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Civil engineer’s handbook of professional practice 1ra edicion karen hansen, kent zenobia

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SIGUENOS EN: LIBROS UNIVERISTARIOS Y SOLUCIONARIOS DE MUCHOS DE ESTOS LIBROS GRATIS EN DESCARGA DIRECTA VISITANOS PARA DESARGALOS GRATIS http://librosysolucionarios.net FFIRS 02/24/2011 16:57:7 Page Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Karen Lee Hansen and Kent E Zenobia http://librosysolucionarios.net FFIRS 02/24/2011 16:57:7 Page Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice Karen Lee Hansen and Kent E Zenobia John Wiley & Sons, Inc http://librosysolucionarios.net FFIRS 02/24/2011 16:57:7 Page This book is printed on acid-free paper Copyright # 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600, or on the web at www.copyright.com Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at www.wiley.com/go/permissions Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and the author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation You should consult with a professional where appropriate Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages For general information about our other products and services, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002 Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at www.wiley.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Hansen, Karen Lee Civil engineer’s handbook of professional practice/Karen Lee Hansen and Kent E Zenobia p cm Includes index ISBN 978-0-470-43841-1 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-470-90161-8 (ebk.); ISBN 978-0-470-90162-5 (ebk.); ISBN 978-0-470-90164-9 (ebk.); ISBN 978-0-470-95004-3 (ebk.); ISBN 978-0-470-95164-4 (ebk.); ISBN 978-0-470-95186-6 (ebk.) Civil engineering–Handbooks, manuals, etc I Zenobia, Kent E II Title TA151.H295 2011 624.023–dc22 2010031086 Printed in the United States of America 10 http://librosysolucionarios.net FTOC 02/24/2011 14:40:32 Page Contents Preface xv Acknowledgments xvii Contributing Authors xix Contributing Editors xxiii List of Abbreviations xxvii Chapter Introduction Background The Need for Accreditation ABET Outcomes American Society of Civil Engineers 21st Century Engineer 11 Goal of This Book 11 Readers' Guide 12 Summary 14 References/Further Reading 14 Chapter Background and History of the Profession 17 Background 19 Civil Engineering as a Profession 19 Civil Engineering's Historical Inheritance 21 v http://librosysolucionarios.net FTOC 02/24/2011 14:40:32 Page vi Contents The Ancient Engineers 23 Persian Engineers 27 Greek Engineers 28 Roman Engineers 30 Indian Engineers 34 Chinese Engineers 35 African Engineers 37 American Engineers 38 Engineering in Medieval Times 42 Engineering in the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment 45 The Industrial Revolution 46 Modern Civil Engineering 51 Civil Engineering Education 55 Civil Engineering Careers 57 Summary 60 References 61 Chapter Ethics 63 Introduction 65 Defining the Engineer's Ethical Code 65 The American Council of Engineering Companies Ethical Conduct Guidelines 67 The ACEC Guidelines 67 The American Society of Civil Engineers Code of Ethics 70 The ASCE Code of Ethics 70 Guidelines to Practice under the Fundamental Canons of Ethics 71 National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics 76 The NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers 76 The International Federation of Consulting Engineers 81 Important and Relevant Policy Statements by ASCE and NSPE 83 ASCE Policy Statement 376—Continuing Education in Ethics Training 83 ASCE Resolution 502—Professional Ethics and Conflict of Interest 84 ASCE Policy Statement 433—Use of the Term ‘‘Engineer’’ 85 NSPE Position on Potential Incidents of the Unlicensed Practice 86 Case Studies 87 Citations Issued to Board Licensees NSPE Ethics Case Study 90 http://librosysolucionarios.net 88 FTOC 02/24/2011 14:40:32 Page Contents vii Summary 92 References 93 Chapter Professional Engagement 95 Introduction 97 Qualifications-Based Selection—The Federal Government Process 99 Development of a Short List 99 Interviews/Discussions with Firms 103 Ranking of the Top Three Firms 103 Negotiation with the Top-Ranked Firm 107 Fee-Based Selection 107 The Percent Fee Limitation on Federal Design Contracts—Excerpts from ACEC 107 Writing Engineering Proposals 108 Problem Identification 109 Background Knowledge, Teamwork, and Scope of Work 110 Client Requirements and Constraints 111 Clear Communication 111 Technical Alternatives 111 Alternative Evaluation 112 Design, Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates 112 Construction Assistance, Monitoring, and Management 112 Start-Up and/or Operations and Maintenance Assistance 113 Scheduling 113 The Contract 114 Budgeting 120 Enhancing the Engineering Firm's Probability for a Successful Professional Engagement 121 Working Examples of RFPs 121 Typical Civil Engineering Example RFP 123 Summary 123 References 124 Chapter The Engineer's Role in Project Development 125 Background 127 Participants in the Process—The Players 127 http://librosysolucionarios.net FTOC 02/24/2011 14:40:33 Page viii Contents The Flow of Work 133 Predesign 133 Design 141 Design Process 142 Design during Bid and Construction 148 Postconstruction Activity 150 Summary 