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Tuần 24 Thứ Ba ngày tháng năm 2021 Môn Tiếng Anh Period:47 UNIT 12: AT THE LAKE Lesson A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Pronounce the sound of the letter L/l - Say the words lake, leaf, lemons Knowledge: - Sound /l/ -Vocabulary: lake, leaf, lemons Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter L/l B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Warm up:5’ -Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by asking the class to sing the song in Unit 11, Lesson and actions, saying Sing the song and actions, please! Listen and repeat:13’ - Have pupils look at the picture andanswer some questions, such as Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? and Can you see the lake? Can Students’ activities - SS sing the song -Look at the picture and listen you see the leaf? Can you see the lemons? Draw pupil’s attention to the letter L/l, the words next to the character and things, and the colour of the letter L/ l Check comprehension - Have pupils point to the letter L/l, listen to the recording and repeat the sound of the letter L/l Say Point to the letter L/l, listen and repeat, please! Play the recording several times for pupils to listen and repeat the sound of the letter - Have them point to the lake and/or the word lake, listen to the recording and repeat the word lake,Then play the recording again, if necessary, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus Correct pronunciation, if necessary -In pairs or groups, play the recording again and have them listen, point to the letter L/l and the words lake, leaf, lemons and repeat until they feel confident -Play the recording again and call a few pupils to say the sound of the letter L/l and the words lake, leaf, lemons in front of the class Point and say :14’ - Have pupils look at the picture/poster Ask them to describe the picture Draw their attention to the letter L/l and the things/pet, if necessary -Get them to point to the letter L/l and say it Ask them to point to the lake and say the word lake - Follow the same procedure with other things Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task - Ask pupils to work in pairs or in groups to point to the picture and say the sound of the letter L/l and the words Go around and offer help or correct pronunciation, if necessary -Invite two or three pupils to point to the picture and say the sound of the letter and -Point, listen and repeat -Ss listen and repeat -Listen, point and repeat -SS say in front of the class -Look at the picture and discribe -Point and say -Work in pairs or in groups -Point and say the words in front of the class - T gets feedback 4.Consolidation(1’) - Asking Ps to focus on sounds and vocabulary again Homelink (1’) - Practice more at home - Prepare : Lesson Period :48 UNIT 12: AT THE LAKE Lesson A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Say the letter L/l and the words Lucy, lake, lemons in a chant Knowledge: - Sound /l/ - Vocabulary: Lucy, lake, lemons Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Speaking and listeing of the letter L/l B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Warm up:5’ - Invite a few pupils to point to the picture/poster and pronounce the sound of the letter L/l and say the words Lucy, lake, lemons Listen and chant:10’ - Have pupils look at the chant and draw pupils’ attention to the first verse and explain its meaning Ask them to pay attention to the letter L/l and the words duck, dog and the words: Lucy, lake, lemons Check comprehension - Play the recording of the first verse for pupils to listen and to get familiarized with the tune - Play the recording again, ask pupils to listen and repeat the first line Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat until they feel confident - Follow the same procedure with the other verse Show pupils how to chant and clap their hands Correct pronunciation, if necessary - Play the recording all the way through Ask pupils to listen and repeat the chant individually and in chorus Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task - Select some pupils to the front of the class to chant and clap their hands The rest of the Students’ activities - SS point and say -SS look and listen -SS listen -Ss point and say -SS listen and tick -Ss listen and check * Keys: a/ 2b -SS look and listen class may sing the chant along and clap their hands Listen and tick :7’ - Have pupils look at the pictures and say -SS trace what they can see, saying Point to the pictures and say, please! Pupils may point to the lemons and say, e.g lemons Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes next to the letters a and b Check comprehension -Invite some pupils to point to the pictures and say the words in front of the class - Play the recording for pupils to listen and tick the box *Audio script: Look at the lemons Look at the lake - Ss check - Let ss to listen again and check - Ss listen and check 3.Look and trace.10’ - Have pupils look at the letter L (upper case) and l (lower case) Ask pupils