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529 Understanding and Leading Change ASSIGNMENT 2

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  • Grading grid

  • I.Introduction to your case in side the organization

  • II. Force Field

    • 2.1.Application Force Field Analysis In Bao Viet Insuarance

      • Total : 14 Total : 11 Conclusion

      • * Advantages of force field analysis

      • * Disadvantages of Force Field Analysis

      • Conclusion

  • III. The 3 Stages of Change

    • Stage 1 : Unfreezing

    • Stage 2 : Change process

    • Step 3 : Refreezing

    • 3.1.We can apply Lewin's Model of Change Management in the following ways :

      • Step 2: Change

      • Step 3: Refreeze

    • 3.2.An evaluation of how barriers to change may influence leadership decision making

  • IV. 8 Step Change Model Kotter’s

    • Step One: Create Urgency

    • Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition

    • Step Three: Create a Vision for Change

    • Step 4: Communicate the vision

    • Step five: Eliminate obstacles

    • Step 6: Create a win in the short term

    • Step 7: Build on change

    • Step 8: Fixed the changes in corporate culture

  • V.Leadership

    • 5.1.Leadership style of HR Manager

      • Main jobs

  • VI.Conclusion :

  • VII.References:

Nội dung

In a continuously evolving and highly competitive business environment, especially in the last covid 19 epidemic, has greatly affected Bao Viets business activities. Through this report, standing in the position of HR Manager of Bao Viet insurance company, will analyze the barriers affecting the decision of leaders and adopting a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative so that the business can adapt to the realities and make the appropriate changes to grow stronger.