154 References 154 Chapter What Engineers Deliver 157 Background 159 Contract Documents 160 Drawings 162 Specifications 169 Specification Format 170 Methods of Specifying 175 Drawings and Specifications—Final Thoughts 177 Technical Memos and Reports 177 Calculations 178 Other Deliverables 180 Summary 181 References 181 Chapter Executing a Professional Commission—Project Management 183 Introduction 185 Project Management Background 185 A Discipline, But Not a Theory 186 The Basics of Project Management 193 Definition of a Project 193 Scope/Schedule/Budget Triangular Relationship The Major Parties on a Project 195 The Owner's Role 195 The Designer's Role 195 The Contractor's Role 196 A Brief Summary of the Basics Project Sectors 196 Project Teams 198 Project Initiation 199 Project Estimates 200 http://librosysolucionarios.net 196 194 FTOC 02/24/2011 14:40:33 Page Contents ix Early Estimates 200 Project Budget Estimates 203 Project Management Plan Components 206 Plan Purpose 206 Staff Selection Guidelines for the PM 208 Project and Client Needs 209 Staff Availability 209 Previous Experience and Qualifications 210 Staff Development 210 Project Budgets and/or Staff Rates 210 The Project Manager's Responsibilities 211 The PM's Time Commitment 211 Work Breakdown Structure Tracking Methods 215 212 Project Risk Management 217 Design Coordination 218 Team Management 219 Evaluation of Design Effectiveness 219 Summary 224 References 224 Chapter Permitting 227 Introduction 229 Accept the Requirements for Permits 229 Respect the Staff Implementing the Permits 230 Initiate the Permitting Processing Early 231 Managing Permits 237 Streamlining Permits 239 Sample Permit Table 241 Summary 241 References 246 Chapter The Client Relationship and Business Development 247 Introduction 249 The Foundation of a Lasting Relationship 250 Building upon the Relationship—The Superstructure 252 Maintaining the Relationship 254 Cultivating Business Opportunities 256 Business Development 258 Conflict Management 260 The Cs of Conflict Management http://librosysolucionarios.net 261 BAPP06 02/16/2011 8:15:19 Page 699 Appendix F 699 http://librosysolucionarios.net BAPP06 02/16/2011 8:15:19 Page 700 700 Appendix F http://librosysolucionarios.net BAPP06 02/16/2011 8:15:20 Page 701 Appendix F 701 http://librosysolucionarios.net BAPP06 02/16/2011 8:15:20 Page 702 702 Appendix F http://librosysolucionarios.net BAPP06 02/16/2011 8:15:20 Page 703 Appendix F 703 http://librosysolucionarios.net BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:52 Page 705 Index A Accreditation, requirement, 3–4 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), establishment, outcomes, 4–6 Actual cause, 287 Adaptation strategy, collaborative approach, 410 Adaptive re-use, 200 Addendum (addenda), 160 usage, 148 Advanced Systems Development Services (ASDS), 478 Affirmative action, 337–338 requirements, 338 Affirmative defense, 326 African engineers, 37–38 agcXML, 480 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), 337 Agency construction management, 305 Age of Enlightenment, engineering, 45–46 Agreement/contract forms, 160 Ahwahnee principles, 450 Air quality, green roofs (impact), 588 Alexandria, construction, 29–30 Alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 331–337 Alternative evaluation, engineering proposals, 110, 112 American Arbitration Association (AAA), Construction Industry Arbitration Rules, 335 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) canons, 68 ethical conduct guidelines, 67–70 rules of practice, 68–70 American engineers, 38–42 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 334 Document A201 (2007), 603–640 Document B101 (2007), 641–658 Exhibit A, 659–663 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIMMPE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 3–4, 5–11 Body of Knowledge (BOK1), 5–8, 417 Body of Knowledge (BOK2), 6–8 outcomes (2008), 6t, 9t structure, 11 Body of Knowledge Technical Outcome (Problem Recognition and Solving), 121 civil engineering preparation, 5f code of ethics, 70–75 canons, 71–75 principles, 70 cognitive achievement, levels, 121 founding, 19 institutes, incorporation, 58 Policy Statement 376 (Continuing Education in Ethics Training), 83–84 Policy Statement 433 (Use of the Term ‘‘Engineer’’), 85–86 policy statements, 83–86 profile, 50 Resolution 502 (Professional Ethics and Conflict of Interest), 84–85 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Title I, 337 Analysis modeling, process model, 500t Ancient building, power, 42 Ancient engineers/engineering, accounts, 23 Ancient structural systems, success factors, 30 Ancient world, seven wonders, 22f, 23 Anglo-American common law, 283 Anti-discrimination laws, 337–338 enforcement, 338 Appian Way, 32 Applegate to North Auburn Wastewater Conveyance Pipeline alternatives development, 509–510, 554–557 evaluation, 510, 575–579 summary, 545 cost estimates, preparation, 510 oral presentation, 511 pipeline routing study, 534–584 report, preparation, 510–511 RFP, 507–514 primary alternatives, 558–574 professional services, proposal, preparation (guidelines), 512–514 project constraints, 546–553 project descriptions, 508 project management, 508–509 project overview, 540–541 project research, 509 proposal submittal requirements, 511 recommendation, 580–581 study, purpose/limitations, 