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tuần 11,12

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TUẦN 11 Thứ ba, ngày 17 tháng 11 năm 2020 Period:21 UNIT 6: IN THE CLASSROOM Lesson (p26) A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Pronounce the sound of the letter E/e - Say the words pen, pencil, bell, red Knowledge: - Sound /e/ - Vocabulary: pen, pencil, bell, red Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter E/e B Teaching aids: Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, flashcards, recording Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Teacher’s activities *Old lesson: (5’) - T show the pictures (fish, chips, chicken, milk) on the the board - Have ss to work in groups (4 people) to review the word basing on pictures in each group - T call groups say the words in turn Then, another groups comment *Warm up:2’ - sing a song “Fish and chips” and the action Students’ activities - Group-work Look and review - Say the word in turn and remark - sing the song and action Lead to the new lesson -Look at the picture and guess where is it? Why?  It’s in the classroom, because we see desks, books, … Now, we visit their classroom Look at the picture and say the words that you have learnt Now, we will study how to say those things in English - answer: lớp học; có sách, bàn ,ghế… Listen and repeat:12’ *Activity 1: - answer: /e/ aim: ss read the letter Ee and the words -Listen to T - Ask ss how ‘Ee’ pronounce in Vietnamese? - Introduce: in English, /e/ is the sound And this is letter /i:/ - T read many times the letter /i:/ The sound /e/ - T ask ss to read in turn Letter e /i:/ Then - Ss read in turn Then read whole class read in chorus letter e in chorus - Do the same action with the sound /e/ - Point to the pencil and ask: What’s this? It’s a pencil T read many times “pencil” - Ask them to read the word in turn Then read in chorus - Point to the pencil and ask: What’s this? It’s a pen T read many times “pen” - Ask them to read the word in turn Then read in chorus - Ask ss to read words again - T the same action with the words “bell”, “red” - Have ss to read again words many times *Activities 2: 8’ Aim: ss listen and repeat the words and - Answer: Cây bút chì - Read in turn Then in chorus - Answer: Cây bút mực - Read in turn Then in chorus - Read again - Answer: chuông, màu đỏ - Read words again - Listen and repeat in turn letter - Open the recording Have class work in group (4 people)- listen and repeat in turn - Listen and say - Play the recording again and call a few pupils to say the sound of the letter E/e and the words bell, pen, pencil, red in front of the class Point and say :10’ * Activity 3: Aim: ss can point and say correctly the words - Ask pupils to work in pairs to point to the - Look and Say picture and say the sound of the letter E/e and - Work in pair the words Go around and offer help or correct pronunciation, if necessary -Invite some pairs to point to the picture and - Some pairs practice in front say the sound of the letter and the words in of the class front of the class - Have ss comment -Comment - T gets feedback - Listen 4.Consolidation (4’) T will give the object in a box a ss shows and the others say the words: bell, pen, pencil, red Experience: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Period :22 UNIT 6: IN THE CLASSROOM Lesson (p27) A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Say the letter E/e and the words red, pen, pencil and the phrases a red pen, a red pencil in a chant - Listen and identify the sentences: I have a red bell I have a red pencil Knowledge: - Sound /e/ - Vocabulary: red, pen, pencil - Phrases: a red pen, a red pencil - Sentence: I have a red pen/pencil Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Speaking and listeing of the letter E/e B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up:5’ - Invite a few pupils to point to the - SS play game picture/poster and pronounce the sound of the letter E/e and say the words pen, pencil, bell, red Listen and chant:10’ Aim: ss can listen and chant , action - Have pupils look at the chant and draw -SS look and listen pupils’ attention to the first verse and explain its meaning Ask them to pay attention to the letter E/e and the words red, pen and the phrase A red pen Check comprehension - Play the recording of the first verse for pupils