ASSIGNMENT FRONT SHEET Qualification BTEC Level 5HND Diploma in Business Unit number and title Unit 17: Understanding and Leading change Submission date 15 October, 2020 Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission Student Name Student ID Class Assessor name Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice Student’s signature Grading grid P1 r Summative Feedback: Page Page P2 P3 M2 M2 r Resubmission Feedback: D1 Grade: Assessor Signature: Internal Verifier’s Comments: Signature & Date: Page Page Date: Table of Contents I.Introduction to your case in side the organization In a continuously evolving and highly competitive business environment, especially in the last covid 19 epidemic, has greatly affected Bao Viet's business activities Through this report, standing in the position of HR Manager of Bao Viet insurance company, will analyze the barriers affecting the decision of leaders and adopting a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative so that the business can adapt to the realities and make the appropriate changes to grow stronger II Force Field Force Feild is a management technique for predicting situations by Kurt Lewin (1890-1947), a pioneer in the field of psychosocial studies We should not consider every situation in a solid stabilization system, says Lewin, but in a temporary equilibrium According to him, each situation is influenced by the impetus and restraint force affecting all its changes Motivations are the forces acting on a situation to move the situation in a certain direction; the impulse tends to initiate change and push it to continue Some examples of motivation are improved productivity in a workgroup, supervisor pressure, incentives, competition Restraining forces are forces that restrain or reduce the impetus Some examples of restraining force are indifference, hostility, degraded work equipment Page Page (Vinabac.com 2020) 2.1.Application Force Field Analysis In Bao Viet Insuarance Page Page Total : 14 Total : 11 Conclusion Through the model, it can be seen that driving forces is 14 points, while the barries is 11 points Therefore, the project's probability of success is high, so it is necessary to apply the right tools and methods to be able to complete the project in the best way Page Page * Advantages of force field analysis One of the major benefits of an overview of the force field is that it offers a graphic description of all the different variables that endorse and contradict a given proposal, with all the evidence gathered in a single graph on a possible decision In addition, force field research also stretches the appraisal beyond the evidence itself to look at contextual considerations that could have an effect on the decision being analyzed 's success or loss * Disadvantages of Force Field Analysis In order to provide the correct information needed for an successful analysis, force field analysis involves the full cooperation of all involved When complete engagement is not feasible, this may be a drawback, resulting in an interpretation that does not have a realistic representation of the supporting and opposing forces The probability that the study would not lead to a consensus within the community is another drawback In reality, an examination of the force field can potentially lead a group to split between those who support the decision and those who oppose it Conclusion When using force field analysis, one of the main aspects to bear in mind is that the analysis produced relies solely on the expertise level and experience of the community working on the analysis In most cases, the study of the force field is based on observations, not facts; even if the conclusions are based on cumulative evidence, the perception of the results can not be viewed as factual within the overall pushing and restraining forces assessment process III The Stages of Change Lewin suggested that any individual's behavior in reaction to a proposed change is a function of group behavior The behavior and ability of the individual to change is also affected by any interaction or force affecting the group structure Therefore, in the change process, the group environment, or 'field', must be considered Status is defined as the current situation in the Stage Model of Change, but a change process, a proposed change, should then evolve into a desired future state We must evaluate the totality and complexity of the field in order to understand group behavior, and hence the behavior of individual group members during the change process This is also known as Field Theory, which is commonly used to develop models of change, including the Stage Model of Lewin Page Page (Source : bmc,2020) Stage : Unfreezing You need to defrost it or thaw it out so you can prepare a meal that has been frozen It can be said the same for transition It must go through the initial stage of unfreezing before a move can be enforced The aim during the unfreezing process is to build an understanding of how the status quo, or existing degree of acceptability, is in some way hindering the organisation, since certain individuals would instinctively oppose reform It is important to closely analyze old habits, ways of thought, procedures, personnel and corporate systems and show workers how necessary a transition is for the company to build or sustain a competitive edge in the marketplace During the unfreezing process, coordination is highly critical so that workers will be aware about the impending transition, the reasoning behind it and how each employee will benefit from it The theory is that the more we know about a transitionn and the more important and urgent we feel, the more driven we are to embrace the change Stage : Change process They should start going now that the persons are 'unfrozen' Lewin agreed that transformation is a phase in which the company must shift into this current state of being or step into it The introduction of the reform is marked by this shifting phase, often referred to as 'transitioning' or 'going.' This is where the alteration becomes actual Consequently, it's also the moment when most individuals struggle with the new reality It is a time characterized by doubt and anxiety that makes it the most daunting step to conquer People continue to learn new habits, methods, and ways of thought during the evolving transition The more prepared they are for this move, the smoother it is to finish For this cause, as they become acquainted with