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A study on pragmatic features in english responses to negative feedback of customers in hospitality

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UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES - - SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH REPORT Topic: A STUDY ON PRAGMATIC FEATURES IN ENGLISH RESPONSES TO NEGATIVE FEEDBACK OF CUSTOMERS IN HOSPITALITY Student: Nguyen Thanh Binh Class: 17CNADL02 Department of English for Specific Purposes Da Nang, May 2021 UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH REPORT School year 2020 - 2021 A STUDY ON PRAGMATIC FEATURES IN ENGLISH RESPONSES TO NEGATIVE FEEDBACK OF CUSTOMERS IN HOSPTALITY Scientific group: Social Science Student: Nguyen Thanh Binh Class: 17CNADL02 Course: 2017 - 2021 Department of English for Specific Purposes – English for Tourism Da Nang, May 2021 ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ THÔNG TIN KẾT QUẢ NGHIÊN CỨU CỦA ĐỀ TÀI Thông tin chung: - Tên đề tài: Nghiên cứu đặc điểm ngữ dụng học phản hồi tiếng Anh doanh nghiệp ngành dịch vụ đánh giá tiêu cực từ khách hàng - Sinh viên thực hiện: Nguyễn Thanh Bình - Lớp: 17CNADL02 - Khoa: Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Năm thứ: - Người hướng dẫn: ThS Phạm Thị Ca Dao Mục tiêu đề tài: Tìm đặc điểm ngữ dụng sử dụng phản hồi tiếng Anh từ doanh nghiệp ngành dịch vụ đánh giá tiêu cực từ khách hàng Tính sáng tạo: Kết hợp lý thuyết đặc điểm ngữ dụng học Brown & Levinson năm 1987 Leech năm 1983 Trong lý thuyết Leech (1983) làm rõ tần suất sử dụng châm ngôn (maxim) phản hồi tiếng Anh doanh nghiệp ngành dịch vụ đánh giá tiêu cực từ khách hàng, lý thuyết Brown Levinson (1987) đóng vai trị làm rõ mục đích sử dụng chiến lược lịch (politeness strategies) nguyên lý lịch (politeness principle) Kết nghiên cứu: - Đặc điểm ngữ dụng nguyên lý lịch Brown Levinson (1987) sử dụng nhiều chiến lược lịch tích cực bao gồm tặng “quà”(give “gifts” to the hearer), nói (exaggerate), đưa lời hứa lời đề nghị (offer, promise), tạo lạc quan (be optimistic) địi hỏi việc có qua có lại (assume or assert reciprocity) Đối với chiến lược lịch âm (negative politeness), dùng yếu tố rào đón (use hedges), tỏ kính trọng (give deference) phi cá nhân hóa (impersonalize speaker and hearer) chiến lược sử dụng nhiều - Cấu trúc chung một phản hồi tiếng Anh doanh nghiệp ngành dịch vụ đánh giá tiêu cực từ khách hàng Đóng góp mặt kinh tế - xã hội, giáo dục đào tạo, an ninh, quốc phòng khả áp dụng đề tài: Đề tài nêu lên một vấn đề nổi bật việc nghiên cứu cách thức để giải phàn nàn đến khách hàng mục tiêu Từ đưa đề xuất cho doanh nghiệp dịch vụ, khách sạn có phản hồi tiếng Anh đánh giá tiêu cực khách hàng một cách hiệu hơn, gần gũi với khách hàng Công bố khoa học sinh viên từ kết nghiên cứu đề tài (ghi rõ tên tạp chí có) nhận xét, đánh giá sở áp dụng kết nghiên cứu (nếu có): Xác nhận Giáo viên hướng dẫn Đà Nẵng, ngày 18 tháng 04 năm 2021 Sinh viên chịu trách nhiệm thực đề tài (ký, họ tên) ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ THÔNG TIN VỀ SINH VIÊN CHỊU TRÁCH NHIỆM CHÍNH THỰC HIỆN ĐỀ TÀI I SƠ LƯỢC VỀ SINH VIÊN: Ảnh Họ tên: Nguyễn Thanh Bình Sinh ngày: 12 tháng 09 năm 1999 4x6 Nơi sinh: Điện Bàn, Quảng Nam Lớp: 17CNADL02 Khóa: 2017 Khoa: Tiếng Anh Chuyên ngành Địa liên hệ: 106 Phạm Như Xương, phường Hòa Khánh Nam, quận Liên Chiểu, Tp Đà Nẵng Điện thoại: 0969785531 Email: binh1291999123@gmail.com II Q TRÌNH HỌC TẬP (kê khai thành tích sinh viên từ năm thứ đến năm học): * Năm thứ 1: Ngành học: Tiếng Anh Du lịch Khoa: Tiếng Anh Chuyên ngành Kết xếp loại học tập: Bình thường Sơ lược thành tích: đạt học bởng khuyến khích học tập kì I, II * Năm thứ 2: Ngành học: Tiếng Anh Du lịch Khoa: Tiếng Anh Chuyên ngành Kết xếp loại học tập: Bình thường Sơ lược thành tích: đạt học bởng khuyến khích học tập kì I, II * Năm thứ 3: Ngành học: Tiếng Anh Du lịch Khoa: Tiếng Anh Chuyên ngành Kết xếp loại học tập: Bình thường Sơ lược thành tích: đạt HBKKHT kì I, II Kết học tập kì II đạt 3.84/4.00 *Năm thứ 4: Ngành học: Tiếng Anh Du lịch Khoa: Tiếng Anh Chuyên ngành Kết xếp loại học tập: Bình thường Sơ lược thành tích: Kết học tập kì I đạt 4.00/4.00 Ngày 18 tháng 04 năm 2021 Xác nhận Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ Sinh viên chịu trách nhiệm (ký tên đóng dấu) thực đề tài (ký, họ tên) CONTENTS ABSTRACT CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 RESEARCH SCOPE 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 10 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 11 2.2.1 Overview of responses to online negative feedback 11 2.2.2 Pragmatic features 12 Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness 13 The Politeness Principle: Leech’s maxims 16 The relation between the politeness theory of Brown & Levinson (1987) and Leech (1983) 19 CHAPTER METHODS AND PROCEDURES 20 3.1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .20 3.2 DATA COLLECTION 20 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS .20 3.4 DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLES 20 3.5 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY 21 3.6 PROCEDURES OF THE STUDY 21 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 22 4.1 THE PRAGMATIC STRATEGIES IN ENGLISH RESPONSES BY HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES TO NEGATIVE FEEDBACK 22 4.1.1 Politeness Theory by Brown and Levinson 22 Bald on record .22 Positive politeness 22 Negative politeness 25 Off record 28 Summary 28 4.1.2 The Politeness Principle: Leech’s maxims 30 Tact Maxim 30 Generosity Maxim 31 Approbation Maxim: 32 Modesty Maxim .32 ofModesty Maxim 33 Agreement Maxim 33 Sympathy Maxim 33 Summary 34 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 36 5.1 CONCLUSIONS 36 