to listen and to get familiarized with the tune, saying Listen to the first line, please! - Play the recording again, ask pupils to listen and repeat the first line Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat until they feel confident - Follow the same procedure with the other verse Show pupils how to chant and clap their hands Correct pronunciation, if necessary - Play the recording all the way through Ask pupils to listen and repeat the chant individually and in chorus Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task - Select some pupils to the front of the class to chant and clap their hands The rest of the class may sing the chant along and clap their hands Listen and tick :7’ Aim: ss can listen and tick correctly the pictures - Have pupils point to the pictures Ask them to describe the pictures Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes next to the letters a and b Check comprehension -Invite some pupils to point to the pictures and say the words in front of the class E.g 1a: a bell, 1b: a pen Then have them point to the picture and say the sentences E.g 1a: This is a bell 1b: This is a pen After that, encourage them to say longer sentences E.g 1a: This is a red bell 1b: This is a red pen - Play the recording for pupils to listen and tick the box - Let ss to listen again and check -SS listen -Ss listen and repeat -SS listen and chant -SS chant in front of the class -SS look and listen -SS point and say - Ss listen and tick - Ss listen and check *Key:1.a/ b 3.Look and trace.10’ Aim: ss can look and trace the letter Ee - Have pupils look at the letter E (upper -SS look and listen case) and e (lower case) Ask pupils to make sure if they recognize the two forms of the letter - Tell pupils to trace the letter E/e T can demonstrate by air tracing or tracing the broken lines of the letter E/e on the board -Then let pupils the tracing Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult -SS trace to the task - Check the results of pupils’ tracing and give feedback Ask pupils to work in pairs and swap their answers Give pupils time to -SS check work Go around and offer help, if necessary - Ask some pupils to show what they have done -SS show - With a better class, write the letter E/e in broken lines on the board and invite some pupils to trace them 4.Consolidation(1’) - Asking Ps to focus on sounds and vocabulary again Experience: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… THỰC HÀNH TOÁN PHÉP TRỪ TRONG PHẠM VI I MỤC TIÊU: * Kiến thức, kĩ năng: - Củng cố cho HS cách tìm kết phép tính trừ phạm vi - Vận dụng kiến thưc, kĩ học phép trừ phạm vi học vào giải số tình gắn với thực tế * Phát triển lực chung phẩm chất: - Bước đầu rèn luyện kĩ quan sát, phát triển lực tốn học - Có khả cộng tác, chia sẻ với bạn II ĐỒ DÙNG DẠY HỌC: - Vở BT phát triển lực Toán tập III CÁC HOẠT ĐỘNG DẠY HỌC Hoạt động giáo viên Hoạt động học sinh A Tái củng cố: KTBC Bài a Giới thiệu b Hướng dẫn HS làm tập Mục tiêu: HS làm tập Bài - GV nêu yêu cầu: Nỗi tranh với phép tính thích hợp - Cho HS quan sát hình hồn thành tập cá nhân - Cho HS chia sẻ kết trước lớp theo gợi ý: * Hình 1: + Nêu tình vẽ tranh - HS lắng nghe yêu cầu - HS quan sát hình làm - HS chia sẻ kết quả: + Có khoanh trịn, lấy khoanh trịn + Phép tính: - + Phép tính thích hợp với tình gì? + Hộp đựng bút có bút, * Hình 2: lấy bút + Nêu tình vẽ tranh + Phép tính: – + Phép tính thích hợp với tình + Trên có chim, có gì? chim bay * Hình 3: + Nêu tình vẽ tranh + Phép tính:5 - - HS nhận xét bạn + Phép tính thích hợp với tình - HS nêu yêu cầu: Viết số thích gì? hợp vào trống - GV nhận xét, chốt lại - HS làm việc nhóm đơi Bài - Gọi HS nêu yêu cầu - Yêu cầu HS làm việc nhóm đơi, quan sát hình vẽ thực yêu cầu sau: + Nêu tình phép tính thích hợp + Điền vào trống - GV cho HS chia sẻ chốt kết đúng: a) Có lá, gió thổi bay Còn lại lá?  Thực phép tính 3-1=2 Vậy cịn lại b) Chậu hoa có hai bơng hoa, rụng bơng hoa Cịn lại bơng hoa?  