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A Study On Non-Finite Infinitive English In Reference With Vietnamese.pdf

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i SINH VIÊN NGUYỄN THỊ NHUNG MÃ SV 1164010042 THUYẾT MINH ĐỀ CƯƠNG KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP Chuyên ngành Kế toán Mã số 401 “Thực trạng và một số giải pháp hoàn thiện kế toán Nguyên vật liệu tại Công ty Cổ[.]

HONG DUC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES SINH VIÊN: NGUYỄN THỊ NHUNG MÃ SV: 1164010042 GRADUATION THESIS THUYẾT MINH ĐỀ CƯƠNG KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP A STUDY ON NON-FINITE INFINITIVE ENGLISH IN Chuyên WITH ngành: VIETNAMESE Kế toán REFERENCE Mã số: 401 “Thực trạng số giải pháp hoàn thiện kế tốn Ngun vật liệu Cơng ty CổSupervisor phần Tư vấn : DR.Nguyen Đầu tư Xây Thanh dựng Thăng Minh Long” Student : Hoang Thi Loan Class : K20 - FFL - HDU Course : 2017 - 2021 anh Hóa, tháng 04 năm 2015 Thanh Hoa, June 2021 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During my graduation’s thesis, I had reached precious experience and knowledge thank to teacher’s guidance, family’s care and friend’s cooperation I am very grateful to you for your help, precious experience and useful lessons, which will support me in the future, especially my career This graduation paper could not be finished without the invaluable help, advice, and encouragement from teachers, especially Dr Nguyễn Thanh Minh - my supervisor First of all, I would like to give my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Dr Nguyễn Thanh - a joyful teacher who always instructs and supports me during the time of doing graduation’s thesis He always gives us warm gestures, helps and supports in my graduation’s thesis His support helps me finish our graduation’s thesis well I also would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages who have taught me for years and the teachers in the library school have created the best conditions for me to have access to extremely valuable resources as well as the management board of Hong Duc University, for supporting me to complete this graduation’s thesis Thank you so much for your support, assistance and cooperation I would like to express my deepest love and appreciation to my beloved parents, Hoàng Ngọc Tiếp and Lê Thị Liên I could not have finished this thesis without all their love, supports, patience, and neverending prayers My sincere gratitude goes to all my brother, for always encouraging me to finish my study and for their beneficial advice I would like to express thanks to my lover for cheering me up in my bad times Finally, I would like to express our gratitude to those whose names I cannot mention here one by one May God bless them all Thanh Hoa, May 2021 Loan Hoang Thi Loan ii ABSTRACT This study aims to conduct a comparison of the “infinitive” form in nonfinite in English in reference with Vietnamese This study comprises literature review of the “infinite” form in non-finite and non-finite infinitive in English in comparison with Vietnamese verb phrases Therefore, I hope that the paper can bring useful information, especially the “infinite” form to readers who are concerned iii CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ABSTRACT iii CONTENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii PART I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims of the study The paper sets the aims and objectives as follows: 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Methods of the study 1.6 Design of the study PART 2: DEVELOPMENTS CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW OF THE “INFINITIVE” IN NONFINITE 1.1 Distinction between finite and Non-finite 1.1.1 Definition of finite form and Non-finite form 1.1.2 The structure of finite and Non-finite verb phrase 1.1.3 The “ing” form and the infinitive with the finite form Some of the properties of the “infinitive” and the “ing” form fully correspond to those of the finite forms Some of the properties of the “infinitive” and the “ing” form coincide only partly From the semantic and syntactic point of view, the infinitive and the “ing” form, like the finite forms, can be classed into two groups 10 The syntactic functions of the verbals and those of the finite forms not coincide and therein lies the main difference between them 11 In some of their functions, the infinitive and the “ing” form are lexically dependent 12 iv Although the infinitive and “ing” forms have different grammatical purposes than the finite forms, both verbals can be changed by the same secondary components of the sentence as the predicate verb 13 In addition to the traits that the infinitive and the “ing” form share, each of the two verbal forms has its own unique characteristics 14 The “ing” form, in its turn, has peculiarities of its own Unlike the infinitives, in certain functions, it may be preceded by a preposition 14 1.1.4 The participle with the finite form in Non-finite 15 Some of the properties of the participle fully correspond to those of the finite forms 15 Properties of the participle partly corresponding to those of the finite