541–545 Karen Lee Hansen and Kent E Zenobia http://librosysolucionarios.net 705 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:52 Page 706 706 Index Arbitration, 334–335 litigation/mediation, comparison, 336t Architect, term (usage), 19 Architect/engineer (A/E) interview scoresheet, 105f performance form, 106f Architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms, change (response), 476–479 Architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, 283, 447 exchange formats, 481t virtual organization principle, 127 Architectural drawings, drawing set content, 166 Architectural forms, Roman creation, 32 Artificial systems, natural systems (integration), 445 Assets, liabilities (relationship), 351–352 Associated General Contractors (AGC), agcXML, 480 Associativity, 497 Augmented reality, 495 Authority/responsibility checklist, usage, 218 Autocratic leadership, 267–268, 272 Automation, robotics (relationship), 495 Aztec construction, 40 B BAA airports case study, 418–426 construction, repeatability/ predictability, development, 419–420 integrated team working, 423–424 project process improvement, 420–421 standardization/prefabrication, 422–423 supply chain, management, 421–422 T5 approach, creation, 424–426 Balanced diet, 391 Balance sheet (statement of financial position), 351–353 example, 352–353 Banco, construction method, 37 Basis of Design (BOD), 136 Bauakademie, initiation, 55 Bechtel, Virtual Reality systems (usage), 478–479 Behavioral characteristics, 374t Bellagio principles, 450 Best value (BV) selection, 307 example, 307t Bidding, design (impact), 148–150 Bidding Documents, 161 Binding arbitration, 334–335 Biodiversity, 442 Biointegration, 442 Board licensees, citations, 88–90 Body, 391–392 command center, 388 mind/spirit, combination, 393 self-assessment test, 395 Body language, 370 Body of Knowledge (BOK1), 5–8 Body of Knowledge (BOK2), 6–8, 417 outcomes (2008), 6t, 9t structure, 11 Body of Knowledge Technical Outcome (Problem Recognition and Solving), 121 Body talk, 370 Bonds, 323–324 definition, 320 insurance, relationship, 320–324 Books Act (Public Law 92-582), 100 Breach, curing, 300 Breadth exam, 56 Bridge truss, deflected shape, 501 Brief (briefing), 136 creation, steps, 136t issues, 139t process, RIBA phases, 137 Brooklyn Bridge (Roebling), 49, 52f Brown, Tim, 145 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 45–46 Brunnel, Marc/Isambard Kingdom, 48, 50f Buddhist Stup^a (Sri Lanka), 35f Budgeting, 120 Budget multipliers, 347 Buildability, 144 Building and Fire Research Laboratory (BRFL), 152 Building for Environmental and Economic Stability (BEES) software, 152 Building Information Modeling (BIM), 479–480 adoption, hurdles, 482–483 aspects, 482 processes, communication types, 481t senior management buy-in, 483 software/hardware upgrades, costs, 482 supply, 417 training, 482 usage, 298–299 Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method (BREEAM), 463–464 Buildings height, comparison, 55f market, 196 project design, mechanical engineer involvement, 132–133 Built environment sustainability implementation, strategic level, 452f Built environment sustainability, project delivery process, 451 Burj Khalifa, 55 Business development, 258–259, 361–362 process, 98f http://librosysolucionarios.net environment, change, 473 opportunities, cultivation, 256– 257 plan, factors, 360–361 planning, 359–360 team, 360 unit operations, monitoring, 270 Business Process Reengineering (BPR), 186, 474 approaches, 475 principles, 475f Bypass, 402 C Calculations, 178–180 setup, 178–179 Calendar call, 328 California businesses, Professions Code 6775, 87–88 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQ), permit example, 233 Canal building, improvements, 44–45 Canons, 67 Carbon-neutral target, 468 Care, standard, 115–116 Career planning/execution, 354–355 Cash flow, 353 Cast-in-place concrete environmental requirements, 596 example, 593–601 execution, 596–601 products, 596 quality assurance, 595–596 references, 594–595 submittals, 595 Ceres principles, 450 Certification, 356–357 Challenge for cause, 328 Challenge targets (2030), 468 Change, nature, 473–475 Chartered Engineer, title, 56 Chartered Professional Engineer, title, 56 Chartres Cathedral (France), 44f China economic impacts, 416 tectonic economics, 415–416 Chinese engineers, 35–37 Civil drawings, drawing set content, 165 Civil engineering activities, 12f associations, list, 57 careers, 57–58 case studies, 87–92 concentration, areas, 58t–60t degree, topic categories, 56 disciplines, 430–431 education, 55–57 outcomes, 249 entry, outcomes (requirements), 10t growth, historical inheritance, 21–27 modern civil engineering, 51–55 practice, 427–437 qualification, 433–435 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:52 Page 707 Index 707 profession, 19–21 projects, technologies, 494–495 RFP, example, 123 specialization, 416–417 Civil engineers ASCE vision, authority/sanction, 19 employment growth, licensing, 56–57 risk, transfer, 310 Roman field report, 33–34 term, adoption, 19 Civil infrastructure system, requirements/characteristics, 454–455 Civil law, 283, 285–289 Civil litigation, 325–331 stages, 325f Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, 337 Civil works, drawing set content, 165 Civil wrongs, 285 Claims, 323 Clean Air Act, Section 202(a), 467 