Thực phép tính: 2-1=1 Vậy cịn lại bơng hoa Bài - Gọi HS nêu yêu cầu - GV yêu cầu HS tự làm cá nhân - Cho HS đổi vở, chia sẻ kết cho - Tổ chức chia sẻ trước lớp - 2-4 nhóm chia sẻ, lớp nhận xét, góp ý - HS nêu yêu cầu: Tính - HS làm cá nhân - HS đổi vở, chia sẻ kết - HS chia sẻ kết qảu trước lớp, HS khác nhận xét - HS tham gia trò chơi theo hướng dẫn tổ chức GV - GV nhận xét, chốt lại đáp án: 2–1=1 3–2=1 3–1=2 4–2= Củng cố- dặn dò * Trò chơi “Tiếp sức” + Chia lớp thành đội chơi + Luật chơi: Sau có lệnh “Bắt đầu” từ GV thành viên đội chơi - Lắng nghe, rút kinh nghiệm lên bảng, viết lại phép trừ phạm vi học Sau thời gian phút, đội viết nhiều thắng Lưu ý: - Chúng ta ơn lại phép trừ phép tính đội không trùng lặp phạm vi - Nhận xét việc tham gia trò chơi HS: - Lắng nghe cách tự phân công lên bảng viết tiếp sức, cách trình bày phép tính bảng, cách cổ vũ,… - Hôm ôn lại nội dung gì? - Nhận xét tiết học - Nhắc nhở em chuẩn bị sau TUẦN 12 Thứ Ba, ngày 24 tháng 11 năm 2020 Period:23 UNIT 6: IN THE CLASSROOM Lesson (p28) A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Use It’s a red _ to introduce a thing - Sing a song with the structures I have a _./ He has a _ It’s red It’s a red _ 1.Knowledge: - Sentence patterns: I have a _./ He has a _ It’s red It’s a red _ Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter E/e B Teaching aids:Textbook, recording, puppets, pictures… Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Warm up:5’ - Have a few pupil to point to the picture on Poster of Unit and say the sentences, e.g I have a red _ Listen and repeat:10’ Aim: ss listen and repeat the structure -Have pupils look at the picture, saying Students’ activities - SS point and say -SS look and listen Look at the picture, please! What can you see? I can see a boy I can see a pen Yes It’s a red pen Explain the meaning of the sentence and how it is used Check comprehension -Play the recording several times for pupils to listen and repeat the sentence Give more support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task - Have pupils point to the dog and say the sentence in pairs or groups, saying Point to the pen and say, please! It’s a red pen Go around and offer help, if necessary - Invite a few pupils to listen and repeat the sentence “It’s a red pen.” in front of the class Correct their pronunciation, if necessary Let’s talk :7’ Aim: ss apply and talk the structure influently - Have pupils look at the picture in Student’s book Point to the pen and ask them What is this? The pupils may answer a pen Ask them What colour is it? Is it red? and give the answer Yes It’s red It’s a red pen -Point to Picture a and model, using the expression in the bubble and the word in the picture E.g “It’s a red pen.” -Ask pupils to point to Picture a and say the sentence It’s a red pen in chorus, saying Let’s point to Picture a and say “It’s a red pen”, please! Correct pronunciation, if necessary Ask pupils to work in pairs or in groups to practise introducing things to each other, saying “It’s a red .” Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task -Select some pairs of pupils to practise introducing things to each other in front of -Listen and repeat -SS point and say -Ss repeat -Ss look and listen -SS model -SS point and say -SS work in pairs or in groups to practise -Ss practice the class 3.Let’s sing :10’ Aim: ss sing the song and action -Have pupils read the lyrics to familiarize themselves with the first verse of the song Explain the meaning of the structures “I have a pen It’s red It’s a red pen.” Check comprehension -Play the recording several times for pupils to repeat line after line to make sure that they can sing the verse correctly - Do the same with the second verse of the lyrics Play the recording several times for pupils to repeat to make sure that they can sing the verse correctly Check comprehension - Have pupils listen to the whole song, drawing their attention to the pronunciation, the stress and the melody of the song Then let pupils practise singing the song Help them sing the song sentence by sentence first Then help them to sing the whole song - Call one or two groups to sing the song in front of the class -SS look and listen -SS listen and repeat -SS listen and sing the song -SS perform 4.Consolidation(1’) - Pupils point to the red things they have (pen, pencil, bag, hat, book, ) and introduce each of them, using It’s a red Experience: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Period:24 FUNTIME Part 1, (p29) A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Identify the letters i and e and the sounds they have learnt - Identify some learnt words bell, pen, pencil, red, chips and fish - Say the sounds and words with correct pronunciation Knowledge: - Sounds /i/ (letter i) and /e/ (letter