forms 15 2.2 The “infinitive” form in Non-finite 17 2.2.1 Definitions of the “infinitive” in Non-finite 17 2.2.2 Classifications and functions of the “infinitive” form in Non-finite 18 The independent “infinitive” form in Non-finite 19 The “infinitive” form as subject 19 The “infinitive” form as predicative 21 The “infinitive” form as parenthesis 24 The “infinitive” form as predicate 25 The independent infinitive 26 The infinitive as verb adjunct 26 1.3 Summary 40 CHAPTER 2: THE COMAPRISON BETWEEN NONFINITE INFINITIVE IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE VERB GROUPS 40 2.1 Structure and functions of the “infinitive” form in English Non-finite and its expressions in Vietnamese Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1.1 Some properties of Vietnamese verb groups Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1.2 Certain cases of “infinitive” form in Non-finite in English in comparision with Vietnamese verb groups 43 v Independent “infinitive” form 44 As subject 44 As predicative 44 As predicate 45 As parenthesis 45 The dependent “infinitive” form 46 As verb adjunct 46 As noun adjunct 48 As adjective adjunct 50 2.2 Meaning of “infinitive” form in non- finite in English and its equivalents of its meaning in Vietnamese 52 2.2.1 Meaning of time 52 Simultaneous action of predicate verb 52 Future time 52 2.2.2 Meaning of purpose 54 2.2.3 Meaning of comparision 55 2.2.4 Meaning of potential actions 55 2.2.5 Meaning of exception 56 2.2.6 Meaning of modal 56 2.2.7 Meaning of cause and result 58 2.3 Summary 58 PART III: CONCLUSION 59 1.1 Conclusions 59 1.1.1 Similarities 59 1.1.2 Differences 60 1.2 Limitations and suggestions for further study 61 REFERENCES 62 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Sth: Something Vps: Verb phrases Sb: Somebody V: Verb O: Object S: Subject C: Compliment A: Adverb vii PART I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale English is now widely spoken all over the world In many nations, it seems to be the primary and official language Learners frequently pay attention to verb forms in English when learning the language, and the infinitive appears to be so hard that it has been discussed in numerous seminars as well as research papers on “Phrasal Verbs” or “English Infinitive or Gerund” The infinitive in English causes a number of problems for both foreign learners and native speakers alike Because what we sometimes consists of a sequence of acts taking place at the same moment or one after the other Some behaviors may be recognized by witnesses, while others can be predicted by others based on experience or rules specific to each circumstance Some acts, on the other hand, are hard to detect without addressing the doer or agent because they occur in the speaker’s head, such as the process of thinking and feeling However, whether or not activities are obvious, they always have a tight relationship: one may be the cause or effect of the other Furthermore, a verb might be preceded or followed by others in a group of verbs, and the relationship between them is contingent on the use of specific verbs and in certain circumstances Furthermore, the infinitive’s meaning and applications vary depending on the situation In addtion, we clearly analyze the similarities and differences of nonfinite infinitives in English and Vietnamese, helping readers better understand them and use them correctly in writing and speaking That is why we chose “A study on English Non-finite infinitive in reference with Vietnamese” as the major topic of my graduation paper, and we hope that it will be useful to English readers in terms of the infinitive 1.2 Aims of the study The paper sets the aims and objectives as follows: 1- To distinguish between finite and non-finite forms 2- Discuss the classifications, functions and the meanings of non-finite in English 3- To compare and contrast the structure, function, and meaning of the nonfinite infinitive verb phrases in English with Vietnamese ones 1.3 Research questions My graduation thesis will not be able to cover all regarding the non-finite “infinitive” form in English due to space and time constraints As a result, it has been chosen to focus on only these issues: 1- What is non-finite infinitive in English? 2- What are the differences and the similarities between finite and nonfinite form in English? 3- What are the differences and the similarities between non-finite infinitive in English and its expressions in Vietnamese? 