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Fullname : Tran Thi Phuong Nhung Mssv : IEC20PL471 Subject : Business Etiquette Instructor : Nguyen Huu Ngoc Homework : The difference between business culture in the US and Vietnam Aspect Vietnam America References Time Firms in Vietnam tend In the United States, +https://cpc.vn to be time elastic punctuality is highly /vi-vn/Tin-tuc- Although time is also valued in meetings and su-kien/Tin-tuc- considered an working sessions Time is chi- important factor in very important to tiet/articleId/1 work, it is not as strict American 3341 as in the US In businesspeople, and they -://baolanhdinh Vietnam, being a little are very punctual and cu.vn/dat-nuoc- late or delaying the rarely late in meetings va-con- deadline is not a big Because the delay is nguoi/my/6- deal, as long as there interpreted as van-hoa-noi- is consensus between impoliteness, bat-phong-cach- the parties carelessness, contempt lam-viec-cua- for customers and nguoi-my partners, or - incompetence in time https://www.sa management nsangdethanhco ng.com/mot-sodiem-khac-bietgiua-van-hoadoanh-nghiep- Work style In Vietnamese Individual people are phuong-dong- businesses, there is a encouraged to live freely, va-phuong- trend to promote the frankly, independently tay.html sense of collective not only in thought but - solidarity and also in action Because https://tailieu.v sustainability while they believe that each n/doc/tieu- discouraging individual is a nucleus of luan-van-hoa- individual effort that society, the goals of the trong-giao-tiep- is unrelated to the business must be kinh-doanh-cua- collective Individuals associated with the goals cac-nuoc- are influenced by the of the individual, phuong-tay- collective and must bringing benefits to the 1679644.html always be aware of individual If assigned to - how to reconcile and a certain job in https://freetalk integrate with their groups, they get together, english.vn/van- surroundings in order assign specific work to hoa-giao-tiep- to achieve harmony each person, when the kinh-doanh-cua- Individual work goals project is completed, nguoi-my must be aligned with each individual returns - the collective's aims, to his or her job, https://www.res bringing benefits to regardless of together earchgate.net/p the collective ublication/3348 Therefore, in the East, 06996_CUNG_C an enterprise that is AP_KIEN_THUC_ assessed as a good VAN_HOA_MY_C and reliable collective HO_SINH_VIEN_ has a more CHUYEN_NGAN competitive advantage H_TIENG_ANH_ in recruiting DUA_TREN_CAC resources _CAP_GIA_TRI_V Management In Vietnam, the gap In American companies, AN_HOA_DOI_L style between leaders and the boss is also a person AP_CUA_GEERT_ employees is quite who earns money like HOFSTEDE/link large, the boss is a other employees, only /5d41afaba6fdc person of high status, the rank, vision as well as c370a7119d5/d the gap is quite large salary are higher than ownload compared to other employees Leaders - employees; Power is and employees have a https://toplist.v concentrated mainly generally equal n/top-list/su- on the leader In relationship Employees khac-nhau- Vietnamese are empowered to carry giua-van-hoa- companies and out the organization's giao-tiep-ung- enterprises, most of work and hold xu-cua-nguoi- the work, direction themselves accountable viet-voi-nguoi- and solution of a for the results of their my-2004.htm project or problem of work when the leader - the company are raises a problem; at the https://www.go decided by the leader same time, employees ogle.com.vn/sea Therefore, the are empowered to carry rch?q=s responsibility and out the organization's %E1%BB pressure of the work and hold %B1+kh people The leader is themselves accountable %C3%A1c+nha relatively large, the for the results of their u+gi%E1%BB higher the leadership work when the leader %AFa+thi level, the greater the raises a problem %C3%AAn+h ability to influence Therefore, the %C6%B0%E1% many employees in productivity and BB%9Bng+d the organization The flexibility of employees is %C3%A0i+h success of Eastern one of the important keys %E1%BA businesses is often to a successful business %A1n+v mainly determined by %C3%A0+ng the ability of the %E1%BA leader %AFn+h Uniform Most Vietnamese Americans are known for %E1%BA companies and being laid-back, %A1n+ businesses often pay undemanding, and %E1%BB attention to the unconcerned with how %9F+m external appearance other people dress On %E1%BB such as clothes that the street, distinguishing %B9+v are suitable for office caste, local culture, or %C3%A0+vi culture, neat and tidy occupation based on %C3%AAt+nam Because the external outerwear might be &tbm=isch&ved appearance will show difficult In most =2ahUKEwi03M the prestige of the companies in the US, neoYbzAhW2x4s individual and the employees are allowed to BHacTCPgQ2- company In guiding wear loose clothing that cCegQIABAA&o and training is not too strict but not q=s%E1%BB employees, companies too revealing because %B1+kh especially come to what businesses care %C3%A1c+nha guide the etiquette of about is productivity and u+gi%E1%BB communication work results