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Tieng Anh 10 Sach thi diem unit 8

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Who: Được dùng để thay thế cho một danh từ chỉ người và có thể dùng làm chủ từ hoặc tân ngữ trong mệnh đệ quan hệ chú ý không được dùng Who sau giới từ Eg1: The tourist who speaks Engl[r]

UNIT 8: A NEW WAY TO LEARN Vocabulary tablet (n): máy tính bảng device(n): thiết bị calculation(n): phép tính download (v): tải digital (adj): kĩ thuật số touch screen (n): hình cảm ứng distract (v): làm tập trung instruction (n): (sự) hướng dần effective (adj): hiệu voice recognition(n): nhận dạng giọng nói portable (adj): di động application (n): ứng dụng = app accent (n): giọng recorder (n): máyghi âm enjoyable (adj): thích thú submit (v): nộp horrible (adj): kinh khủng handwriting (n): chữ viết fingertip (n): đầu ngón tay triple (adj/v): có ba cái/gấp ba inappropriate (adj): không phù hợp concentrate (v): tập trung disruptive (adj): gây gián đoạn annoying (adj): làm phiền radiation (n): phóng xạ permanent (adj): lâu dài benefit (v): lợi promote(v): thúc đẩy Critical thinking (n-phr): tư phản biện material (n): tài liệu personal (adj): thuộc cá nhân instantly (adv): take note (v-phr): ghi take advantage (v-phr): khai thác, tận dụng look up (v-phr): tra cứu performance (n): thành tích electronic (adj): thuộc điện tử Grammar RELATIVE CLAUSE I Definition : - Relative clause is a subordinate clause in complex sentence It has the grammartical role as an adjective It modifies the meaning for the preceding noun or pronoun It is connected with main clause by relative pronouns or relative adverbs.(Mệnh đề quan hệ mệnh đề phụ câu phức Nó có chức ngữ pháp tính từ Nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ hay đại từ đứng trước Nó kết nối với mệnh đề đại từ quan hệ hay trạng từ quan hệ) - There are two kinds of relative clause : restrictive relative clause (defining relative clause) and non-restrictive relative clause (non-defining relative clause) ( Có hai loại mệnh đề quan hệ: mệnh đề quan hệ giới hạn (xác định) mệnh đề quan hệ không giới hạn (không xác định) II Relative pronouns : Who: Được dùng để thay cho danh từ người dùng làm chủ từ tân ngữ mệnh đệ quan hệ ( ý không dùng Who sau giới từ ) Eg1: The tourist who speaks English wants to have a guide to help him S Eg2: The young man who was released after the court was found innocent of all the charges against him S Eg3: His mother, who my mother is talking to, is a nurse O Eg4: His father, to who my mother is talking , is a doctor Sai  to whom (không dùng Who sau giới từ) Whom: Được dùng để thay cho danh từ người dùng làm tân ngữ mệnh đệ quan hệ ( ý không dùng Whom đại từ quan hệ dùng làm chủ từ ) Eg1: The girl from whom I borrowed the dictionary asked me to use it carefully O Eg2: The boy with whom I have talked is very successful student O Which : Được dùng để thay cho danh từ vật , đồ vật dùng làm chủ từ tân ngữ mệnh đệ quan hệ Eg1: The composition which was written by Jane was really interesting S Eg2: Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, which was awarded the Nobel Prize, had a major influence on the lives of people in the 20th century S Eg3: The song to which you are listening is a classical song O Whose : Được dùng để thay cho tính từ sở hữu trước danh từ.(Thay cho sở hữu người vật ) Chủ sở hữu + whose + danh từ Eg1: The table whose face was broken has just been repaired Eg2: Hemingway, whose name is well- known throughout the world, developed a very concise writing style Eg3: The students whose tests are under five must attend the second test That : Được dùng để thay cho Who , Whom ,Which dùng làm chủ từ tân ngữ mệnh đệ quan hệ a Bắt buộc dùng THAT : a1: Sau tiền trí từ hỗn hợp gồm có người vật Eg1: The robber and his motorbike that caused the last robbery were arrested last Sunday in the neighborhood Eg2: The man and his drugs that occur more often in the discothesque have been arrested by police a2: Sau danh từ có cấp so sánh đứng trước (nên dùng) Eg1: The most beautiful girl that won the crown in the last Miss Universe is Miss venezuela Eg2: The longest street that is being resurfaced is tran Hung Dao street a3 THAT dùng sau đại từ bất định (Nên dùng) Eg1: Anybody that finishes the test early can leave the room Eg2: All that went to school late today must write 100 times the sentence “ I must go to school on time” b Không dùng THAT b1: Sau giới từ The woman to that my mother is talking is my aunt Sai  to whom b2: Trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định