1.4 Scope of the study The research focuses on the non-finite infinitive in English and Vietnamese This research also gives some examples related to some typical infinitive in English Along with that, the comparison of the non-finite infinitive in English with the Vietnamese verb phrases as conducted in this research is designed to find out similarities and differences of both languages 1.5 Methods of the study This study’s main method is comparative analysis to analyze the similarities and differences between non-finite infinitive in English and Vietnamese on the aspects of forms and meanings by giving examples Firstly, the overview of distinction between finite and non- finite in English and Vietnamese was introduced Secondly, the research describes the “infinitive” form in non-finite Then we analyze tructures and functions of the “infinitive” form in English non-finite and its expresions in Vietnamese Finally, we make comparisons of similarities and differences of non-finite infinitive in two languages 1.6 Design of the study The graduation paper begins with acknowledgements and table of contents The thesis is divided into three main parts The part is the “Introduction” The part is the “Development”, which consists of three chapters The chapter concerns with “Literature review” The chapter deals with “Non-finite infinitive in English in comparison with Vietnamese verb phrases” The part is “The conclusion” or summary of the study => Công việc tương lai A job to-be => Anh có điều để nói khơng Do you have any thing to say? => Khơng cịn để bàn cãi There is nothing more to be discusesed => Bác sĩ người chữa The doctor is the person to have cured bệnh cho bệnh nhân for the patients The word order of Vietnamese noun phrases differs significantly from that of English In an English noun phrase, the head noun is in the center, which means it can be preceded and followed by an adjunct, however in a Vietnamese noun phrase, the head noun is always in the initial position of the phrase B As noun adjunct in certain sentence patterns English Vietnamese They have the authority to ask him to => Họ có quyền buộc phải go out khỏi The farmer grow enough rice to eat => Người nông dân trồng đủ lúa để every years ăn năm She was such a fool as to spend much => Cô ta người ngu money to Pubg game ngốc đến mức dành nhiều tiền vào trò chơi Pubg This is too difficult question for me to => Đây câu hỏi khó để tơi anwser trả lời They can precede or follow the noun in the structure of a Vietnamese noun phrase with “đủ”(enough)” and “quá” (too)” As a result, the combinations (noun +đủ để) and (đủ+ noun +để) are permissible, whereas “qúa” (the Vietnamese phrase meaning “too”) can be used after the noun and before the adjective Eg: - Too useful - Máy tính laptop 49 hữu ích C As close noun adjunct with formal “It” and “There” English Vietnamese It is not a good ideal to use cosmetic => Việc sử dụng mỹ phẩm nhiều chẳng hay ho too much It is a good channel for the children to => Đó kênh tốt cho trẻ em xem vào thời gian rỗi watch in their free time It will take you three hours to fly to Ho => Bạn ba đồng hồ để Chi Minh City bay đến thành phố Hồ Chí Minh There was nothing to => Chẳng có để làm This type of sentence is uncommon in Vietnamese, thus if formal “it” is the subject of the phrase in English, the Vietnamese equivalent must be a type of phrase beginning with words “đó, điều đó, chuyện ” As adjective adjunct A As adjunct to an adjective, irrespective of the sentence English Vietnamese => Tôi vui gặp bạn I’m pleased to see you I am determined to fulfill my => Tơi tâm hồn thành nhanh chóng nhiệm vụ giao assingments quickly He shall be unable to go there => Anh khơng thể đến Reading book sets her to get more => Đọc sách làm ta có nhiều knowledge kiến thức She does not have talent for me to => Đối với tơi ta khơng có tài became a famous singer để trở thành ca sĩ tiếng Regardless of the sentence structure, sentences translated from that with the infinitive as noun adjunct can be of two types: + The same pattern as the English ones 50 + The adjective must be replaced by a verb: it might be a modal verb or a lexical verb having the same meaning as an English adjective B As Adjunct to an Adjective Modified by “enough”, “too”, “so”, and “so … as” English Vietnamese She is intelligent enough to solve this => Cô đủ thông minh để giải problem vấn đề Is it too hot to go out? => Có phải trời q nóng để ngồi không? It is too cold for me to go swimming => Trời lạnh quá, Would you be so kind as to carry this bơi in the class? => Bạn làm ơn mang giúp vào lớp không? Except for the syntax “so as”, which is entirely different from its Vietnamese counterpart, the sentences in this pattern have the same meaning in English and Vietnamese The structure with the word “enough” (đủ) expresses the purpose, whereas the structure with the word “too” (quá) expresses negative connotation C As adjunct to an adjective with formal “it” English Vietnamese => Việc chọn váy cho cô It is difficult to choose her a dress khó It is pleaseant to be meeting him again => Thật tuyệt gặp lại anh It is very kind of you to help me => Bạn thật tốt giúp It is not good for you to drink cold => Điều thật không tốt water uống nước lạnh 51 We must utilize the terms “việc đó”, “điều đó” as the subject of the sentence when translating the infinitive verb into Vietnamese in this function In the Vietnamese translation, adjectives may become nouns 2.2 Meaning of “infinitive” form in non- finite in English and its equivalents of its meaning in Vietnamese The meaning of the “Non-finite” verb forms is fascinating, but also perplexing They are generally determined by the sentence’s structure, function, and interrelationships The English “Non-finite” verb form expresses/ denotes the following meanings: future, purpose, prospective