to make -SS look and listen sure if they recognize the two forms of the letter - Tell pupils to trace the letter L/l T can demonstrate by air tracing or tracing the broken lines of the letter L/l on the board -Then let pupils the tracing and -SS trace completing the words ucy, ake, eaf and emons Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task - Check the results of pupils’ tracing and -SS check give feedback Ask pupils to work in pairs and swap their answers Give pupils time to work Go around and offer help, if -SS show necessary - Ask some pupils to show what they have done 4.Consolidation(1’) - Asking Ps to focus on sounds and vocabulary again Homelink (1’) - Pupils learn by heart the chant in part - Pupils trace the letter L/l in their workbooks - Prepare : Lesson Tuần 25 Thứ Ba ngày 16 tháng năm 2021 Môn Tiếng Anh Period :49 UNIT 12: AT THE LAKE Lesson A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Use : “ Look at Lucy.” or ”Look at the lemons.” is used to express a command - Sing a song with the structures : “ Look at Lucy.” or ”Look at the lemons 1.Knowledge: - Sentence patterns: “ Look at Lucy.” or ”Look at the lemons Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter L/l B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Warm up:5’ -Have a few pupil to point to the picture in for Unit and say the sentences, e.g This is my dog This is my desk Listen and repeat:10’ - Have pupils look at the picture, saying: What can you see? I can see a boy I can see a dog Yes This is a dog Explain the meaning of the sentence and how it is used Check comprehension -Play the recording several times for pupils to listen and repeat the sentence Give more support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task - Invite some pupils to listen and repeat the sentences in front of the class - T checks and corrects Let’s talk :7’ - Have pupils look at thepicture in Student’s book Point to the dog and ask them What is this? The pupils may answer “a dog” Tell them to introduce a dog in English, saying “This is a dog” -Ask pupils to point to Picture a and say the sentence This is a dog in chorus Correct pronunciation, if necessary -Ask them to look at the pictures to identify the other things Then let them point to the pictures and say the words -Ask pupils to work in pairs or in groups to practise introducing things to each other, saying “ Look at Lucy.” or ”Look at the lemons Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task -Invite some pairs of pupils to practise introducing things to each other in front of the class 3.Let’s sing :10’ Students’ activities - SS point and say -SS look and listen -Listen and repeat -Ss repeat -Ss look and listen -Listen and say -Look and identify -SS work in pairs or in groups to practise -SS practise -Have pupils read the lyrics to familiarize themselves with the first verse of the song Explain the meaning of the structures “ Look at Lucy.” or ”Look at the lemons” -Play the recording several times for pupils to repeat line after line to make sure that they can sing the verse correctly - Have pupils listen to the whole song, drawing their attention to the pronunciation, the stress and the melody of the song Then let pupils practise singing the song Help them sing the song sentence by sentence first Then help them to sing the whole song - Call one or two groups to sing the song in front of the class -SS listen -SS listen and repeat -SS listen and sing the song -SS perform 4.Consolidation(1’) - Asking Ps to retell the content of the lesson Homelink (1’) - Pupils sing the song by heart - Prepare : Review Period :50 REVIEW 3: PHIL AND SUE A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Identify some learnt words in uint 11, unit 12 and say them with correct pronunciation., - Role play dialogue betwwen Phil and Sue Knowledge: -Phonics: the sound of the letters o, m, u, l -Vocabulary: clocks, locks, mops, pots mango, monkey, mother, mouse bus, running, sun, truck Lucy, lake, leaf, lemons -Sentence patterns: That’s a _ (introducing one thing) _’s running (describing what someone is doing) Look at _ (using the imperatives) Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter o, m, u, l B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Warm up:5’ *Revising the sounds and words Show flashcards or the letters o, m, u, l Have pupils say the letter names and the sounds Listen and repeat:13’ - Have pupils look at the picture and draw pupils’ attention to the dialogue between Phil and Sue -Play the recording for ss to listen and repeat Correct pronunciation, if necessary -Have time for ss to role play in pairs -Call some pupils to role play in front of the class Students’ activities - SS say -Look at the picture and listen -SS listen - Ss to role play in pairs -SS role play in front of the class - T gets feedback Look and circle:14’ - Have pupils look at the picture and identify -Look at the picture and read the other things Then let them point to the pictures and say the words :dog, book, cat, duck Correct pronunciation, if necessary -Have time for