ôn tập kỹ năng đọc viết 4 dành cho sinh viên chuyên anh ngữ ... A beneficial and sustainable relationship is very important in the working environment and in life. Behavior in communication will determine whether or not relationship building is permanent, based on a permanent bond of trust and generosity. So, how to build and maintain a stable relationship? I will give three steps as follows:
(1) Analyze steps to build and maintain a stable relationship A beneficial and sustainable relationship is very important in the working environment and in life Behavior in communication will determine whether or not relationship building is permanent, based on a permanent bond of trust and generosity So, how to build and maintain a stable relationship? I will give three steps as follows: The first step is to always be optimistic and love life If you are an open person to those around you, they will feel very comfortable around you If you are in contact with people for the first time, you express the joy and happiness as friends meet for a long time Smiling faces will always be the strength to build a good relationship Conveying comfort and optimism, vitality and enthusiasm to the people around you, will bring you to establish a sustainable relationship The second step is to listen deeply Listening attentively will take you further in identifying the deepest words and messages from Concentrate attentively and listen to the messages conveyed from within and behind their words At the same time listen both with eyes and with heart The third step is to show empathy Empathy is the basis for creating two good relationships Be happy to ignore their mistakes and you want them to ignore your mistakes Share their feelings all the time, both when they fail and when they reach glory, motivating them when they are in trouble An honest and empathetic emotion will reinforce trust in everyone In conclusion, it takes always be optimistic and love life, listen deeply and show empathy to build and maintain a stable relationship Having such a relationship you will feel more quality and meaningful life (2) Analyze steps to have for a part-time job while still in college Nowadays, studying in college and doing part-time jobs is one of the ways that most students choose Getting a part time job is a great way to build your resume, form business relationships, get referrals, and earn money So how to get a part-time jobs while still at university? I will give three steps as follows: The first step is to determine your free time You have to make a list of your class schedule and homework time to filter out the sessions you really have at your leisure Many people find it difficult to start learning while working they are often confused because they cannot arrange their time Therefore, before looking for a job try to arrange time The second step is to electing a job that this is allegedly corresponded with yourself Make a list of your favorite potential jobs It is best to choose a job that is related to the industry you are studying It will both help you gain more income and help you gain experience for the job you select later After you have your list, a little bit of research You must make sure that you love this job and are determined to it, to avoid being bored The last but not least step is to apply for a job and start working This is the most important step Before applying for a job, you must buy a resume and fill out the information on it, write legibly to avoid confusion for your employer Then you go and apply and wait for the interview To make a good impression to the interviewer, make sure to dress neatly, show up early and always smile Answer and ask the right questions Even with part time jobs, you’ll encounter interview questions that you may struggle to answer effectively After the interview, thank the interviewer for the time before you leave In conclusion, try to balance your studies and part-time jobs It also gives you more income and more skills, which is great for the future I hope the steps I have shared will help you get a job that suits your ability and learning (3) Analyze steps to achieve success in life Have you ever wondered why in the vast world there are so many really successful people in their particular field? The question "How to succeed?" Always urge and concern for many people, especially the young So how to achieve success in life? I will give three steps as follows: The first step is to identify passion Before you can succeed, you must define what success means to you While it may take years to learn what you want to in life, identifying your passions, interests and values will help you set goals and give meaning to your life Ask yourself the following: How you want people to remember you? How you want to make your community a good place? Or What interests you in life? The second step is to live in purpose To achieve dreams and become the one you want, you will have to pay attention to your actions You ask yourself, what are you doing there you where you want to come in life? Try to spend free time to what you like to spend more time For example, instead of the weekend only to sit watching TV, share your hobbies or on the side of the loved ones The final step is to try to study Learning gives you the knowledge, skills and credibility to help you make the most of your potential In the field of financial success, the more statistics that indicate that the more you learn, the more money you make For example, in 2011 in the US, the average weekly income of high school graduates was 638 USD, while those with bachelor's degrees were 1053 That same year, those with a master's or doctorate earned 1263 USD and 1551 USD In conclusion, it takes identify passion, live in purpose and try to study to achieve success in life Each person has a unique way to achieve success for themselves Give yourself a dream, a goal, and a way to realize it even small Hard work and persistent pursuit, all will not help you (4) Analyze steps to create an attractive portfolio For creatives, there’s