5.2 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 36 5.3 IMPLICATIONS .37 5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS 37 REFERENCES .39 APPENDIX 42 ABSTRACT This study aims at analyzing pragmatic features in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers The investigation follows two theories which are Brown & Levison’s (1987) politeness theory and Leech’s (1983) politeness principle The data of the study was retrieved from Tripadvisor, including 150 responses from the top 50 hotels in the USA and was carried out through both qualitative and quantitative analysis Firstly, six types of Leech’s (1983) maxims were examined; these consist of tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim After which, four kinds of politeness strategies of Brown & Levinson (1987) including bald on strategy, positive politeness, negative politeness and off record strategy were surveyed The findings of the study will be beneficial for teachers and students who want to gain a more genuine insight into pragmatic features in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers, as well as for those looking for an effective and professional way to write an English response to negative feedback of customers, especially in the hospitality industry Key words: response, negative feedback, online complaint, complaint, hospitality, pragmatic features, politeness principle, politeness strategy CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE Given the development of tourism, it is undeniable that the popularity of the hospitality industry spirals upwards Along with its development, the importance of customer-posted reviews on online platforms is also considered an indispensable part given the advent of the internet, which empowers customers to have more impacts on hospitality businesses One possible explanation for this is that before making any purchase decisions, prospective customers are likely to search for others’ feedback to curtail the level of uncertainty and potential risks It is conspicuous that reviews not always contain compliments, it could rather carry negative connotations if the services not live up to customers’ satisfaction In case businesses could not resolve those complaints adequately, it might cause damage to their reputation and image A survey of Keaveney (1995) has pointed out that when customers feels dissatisfied with a firm in service industries, they may actually take action to switch to other service providers This can lead to a decrease in profit and the company can even be boycotted as well Hospitality businesses now have to wisely deal with online negative reviews in order to retain customers and show their goodwill to others Responses to negative feedback are not a mere interaction between two sides; it acts as a leading role in handling dissatisfied customers Therefore, it is of paramount importance for hospitality businesses to know how to write an appropriate response to such complaints because customer service has become a key component for any company to climb the ladder of success So far, a considerable research attention has been placed on studies (Behnam & Amizadeh, 2011; Golato 2003; Phoocharoensil 2012) focusing on the bright side of the feedback There has been, however, little investigation into the study on linguistic features in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers As regards linguistic features, hospitality businesses' responses to negative feedback of customers carry plenty of useful linguistic knowledge for learners and researchers, especially for those who wish to have a more genuine insight into the field of hospitality For the aforementioned reasons, this present study aims at investigating “Pragmatic Features in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers.” 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims This study aims to analyze pragmatic features used in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers, in order to help hospitality businesses to effectively respond to negative feedback as well as resolve customers’ problems and hence improve customer retention This study’s findings will also be beneficial for professionals working in the hospitality industry and for tourism students who wish to work in the same field 1.2.2 Objectives The study is intended to: - Identify pragmatic features of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers - Find out some suggestions for responses to negative feedback in the hospitality industry - Present some implications to help the customer service in the hospitality industry or to reply more effectively to negative feedback of customers 1.3 RESEARCH SCOPE To meet the requirements mentioned above, this study primarily focuses on linguistic features especially pragmatic features by analyzing English responses to negative feedback of customers in the hospitality industry Regarding pragmatic features, this study utilizes Leech’s principles of pragmatics (1983) and Brown & Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) to figure out some pragmatic features in negative feedback responses in the hospitality industry 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS - What are the pragmatic features of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers? CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW Various researchers have shed light on the feature of feedback Hattie & Timperley (2007) looked at the power of feedback, especially in learning environment They stated that feedback is among the most critical influences on student learning There are four levels of feedback in learning, including the task, the processing, the regulatory, and the self levels, and it is most beneficial