meaning action, modal meaning, condition, etc 2.2.1 Meaning of time Simultaneous action of predicate verb The most prevalent and common interpretation of simultaneous that the infinitive may indicate is that the action occurs at the same moment as the predicate verb The subject of the simultaneous action and the predicate may be the same Eg: - I like to eat seafood (Tôi thích ăn hải sản) - She pretended to not know about that house (Cô ta giả vờ ngơi nhà đó) In this function, the subject of the infinitive may differ from the subject of the phrase Eg: - He watches her go till she passed the house (Anh ta chăm nhìn ta cô ta vào nhà) Future time The infinitive can be used as an adjunct to represent the action that occurs after the sentence’s predicate verb, as well as to signify future time In the future, this adjunct will follow the auxiliaries of the components.The common auxiliaries are: to have, be to some thing, about to some thing, going to some thing 52 In this case, the infinitive is used as the predicative of the sentence Eg: - Your task is to your homework at once (Nhiệm vụ bạn làm tập nhà lập tức) A group of verbs with the pattern “V + O + Infinitive” denote/ convey a future action, such as “to order”, “to ask”, “to consist” and “to encourage someone to something” Eg: - First, she was ordered to find the killer within the next days (Trước hết cô ta lệnh phải tới vùng biên giới) The second verb, or infinitive, in the construction “V + Infinitive”, generally refers to the action that occurs after the first verb Eg: - They intend to practise all of English skill before take the exam (Họ dự định ôn tập tất kỹ tiếng anh trước thi) - She manages to everything (Cô ta cố gắng làm thứ) The construction “adjective+ infinitive” is frequently used to allude to upcoming acts Eg: - They are able to come late (Họ đến muộn) - I am willing to share with you (Tơi sẵn lịng chia sẻ anh) The sensation or impression of the future might be contained in a single member statement Eg: - Begin with the introduction (Bắt đầu với tin) When expressing a future action, the infinitive may be preceded by the word “only” In this instance, the combination of the head verb and the infinitive generally takes on a strange meaning: the head verb’s action becomes meaningless, and the infinitive’s action reduces its impact to “zero” 53 Eg: - She turned back to the old house, only to see whether he went or not (Cô ta quay trở lại nhà cũ, để xem chưa) 2.2.2 Meaning of purpose The statement of intent, which is usually used with the particle “to” in English, is one of the most essential meanings of the infinitive Eg: - The teacher stopped to listen to the students’ opinion (Giáo viên dừng lại để lắng nghe quan điểm học sinh) - I try my best to achive attainments in my study (Tôi cố để đạt thành tích học tập) To emphasize the concept of purpose, the infinitive with the meaning of purpose might be preceded by the modifiers “in order to” and “so that” The negative infinitive of purpose can be preceded by “so as” Eg: - He studies hard so as to be a doctor (Anh ta học hành chăm để trở thành bác sĩ) Other modifiers can be used in front of the infinitive to offer their own unique shades of meaning: as if, as though, as much, if only, Eg: - She seems to be embarrassed as if to be just teased (Cô ta trông ngượng ngùng thể vừa bị ghẹo) The infinitive indicating the purpose of the head verb always follows the head verb, although it may appear at the beginning or in the middle of the phrase between the subject and the predicate to emphasize or put accent on the purpose Eg: - To get her heart, I have to be so fucking rich (Để có trái tim cô ta, phải thật giàu có) The person signified by that of the phrase is the subject of the infinitive of intent, although it might alternatively be the person signified by the sentence’s object It can, however, have its own subject if the word “for” is added Eg: - He left the laptop here for me to use (Anh ta để máy tính lại cho dùng) 54 2.2.3 Meaning of comparision When followed by “than”, the infinitive can convey comparison and refers to the entire predicate group comprising the comparative degree of an adjective or adverb Eg: - He should have done it himself than to hire someone to help (Lẽ nên tự làm việc đó, th đến giúp) - In the covid-19 pademic, it make me to no more than stay at home (Trong đại dịch covid-19, tơi khơng phép làm việc ngồi nhà) 2.2.4 Meaning of potential actions As a probable consequence of the action described by the head verb, the infinitive may represent a prospective action that can be carried out in the future On the other hand, doing the first action is sufficient to cause the second to occur Eg: - I have to go to school to something (Tôi phải đến trường để làm số thứ) After any noun, adjective and adverb modified by “enough, too such…as and so as”, the infinitive may have the meaning of potential action Eg: - It is too early to go to bed (Còn sớm để ngủ) Infinitives are also employed to illustrate the relationship between passive and active meanings Eg: - She tried to accept him (Cô ta cố gắng chấp nhận anh ta) - He tried to be accepted (Anh ta cố