John Montagu, that invented the sandwich, was an English Earl Sai  who III Mệnh đề không giới hạn( non-restrictive clause) Là mệnh đề mà ta tách khỏi mệnh đề mệnh đề giữ nguyên ý nghĩa Nó bổ sung thêm ý nghĩa cho mệnh đề mà thơi đứng cách mệnh đề dấu phảy ( Mệnh đề đứng sau tiền ngữ có đặc điểm: tên riêng ( Mr Long, Mary), có tính từ sở hữu( my, our, your, Lan’s), có từ xác định ( this, that, these, those) Eg : My mother,who you met last night , is a nurse - This bike,which I bought last week,is very expensive IV Relative clause sau giới từ : Ta đưa giới từ lên trước đại từ quan hệ whom which Eg1: That’s the man whom I was talking about  That’s the man about whom I was talking Eg 2: The song which we are listening to is very interesting  The song to which we are listening is very interesting V Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ : Ta dùng Present Participle ( V-ing ) rút gọn cho mệnh đề quan hệ mang nghĩa chủ động Past Participle (P.P) cho mệnh đề quan hệ mang nghĩa bị động Eg1: I like the story which is written by Nguyen Du  I like the story written by Nguyen Du Eg2: The boy who is standing overthere is our new classmate  The boy standing overthere is our new classmate Ta rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ sau the first , the last , the next ,the only cách dùng To infinitive Eg1: She was the first person who came to my wedding last week  She was the first person to come to my wedding last week Eg2: Nam was the last student who went out of the class yesterday  Nam was the last (student) to go out of the class yesterday Eg3: Miss Linda was the only candidate who won the last round  Miss Linda was the only to win the last round Note : Nếu bị động dùng to be +P.P Eg: He was the last prisoner to be killed by firing Pronunciation Stress in three-syllable adjectives and verbs: trọng âm tính từ động từ âm tiết + Với động từ âmtiết: - Hầu hết động từ ghép có trọng âm rơi vào phần thứ hai Track 31: Listen and repeat stand —>unders'tand , line —>under'line , take —>under'take , bid —>under'bid , cook —>under'cook act —>inte'ract - Các tiền tố (en, dis) không làm thay đổi trọng âm (Trọng ân không rơi vào tiền tố) Track 32: Listen and repeat 'lighten —> en'lighten - Cáchậu tố (-ing, -fill, -ous) không làm thay đổi trọng âm Track 33: Listen and repeat a'nnoy —>a'nnoyingsu'ccess —>su'ccessful 'meaning —> 'meaningful 'colour —> 'colourful 'poison —> 'poisonous danger —> 'dangerous   PART II PRACTICE Listen, repeat and choose the word you hear with a different stress pattern from the others (Track 34) A undertake B interact C disappear D enlighten A encourage B remember C successful D colorful A dangerous B enable C surprising D depressing A underline B disappoint C poisonous D undercook A annoying B meaningful C unequal D repeating Complete the sentences by using relative pronouns (who/that/which/whose) 1.You should find a neighbor you home while you are away 2.Do you remember the presenter conversation with last month? 3.You can purchase or download the software can help you to record your voice It is sensible for students to choose the channels benefit both their learning and relaxing 5.They donated some sacks of rice to the people houses were destroyed by the typhoon last week 6.My cousin, lives nearby, often looks after my flat 7.That’s David, father is an expert in behavioral psychology I have applied to Harvard University, is the most prestigious university in the world 9.Great Britain, is one of the most powerful countries in the world, has a standard educational system 10.I work with friendly and helpful colleagues, is a great source of happiness for me.  Complete the following sentences 1.An e-book is an electronic book which …………………………………………………… 2.Tom Cruise, who is an actor, is …………………………………… 3.Barack Obama, who ……………………………………… , is dedicated with his mission 4.A successful man is ……………………………………………………………………… 5.A president is a …………………………………………………… 6 Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences 1.My English teacher, who lectures are interesting, is humorous 2.He is the farmer which I told you about 3.This is the bridge who was built by a famous king 1000 years ago 4.The cacao tree, that grows in equatorial regions, produces a fruit about the size of a small pineapple 5.He has a lot of friends from English speaking countries, who is a great help for him to learn English PART III: TEST YOURSELF Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences advantage enjoyable concentrate disruptive radiation submit screen