Clean Water Act (CWA), permit example, 232 Client/agency review, duration, 259 Client-development contracts, 293–294 Client-engineer relationship, foundation, 250–252 Clients acquisition strategy, 303t business model, understanding, 253 clause, indemnification, 119 common ground, development, 256 contact, aspects, 361–362 contract responsibility, 116 deliverables, 255 expectations, setting, 255–256 information, 206 meeting, 122 needs, 209 assessment, 97 relations, improvement, 137 relationship, 121 components, 249–250 foundational elements, 250–252 requirements/constraints, engineering proposals, 111 reviews, engineering proposals, 113 satisfaction, value, 254 selection, 255 Clifton suspension bridge (Bristol, England), 50f Climate change, outcomes, 415–418 Cloud computing, 495 Code of ethics (American Society of Civil Engineers), 65–70 canons, 71–75 principles, 70 Code of ethics (International Federation of Consulting Engineers), 81–82 Code of ethics (National Society of Professional Engineers), 76–81 canons, 76 preamble, 76 professional obligations, 78–81 rules of practice, 76–78 Codes of ethics, 65–67 Codes of practice, 435–436 Cognitive achievement ASCE levels, 121 CE professional/firm levels, 122 Collaboration, design (evolution), 186t Collaboration compromise coexistence capitulation (4 Cs), 261–262, 373–374 Collaborative design, 144–145 communication, importance, 144 Collaborative innovation, decisionmaking (relationship), 484–485 Collaborative process, 238 Collaborative project delivery processes, 453 Collective intelligence, 495 Commerce Business Daily (CBD), opportunities, 100–101 Commercial disparagement, 289 Commitment, client relationship element, 252 Common law (civil law), 283, 285–289 Communication conduits, 369–370 keys, 368f lessons, 382–383 plan, 207 process, 367, 369 three-dimensional process, 367 time relevance, 368–369 Community sanction, 20 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (Superfund), 241 Computer-aided design (CAD), 475 drawing systems, 477 Computer-aided design–computeraided manufacturing (CAD–CAM), 477 Concept, presentation, 278–279 Conceptual problems, technical problems (gap), 479f Concurrent Engineering, 474 Conduct, rules, 67 Conflict management, 260–262 collaboration compromise coexistence capitulation (4 Cs), 261–262 Conflict resolution, 372–374 Cs, 373–374 Consequential damages, 299 Constant dollars, current dollars (contrast), 459 Constructability, 144 Construction http://librosysolucionarios.net assistance/monitoring/ management, engineering proposals, 112–113 cost, estimates, 299 design, impact, 148–150 documents civil engineer production, 130–131 format, example, 174f usage, 142 drawings, information, 162t implications, software (impact), 317–318 monitoring, 300 phase terms, 181t processes, representation-479, 477 progress payments, recommendations, 181 project design, electrical engineer involvement, 132 repeatability/predictability, development, 419–420 risk, approaches, 314–316 Construction management (CM), 198 risk, 303, 305 Consulting engineers, marketing leadership, 278–279 Content in Drawing Sets, 164 Continuing Education in Ethics Training (ASCE Policy Statement 376), 83–84 Continuous Improvement, 474 Contractors categories, 133 design process participant, 132–133 drawings, drawing set content, 168–169 project role, 196 RFI requests, responses, 180 Contracts, 114–120, 603–703 adhesion, 291 approval, 114–115 award, 148 binding, elements, 290 categorization, 290 changes, 116–117 client clause, indemnification, 119 responsibility, 116 dispute resolution, 117 documents, 160–162 owner/contractor usage, 160t elements, 115 engineer clause, indemnification, 119 responsibility, 115 force majeure, 117 format, 292–294, 307–308 formation, 290–291 governing laws, 118 insurance, 115 late payment/assessments, 120 law, 283, 285, 290–298 liability, limitation, 118 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:52 Page 708 708 Index Contracts (Continued ) master services agreement (MSA), 115 modifications, 160 multiple contracts, 293 request for services, 115 requirement, 159–160 review, 113–114, 237 revisions, 116 risk, 309 allocation, 118–119 scope of services, 115 service instruments, ownership, 120 severability, 118 site access, 117 standard of care, 115 subcontracting, 117 termination, 116 terms, 115, 116 meanings, 115–120 warranty, 117 waste products, ownership, 117 wording, 292 Contractual relations, interference, 289 Corporate professional resume, development, 358–359 Cost-based DPMs, 151–152 Cost breakdown structure (CBS), 213, 214 Cost estimates, engineering proposals, 112 Cost plus a fixed fee contracts, 308 Cost reimbursable contracts, 307 Counterclaim, 326 Course of conduct, 298 Course of performance, 298 Cover sheets, 164–169 CPI ratio, 216 Cradle to cradle, 463 Craigellachie cast iron bridge (Scotland), 49f Critical path method (CPM), 186, 213, 214 Croton Aqueduct (New York), 50, 51f Cultural practices, national practices (communications), 432–433 Current dollars, constant dollars (contrast), 459 D Daly principles, 450 Darby, Abraham, 47 Dark Ages, 43 Data components, 133, 134 exchange, methods, 480t Deceit, 286, 288 Decision chain, example, 476f Decommissioning, 200 Defamation, 286, 288–289 Default judgment, 325 Defendant, 285, 325 Delegative leadership, 267, 268–269, 272 Deliverables, 