gắng chấp nhận) - We happened to see her (Chúng tơi tình cờ gặp ta) 55 - She happened to be seen by us (Cơ ta tình cờ bị phát hiện) The differences between the English infinitive and the Vietnamese verb combinations may be seen in the examples above (its expression in Vietnamese) And the largest and clearest distinction between them is in the structure and function of each phrase component, not in the content In this case, it is, however, used to express the meaning of passive action With the structure “to have/get sth + past participle” may have the meaning of passive action Eg: - I will have the house built (Tôi thuê người xây nhà) 2.2.5 Meaning of exception In this function, the bare infinitive is used after “except” and “but” in English Eg: - They can not anything except obey (Họ khơng thể làm ngồi việc tn lệnh) - They will not go out but stay at home (Họ khơng ngồi nhà) 2.2.6 Meaning of modal Modal meaning is extremely complicated, and modal verbs play the most significant role in verb combinations The bare infinitive in English is used in conjunction with a modal verb to indicate the sense of: ability, possibility, necessity, and so on In Vietnamese, the situation is the same Can/ could May/ might + bare infinitive + verb Should/ would = Có thể Có khả Nên/ cần 56 Aside from modal verbs, there are other instances when the infinitive is used with other verbs to create a modal meaning or character The combination with other verbs: The structure “verb + infinitive” is the combination of verbs like: to seem, to appear, to want, to like, with the infinitive verb Eg: - She seems to be so embarrassed (possibility) (Cô ta dường ngượng) - He intends to fly to Hanoi city next month (Anh ta dự định bay đến Hà Nội vào tháng tới) The infinitive may be used with an adjective to indicate the concept of modal: appropriate, convinient, dificult, easy and others Eg: - It is neceessary to search for this information (Cần phải tìm kiếm thơng tin này) The combination with nouns: the nouns like: intention, desire, wish, need, etc,… which can be combined with the infinitive to convey modal meaning Eg: - There is no need to read all the books (necessity) (Khơng cần phải đọc hết tồn sách) - I wishes to make a complaint (Tôi muốn đưa khiếu nại) Other cases: Beside above, there are also serveral cases where the modal meaning appear Eg: - There is no more to say (possibility) (Khơng cịn để nói nữa) - It is not easy to learn by heart vocabulary (Khơng dễ để học thuộc lịng từ mới) - There is nothing to wih those (Chẳng có để làm việc đó) 57 2.2.7 Meaning of cause and result The relationship between verb group actions is quite intricate Some acts occur on their own, while others may be the result of a series of events in which one action was the reason or cause of the preceding one, and may also be the cause of the subsequent one This usually happens when the pattern “verb + object + infinitive” is followed Eg: - They help me (Họ giúp tôi) This sentence can be understood in this way: “He does something wrong and he must lie me” So the sentence above can be similar to this one: Eg: - I have them helped (Tôi nhờ họ giúp đỡ) These two sentences express the same idea 2.3 Summary This program has answered two questions "What are the similarities and differences between non-finite infinitive in English and Vietnamese? How we distinguish between the two languages?” First, we analyze the structures and functions such as some properties and certain cases Then, we delve into the meaning of “infinitive” form in non-finite in English and its expressions of its meaning in Vietnamese In summary, we have distinguished and clarified nonfinite infiitive in English and its Vietnamese and helped readers understand all aspects of non-finite infinitive as well as not be confused with other forms of non-finite in English and Vietnamese in this chapter 58 PART III: CONCLUSION 1.1 Conclusions The infinitive is a syntactic and semantic phenomena that is often utilized in English Despite their infrequent appearance in separate sentences, they serve a critical function in finite verb phrases Although the infinitive is considered a minor component of complexverb phrases, without it, the conjunction of a succession of acts cannot be stated without difficulty In English, there are two types of infinitives: bare infinitives (without the particle “to”) and “to”-infinitives (containing the preposition “to”) The infinitive can not only function as independent phrases or sentences, such as the subject predicative, predicate, and parenthesis, but it may also function as dependent phrases and sentences, such as verb adjunct, noun adjunct, and adjective adjunct In comparison to the English infinitive, the Vietnamese verb groups or combinations, as well as the phrases in Vietnamese, are significantly different from those in English, while there are many parallels in the functions and meanings of the two languages 1.1.1 Similarities If we overlook the structural differences entirely, the nominal, adverbial, and adjectival functions are the most striking similarities: - Nominal functions as independent phrases for both of them can play the