ss to look at the pictures and -SS the task circle the correct word individually - Call some pupils to tell their answer - Ss to tell the answer - T gives the correct answer and corrects if necessary 4.Consolidation(1’) - Have pupils say the letters again Homelink (1’) - Practice more at home - Prepare : Review – Part 1,2,3 Tuần 26 Thứ Tư ngày 23 tháng năm 2021 Môn Tiếng Anh Period :51 REVIEW 3: SELF CHECK Part 1, 2, A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Identify some learnt words in uint 11, unit 12 and say them with correct pronunciation., Knowledge: -Phonics: the sound of the letters o, m, u, l -Vocabulary: clocks, locks, mops, pots mango, monkey, mother, mouse bus, running, sun, truck Lucy, lake, leaf, lemons -Sentence patterns: That’s a _ (introducing one thing) _’s running (describing what someone is doing) Look at _ (using the imperatives) Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter o, m, u, l B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up:5’ *Revising the sounds and words - Show flashcards or the letters o, m, u, l - SS say letter b and c Have pupils say the letter names and the letter sounds - Stick some flashcards including some pictures of the words from Units 11 and 12 on the board Have pupils play Slap the board in three minutes Listen and tick:9’ Have pupils look at two pictures and say what they can see Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes next to the letters a and b Check comprehension -Encourage some pupils to point to the pictures and say the words in front of the class - Play the recording for pupils to listen and tick the box - Let ss to listen again and check - T gets feedback Listen and circle:9’ - Have pupils look at the letter and say -Encourage some pupils to point to the letter and say the words in front of the class - Play the recording for pupils to listen and circle the correct answer - Let ss to listen again and check - T gets feedback Listen and tick or cross:9’ -Have pupils look at thepictures and say what they can see Draw pupils’ attention to pictures Check comprehension -Encourage some pupils to point to the pictures and say the words in front of the class - Play the recording for pupils to listen and tick or cross - Let ss to listen again and check - T gets feedback -SS play Slap the board game -SS look and listen -SS point and say - Ss listen and tick - Ss listen and check *Key: 1.b/ a -SS look and say -SS point and say - Ss listen and circle - Ss listen and check *Key: 1- l/ 2-o/ 3-m/ 4-u -SS look and listen -SS point and say - Ss listen and tick or cross - Ss listen and check *Key: Tick / cross Tick / cross 4.Consolidation(1’) - Have pupils say the letters and the words in the lesson Homelink (1’) - Practice more at home - Prepare : Review ( cont) – Part 4,5 Period :52 REVIEW 3: SELF CHECK Part 4, A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Identify some learnt words in uint 11, unit 12 and say them with correct pronunciation., Knowledge: -Phonics: the sound of the letters o, m, u, l -Vocabulary: clocks, locks, mops, pots mango, monkey, mother, mouse bus, running, sun, truck Lucy, lake, leaf, lemons -Sentence patterns: That’s a _ (introducing one thing) _’s running (describing what someone is doing) Look at _ (using the imperatives) Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter B/b and C/c B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Warm up:5’ *Revising the sounds and words -Show flashcards or the letters o, m, u, l Have pupils say the letter names and the letter sounds - Stick some flashcards including some pictures of the words from Units 11 and 12 on the board Have pupils play Slap the board in three minutes Read and tick:9’ -Have pupils look at the pictures and say what they can see Draw pupils’ attention to the words for suitable for each picture Check comprehension -Encourage some pupils to point to the pictures and say the words in front of the class - Have time for ss to read and tick the correct answer - Let ss to read their answer - T gets feedback Find the word:9’ - Have pupils look at the letter and the cross word puzzle Have ss to read each word - Ask ss to find the words:bus, lake, leaf, lemons, locks, mouse, pots, sun - T call some ss to show their answer -Encourage some pupils to point to the letter and say the words in front of the class - T gets feedback Write the word:9’ - Have pupils look at the pictures and guess the words - Have time for ss to write the words - T call some ss to read their answer -Encourage some pupils to point to the letter and say the words in front of the class - T gets feedback Students’ activities - SS say -SS play Slap the board game -SS look and listen -SS point and say - Ss listen and tick - Ss listen and check *Key: 1.b / a/ 3.a -SS look and say -SS the task -SS show their answer - Ss colour the pictures -SS guess -Ss write -SS read *Keys: mother/ bus/ sun/ truck/ leaf 4.Consolidation(1’) - Have pupils to retell the content of the lesson Homelink (1’) - Practice more at home - Prepare : Unit 13 - Lesson

Ngày đăng: 15/11/2021, 10:22