180–181 Delivery, product presentation, 343 Democratic leadership, 267, 268, 272 Demurrer, 326 Depositions, 328 Depth exam, 56 Descriptive specifying, 175 Design, 141–142 analysis, 145–146 bid/construction phases, 148–150 budgets, estimation, 204 collaborative design, 144–145 components, requirement, 144 consultants, design process participant, 129–132 coordination, 218–220 development, 142 effectiveness, evaluation, 219–220 engineer, example, 220–224 engineering proposal, 112 evolution, 186t phases, 142 process, 142–147 model, 500 participants, 128–133 professionals, design process participant, 129–132 programming, 139–141 team, selection, 139 thinking (Brown), 145, 145f phases, 147 Design-assist, 306 Design-bid-build (DBB), 303, 490 project delivery, contractual relationships, 159f requirements, 197 Design-build (DB) project delivery, 303, 305 requirements, 197 Design-builder, owner (preliminary agreement), 689–703 Designed system, lifecycle impacts, 462f Design in Project, 143t Design performance measures (DPMs), 150–154 cost-based DPMs, 151–152 development, 153–154 Design team leader (DL), responsibility, 218, 219 Dimensions, 485 Directed verdict, motion, 330 Direct examination, 330 Direct labor, 344–346 rate, 344–345 Discovery concept, 285 methods, 328t occurrence, 328 Discussions, QBS step, 103 Disparate bargaining power, 291 Dispute resolution, 117, 324–331 Dispute Review Board (DRB), 336–337 Distributed AEC teams, crossdisciplinary learning (metrics measurement), 153–154 http://librosysolucionarios.net Diversity, 337–338 Division 00 information (procurement and contracting requirements), 172t Division 01 information (general requirements), 172t Documents, 302 distribution, 218 Do nothing option, 134 Draft RFP, review, 122 Drawings, 160, 162–164, 177 components, 162–163 information, contrast, 161–162 numbering system, 164 sets, content, 164–169 sheets formatting method, 163 types, recognition, 163 standardized drawing (sheet) sizes, 163t U.S./Canadian standards, 170t Duty owed, 287 E Early project definition, importance, 137, 140–141 Early project estimates, 200–203 questions, 202 Earned value system, PM usage, 217 Earth charter principles, 450 Ecodesign, 445–447 map, 443f planning principles, 446 factors, 447f  Ecole Polytechnique, founding, 55 Ecological connectivity, 442 Ecomimicry, 449 Economic advantage, interference, 289 Ecosystems, 446 Effective communication, ineffective communication (difference), 367 Effective multipliers, 347 Egyptian pyramids, origins, 23–25, 24f Electrical drawings, drawing set content, 168 Electrical engineers, construction project design involvement, 132 Electronic communications, drawbacks, 371 E-mail usage/limitations, 371–372 Emerging technology, resources, 492–494 Employment practices liability insurance, 323 Enabled process change, 475–485 Endangered Species Act, permit example, 231–232 Energy design, leadership, 463–465 Engineering calculations, format, 179–180 contractors, 132–133 design, process model, 500t disciplines/focus, 429–430 education, issues, BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:52 Page 709 Index 709 knowledge, 496–498 professional practice, information (organization provision), 92 services proposals, 204–205, 359 sustainable engineering, 442–445 thinking, 496 Engineering Advancement Association of Japan (ENAA), contract publication, 244 Engineering Criteria 2000 (EC2000), ABET adoption, 249 Engineering proposals alternative evaluation, 110, 112 assumptions, 110 background knowledge, 109–110 client/requirements/constraints, 111 client reviews, 113 communication, clarity, 111 construction assistance/ monitoring/management, 112–113 cost estimates, 112 delivery time, 114 design/plans/specifications, 112 final production time, 114 follow-on tasks, 111 internal review, 113 operations/maintenance assistance, 113 problem identification, 109–110 reserve time, 114 Response to Comment (RTC) tables/resolutions, 113 scheduling, 113–114 scope of work, 110–111 software programs, 114 start-up, 113 teamwork, 110–111 technical alternatives, 112 work breakdown schedules, 113 writing, 108–114 Engineers clause, indemnification, 119–120 contract responsibility, 116 ethical code, defining, 65–67 forms, usage, 377–382 owners, agreement, 664–688 role, term, usage, 19 Engineers Joint Contract Development Committee (EJCDC), 334 Enlightenment (age), engineering, 45–46 Environmental design, leadership, 463–465 Environmental permitting, 229–230 Environmental protection, influence, 235–236 Environment facilities, construction/ operation (impact), 453 Equal opportunity, 337–338 Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), 337 Equipment, drawing set content, 167 Estimates, 200–203 Ethical codes (codes of ethics), 19, 21 defining, 65–67 definitions, 67 functions, analysis, 66 importance, 65–66 Ethical conduct guidelines (ACEC guidelines), 67–70 Ethical standards engineer regulation, 66 maintenance, 256 Ethics, NSPE case study, 90–92 European Engineer, title, 56 Evaluation, importance, 465 Evaluation of statements, QBS step, 102 Evidence preponderance, 331 rules, 330t Excluded services, 300 Executive Orders (EOs), consideration, 234–235 Exercise, 392 Experience, necessity, 355 Expired license, case study, 88 F Fabrication drawings, review, 180–181 Face-to-face communication, parts, 370 Face-to-face contact, 