Page Page the transition, preparation, connectivity, resources and time are important for workers Again, transition is a process that needs to be prepared and implemented carefully Step : Refreezing Lewin referred to the final stage of the freezing of his transition paradigm, but many refer to it as refreezing to symbolize the act of post-change strengthening, stabilizing and solidifying the new environment As the current standard or status quo, the improvements made to corporate structures, priorities, structure, offerings or individuals are embraced and refrozen Lewin considered the refreezing phase to be extremely necessary to ensure that individuals not resort to their old ways of thinking or doing until the transition is introduced Efforts must be taken to ensure that the transition is not lost; rather, it must be cemented into the ethos of the enterprise and retained as the appropriate way of thinking or doing To strengthen the current state, constructive rewards and affirmation of individualized efforts are also used because it is assumed that positive validated action will possibly be replicated Some claim that in contemporary industry, due to the continuous need for improvement, the refreezing phase is obsolete They find it pointless to waste time freezing a new state because it is possible that in the near future it will need to be reevaluated and perhaps updated again However, without the refreezing phase-as I discussed earlier-there is a strong risk that people will resort to the old way of doing things When companies skip the refreezing process in expectation of potential reform, take one step forward and two steps back may be a common trend 3.1.We can apply Lewin's Model of Change Management in the following ways : Step 1: Unfreeze Though not formally part of Lewin's model, actions within this Unfreeze stage may include: - Determining what needs to change In order to promote and grow the insurance business in Bao Viet, first of all, it is necessary to change the personnel structure to become more professional and comprehensive in all aspects A change in personnel structure is necessary because a business has a long-term survival and development or is in the position of human resources in the company - Ensuring support from management and the C-suite Proposing and giving appropriate options to change the personnel structure to the superior departments to see the appropriate level to change and apply the new structure to promptly adapt Since then, it reaffirms that change is necessary in the development of the business and has a positive impact on all aspects of the business - Creating the need for change Page Page Creating a message to create a professional working environment for all employees is the message at the forefront of change Communicating positive inspirations to entire employees about impact change is very important Step 2: Change Human resource structure change is an important issue in the entire business system Therefore, in addition to the main plan, it is necessary to prepare many contingencies depending on the situation to change in time With that change effort, let's see which works and doesn't work, what is against the change, etc In this process, there are two driving forces for success: information flow and leadership Standing on the role of human resource management in the insurance enterprise Bao Viet must affirm its role greatly contributes to the change of the system, and personal strength contributes to the common goal During implementation, continuous monitoring is required to determine vision and motivation An iterative approach is also needed to sustain change During the change period, Bao Viet Insurance enterprises should: • Clear and broad notice of follow-up to plans, benefits, and people affected Answer questions, clarify misunderstandings and clear up rumors • Motivating and empowering action Encourage employees to actively participate in change and assist managers in giving daily and weekly directions to employees • Attract as much as possible to others These easy wins can accumulate into larger wins, and working with more people can help you navigate different stakeholders Step 3: Refreeze The purpose of the last step - refinement - is to keep the changes you made The aim is for the people involved to see this new state as the new one, so they are no longer against the forces trying to make a change The team's standards, activities, strategies, and processes are transformed into the new state During the refreeze period, Bao Viet Insurance enterprises should as follows: • Tie the new changes into the culture by identifying change supports and change barriers • Develop and promote ways to sustain the change long-term Page Page • Ensuring leadership and management support and adapting organizational structure when necessary • Establishing feedback processes • Creating a rewards system • Offer training, support, and communication for both the short- and long-term Promote both formal and informal methods, and remember the various ways that employees learn • Celebrate success Conclusion : In the sense of social patterns experienced at a person and collective level within a society, Lewin's Step Model of Transition offers an intuitive and basic explanation of how changes occur Shift management has taken both positive and conflicting paths since the principle was first applied in 1951 This is a critical reminder: when modern-day mechanisms for change management not fit for particular usage cases and market demands, in the face of change, remember these principles of understanding social behaviour 3.2.An evaluation of how barriers to change may influence leadership decision making Through the Force Field model, we can clearly see the barriers of Bao Viet Insurance It can be said that the biggest barrier of Bao Viet is that the business results are not too impressive compared to other companies in the same industry, in addition, Bao Viet's personnel apparatus does not have any outstanding talent Mr Binh was sent down by a government agency His predecessor, very knowledgeable about the Vietnamese insurance market, is Mr Truong Moc Lam, who has been building Bao Viet for many years and has passed away The management below is not dynamic enough like other joint stock insurance companies like Mr Duc's of BMI Low salary mechanism makes many employees go to foreign insurance companies Extensive network and multidisciplinary activity, if