downloaded distract look A tablet can be used to take notes with a digital pen on a touch _ 2.A computer or laptop can be your powerful weapon and you can take _ of the Internet to support your study 3.Personal electronic devices which _ students from their class work are banned in most schools 4.Depending on learners’ preference and convenience, they can up new words in an electronic dictionary or printed version 5.Digital lessons are available in a variety of web pages and they can be freely _ and stored in your computers 6.Since the appearance of electronic devices, lessons have become more and more Many of the students prefer to _ their assignment papers to their lecturers online via e-mail or even Facebook 8.If your smart phone rings while you are learning or working, you cannot on your study or work 9.In this situation when you are annoyed and interfered with your device, it becomes 10 The from electronics might harm your brain and cause permanent impact Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right download a to take somebody’s attention away from what they are trying to distract b to get data from another computer, usually using the internet inappropriate c to help something to happen or develop permanent d lasting for a long time or for all time in the future promote e not suitable or appropriate in a particular situation Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets 1.One of the functions of computer, which only some people know, is to _ (calculate) 2.Voice is the app which helps some types of smart phone attracts customers (recognize) 3.She had a influence on the rest of the class, as her phone rang suddenly (disrupt) 4.Accessing to _ information harms your mental health (appropriate) 5.Some people support the view that _ electronic devices may bring more harm than good to students (person) 6.An Iphone plus is said to offer a lot of useful _ for learning and entertaining (apply) Nowadays, _ between people around the world is becoming much more convenient thanks to the aid of modem technology (communicate) 8.She was _ with her son because he over used the Internet and did not concentrate on his study (appoint) 9.In order to make language learning more _ you must choose a device which is suitable for your learning style (effect) 10 Your which affects your speaking achievement, can be improved by taking advantage of some types of software (pronounce) Choose the best answer 1.People at the conference agreed that they used smart phones mostly for communication The underlined word has the closest meaning to: A shortly B likely C mainly D manly 2.Mary: “What you think could be the negative effect of overusing computers?” - Peter: “ ” A.I think it is negative B It might be bad for your eyes and harmful to your brain C It may not be effect D You should not use computers 3.Bill Gate, _ is the owner of Microsoft Corporation, donates nearly all of his money to charity A.who B that C which D whose 4.This is the picture they intend to buy A who B whom C which D whose 5.“He wants to see the stamps We have collected them recently.” has the closest meaning to: A He wants to see the stamps which we have collected them recently B He wants to see the stamps we have collected recently C He wants to see the stamps that we have collected them recently D He wants to see the stamps who we have collected recently 6.The book _ she wrote 10 years ago has just been published A who B whom C that D whose 7.Older athletes, _ achievements used to be considered low, are getting faster and fitter than in the past A who B whom C that D whose 8.Big Ben, _ has been visited by millions of people, is in England A which B whom C that D whose 9.I have got today’s newspaper, _ has a list of films A which B whom C that D whose 10.Some experts advise that student should take advantage of their smart phones to have fun and good learning results The underlined word has the closest meaning to: A take care of B make use of C make fun of D take photos of 11 Some kinds of software can be used with only some certain types of media A plays B playing C played D players 12.What was the name of the company _ factory burned down yesterday? A which B whom C that D whose 13.Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others A introduce B underline C undertake D following 14.They take part in social activities and interact with different cultures, _ widens their knowledge and gradually matures them A who B that C which D whose 15.Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others A dangerous B encourage C successful D defining 16.Some students take a year out before university, allows them to work or travel A who B that C which D whose 17.Choose the answer which needs correcting He is a(A) kind of(B) person who(C) job involves travelling(D) a lot 18.Choose the answer which needs correcting I have(A) never been to Da Nang, that(B) is said to be the most(C) peaceful city in(D) Vietnam 19 Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others A poisonous B relative C remember D meaningful 20 Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others A official B embarrass C unequal D natural Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences smart phone / This / the / which / is / I / given / years / was / ago / ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.friend, / live / with / my /I / dear / is / quite / who /hardworking ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.Tom?/ Is / the / girl / that / you / to / want / to / introduce ………………………………………………………………………… ?  4.She / whose / is / nurse / the / homeland / Mexico / is ………………………………………………………………………… could not / He / his / partners, / persuade / which / his / was / failure ………………………………………………………………………… Read the passage and choose the best answer Computer Facts Enjoy some great computer facts and interesting information about these (1) devices which playsuch an important role in our modern day lives Learn about parts of the computer such as the RAM, ROM and CPU as well as fun info about how we use computers to make our lives _ (2) and more enjoyable Early electronic computers, developed around the 1940s, were the size of a large room and consumed huge amounts of _ (3) They were vastly different to the modern computers we use today, especially when compared to small and portable laptop computers Computers (4) to carry out instructions These instructions are usually very simple and require adding numbers together, moving data from one place _ (5)another etc A computer program can include as little as a few instructions to upwards of millions of instructions depending on the complexity of the program Modern (6)such as word processors, web browsers and graphic editors take large teams of programmers a long time to complete A computers memory stores numbers in huge amounts of cells that are addressed and can be quickly (7) by the CPU to perform calculations There are two main types of computer memory ROM (read only memory) and RAM (random access memory) ROM contains pre-written software and data that the CPU can only read, while RAM can be accessed and written to at any time Computers interact _ (8) a number of different I/O (input/output) devices to exchange information These peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, display, hard drive, printer and more Computers are used to help link the world in the form of networks Networked computers allow users to share and exchange data that is stored in different locations You may have heard of a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) _ (9) connects areas of various sizes The Internet is a vast network of computers spanning the globe _ (10)allows users to access email, the World Wide Web and other applications Although we normally think of computers as the ones we use in our everyday lives to surf the web, write documents etc., small computers are also embedded into other things such as mobile phones, toys, microwaves and MP3 players We use computers all the time, of' ten without even knowing it! A amazed A easier A elect A programmed A on A applications A accesses A on A whose 10 A whose B amazing B more easier B electrical B are programmed B for B application B accessed B for B who B who C amazingly C much easy C electrically C program C to C apply C accessing C to C which C that D amaze D a lot easy D electricity D are programming D about D applied D accessory D with D whom D whom ... classical song O Whose : Được dùng để thay cho tính từ sở hữu trước danh từ.(Thay cho sở hữu người vật ) Chủ sở hữu + whose + danh từ Eg1: The table whose face was broken has just been repaired... tính từ sở hữu( my, our, your, Lan’s), có từ xác định ( this, that, these, those) Eg : My mother,who you met last night , is a nurse - This bike,which I bought last week,is very expensive IV... are interesting, is humorous 2.He is the farmer which I told you about 3.This is the bridge who was built by a famous king 100 0 years ago 4.The cacao tree, that grows in equatorial regions, produces

Ngày đăng: 27/11/2021, 15:57