368–369 Facility programming, 137 Facility system, requirements/ characteristics, 454 Fact, trier, 285 Faculty member characteristics, Feasibility study report example, 533 signage/stamping failure, case study, 89 Federal design contracts, six percent fee limitation, 107 work (pursuit), QBS steps (usage), 99–103 Fee-based selection, 107, 307 method, 293 Fee proposal, 292 Felonies, 285 FIATECH Capital Projects Technology Roadmap, 490, 491f Roadmap, organizing principle, 490–496 Field observations, 148 Final judgment, entry, 331 Financial analysis, 360 Financial capital, competition, 415 Financial concepts, 275 Financial leadership, 273, 275–276 Financial reporting, 349–353 Fire protection, drawing set content, 167 Firms interviews/discussions (QBS step), 103 http://librosysolucionarios.net negotiation (QBS step), 107 ranking (QBS step), 103 Five-dimensional project representation, 485 Florence Cathedral, 45f Focused thinking, 503 Follow-through, client relationship element, 252 Force majeure, 117 Forensic engineering, 428–429 Fortifications, Arab system, 43 Fortified castle, construction, 44 Fossil fuel reduction standard, 468 Foster, Norman, 51 Four-dimensional project representation, 485 Free reign, 267 Free thinking, 502 Fringe benefits, 345 Fully load labor rate, 344–345 Fun time, personalization, 394–395 G Gehry, Frank, 478 General building contractors, 133 General conditions, 292 General contractor (GC) codes, 112 intentions, 113 General liability insurance, 323 General requirements, Division 01 (information), 172t Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), 337 Geotechnical engineering, founders, 52f Geotechnical information, drawing set content, 165 Geotechnical report, usage, 130 Glass, usage, 47–48 Global climate change perspective, 403–414 recommendations, 413–414 Global impacts, 404–408 Globalization findings, summary, 408–409 outcomes, 415–418 process, 401–403 factors, 402f Global temperature rise/impacts, projection, 407f Go/no-go decision process, 344 Gothic cathedral, development, 43– 44 Government employees, public service, 278–279 Great Wall (China), 36, 37f Great Zimbabwe ruins, 37–38, 38f Greek engineers, 28–30 Green engineering, principles, 451 Green roofs advantages, 587 assembly, 586f background, 586–587 benefits, 585–592 continuation, 590 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:52 Page 710 710 Index Green roofs (Continued ) conclusion, 590–591 conventional roof, temperature difference, 588f discussion, 587–590 HVAC costs, reduction, 589 impact, 588 introduction, 585–586 recommendations, 591 technologies, 587f temperature, 589f Guaranteed maximum price (GMP), 307, 308 H Hannover principles, 451 Hazardous materials, drawing set content, 164–165 Health, climate change (flow diagram), 404f Historic Resources Preservation Act, permit example, 232 Hotspots, timing/location, 187 Human face-to-face communication, parts, 370 I Ideas, process, 367 Ideation, design thinking phase, 147 Implementation, design thinking phase, 147 Income revenue, control, 270 Income statement (profit and loss), 349–351 example, 349–350 limitations, 351 Indemnification, 291, 300–301 India economic impacts, 416 tectonic economics, 415–416 Indian engineers, 34–35 Industrial Revolution, 46–51 Ineffective communication, effective communication (difference), 367 Information falsity/deceit, case study, 89 tasks, engine model, 498f Informational transfer, 367–368 Information technology (IT) adoption, business process change, 477f dimensions, 485 enabled process change, 475–485 hardware/software, change, 474 Infrastructure market, 197 Innate information, 393 Inner self, command center, 388 Innovation, 277 thinking, 502–503 Inspiration, design thinking phase, 147 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Insurance, bonds (relationship), 320–324 Integrated design, 448 workflow, 488f–489f Integrated project delivery (IPD), 198, 483–485, 486f–487f model contracts, existence, 490 principles, 483–485, 490 traditional project delivery, contrast, 484t Integration, design (evolution), 186t Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 403–404 Interiors, drawing set content, 166–167 Internal reviews, engineering proposals, 113 International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), 81–83, 245 code of ethics, 81–82 competence, 81 corruption, 82 fairness, 82 impartiality, 82 integrity, 82 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 139 Interrogatories, 328 Interviews A/E interview scoresheet, 105f QBS step, 103 Intuition, 497 Iron, usage, 47–48 Iron Bridge (Pritchard), 47 Iron bridge (Shropshire, England), 48f J Jobsite safety, 301 Joinder, 334 Joint and several liability, 289 Joint ventures, 322 Judgment, 497–498 Judgment notwithstanding the verdict, 331 K Knowledge areas, 186–187 L Labor multipliers, 346–347 calculations, example, 348f Labor rate, 344–345 Landscape architects, involvement, 132 Landscape drawings, drawing set content, 165–166 Laughter, 394–395 La Venta, pyramids, 39 Leader, ingredients, 279 Leadership, 267 quadrants, 272–277, 273f styles, 267–269 thoughts, 270 tools, 270–272 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), 463–465 certification programs, categories, 464f http://librosysolucionarios.net project scorecard, 466f Lean Value Chains, 474 Legal system, 283 Letter of transmittal, 380f Level of