the management personnel is not good, it will be a real difficulty to smoothly operate the system The financial investment segment is still quite weak If we know about Buffet used the premium of Berkshire Hathaway company to make financial investments quite successfully, in this respect Bao Viet is still quite weak Most only invest in bonds (55%) and bank deposits (22%), so this operating profit is not high IV Step Change Model Kotter’s Page 10 Page 10 Application Step Change Model Kotter’s in Bao Viet Insuarance Step One: Create Urgency Creating an idea of change is essential to the growth of the Bao Viet insurer An HR manager can create solutions in which individuals can see the importance and existing problems Create a standard solution and direction that businesses can apply to achieve their end goals This step is an important step in formation when it comes to the supportive and ultimate success of change Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition During leadership in the position of human resource manager, you will find that leading by yourself will be difficult to make change in the Bao Viet insurance business, so it is necessary to build an alliance to help you steer others more effectively The Alliance is built on the skills and experience from other departments such as the Sale department, the Marketing department, The Alliance can help in promoting media throughout the business Coalition members will work together to drive growth and greater success Step Three: Create a Vision for Change When making a decision to make change often comes the problem of confusion among the low-level employees in the Bao Viet insurance company So creating an understandable vision is one way to create support across the business However, inspiration still needs to be done to maximize efficiency Step 4: Communicate the vision The visioning is not enough to create support for it, it should be communicated throughout the Bao Viet insurance company This is a great opportunity to use the alliance that HR managers have built, as there is a possibility between them having networks in all areas of the business It is important to keep conveying this message as it is likely that competitive messages are also circulating Step five: Eliminate obstacles The first four steps are essential in empowering the change initiative in the Bao Viet insurance system, but it is important to look for what can reduce its chances of success Whether personal, traditional, legal or physical, there may be a few hurdles that hinder the path to success So it is important to identify these as soon as possible and rely on available resources to break them down without disrupting any other areas of the business Step 6: Create a win in the short term Process changes in employment such as a change in personnel structure in a Bao Viet insurance company often take a while to reap any rewards, and this can reduce support if individuals think that Their efforts were wasted because of the time factor For this reason, it's important to demonstrate the advantages of the new process by producing some short-term wins Shorter short-term goals are also useful tools for Page 11 Page 11 motivation and direction Using these wins to justify investment and effort can help re-motivate employees to continue to support change Step 7: Build on change Many change processes fail when complacency comes to an end and the project isn't finished properly Bao Viet insurers have found that it is important to maintain and reinforce change long after it has been completed Continue to set goals and analyze what could be better done to keep improving Step 8: Fixed the changes in corporate culture Simply changing the habits and processes of employees in the insurance company Bao Viet realizes that it is not always enough to promote cultural change across the organization The changes should become a core part of the organization for lasting effect Retaining high-level stakeholders, encouraging new employees to accept change, and honoring those who accept change will all help drive change to the core of Bao Viet organization Conclusion The main reason Kotter outlined these steps is to emphasize that change is not a simple and quick process Many planning steps are needed and even once the change has been made there is still much work to be done to ensure it succeeds Kotter argues that 70% of change initiatives fail and attribute this to the fact that most organizations are not doing the necessary preparation or seeing the project correctly Following these steps ensures that the change initiative is more likely to succeed in the long run Bao Viet Insurance has successfully applied these steps to implement the change processes correctly and successfully, minimizing risks arising in the change process V.Leadership Leadership is the practice of manipulating individuals, encouraging them to voluntarily attempt to accomplish the group or company's shared objectives It is not the job of the leader to urge workers, but rather to inspire, inspire, guide and assist employees to achieve their objectives The boss has to have a good idea of what motivates workers, what keeps them happy and finish the job with wholeheartedness The task of the leader is to lift the dream and bring the achievement of goals to a higher degree, and to improve the talents of the worker above the normal limits The Fiedler Failure Model was created in the mid-1960s by Fred Fiedler, a scientist specializing in the personality and traits of leaders Model says there is not one best leadership style Instead, the leader's effectiveness is situational This is the result of two factors - "leadership style" and "facilitation of situation" (later known as "situation control") Page 12 Page 12 Defining leadership style is the first step in using the model Fiedler believes that leadership style is fixed and that it can be measured using a scale he has developed called the Least Preferred Colleague Scale (LPC) Unfriendly Friendly Unpleasant Pleasant Rejecting Accepting Tense Relaxed Cold Warm Interesting Boring Backbiting Loyal Uncooperative Cooperative Hostile Supportive Guarded Open Insincere Sincere Unkind Kind Inconsiderate Considerate Untrustworthy Trustworthy Gloomy Quarrelsome 8 Cheerful Harmonious The model notes that, in general, mission-oriented leaders view their LPC more favorably, leading to lower ratings This are named the Low LPC Leaders by Fiedler The truth is that a low LPC