nothing more important than your portfolio A good portfolio can help you snag the clients you are after and attract the attention of professionals that can advance your career So how to create an attractive portfolio? I will give three steps as follows: The first step is only include your best work Use a critical eye when deciding what to include in your portfolio Here, quality over quantity is key, so stray away from feeling like you need to include everything you’ve ever created Potential clients want to see new work, so constantly update and edit as you move forward in your career The second step is show your versatility Make sure you mix up your presentation so the full range of your capabilities is on display This may include using personal projects or experimental work that can help you net the type of client you’ve always dreamed of If all of the work in your portfolio appears too similar, clients may feel that your creativity is limited and that you’re beholden to just one type of project or aesthetic The last step is solicit opinions Creative work can be highly personal, and it’s often difficult to separate oneself and be objective That’s why you should solicit opinions, and not just from friends and family who may not tell you the honest truth Mentors, former colleagues, and trusted clients can all give great insight into how your portfolio works for them In conclusion, it takes only include your best, show your versatility and solicit opinions to create an attractive portfolio Take your time and adjust step by step (5) Analyze steps to make a good presentation In the study as well as the work, we often have to present a topic, project or plan for the teacher, for the above level Want that, you need some experience and knowledge about presentations So how to make a good presentation? I will give three steps as follows: The first step is planning Know your audience because this is related to the topic and determine the purpose of the presentation as this is tied to the results you search for Prepare verbal content around the purpose and interest of the audience and level of understanding Use common words and phrases for the audience and focus on your purpose The second step is preparation Form a positive assumption with the value of the message you bring and prepare your outline and presentation time The outline consists of parts: Opening words that attract attention - Use a question, a surprising statement, or mention a related issue to evoke an interest in the audience Key points - A presentation only needs to ideas for which you need to add evidence, such as statistics, certificates, proofs or comparisons The last step is practice Review the content, audition and listen to feedback for presentation skills, build enthusiasm and confidence to speak Exercising to ensure that does not exceed the time allowed; If needed, spend more time asking questions In conclusion, in order to make a good presentation, it is necessary to plan, practice and prepare It is an effective tool to support your success in your future career (6) Analyze causes of climate change As we all know, climate change completely brings bad effects to the development of organisms all over the earth For humans, climate change affects the socioeconomic system and directly affects human health on earth There are a number of reasons for climate change but three standout human activities, industrial emissions, deforestation First of all, human activity is the main cause of climate change The society is growing, the demand for human use is increasing Due to the change of land use purposes and human water resources, it has significantly affected climate change And especially because of human consciousness, people throw trash everywhere Secondly, Industry in the world is growing rapidly, this inevitably causes environmental pollution The operation of industrial zones has discharged a large amount of emissions into the environment not to mention there are many unconscious industrial zones that discharge untreated waste into the environment Especially, transportation activities are the main cause of pollution Last but not least, Industry in the world is growing rapidly, this inevitably causes environmental pollution The operation of industrial zones has discharged a large amount of emissions into the environment not to mention there are many unconscious industrial zones that discharge untreated waste into the environment Especially, transportation activities are the main cause of pollution, deforestation for fuel, forests are still destroyed due to forest fires, etc Deforestation is becoming a real threat to human life, as well as to economic development Causing climate change phenomena, floods, flash floods, landslides,etc In a nutshell, if human activities are increasingly uncontrolled, and the massive discharge of unconscious industrial parks and deforestation, climate change will become more serious Everyone should be environmentally conscious Environmental protection is the protection for the health of everyone and including yourself (7) Analyze effects of eating disorders Eating disorders are a form of disorder that includes negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards food and body image that arise from feelings of food-related ills Behavior can vary, such as limiting food, vomiting after eating, binge eating, and resisting eating needs There are numerous effects of esting disorders but three standout: malnutrition, heart attack, dehydration First of all, the most obvious danger of eating disorders is malnutrition, or deficiency for energy, protein, and micronutrients such as vitamins, iodine, or iron Malnutrition is caused by a lack of calories and corrent nutrient in the daily diet, usually a result of improper eating, or intentional starving When all the nutrients in your body are used up, malnutrition is reached Malnutrition can lead to the exhaustion of other bodily nutrients-leading to damaged hair or weakened bones Another effect, youth suffering from