effort (LOE) inclusion, 122 resource projections, 188–189 Liability assets, relationship, 351–352 assumption, 291 insurance, 320 coverage, 321–323 policy considerations, 321 limitation, 118–119, 301 Life balancing, 387 Lifecycle Cost (LCC), total discounted (present value) dollar cost, 458 Lifecycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), 457–462 alternatives, 461 constant dollars, current dollars (contrast), 459 costs, 458 discount rate, 459 future costs, 460 limitations, 462 present value, 459–460 process, 458 residual value, 458–459 study period, 459 terminology, 461–462 Limited competition, negotiated, 306 Litigation, 324–325 arbitration/mediation, comparison, 336t pleadings phase, 327f post-trial phase, 333f pretrial phase, 329 trial phase, 332f Loaded labor rate, 344–345 Long-term interorganizational networks, establishment, 309– 310 Lump sum contracts (fixed price contracts), 307–308 M Machu Picchu (Incan construction), 40–41, 41f MacLeod, Iaian, 138 Management, 274 tools, 270–272 Mandatory arbitration, 334–335 Market, considerations, 274 Marketing, 278–279 leadership, 273, 277, 278–279 MasterFormat division numbers/ titles, 171 Master services agreement (MSA), 114 Mayan temples/palaces, 39–40 Measurement, importance, 465 Mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) engineers, 482 Mechanical drawings, drawing set content, 168 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:52 Page 711 Index 711 Mechanical engineers, building project design involvement, 132–133 Mediation, 331–334 litigation/arbitration, comparison, 336t Medieval times, engineering, 42–45 Meeting Agendas, usage, 218 Meeting notes, 379f Mega-project, management (learning), 418–427 Memories, 388 Menai chain suspension bridge (Wales), 49f Mentor, 355 Mesopotamia, inventions, 25–26 Millau Viaduct, 51, 54f Mind, 388–390 body/spirit, combination, 393 self-assessment test, 395 Mindful relaxation, 390 Mini-trials, 335–336 Misdemeanors, 285 Mobility, 401–402 Model contracts (standard form contracts), 294, 298 development, 294 usage, 295t–297t Modern world, seven wonders, 53f, 53t Moral standards, maintenance, 256 Motion to dismiss, 326 Multiple contracts, 293 Multiple prime, 305 Multipliers, 346–349 Murray, John, 137 Mutual benefit, reward (relationship), 484 Mutual respect, trust (relationship), 484 N Nano-bio-info-cogno convergence, 495 National BIM Standards (NBIMS), 480 National Computed Aided Design Standard (NCS), sheet types, 163 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), permit example, 232–233 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 152 National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) ethics case study, 90–92 policy statements, 83, 86–87 State Societies, guidance, 86–87 unlicensed practice, NSPE position, 86–87 National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), code of ethics, 76–81 canons, 76 preamble, 76 professional obligations, 78–81 rules of practice, 76–78 Natural gas-fired energy project, state permit requirements (California), 242t–245t Natural step system conditions, 450 Negligence, 286–288 winning, conditions, 286 Negotiated limited competition, 306 Negotiated terms/conditions, 293 Networked structures, 314 Networking, 256–258 90 percent report, preparation, 122 Nonbinding arbitration, 334–335 Notice of trial, 326 O Obligations, defining, 284 Occupancy, 200 100 percent design, 200 100 percent report, 123 Open communication, 485 Operations, drawing set content, 169 Operations/maintenance assistance, engineering proposals, 113 Opinions of probable construction cost, 200 Organization, 277 Organizational structure, 206 Organization breakdown structure (OBS), 212, 214 Outcomes approach, ABET development, challenge, 501 identification, 249 Outreach, 278 Overhead, 344–346 Owners design-builder, preliminary agreement, 689–703 design process participant, 128–129 engineers, agreement, 664–688 P Parsons, project information (sharing), 478 Past, studying (value), 21 Pe~ na, William, 139–140 Percent complete graph, example, 216f Percent complete method, 215 Peremptory challenges, 328 Performance A/E form, 106f careers, 393 schedule, 292 specifying, 175 Performance evaluation and review technique (PERT), 186, 213, 214 Pericles, commissions, 29 Permits agency staff, interaction, 231 http://librosysolucionarios.net collaborative process, 238 identification, 233–234, 236 implementation, staff respect, 230–231 management, 237–238 process, facilitation, 180 requirements, acceptance, 229–230 streamlining, 239–241 table, sample, 241 Permitting agencies, communication, 238 authority, denial attempt, 229 initiation, written project description (absence), 239 process, early initiation, 231–233 project phases, integration, 240t Persian engineers, 27–28 Persian ghanat, groundwater distribution, 28f Placer County (California) consultant assets/qualifications, 529–530 project description, 519–521 proposal, example, 515–532 supportive information, 530–532 table of contents, 518 work plan, 522–528 Plaintiff, 285 Plan, organize, lead and control (POLC), 271–272 Planning, effectiveness, 446 Plans/specifications, engineering proposals, 112 Pleadings, 325–326 Plumbing, drawing set content, 167 Pluralism, 402–403 Postconstruction activity, 150 Post-trial, 331 PowerPoint presentation, 382 Practice codes, 435–436 standard, 286–287 