is very successful at achieving a mission To complete duties and tasks, they easily assemble a squad Building connections is a low priority Relationship-oriented presidents, however, also more favorably view their LPC, earning them Page 13 Page 13 higher ratings There are the top leaders of the LPC High LPCs rely mainly on personal relations, and conflict avoidance and management are useful for them They are more able to make choices that are complicated Can see from the model, that the overall score for style of leadership is 90 points Shows a lot of gratitude for relationships with other participants and is willing to make better choices This is a people-oriented leadership style 5.1.Leadership style of HR Manager As a HR manager of Bao Viet insurance company realizes that leadership style is people-oriented leadership Based on factors such as always deciding based on the contribution of each member in the group Each employee under the leadership of the leader has equal rights to voice and contribution in any project This is arguably the most effective leadership style because it allows subordinates to exercise powers that in the future position they may hold The mission structure is mentioned by the people-oriented leader to the extent to which the task is clearly expressed to the employee who must perform it The task structure includes the level of defining the tasks and has detailed procedures and job descriptions Employees must be sure of the specific steps they must take to successfully complete their duties Benefits In the process of applying changes to the personnel structure in insurer Bao Vietnam, a peopleoriented can also apply tasks unstructured in the process of change as just rely on intuition and ability judgment and experience to make decisions Power This is a weak leadership style because most of the leader's decision comes from the members' contribution without being able to directly decide all his changes without consensus between individuals or other leaders The relationship between the democratic leader and the member is closely related, most leadership and decision making are based on the contributions of the individual subordinates It can be said that individuals also have power in deciding the existence of leaders in making policies and change based on respect for the two sides' opinions For example, during a board meeting of a Bao Viet insurance company, a people-oriented leader in the position of Human Resources Manager may give the group a few options regarding a change in structure human resources in the business A discussion on each option can then be opened After the discussion, the leader can review the thoughts and feedback in the board or team members, or can make this decision by a vote and then make final decisions together in making changes Together to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with implementing change plans One can quickly recognize the strengths, weaknesses and motivations of the team member to help each individual improve Desires to help team members set smart goals and then provide regular feedback to challenging projects to drive growth Clearly divide goals for each member, depending on the capacity of each member to achieve the best results in the plan Page 14 Page 14 Main jobs • Develop and implement a human resource strategy consistent with the overall business strategy in each stage of the company's development • Build and manage the recruitment process, supervise candidate selection • Training needs assessment to implement and monitor training programs • Supports business needs through participation in growth and retention • Supervise and manage the staff evaluation and reward system • Develop and manage salary and bonus plans, remuneration and benefits for employees • Managing and building corporate culture • Reporting to management and assisting with decision making through staff metrics • Ensure compliance with the law in human resource management activities As a Bao Viet insurance company HR boss, understands people-oriented leadership is the style of leadership Based on considerations, such as always agreeing on the contribution of each community member In every initiative, each employee under the leadership of the leader has equal rights of speech and participation This is arguably the most powerful form of leadership because it encourages subordinates to exert powers that they can possess in the future position VI.Conclusion : Businesses currently operating in the conditions of globalization and integration are an inevitable trend, the business environment often fluctuates creating opportunities and challenges that have a great impact on survival and development of each business To business in the global economy, managers not only need to have knowledge of business and business administration, but also must practice general management skills and skills to manage change to run an effective business In short, change management is the synthesis of management activities to proactively detect, promote and control the change process of the business in accordance with the fluctuations of the business environment, ensuring business Business grows in a volatile business environment VII.References: Vinabac.com 2020 Phân Tích Miền Động Lực - Force Field Analysis | Cộng Đồng Business Analyst Việt Nam [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2020] Page 15 Page 15 BMC Blogs 2020 Lewin’S Stage Model Of Change Explained [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2020] Accipio.com 2020 Kotter's 8-Step Change Model [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2020] the-definition.com 2020 Learn The Definition Of Unstructured Task | THE-DEFINITION.COM [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2020] Mindtools.com 2020 Fiedler's Contingency Model: Matching Leadership Style To A Situation [online] Available at: [Accessed November 2020] Page 16 Page 16 ... 15 BMC Blogs 20 20 Lewin’S Stage Model Of Change Explained [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 20 20] Accipio.com 20 20 Kotter's... [Accessed 29 October 20 20] the-definition.com 20 20 Learn The Definition Of Unstructured Task | THE-DEFINITION.COM [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 ... Vinabac.com 20 20 Phân Tích Miền Động Lực - Force Field Analysis | Cộng Đồng Business Analyst Việt Nam [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 20 20] Page

Ngày đăng: 16/12/2021, 22:28