to give feedback at the process level which would improve students’ performance Regarding pragmatic features, Duan (2011) conducted a research on compliment speech act of Chinese students who are learning English as their second language The result indicated that despite having incredible high entrance scores, most of the Chinese EFL learners find it difficult to compliment others using English because they are not accustomed to English language knowledge and they rarely apply any politeness strategies as their knowledge on pragmatic features is still limited At the same time, in Vietnam, Nguyen (2011) carried out a study on English and Vietnamese responses to compliments, she aimed to elucidate the syntactic and pragmatic features of several kinds of verbal responses to compliments in both English and Vietnamese However, unlike those research above, Dinỗer & Alrawadieh (2017) conducted their study on negative online feedback in the hotel industry In particular, the study demonstrated that British, American and Emeriti guests whose age group are from 35 to 49 years old are more likely to post negative online feedback Another research worth mentioning is that of Xie et al (2014) Their study, which focused only on the effect of quantity of management responses, covered the business value of online consumer feedback and management response to hotel performance whose implications would be to use customer reviews and management responses to benefit the hospitality industry They suggested that online feedback greatly affects hotel performance and it is vital for hotels to rely on customers’ online feedback to spread information about their products and services In spite of copious studies related to feedback and compliment responses, there has been little profound research on English responses to negative feedback regarding 10 It is particular that, in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers, the examples are mostly the dispraise of the writer As can be seen from the examples, the writer blames themselves for not doing their best to live up to customers’ expectations Violation of Modesty Maxim There is, however, exception found in the data regarding Modesty Maxim Particularly, there is one example that violates the mentioned maxim The example is shown below: A large box of chocolates and cookies, the kind your fellow traveler found as a welcome amenity, will be of course arranged for [45] In this example, by stating “large” box, the expression of the writer may show his/her exaggeration and it breaks the Maxim of Modesty due to the act of boasting of the writer Agreement Maxim This maxim is used to maximize consencus between the writer and the reader, and minimize disagreement between them Here are some examples: You are correct when you say that we not allow children under the age of 21 in our Living Room Lounge after 9:00 PM [37] Lastly I am thankful that you agreed to keep my personal contact information on file and that you will contemplate a future visit to the resort [2] As can be seen from the examples, the writer wants to reach a consensus with the reader by saying something such as “you are correct” or “you agreed”, and it also shows that the writer is trying to avoid disagreement between them Sympathy Maxim The Sympathy Maxim is used to minimize antipathy and maximize sympathy between the writer and the reader This maxim is related to congratulations and condolences For example: I truly regret there were numerous service issues that occurred to spoil what should have been a relaxing, memorable stay [21] 33 Although we can understand your frustration, you also shared with us that you wanted to wait for a high floor [37] I am also regretful that your husband did not accept our offer to move to another suite when Shana offered [6] We are sincerely sorry for the billing issues you have encountered since your departure, and we regret the frustration and inconvenience this has undoubtedly caused you [19] It is clear from the examples that the writer expresses his sympathy about the hardship that the complainer had to experience It also shows that the writer put himself in the reader’s shoes, which is highly valued in the Maxim of Sympathy Summary Pragmatic features in English negative feedback Raw number Percentage Tact 49 8.83% Generosity 190 34.24% Approbation 110 19.82% Modesty 20 3.6% Violation of Modesty 0.18% Agreement 0.36% Sympathy 183 32.97% Total 555 100% responses in the hospitality industry Table 4.2 Frequency of occurrence of some politeness maxims by Leech used in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers The table compares the proportion of six politeness maxims by Leech (1983) used in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers Generosity and Sympathy appear to be the two most frequently-used maxims in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers By 34 contrast, it is clear that Modesty and Agreement maxim are not preferred in this kind of response compared to other maxims In the scope of 150 samples under investigation of this study, Generosity maxim registers the highest rate of occurrence in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers, with 34.24% This is followed by Sympathy maxim which is only about 1% less than the aforementioned maxim This shows that the main purpose of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers is for businesses to state their apology and that they are sympathized by showing how they aware of what happened to the complainer (Sympathy) There is also a need for businesses to offer remedies for their service failure, which is shown in the Generosity maxim Approbation maxim is also a popular maxim with nearly 20%, which indicates that