rather than %AFa+thi culture in the the appearance of %C3%AAn+h workplace From the employees their %C6%B0%E1% smallest details are However, American BB%9Bng+d the head, hair to the businessmen's %C3%A0i+h way of dressing and conferences, seminars, %E1%BA costumes parties and receptions %A1n+v are equally beautiful and %C3%A0+ng splendid as in other %E1%BA countries %AFn+h Cutural Vietnam, like Eastern People in America treat %E1%BA each other fairly and %A1n+ Korea, China, and have freedom Therefore, %E1%BB Japan, places a American business %9F+m premium on how to culture is not too rigid %E1%BB address and behave in about form, but %B9+v communication, as emphasizes on %C3%A0+vi well as the culture at naturalness %C3%AAt+nam the table and the way -In terms of posture, &gs_lcp=CgNpb people dress in the Americans consider WcQA1DopQJYz workplace The act of bowing as an act of dMCYLzVAmgFc smiling and agreeing humiliation When they AB4AYABZYgBu with a partner, even if want to assert Q6SAQQyMS4x you don't fully themselves to the other mAEAoAEBqgEL comprehend what the person, they tend to raise Z3dzLXdpei1pb other person is saying, their heads and lean WfAAQE&sclient is considered back Americans can put =img&ei=JqxEY courteous in one foot on the other and bSxLraPr7wPp6 Vietnamese business lean back when talking to egwA8#imgrc=I culture.Smile and nod guests ZbEsDX87ec8P to demonstrate that -About shaking hands, M&imgdii=tGygl they are paying Americans have a habit 1hJU-MeUM attention to what the of shaking hands firmly other person is saying, using the whole hand, not to express not just the finger to agreement with the show friendliness and concept Furthermore, enthusiasm A loose when both parties are handshake can be seen as of the same sex, the uncertain, lack of custom of shaking confidence, and even hands is very aloof in a relationship widespread in -In terms of facial Vietnam, and this expression, for communication countries such as action is performed Americans, shaking their both before and after head from side to side the meeting They means disagreeing normally shake hands Nodding means with two hands, with agreement Raise your the left hand on top.If eyebrows to show your partner is a surprise woman, wait for them to put out their hand first, if they don't want to, give them a small Perspectives at work bow Vietnam tends to be In American culture, softer than American, people "live to work" and the concept of work in always strive to get a Vietnamese culture is raise and promotion "work to live", the based on their actual manager's role is to ability The American promote unity, motto of life is "the solidarity, and work winner takes it all", so efficiency shared; Americans love to flaunt Conflicts are resolved and discuss their by compromise and successes and negotiation An achievements Americans effective manager is tend to believe that one who has the people are always support of many capable of doing things in others, not based on a better way ability Long-term bias Most businesses in and Short-term Vietnam are long-term tends to be short-term In bias Meanwhile, America oriented Specifically, American culture, truth in Vietnamese culture, can only be "right" or truth depends on "wrong", judging things many variables such can only be "good" or as situation, context "bad" Americans often and time The have little patience, Vietnamese display a waiting; disregard the traditional ability to past Americans often adapt easily to have a saying "Let the changing conditions; past rest in peace." What they very patiently happened in the past is wait for the results to no longer worth be achieved; respect mentioning Avoid Risks – the past Based on opposing cultural value pairs, Dutch Take Risks psychologist Geert Hofstede , Both Vietnamese culture and American culture are inclined towards risk taking, but in American culture, the level of risk taking is higher Vietnamese culture as well as American culture is very easy to accept new things; people tend to think that it is not necessary to have many rules; work hard, listen to the opinions and views of others -Above is a table comparing business culture between the US and Vietnam Here are some illustrations for the above comparison factors: 1.Time Blue : America Red : VietNam Work style Blue : America Red : VietNam 3, Management style Blue : America Red : VietNam 4, Uniform American Viet Nam Cutural communication American Long-term bias and Short-term bias Viet Nam Viet Nam Perspective at work Avoid Risks – Take Risks America ... va -phuong- trend to promote the frankly, independently tay.html sense of collective not only in thought but - solidarity and also in action Because https://tailieu.v sustainability while they believe... the business must be kinh-doanh-cua- collective Individuals associated with the goals cac-nuoc- are influenced by the of the individual, phuong- tay- collective and must bringing benefits to the... Americans effective manager is tend to believe that one who has the people are always support of many capable of doing things in others, not based on a better way ability Long-term bias Most