Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics, in Vietnam.
Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics, in Vietnam Student : Duong Thi Thu Dieu Class : SD-MBA1 ID : 11752303 Advisor : Dr Chiang- Yuan Huang Co-Advisor: Nguyen Hiep OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Introduction q Research Background/Motive q Research Purposes/Objective Literature reviews Research Methods Concluding Remarks o References INTRODUCTION In the progress of development and integration, education is one of the most important factors to develop country’s human resources In order to upgrade quality of education as well as to meet the expectation of training needs, education becomes more and more socializing In that process, under-graduated education plays an important role to develop high-class human resources Nowadays, in a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is considered as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy Thus, all corporations have tried to improve their ability to meet potential and target customer expectation as well as make them satisfied In order to explore key factors that affect customer satisfaction, real surveys are necessary There is no doubt that real surveys are one of the most efficient ways to have proper information and accurate data This is mainly because they are designed to target customers and processes Surveying program is widely used in different fields Most of worldwide universities use this method to determine student satisfaction on their services Then, basing on the surveying results, proper action plants are taken to improve current educational service quality Another beneficial aspect of this method is to enhance their brand name through this activity Keywords: Service quality, SEVRQUAL , Student’s satisfaction, Higher education, DUE INTRODUCTION Universities are considered as service providers Their target customers and services are completely specific comparing to other normal business Due to their differences, customer satisfaction is a key factor for surviving and developing Indeed, hearing customer voice and pay enough attention to their demands and expectations are one of decisive principles of measuring customer satisfaction In educational field, quality of services have to be measured basing on feedback and evaluation form students instead of specific criteria or theoretical standards In all, Universities should objectively recognize and self-evaluate their current service quality basing on customer needs and expectations Also, efficient and strategic solutions should be built on practical research The study “Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics” is carried out and formed basing on argument above RESEARCH BACKGROUND Ø Nowadays, tertiary educators are being called for the quality of education that they provide to account Ø In higher education, the definition of customer is quite different from the manufacturing or general services since groups such as students, employers, academic staff, government and families are all customers of the education system with a diversity of requirements RESEARCH BACKGROUND § Alridge and Rowley (2001) in particular suggested that the perceived service quality of students is an antecedent to student satisfaction § Hoffman and Bateson (1997) defined SERVQUAL as an attitude that is established by a long-term assessment on overall performance Service quality is about delivery of excellent or high rate of service relative to customer or exceeds their expectations (Tahar, 2008) § Parasuraman et al., (1985) defined service quality as a form of attitude that is related to customers‟ expectations and perceptions § According to Lassar, Manolis and Winsor (2000), two most prevalent and widely accepted perspectives on service quality include the SERVQUAL model and the Technical/Functional Quality framework RESEARCH BACKGROUND § Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) however listed ten determinants of service quality that can be generalized to any type of service: - The ten dimensions include tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security and understanding - In addition, these ten dimensions were then regrouped in the wellknown five dimensions in the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 1990) which include assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness and tangibility RESEARCH PURPOSE v The overall objective of the research is to recognize the underlying factors of service quality of Danang university of economics (DUE) q To examine the relationship between service quality dimensions (tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, empathy and overall service quality) and students satisfaction q To examine critical factors in service quality (tangibility,responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy) that contributes most to satisfaction q To propose a wide range of petitions and solutions to improve current procedure and process as well as to make learners more satisfied LITERATURE REVIEWS q This section reviews the relevant literature on satisfaction and service quality, service quality dimensions, and relationship among them q Service quality § Service quality is a crucial concept in the contemporary marketing § Service quality in the field of higher education can be defined as the difference between student expectation and perception against actual their actual experience § Alridge and Rowley (2001) in particular suggested that the perceived service quality of students is an antecedent to student satisfaction Hoffman and Bateson (1997) defined SERVQUAL as an attitude that is established by a longterm assessment on overall performance § Service quality is about delivery of excellent or high rate of service relative to customer or exceeds their expectations (Tahar, 2008) § Parasuraman et al., (1985) defined service quality as a form of attitude that is related to customers‟ expectations and perceptions LITERATURE REVIEWS § According to Lassar, Manolis and Winsor (2000), two most prevalent and widely accepted perspectives on service quality include the SERVQUAL model and the Technical/Functional Quality framework § Gronroos (1984) held that service quality is made up of three dimensions "the technical quality of the outcome", "the functional quality of the encounter" and “the company corporate image” He argued that in examining the determinants of quality, it is necessary to differentiate between quality associated with the process of service delivery and quality associated with the outcome of service, judged by the consumer after the service is performed § Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) however listed ten determinants of service quality that can be generalized to any type of service The ten dimensions include tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security and understanding In addition, these ten dimensions were then regrouped in the well-known five dimensions in the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 1990) which include assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness and tangibility LITERATURE REVIEWS q Service Quality Dimensions v Parasuraman, et al., (1985) found 10 dimensions of service quality, that include - tangibles, reliability, courtesy, responsiveness, security, competency, access, communication, credibility, and understanding Later in 1988, they summarized these ten dimensions to five; tangibles, assurance, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy: • Tangibles refer to the appearance of physical factors such as equipment, facilities used by a service based company as well as to the appearance of service employees • Empathy refers to caring and individualized attention that the firm provides to its customers • Assurance includes competence, courtesy, credibility and security This dimension involves capabilities such as delivering services with respect, polite, and effective communication • Reliability can be defined as the ability to perform the service in an accurate and dependable manner • The responsiveness Dimension relates to the willingness of the company to assist its customers in providing them with a good, quality and fast service LITERATURE REVIEWS Đ Student Satisfaction ã Satisfaction is a function of relative level of expectations and perceives performance • Most student satisfaction study focus on the perspective of customer, researchers is facing a problem of creating a standard definition for student satisfaction thus providing a need of customer satisfaction theory to be selected and modified so that it can explain the meaning of student satisfaction (Hom, 2002) • According to Sapri et al., (2009) mentioned that students’ satisfaction is a shortterm attitude that results from evaluation of their experience on education services that they had received • Kotler and Clarke (1987) define satisfaction as a state felt by a person who has experience performance or an outcome that fulfill his or her expectation § Many researches on students satisfaction that concerned with quality of courses and teaching (Mavondo, & Zaman, 2000, & Sapri, et al, 2009) LITERATURE REVIEWS § Service Quality and Students Satisfaction • Service quality and customer satisfaction are basically two different issues but can be highly interrelated • According to Gao & Wei,2004,the key to sustainable competitive advantage lays in delivering high quality of service that in turn result to customer • Satisfaction is a function of relative level of expectations and perceives performance The expectation may go as far as before the students even enter the higher education, suggesting that it is important to the researchers to determine first what the students expect before entering the university (Palacio, Meneses & Perez, 2002) • According to the study by Kanji, Abdul Malek and Wallace (1999) give some insights on the real situation of the Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia Most institutions give a great deal of importance to meeting customers' expectations which is similar to business organization, but they still lack customer awareness among the staff, and it has become a common drawback for many institutions LITERATURE REVIEWS Authors Scale Dimension Bez- jian and Griego, 2006 Modified SERVQUAL Tangibility Program content class structure Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Bradley R Barnes, 2007 Modified SERVQUAL Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy University Guidance Robert J Angell, Troy W Heffernan and Phil Megicks, 2008 IPA Academic Leisure Industry links Cost LITERATURE REVIEWS Authors John B Ford, Mathew Joseph, Beatriz Joseph, 2009 (Babar Zaheer Butt and Kashif ur Rehman,2010) Scale Modified IPA Dimension Academic reputation Career opportunities Programme issues Cost/time Physical aspects Location Other § Teachers’ expertise Courses offered § Learning environment and § Aldemir and Gulcan (2004) § Classroom facilities Institutional factors Extracurricular activities Demographic RESEARCH METHODS § Theoretical framework: Objectives of research Information needs collection Quantitative research Observations Sample Selection Collective Data Process Data & Analysis information Research Result RESEARCH METHODS q This study will be adopted from Parasuraman’s SERVQUAL dimensions § The dependent variable in this study is overall student satisfaction § The independent variable in this study is service quality at Danang University of economics that measures the level of satisfaction with service performance § The dimensions included in this variable are tangibility, assurance, responsiveness, reliability, and empathy • Tangibles: physical facilities, equipment and appearance of personnel • Reliability: ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately • Responsiveness: willingness to help customers and provide prompt service • Assurance.: knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence • Empathy: caring individualized attention the firm provides its customers Ø which can affect the student satisfaction with the quality of education offered by Danang university of economics RESEARCH METHODS Reasearch model: The conceptual framework of student satisfaction with different educational services is presented here (by Parasuraman’s SERVQUAL dimensions) Tangibles H1 Reliability H2 Responsiveness Tangibles Student’s Satisfaction H3 Reliability Career Guidance H4 Assurance H5 Empathy Independent Variable DependentVariable RESEARCH METHODS Hypothesis: H1: Tangibility has positive relationship with Student satisfaction H2: Reliability has positive relationship with Student satisfaction H3: Responsiveness has positive relationship with Student satisfaction H4: Assurance has positive relationship with Student satisfaction H5: Empathy has positive relationship with Student satisfaction Measureming instrument This study use quantitative method Measurement of components in research model Questionaire design will be based on this measurement This variables will use 5-point Likert scale, within: (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree There are three sections in the questionnaire: Section A: Demographic factor (gender, age and semester of study) Section B: Measurement of Service Quality at Danang University of Economics(tangibility, assurance, reliability, responsiveness and empathy) Section C: Measurement of Student Satisfaction RESEARCH METHODS qSample selection The population of this study is the student of Danang University of economics In this study, minimum size of sample is about 250 After survey, questionaires with many blanks, not have unification in answer trend… will be extracted Valid questionaires will be coded and input data to SPSS software qData analysis The data analysis for this study will be conducted through SPSS software CONCLUDING REMARKS Expected Results and Contributions q Theoretical significance Results of this research could demonstrate and give more supporting ideas to support to theories of customer satisfaction More importantly, they emphasize the necessity of putting research patterns into practice in educational field, especially in under-graduated education q Practical significance Basing on the result of study “Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics”, verification is definitely important because it will be a foundation to help Da Nang Economics of University improve its management ability as well as efficiently apply a great deal of solutions for investing in Human Resources, upgrading and improving current service quality REFERENCES (1) Aldemir, C and Gulcan, Y (2004), “Students Satisfaction in Higher Education: A Turkish Case”, Higher Education Management and Policy, 16(2), 109-122 Aldridge, S 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Kara, A and Kaynak, E (2005), “Determinants of business student satisfaction and retention in higher education: applying Herzberg’s two factor theory”, International Journal of Educational Management,