship between customer customer care and customer satisfaction 2.1.5 Relationship between customer customer care and customer customer satisfaction Customer care as a means of customer satisfaction Fostering customer opinions as a means of customer Satisfaction Customer care as a means of business survival  2.1.6 Customer satisfaction measurement and model reasearc reasearch h Customer satisfaction measurement Model reasearch of customer satisfaction measurement  2.2 Related empirical studies CHAPTER 3:.METHODOLOGY 3:.METHODOLOGY 3.1.Research 3.1.Researc h Design 3.2 Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique 3.3 Research Instrument 3.4 Data Gathering Procedure   CHAPTER THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING 1.1 Background and Rationale of the Study Actually, in the competitive environment, customers are the most important factor of the enterprise’s existence What enterprise gains the attention and the loyalty of the customers will have sustai sus tainab nable le dev develo elopme pment nt Th Thee bu busin siness ess str strateg ategies ies red redirec irectt to consum sumers ers are becomi becoming ng lead leading ing   important strategies of the business How to meet the customer’s needs as well as giving customers the highest satisfaction are always the problem that the enterprise try to with all their abilities Therefore, the research on customer’s satisfaction with the products of the enterprise is an important task to carry out continuous and regular to be able to respond promptly to customer needs So, the enterprise can conquer the customers by making making them satisfied when using the enterprise product Along with the process of the liberalization trade which is taking place aggressive around the world The enterprise recognize that the customers’s satisfaction strategic weapon which bring to the enterprise profits and market share Compared with one customer is satistified, the capacity of a customer is very pleased with becoming a loyal customer and continue to buy or introduce the  product to the other person will be times higher The loyalty increase 5% like the enterprise’s  benefit increase 25%-85% So, the evaluation of the customer’s satisfaction is very important to every enterprises Surveys and assessments will help enterprise better understand their customers, what they satisfied or not satisfied with the product, that helps the enterprise have the sustainable development Honda Thai Nguyen also pays lots of attention to the customers This one was confirmed by: “Since its establishment in 1996 , Honda Thai Nguyen has operated on the principle of the development of  the company has always been associated with the development of contribution community Honda Thai Nguyen strives to provide quality products globally with reasonable prices for the highest satisfaction of Thai Nguyen’s customers We have expanded production output and production capacityy , develo capacit developp traini training, ng, technolo technology gy transf transfer er , implementati implementation on of localizatio localizationn , export export and many other activities to exceed the expectations of customers and contribute to the development of  industry in the country.” Therefore, understanding and satisfying customer needs is especially essential in the context of increasing current During the process of internships in HondaThai Nguyen Service and Trade, Co,Ltd., I had an opportunities to study on the evaluation of quality customer care services The evaluation of the customers’ custom ers’ss sat satisf isfact action ion on the cus custom tomer er care serv service ice is very very im impor portan tantt and be being ing tthe he to topp  priority of the company So I was especially focused on the customer care, aiming to please the   customer That why I selected the topic: “Evaluating customer’s satisfaction with the customer care services HondaThai Nguyen Service and Trade, Co,Ltd.” as my subject 1.2 Objectives General objective Topic evaluate customer ‘s satisfaction with customer care services in Thai Nguyen Motorbike Service and Trade, Co,Ltd Performing this subject with a title of better caring customers because of  hoping the outputs of this study may be useful for the enterprise to improve the management, the quality of services to help customer satisfaction in the future    Specific objectives objectives Specifically, this study aims to: - Review of the theoretical basis for customer care and customer’s customer’s satisfaction to service quality quality - Evaluation and analysis of factors affecting customer satisfaction in Thai Nguyen Motorbike Service and Trade, Co,Ltd - Proposing some solutions to promote the strengths and overcome weaknesses to improve the quality of customer care service of moto Thai Nguyen trading and service company limited 1.3 Theoretical Framework   Phan cho vao chuong thi hop ly hon Con khung ly thuyet em nen ve so do, tong hop lai moi quan he giua nhung van de ly thuyet lien quan den van de nghien cuu va moi quan he giua chung! Research questions 1.4 Conceptual Framework  Level of analysis ANALYZ E * How is customer care service provided to * Customer care service P In this study, the researches uses mainly qualitative to analyze the customers reality situation and propose R    O * How areand customer’s solutions to* assess asse ss satisfaction of customer at Thai Nguy Nguyen en Motorbike Service Trade,Co.,Ltd Customer’s perceptions C rceptions of com’s E The framework will be presented in the diagram as follows: services S * Value for company S * What is the impact of  understaslong company     Figure 1.Conceptual Framework of the Study From From that that sh shee wa want nt to po poin intt out out the the re rema main ined ed prob proble lems ms and