e) - Vocabulary: chicken, chips, fish, milk, bell, pen, pencil and red Skills: Integrated skills (speaking and listening) Attitude: Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students; love learning English Orientation of competence development - General competences: communicative, self- studying, problem-solving, and cooperative abilities - Specific competences: Pronounce the sound of the letter I/i and C/c and E/e Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, objects, recording,computer, projector Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks C Procedures: Class organization: (1’) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance New lesson: Teacher’s activities Warm up:5’ -Stick some flashcards including some pictures of the words from Unit and on the board Have pupils play Kim’s game in three minutes Circle and match Then say 13’ -Ask pupils to look at the picture and the line of letters Explain how to the task, saying Look at the pictures and the line of letters Circle the words in the line, then match them Students’ activities -SS play Kim’s game -Look at the picture and listen with the correct pictures If necessary, ask one or two pupils to repeat what they have to -Have pupils look at the pictures and say what they see first -Model one word with the class Ask pupils to circle the words in the line individually and match the words with the pictures Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task - Have pupils exchange their answers in pairs Then call some pupils to show their work Give comments and confirm the correct answers -Get pupils to work in pairs or groups, to point to the words and say the words until they feel confident Correct pronunciation, if necessary -Call a few pupils to say the words in front of the class Let’s play: Air drawing 14’ -Have pupils work in two big groups (A and B) Have them look at the picture Tell them that you will draw one letter in the air with your finger The first pupil of each team that correctly identifies what you have drawn scores a point -Model the first time with the pupils so that they can understand how to play -Have the whole class play the game several times before they compete -Divide the class into two teams Call one or two pupils to be the observers of the game Use all the letters pupils have learnt (I and E), both upper and lower case Remember to give points to the winner of each round Count the points and praise the winner -Have all pupils say the letter names and the letter sounds one more time -SS look and say -SS model -Ss the task -SS check in pairs -SS point and say -SS say in front of the class - Look at the picture and listen -SS model -Ss play game -SS say 4.Consolidation(1’) - Show flashcards and have pupils say the words they have revised in the lesson Experience: Have ss more time to practice words THỰC HÀNH TIẾNG VIỆT Học vần ôn: ân – ât I Mục tiêu: Phát triển lực đặc thù – Năng lực ngôn ngữ - Nắm vững ân - ât Đánh vần, đọc tiếng có vần ân - ât - Nhận biết, mở rộng tên vật có vần ân - ât Nói từ đơn giản có tiếng chứa vần ân - ât Phát triển lực chung, phẩm chất - Tự học, tập giải tình có vấn đề giáo viên đưa - Chăm chỉ, tích cực học tập II Chuẩn bị: - Bộ đồ dùng Tiếng Việt - Ngữ liệu để học sinh tìm tiếng có chứa âm ôn III Các hoạt động dạy học HĐ1: Củng cố kiến thức cũ: Mục tiêu: HS củng cố đọc vần học buổi sáng - Nêu chữ học tiết Tiếng Việt - HS nêu cá nhân: ân - ât sáng - GV ghi bảng: ân - ât - Cho lớp đọc, đặc biệt ý - HS luyện đọc cá nhân đến HS đọc yếu - Luyện đọc theo nhóm đơi - Đọc bảng lớp - Tìm tiếng có chứa ân - ât ( PP KTB) - Khuyến khích học sinh nói từ, câu có chứa ân - ât - Lớp nhận xét, bổ sung - Nhận xét, tuyên dương HS HĐ2: Luyện tập, thực hành Mục tiêu: HS đọc nội dung chứa vần viết vần Bài 1: Luyện đọc - Đưa bảng phụ có nội dung đọc: cân, ngân nga, đất , vật - Lưu ý HS đọc yếu - Luyện đọc + Đánh vần - HS đánh vần cá nhân, đồng thanh, ĐT + Đọc trơn - HS đọc cá nhân, nhóm, ĐT Bài 2: Luyện viết - Luyện viết ân - ât - Quan sát, giúp đỡ HS viết mẫu HĐ3: Củng cố dặn dị: - Nêu chữ ơn luyện học hôm - HS nêu cá nhân: ân - ât - Cần ghi nhớ vần học để học tốt môn học Bổ sung: =   = -

Ngày đăng: 15/11/2021, 10:22


- Cho HS quan sát hình và hoàn thành bài tập cá nhân - tuần 11,12
ho HS quan sát hình và hoàn thành bài tập cá nhân (Trang 7)
* Hình 3: - tuần 11,12
Hình 3 (Trang 8)