eating disorders may in fact have a heart attack! Eating disorders can cause electrolytic imbalances, triggering hypercalcemia or hyperkalemia, the main causes of heart attacks The electrolytic imbalances can cause abnormalities that lead to serious side effects – heart disease included Last but not least, dehydration is caused by the depletion or lack of fluid intake in the body Vomiting or laxative abuse can cause dehydration, and can cause dizziness and weakness Dehydration can lead to kidney failure, heart failure, brain damage, and even death In summary, eating disorders are a serious disease and are severely affected for people with the condition, especially malnutrition, heart attack, dehydration If you find yourself showing signs of eating disorders, share them with your loved one and seek medical help to get the best solution (8) Analyze effects of school bullying School bullying among students is a fairly common social phenomenon worldwide, causing negative health and psychological effects on students School bullying exists anywhere in the school, this is a shameful and shameful act that we need to eliminate There are numerous effects of school bullying but three santdout: negative impact on psychology, negative influence on learning, negative impact on health First of all, school violence negatively affects psychology In general, psychology of fear, anxiety, insecurity, frustration and obsession is a common state that most of the students who experience violence have experienced it Students who are victims often show signs of behavior disturbance, loss of confidence, fear of going to school leading to taciturn, speechless, always in a state of anxiety, afraid to interact with people to reduce learning capacity, hesitate to go to school, even arise neurological problems Some of them became depressed, low self-esteem, fear and there were cases when they sought death to free themselves Another effect, school violence negatively affects learning Students who are victims of violence often tend to be unable to concentrate on school, even they not dare to go to class, leading to negligent learning, poor academic results, having to retake the exam, repeat their year Analyses of international learning assessments highlight the impact of bullying on learning outcomes These analyses clearly show that bullying reduces students' achievement in key subjects, such as mathematics, and other studies have documented the negative impact of school violence and bullying on educational performance Last but not least, school violence negatively affects health School violence is like an iceberg, and its consequences are severe for both the victims and the bullies It makes their health weaker It's the negative psychological effects that are closely related to their health it is the psychology of fear and insecurity that they torment themselves both mentally and physically, which is very dangerous, even they seek death to free themselves In a nutshell, school bullying among students negative impact on psychology, negative influence on learning, negative impact on health Parents also need more time for their children, especially the time to share and confide with their children so that they can support their children in solving difficulties and conflicts with their peers (9) Analyze causes of students thinking that school is boring The situation that students think school is boring happens frequently and in any country This is the cause of the declining learning in students and the anxiety of parents There are a variety of cause of students thinging that school is boring but three standout: teacher's teaching methods are not interesting, there are too many assignments that the teacher assigns, students with poor academic performance First of all, teachers have no teaching method to really engage students Students will get bored when teachers focus on lecturing too much and they cannot move Students are not attracted to the lecture, not find the lesson interesting, and they get bored quickly How teaching methods to attract the attention of students to help them understand the lesson is always not easy for teachers requiring them to have professional skills as well as teaching methods Another reason, the more assignments that are given by the teacher will reduce the student’s time to relax and refresh themselves outside the school The assignments need lot of time to finish it They will feel stress to their assignments If the students feel stress, they will not have spirit to everything, especially that related with the assignment Last but not least, poorly performing students will not be able to catch up to her peers and lectures Students will feel lack of motivation to study, they will feel isolated Day after day they cannot catch up to the lesson, which will cause them to be discouraged or even want to go to school This needs the caring teachers to help them be more confident and try harder in learning In conclusion, if there are too many assignments, the teaching method of the teachers is not really effective and there are students with weak academic ability, they will get bored when going to school Parents and teachers should really care about them This will help them feel motivated to go to school and be more confident every day (10) Analyze effects of illegal immigration? Currently, besides the forms of labor, legal education, many people have turned to black intermediaries and services to find ways to immigrate to other countries From fake marriages, forging documents to the lines to bring people to countries, especially European countries, no matter what cover the language, these are all illegal acts There are a variety of effects of illegal immigration but three standout: menial and entry-level jobs go to illegal immigrants, not legal citizens; educational costs are rising; is increased crime and terrorist activity may result The first effect is menial and entry-level jobs go to illegal immigrants, not legal citizens A substantial number of low-paying training-type