and limi limitat tatio ions ns of asse assess ss cust custom omer  er  satisfaction in Thai Nguyen Motorbike Service and Trade,Co.,Ltd, and proposes recommendations and solutions to improve the quality service company  1.5 The Operational Definitions - Age: refers to years of living - Sex: refer to know the employees male or female - Empoly Empolyee ee:: An individual who works works part-time  part-time or full full-ti -time me un unde derr a contrac tractt of emp employ loymen ment,t,   whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights and duties duties Also called called  worker  - Customer: An individual or business that purchases the goods or services produced by a business The customer is the end goal of businesses, since it is the customer who pays for supply and creates demand Businesses will often compete through advertisements or sales in order to attract a larger  customer base - Eduacation: knowledge,, skills, skills,   Education in its general sense is a form of  learning in which the knowledge and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research - Address: is a collection of information, presented in a mostly fixed format, used for describing the location of a building, apartment, or other structure or a plot of land, generally using  political  boundaries and street names as as house or  or apartment apartment numbers references, along with other identifiers such   - Service: Any activity or benifit that one party can offer to another that is assentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything - Satisfaction is as a judg judgment ment following a consumptio consumptionn exper experience-i ience-itt is the consu consumer’s mer’s judgmen judgmentt that a product provided (or is providing) a pleasureable level of consumption-related fulfillment (adapted from Oliver 1997) - Customer satisfaction (CSAT): is a measure of the degree to which a product or service meets the customer's expectations - Care service: is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase - Tangibles: external representation of the physical facilities, equipment, employees and materials, information tools - Reliability: ability to make appropriate service and exactly what commitment, promise - Responsiveness: the desired level and the willing of serving our customers in a timely manner - Assurance: knowledge, expertise and elegant style of service staff, the ability to trust customers - Empathy: showing the kindnesses, the concerns to the individual client 1.6 Significance of the study The study will help to build on the researcher’s knowledge and understanding of the study variables It will also help the researcher to gain more skills of conducting research and this will be important to the researcher while in office or pursuing further studies It will also help the researcher to appreciate the concept of customer care services The study findings will help to identify and highlight the weaknesses in customer care of company and how customer care influences customer satisfaction and how to design an appropriate customer  care service programme This will help company to recover its customers after implementing the   necessary customer care services and it will be able to compete fully with other company both local and international The study findings will help to build on the body of the existing literature and knowledge This will help to provide reference for future researchers and they will be able to carry out research with ease since this study will provide secondary data to the researchers.  researchers   The study is also expected to add knowledge on the existing knowledge about customer care services to the public This will help the public recognize and appreciate customer care services The  public especially customers of the company will be able recognize certain care services they are supposed to receive from service provide 1.7 Scope and delimitation  Content scope: The content focuses on issues surrounding "customer satisfaction with customer care services of Honda in trade limited company and service motorcycles Thai Nguyen A back up plan to the difficulties in promoting business service quality and customer care in companies Time scope: Research time Secondary data from 2010-2013 company Primary data collected during the month 11/2013  space scope:  Nguyen Research Resear ch space at Limited com company pany serv services ices comm commercial ercial and moto motorcycle rcycless Thai   CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical review We define customer satisfaction, discuss the importance of customer satisfaction in relationship with retention and loyalty and present a short review of measurement tools of customer satisfaction 2.1.1 Define of customer  A customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product, or idea, obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier for a monetary or other valuable consideration.[1][2] Customers are generally categorized into two types: An intermediate customer or trade customer (more informally: "the trade") who is a dealer  that purchases goods for re-sale.[3][1] An ultimate customer who does not in turn re-sell the things bought but either passes them to the consumer or actually is the consumer.