role of the subject, predicative and parenthesis and as dependent phrases because they can be the close verb adjunct after active or passive verbs, with or without prepositions - Both of them share the same adverbial functions As dependent phrases, they can modify a verb (as loose verb adjunct), an adjective or the whole sentence they can serve as the main part to construct complex sentences and useful device to express different meanings: meaning of time, purpose, comparison, action, exception, modal, cause and reasults 59 They can also be used to modify a noun that is in the past tense and serve as an adjective adjunct 1.1.2 Differences - The most significant distinction is that the English infinitive includes specific structures, but the Vietnamese verb phrases have no such features In certain circumstances, the structures are therefore dependent on the meaning of the primary verb - The second issue concerns morphological characteristics There are no morphological alterations in verb forms employed for grammatical purposes in Vietnamese, as there are in English Special words can be seen as signals for aspect, emotion, and voice when they are expressed in English into Vietnamese - The third issue is that, unlike English, Vietnamese has no “formal subject” (although “it” and “there” can be used as the “unreal subject”), therefore when translating from English to Vietnamese, we must add “việc” or “điều” before the verb at the beginning of the phrase - In general, the construction of an English infinitive follows a strict set of rules, though the meaning can be expressed in a variety of ways There are no defined rules for structures in Vietnamese or Vietnamese subjectless verb combinations, and the meaning is dependent on a large number of modifying terms As a result, in our graduation assignment, we arranged the principles of English infinitive in a logical sequence In chapter of part 2, we looked at the broad forms and purposes of the infinitive in non-finite situations, as well as the parallels and contrasts between finite and non-finite situations In addition, an attempt is made to compare the infinitive in English with the Vietnamese corresponding terms in chapter of part Our goal is to clearly analyze the similarities and differences of non-finite infinitives in English and Vietnamese, helping readers better understand them and use them correctly in writing and speaking 60 1.2 Limitations and suggestions for further study Because of the space and time constraints in this paper, we will not be able to discuss all of the grammatical aspects of the English infinitive We have also described a number of infinitive functions, but no rules or relationships between infinitive functions have been brought out systematically The most significant meanings are enumerated and demonstrated with instances, but there are no ideas on how to identify them, and aesthetic aspects are not addressed The distinctions and similarities between the infinitive in English and its expression in Vietnamese are highlighted, however this section can not cover all of them Furthermore, because the sorts of workouts are so diverse, they need to be further examined We would like to be able to continue our investigation on all of the issues surrounding the translation of English infinitives into Vietnamese 61 REFERENCES Alexander, L.G Longman English Grammar London and New York: Longman Group ltd, 1988 Cẩn, N.T Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt (Tiếng-Từ Ghép- Đoản Ngữ) NXB GD, 1992 Cobuild, C English Grammar London: Collins Publishers, 1990 Eastwood, J Oxford Guide to English Grammar Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 Frank, M Modern English-A Reference Guide Frentice-Hall-INC, Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey, 1972 Ganshina, A & Vasilevskaya, N M English grammar Moscow: Vyssaja Skola, 1964 Mạnh T H A guide to University Grammar of English, 2000 Swan, M Practical English Usage Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995 Thomson, A.J & Martinet, A.V A Practical English Grammar Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986 10 Blokh, M.Y A course in theoretical English grammar Moscow: Vyssaja Skola, 2006 11 Grave, B.D Advanced English Practice Oxford: Oxford University Prress, 1963 12 Jacobs, R.A English Syntax Oxford University Press, 1995 13 Quirk, R & Greenbaum, S A University Grammar of English London; Longman Group Ltd, 1973 14 Thản, N K Động Từ Trong Tiếng Việt Hà Nội: NXB KHXH, 1977 15 Văn, N.V Advanced English Grammar NXB Trẻ, 1992 16 A zar, B.S Understanding and Using English Grammar Prentice Hall Ragents, 1991 17 Ban, D.Q Cấu Trúc Câu Đơn Tiếng Việt Hà Nội: Trường Đại Học Sư Phạm 1, 1984 62 18 Ban, D.Q & Thung, H.V Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục, 1991 19 Ban, D.Q & Thung, H.V Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục, 1992 20 Close, R.A A Reference Grammar for Students of English Longman Group Ltd, 1975 21 http://www.edufind.com 22 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/busy 23 http://www.englishgrammar.org 63

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