positions in certain industries are lost to illegal aliens, when these jobs could help prepare America’s workforce for the future Fast food, vehicle repair and maintenance, cleaning work, and similar jobs that train workers in basic job skills are no longer as available to youth, the disabled, and retired persons The second effect is educational costs are rising The cost of teaching illegal immigrant children who aren’t legally eligible for special assistance programs like tutors and other educational resources, may be passed on to taxpayers Meanwhile, in the classroom, the children of illegal residents may require more of the teacher’s time to learn English and become familiar with the educational system The last effect is increased crime and terrorist activity may result With little monitoring of those who are entering the country illegally, criminals and terrorists may likewise so, creating danger for law-abiding citizens in this country Furthermore, illegal criminals can be difficult to track and prosecute In summary, illegal immigration have three main effects: menial and entry-level jobs go to illegal immigrants, not legal citizens; educational costs are rising and increased crime and terrorist activity may result No matter where you stand, it is important to become aware of the controversies and learn all you can, as this situation will only become more inflammatory as time goes on 10 (11) Classify strategies for resolving conflicts Conflict is the process in which one party realizes that its interests are either opposite or negatively affected by another party Conflict can bring negative or positive results, depending on the nature and intensity of the conflict, and on how the conflict is resolved The strategies for resolving conflicts are classified according to its degree The highest degree is method of competition This is a method of resolving conflicts using its "influence" This influence comes from position, rank, expertise, or ability to persuade It applies when: The problem needs to be solved quickly; The decision maker knows for sure that he is right; The problem that arises is not permanent and recurring The second-highest degree is method of cooperation This method is resolving conflict by satisfying everyone involved It applies when: The problem is very important, and there is enough time to gather opinions and information from many sides to have the most perfect handling method; In the group that has existed in conflict before; Or need to build a long-term relationship between the parties The third-highest degree is method of compromise This is a situation in which each party gives a step to a solution in which all parties feel most comfortable It applies when: The problem is relatively important, while both sides insist on keeping their goals, while time is running out; The consequences of not resolving conflict are more serious than concessions on both sides In summary, the strategies for resolving conflicts have three degree: method of competition, method of cooperation, method of compromise From there you will come up with more optimal ways and solutions to resolve conflicts As a result, the performance as well as the relationships in the organization become good 11 (12) Classify crucial social values you should possess Societal values are criteria shared by the majority of a society in an ideal sense, all of which lead them to the better society Societal values regulate and organize daily life The crucial social values I should possess are classified according to its importance The most important is dominant values Dominant social values are those that the majority of people in a society support at a particular time Examples of dominant values in Australian society would be: Men and woman are considered equal; Australia is a multicultural society The second important is traditional values Traditional social values are those that a majority of people have believed over a long period of time They may be dominant values or they may have declined in importance over time Examples of traditional values are: A woman's place is in the home; Men are the breadwinners in a household The least important is emerging values Emerging social values are those that develop as a result of the failure or inadequacy of traditional or dominant social values because of the emergence of new ideas They may, in time, replace the earlier values or may add a degree of sophistication or complexity to our understanding of them.An example of an emerging value is: There should be samesex marriage permitted In summary, the crucial social values I should possess have three values: dominant values, traditional values, emerging values Social values are most important to remain a member of society in which we live 12 (13) Classify strategies to manage financial risks Financial risk management is always necessary for the operation of any business Proper risk management will help minimize financial losses, optimize profits, ensure a smooth day-to-day business operations, and avoid reputational damage to businesses The financial risk management are classified according to its degree The highest degree is diversification The standard investment motto for managing risk is diversification, requiring businesses and individuals to invest in a variety of investments A common diversification method is to divide money in a specific way, such as 25% in the low-risk money market, 25% in government bonds, 30% for domestic stocks or derivatives and 20% in international investment instruments Diversify efforts to diversify risks between a number of safe investments and risks in different economic markets The second-highest degree is use a savings account Businesses and individuals should retain part of their capital when investing Using savings accounts ensures these individuals have cash available for emergency purposes if needed Savings accounts can also be an extremely safe investment if the bank or credit union offers interest on the savings account balance Businesses and