[3][1] 45   CHAPTER 3:.METHODOLOGY 3.1.Research Design This study used both qualitative and quantitative methods of calculation Qualitative methods were used through the table of questions sent to customers describe collect custome cust omerr app appreci reciati ation on Qua Qualit litati ative ve met methods hods are used in the dis discus cussio sions, ns, chat chat wit withh customers, experts on the elements of customer satisfaction with customer care services as well as the study of the care lieueulieen the company's customers 3.2 Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique Random selection in the clients of Thai Nguyen Motorbike Service and Trade, Co,Ltd using this formula  N = total population d = sampling error  Z = confidence level (95 percent = 1.96)  p = the estimated proportion of the population to be studied n = the desired sample size 46     N= 1500 d = 0.05 z = 1.96  p = 0.50 sample size :305  Research Instrumen 3.3. Research Instrument  t  Using the table of the survey questionnaire, interviews Customers will receive a table of  survey question and a detail instruction to get correctly answers \ Doi tuong hoi Bang hoi Muc dich cua cau hoi 3.4 Data Gathering Procedure Collect documents and related information from Thai Nguyen Motorbike Service and Trade, Co., Ltd 47   Send ma mail il for getti getting ng a perm permiss ission ion of using dat dataa tocom tocompany pany dir direct ector or custo customer  mer  relations department If approved, the work continues to prepare data collection Prepari Preparing ng and usi using ng tool toolss for data ccollec ollection: tion: usb, voice voice recorde recorder, r, came camera, ra, … Rese Researc archh conduct conducted ed on tthe he da data ta co coll llect ected ed Primary and secondary data Pr Prim imary ary da data ta:: Sa Samp mpli ling ng me meth thod: od: sel selec ecte tedd by ran random dom samp sampli ling ng me meth thod od selection and edit the questions based on the opinions of experts Data collec col lected ted by the rese research arch quest question ionss and techn techniqu iques es of intervi interviewi ewing ng the customers who have used, got the customer care services of the company Sec Seconda ondary ry data: inf inform ormati ation, on, data reporti reporting ng of cust custome omerr care ser servic vices es are stored in the customer relations department of the company  Tools of table of survey questions for clients including parts: - Part I is information, the profile of the respondents who use / receive the customer care service of Vina motor - Par Partt II is th thee ex expe pect ctat atio ion, n, th thee de desi sire re of cu cust stom omer er with with el elem emen ents ts:: Reabi Reabili lity ty,, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles of customer care services - Part III is the evaluation of the customer’s comments with customer care services by factors:  Reability, Responsiveness, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles by the mesure of  Likert 48   - Part IV reviews the customer’s satisfaction with the customer care services of the company scale Likert Strongly Disagree disagree Neither nor disagree  agree Agree Strongly ag agree The process variables measured by Likert scale ingredients variable Personal inform information ation of the response object scale +Gender  +Age +Level +Uses +Us es cust custome omerr care serv service icess Information about + get customer care service + Reability Li Like kert rt gap gap year  year  the customer's opinion + Responsiveness from = Strongly of + Assurance Disagree + Empathy Strongly Agree the quality of  service aspects to = + Tangibles 49   Info opinion of  + satisfaction customer satisfaction Likert gap year   from = Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree  Scale using the Likert point scale, with choices ranging from to as follows Range 4.5 - 5.0 3.5 - 4.49 Evaluating level Strong agree Agree = 3.5 4.49 2.5 - 3.49 1.5 - 2.49 1.0 - 1.49 Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strong disagree Dat Dataa proce processi ssing ng and ana analys lysis is Xu ly so lieu bang phan mem exce Danh gia va phan tich tich so lieu theo mơ hình SERVQUAL SERVQUAL Kết liệu thu thập dung phần ph ần mềm sử dụng máy tính Cịn đây,có phải nêu bảng đo lường khoảng cách giữ mong đợi cảm nhậnthước đo SERVQUAL  phải chi tiết biến phần + Reability + Responsiveness + Assurance + Empathy 50   + Tangibles + satisfaction TABLE SURVEY OF CONSUMER SATISFACTION OF CUSTOMER  SERVICE AT HONDA OF TRADING COMPANY LIMITED SERVICE ENGINE AND THAI NGUYEN Dear you I am a student of Business Administration University of economics and  business administration Thai Nguyen , Vietnam We are researching topics "Eva "E valu luat atio ionn of cust custom omer er sati satisf sfac acti tion on with with cust custom omer er ca care re se serv rvic ices es in Commercial & Co motorcycle services in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam " Attached is the questionnaire which has six simple questions Please not leave any questions unanswered We need your opinion / her about this issue I hope he / she may take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire 51    below Opinions of him / her is very important to help me complete this study Sincere thanks to the help of him / her *EXPECTATIONS This survey deals with your opinions of Vinamotor Thainguyen's customer  care care servic servicee Plea Please se sh show ow the exte extent nt to which which you th thin inkk Vina Vinamo moto tor  r  Thainguyen's customer care service should posses the following features Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly nor disagree agree 52   53   A Tangibles Vinamotor Thai Nguyen company will have modern equipment The The phys physic ical al fac facil ilit itie iess at Vin Vinam amot otor or Th Thai Ngu Nguye yenn will appealing Empbe loyvisually ees at V inamotor Thai Nguyen will be neat appearing Materials associated with the customer care service (such as pamphlets or statements) will be visually appealing at an Vinamotor Thai Nguyen company B Reliability Cust Custom omer er ca care re se serv rvic icee of of Vin Vinam amot otor or Thai Thai Nguy Nguyen en will have reliable Whe henn cust ustomer omer ser service vice care care of