in order to deliver an effective responses to negative feedback, hospitality businesses have to show their appreciation towards the customers Tact is considered important for businesses to demonstrate their politeness by using a more indirect kind of illocution as it gives the reader more choices, which makes up 8.83% of the total By contrast, it is quite uncommon for Modesty maxim and Agreement maxim to be used in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers As regards Modesty maxim, it only makes up 3.6%, which illustrates that businesses themselves not often admit their deficiencies or give gifts to the complainer as a sign of goodwill Nevertheless, there is one case of violating the Modesty maxim, which can hardly be observeb in other response This means that such violation is extremely rare in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers The same is true for Agreement maxim, which only takes up a mere 2%, showing that reaching an over agreement or mitigating disagreement between the two parties is not something that this response really considers 35 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS This thesis involves pragmatic features used in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers In order to achieve these goals, a significant amount of material relating to English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers has been found carefully and investigated profoundly They have been clarified in connection with pragmatics With respect to pragmatic strategies, there are four politeness strategies based on Brown and Levinson’s theory, which has been clarified carefully They are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off the record Those pragmatic strategies could greatly help create good impression on readers and make the contents more intriguing In addition, six maxims of Leech are identified and described as well Although English responses by business hospitality to negative feedback of customers follow the six aforementioned maxims, one example of this kind of response is found to violate one maxim which is the Maxim of modesty Besides, this research is also aimed to make contributions to the theoretical study of linguistics in general and English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers in particular 5.2 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Due to the shortage of time, materials, as well as limited knowledge of the researcher, the thesis inevitably has limitations: Firstly, this paper only concentrates on pragmatic features used in English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers There are various other features of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers that have not been mentioned and analyzed fully in this paper Secondly, there are certainly some other uses of pragmatic strategies that have yet to be investigated Thirdly, only written English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers are under investigation 36 Finally, the pragmatic strategies found in the thesis can be regarded as the typical cases of pragmatic features which the researcher has conducted with all of the data collected There are, therefore, certainly other cases that the author has overlooked 5.3 IMPLICATIONS It is hoped that this thesis will be of great benefit not only for creating an effective responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers in English but also for other fields of learning and teaching in English - As regards teaching This kind of response will be an amazing source for English teaching at universities or colleges especially for students majoring in Tourism English However, to help students write an effective English responses to negative feedback of customers might not be an easy task The research results of the thesis could help alleviate such a difficult task By providing teachers with general knowledge of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers and some of their characteristics, the thesis helps them to get better understanding of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers and have a genuine insight into the language that they are involved Moreover, the thesis draws out the common characteristics of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers to design their lectures more flexibly and effectively - Regarding learning Also, this thesis will be useful for students as well as learners of English The results of the study can possibly enrich their knowledge with much information and necessary strategies in order to write a good English response to negative feedback of customers Through this study, students may have an inspiration to carry out further investigation into English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers 5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS Due to the limitation of time and materials, there are still numerous aspects awaiting investigations One of the suggestions that can be taken into consideration: 37 - A study on the syntax of English responses by hospitality businesses to negative feedback of customers 38 REFERENCES Behnam, B., Amizadeh, N (2011) A comparative Study of the Compliments and Compliment Responses between English and Persian TV Interviews The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 17(1), 65-78 Brown, P., & Levinson, S C (1987) Politeness: Some universals in language 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pragmatic features, this study utilizes... closely related to the essence of English responses to negative feedback of customers in hospitality The reason is because the ultimate goal of responses to negative feedback of customers is to resolve

Ngày đăng: 07/12/2021, 23:40