individuals can also use savings accounts to transfer electronic money when buying or selling investments, making transactions faster The third-highest degree is invest sooner than later Investing earlier is allowing businesses and individuals to keep their money running longer and potentially more profitable If the investment market becomes extremely risky and businesses or individuals start to lose money, falling investment will only reduce the earnings earned rather than the original balance This allows individuals to withdraw money from extremely risky investments with little economic loss associated with their initial investment In a nutshell, the financial risk management have three strategies: diversification, savings account and invest sooner than later When it comes right down to it, life is a financial high-wire act, so prepare appropriately After all, sometimes even the luckiest daredevils eventually end up wishing they had a safety net 13 (14) Classify career types in modern society In today's society there are many different professions and they are classified to facilitate the statistics of the achievements of each field and better understand it However, when classifying careers, scientists face many difficulties because the number of jobs and expertise is too large, the nature and content of occupations are too complicated By experience and exploration, I categorized three categories of industries as follows: The first category of occupation are those in the administrative field In this field, we meet cadres, office workers, typing, archiving, accounting, checking, timekeeping, dispatch documents These professions require people to be careful, thoughtful and virtuous , tidy, mature, meticulous All bad behaviors and habits such as negligence, indiscriminate, general, lack of order, indifference, apathy are not suitable for administrative work The second type of occupation is those in contact with nature These are the livestock, poultry breeding, domesticated animals, cultivation, logging, afforestation, flower and ornamental plants To make these jobs, people must love nature and passion with the plant and animal world On the other hand, they must be hard-working, enduring difficulties, adapting to outdoor activities, being careful and meticulous The third category of occupations are those with special labor conditions In this field of labor, we see that there are jobs such as piloting aircraft, traveling to space, exploiting resources on the sea floor, exploring These people must have courage and perseverance In addition, he is determined to be passionate about the risky nature of his job, not afraid of difficulties, hardships, not afraid to sacrifice, to adapt to an unstable life In a nutshell, the career types in modern society have three types: those in the administrative field, those in contact with nature and those with special labor conditions Each type of industry has its own characteristics They all contribute tremendous ideas to society 14 (15) Classify unacceptable behaviors at the workplace Unacceptable behaviors in the workplace occur regularly everywhere The behaviors which seems so ordinary in the workplace has negative consequences you could not expect Unacceptable behaviors in the workplace are classified according to its severity The best severity is gossip with colleagues Gossip between colleagues is not necessarily a bad behavior It helps people relax after stressful working hours Whether you are a quiet or quiet person, there is absolutely no reason that you will be silent for hours However, gossip has its limits because your image will be very bad in the eyes of your colleagues if you are caught up in gossiping about other people's personal life or making bad comments about them Keep talking about other people's mistakes or misfortunes will eventually hurt them if they know it The second severity is back stabbers This is not a new issue and it is clear that anyone can become a "Target" if you get in trouble with your co-workers Your every action will always be in "Sight" of those who loathe you The whole day talking bad about colleagues with your boss will make your boss more wary of you They will judge you by the way you think about colleagues and of course they will also comment on you as a person who does not work hard but only focuses on peering at colleagues Complaining too much is like a double-edged sword, you feel good when you openly speak ill of colleagues in front of your boss and on the other hand, you turn yourself into an unreliable person The last severity is dressing not suitable for the workplace How many times have you heard the saying, "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have"? How many times has this spell been forgotten in the workplace? The inappropriate dress not only shows that you are not interested in your professional image, but it also makes your promotion door narrower 41% of working people report that professionally dressed people tend to get promoted faster than others In summary, unacceptable behaviors in the workplace have three typical behaviors: gossip with colleagues, back stabbing and improper dressing We should be civilized wherever we are Build good motives every morning; be aware of what we say, do, and think when interacting with others; and applying solutions to eliminate bad habits and behaviors is a good way to create happiness for the present life as well as the future 15 ... goal, and a way to realize it even small Hard work and persistent pursuit, all will not help you (4) Analyze steps to create an attractive portfolio For creatives, there’s nothing more important... all, sometimes even the luckiest daredevils eventually end up wishing they had a safety net 13 ( 14) Classify career types in modern society In today's society there are many different professions... Each type of industry has its own characteristics They all contribute tremendous ideas to society 14 (15) Classify unacceptable behaviors at the workplace Unacceptable behaviors in the workplace