Vin Vinamot amotoor Thai Thai  Nguyen compan y promise to something by a certain time, they When When a cust custom omer er has has a pr prob oble lem, m, cust custom omer er se serv rvic icee care of Vinamotor Thai Nguyen company will show a sincere interest in solving it cust custom omer er serv servic icee care care of Vinam Vinamot otor or Thai Thai Nguy Nguyen en company will perform the service right the first time Cust Custom omer er serv servic icee care care of Vina Vinamo moto torr Tha Thaii Ngu Nguye yenn company will provide the service at the tim timee they  promise to so so 10 All procedures of customer service care of  Vinamotorr Thai Nguyen Vinamoto Nguyen company company will easy easy and convenient for customer  11 Custom Customer er servic servicee care of of Vinamo Vinamotor tor Thai Thai Nguy Nguyen en 54 company will insist on error free records   * PERCEPTIONS Thee fo Th foll llow owin ingg stat statem emen ents ts re rela late te to your your feel feelin ings gs abou aboutt th thee part partic icul ular  ar  Vinamotor Thainguyen's Thainguyen's customer care care service you chose Please show show the extent to which you believe Vinamotor Thainguyen's customer care service has the feature described in the statement Here, we are interested in a number numb er that that sh show owss your your perc percep epti tion onss abou aboutt Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's customer care service Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly disagree nor disagree agree 55   A Tangibles Vinamotor Th Thai Ng Nguyen ccoompany has modern equipment The The physical facilities at Vinamotor Thai  Nguyen are visually appealing appealing Emp Employees at Vinamotor Thai Nguyen are neat appearing Mate Materi rial alss assoc associa iate tedd with with the the cus custo tome merr care care service (such as pamphlets or statements) are visu visual ally ly appe appeal alin ingg at an Vina Vinamo moto torr Th Thai  Nguyen company B Reliability Customer care service of Vinamotor Thai  Nguyen have reliable reliable When customer service care of Vinamotor  Thaai Nguyen company promise to Th something by a certain time ,it does so When When a cu custo stomer has has a pro robl bleem, cus custo tom mer  se serv rvic icee ca care re of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thai Nguy Nguyen en company show a sincere interest in solving it Customer service care of Vinamotor Thai  Nguyen company perform the service right the first time Customer service care of Vinamotor Thai  Nguyen company provide the service at the 56   time they promise to so All procedur procedures es of customer customer service service care care of  Vinamotor Vinam otor Thai Thai Nguyen Nguyen compan companyy easy and and convenient for customer  Custom Cus tomer er servic servicee care care of Vinamo Vinamotor tor Tha Thaii  Nguyen company insist insist on error free free records C Responsiveness Em Empl ploy oyee eess of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's cust cu stom omer er care care serv servic icee friendly and gets on well with customer  Empl Em ploy oyee eess of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's customer care service tell customers exactly when services will be performed Empl Em ploy oyee eess of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's customer care service give prompt service to customers Empl Em ploy oyee eess cust cu stom omer er ca care re al alwa ways ys be will willin ingg to help help of al alwa ways ys polit politee and and Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's customers Employ Empl oyee eess of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's cussto cu tom mer car aree have ave hotl hotlin inee resp espond ond to customers’ requests D Assurance Em Empl ploy oyee eess of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's customer care service have the knowledge to answer customers’ questions 57   Empl Em ploy oyee eess customer custo mer care service service resolve resolve customer customer's 's complaints and request quickly and rational Empl Em ploy oyee eess of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's custom cus tomer er ca care re servic servicee handli handling ng operat operation ionss quickly and accurately Custom Cus tomers ers of Vinamo Vinamoto torr Thaing Thainguye uyenn feel feel  belive, of Vina Vinamo moto torr comfortable Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's in Vinamotor  E Thainguyen's customer care service Empathy Vina Vi namo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's cust custom omer er service give customers individual attention 2 Vinamo Vina moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's cust custom omer er service have operating hours ca care re ca care re and communication space convenient to all their  customers Empl Em ploy oyee eess customer care service have employees who of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's give customers personal attention Employ Empl oyee eess of Vina Vinamo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's customer custo mer care care service service understan understandd the needs needs and wants of customers Vina Vi namo moto torr Thai Thaing nguy uyen en's 's cust custom omer er service have their customer’s best interests at ca care re heart 58    Name of Interviewer / Tên người người vấn: Signature / Chữ ký 59   REFERENCES Em trich dan TLTK the cung chua duoc dau Lam lai nhe Phan Tu lam tot hon, em co the tham khao Cronin & Taylor (1992, cited in Jainet al (2004, p 25-37) (Bui Thi Tam, Department of Tourism, Tourism, University University SCIENCE SCIENCE MAGAZI MAGAZINE-Hue NE-Hue,, Hue 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Ngày đăng: 07/01/2022, 22:16