Precautionary principle, 450 Precipitation changes, biodiversity/ habitat impacts, 412 Predesign, 133–139, 199 professional services, availability, 135t Prefabrication, 422–423 Pregnancy Discrimination Act, 337 Preiser, Wolfgang, 140 Preliminary Site Investigative Report, 212 Present value, 459–460 Pretrial, 326–328 Principles, 67 Pritchard, Thomas Farnolls, 57 Private sector consulting engineers, communication, 370 Privity, 287 Probable construction cost, opinion, 200 Problem identification, 109–110 Problem solving, components, 108 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:53 Page 712 712 Index Process definition models, decision chain example, 476f drawing set content, 167–168 facilities market, 197 improvement efforts, 474 model, 499t participants, 127–128 thinking, 499 Procurement and contracting requirements, 161 Division 00, information, 172t Procurement method, 306–307 Production scheduling, 185 Profession, characteristics/attributes, 19, 20f Professional business development, 361–362 Professional communications, 432–433 Professional engagement success, probability (engineering firm enhancement), 121–123 Professional engagement, definition, 97 Professional Engineer, title, 56 Professional Ethics and Conflict of Interest (ASCE Resolution 502), 84–85 Professional human resources management, 353–354 Professional liability insurance, 291, 320 concerns, 321–322 cost, 321 industry, 321 participants, 321 Professional organization activities, 362–363 Professional services marketing, 357–360 Professions Code 6775, 87–88 Profit calculation, 345 earning, 256 Profit and loss (P&L) statement, 349–351 bottom line, 349 top line, 349 Program, 136 creation, steps, 136t issues, 139t Project-based businesses, risk (association), 313 Project-based industries, risk, 313–314 Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI), 151 Project delivery, 199f contracts, 303–308 documents, usage, 161f expansion, 322–323 integrated project delivery, contrast, 484t methods, 197–198 participants, 128f phases, 199–200 process, expansion, 451–452 success, 343 systems, 303–306 flowchart, 304f Project estimates, 200–204 classifications, 201 kick-off meeting, issues (checklist), 202–203 preparation/review, factors, 201 Project management, 276 background, 185–186 basics, 193–195 discipline/theory, contrast, 186–187 excellence, 417 inception, 185 skills, 221–222 Project Management Plan (PMP) components, 206–208 revisions, 206 Project manager (PM) examination, 188–193 example, 220–224 mistakes, costs, 193 plan components, 206–208 plan purpose, 206 responsibilities, 211–217 staff development, 210 staff rates, 210–211 staff selection guidelines, 208–211 process, 209f team management skills, 198 time commitment, 211 tracking methods, 215–217 work breakdown structure (WBS), usage, 212–213 Project Manual, 161 Project professional liability insurance, 322 Project quality plan, 208 Projects budget/budgeting, 120, 133, 207 accuracy, 203 estimates, 203–204 staff rates, relationship, 210–211 class, 323–324 contractor, role, 196 contracts, 293 cost estimates, 200 alignment, benefits, 201–202 cost limit, 133 definition, 193–194, 199 completion, 212 description, preparation, 239 descriptions, 359 design, 143t phase, 200 designer, role, 195–196 development, economics (impact), 343–349 early estimates, 200–203 questions, 202 early project definition, importance, 137 execution, 354 framework, 213 goals, cost/maintenance, 415–416 http://librosysolucionarios.net health/safety plan, 207 implementation, consideration, 237–238 information, 206 sharing, 478 initiation, 199–200 kick-off meeting, 122, 354 needs, 209 owner, role, 195 participants/parties, involvement, 195–196 permitting, 229 attempt, written project description (absence), 239 phases, permitting (integration), 240t plan, phases, 213 process, improvement, 420–421 progress tracking, concepts (usage), 214–215 proposal, 310 re-estimates, classifications, 201 risk analysis techniques, 315t risk management, 217–218 schedule, 207 scope, categories, 187 scope/schedule/budget triangular relationship, 194–195, 194f sectors, 196–198 staff availability, 209–210 teams, 198–199 DL responsibility, 219 meetings, 218 timescale, 133 Proposal core components, 205 development, process, 358 Proprietary specifying, 175 Proximate cause, 287 Public announcement, QBS step, 100–101 Public sector engineers, communication, 370 Public service, 278–279 considerations, 274 leadership, 273 Purchase orders, 294 Pure instinct, 393 Q Qualification-based selection (QBS), 99, 292, 306–307 enactment, 100 evaluation of statements, 102–103 federal government process, 99–103 firms interviews/discussions, 103 negotiation, 107 ranking, 103 public announcement, 100–101 short list, development, 99 statement of qualifications, 101–102 steps, 100 Quality control plan, 147 importance/value, 147 Quality delivery, 253 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:53 Page 713 Index 713 R Raw labor rate, 344–345 Real injury, 288 Reasonably believable edifices, construction, 312–318 Record documents, 302 Recross examination, 330 Redirect examination, 330 Reference standard specifications, 176–177 Reference standard specifying, 175 Referrals, asking, 257 Registration, 356–357 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sections 501–505, 337 Relationships building, 249–250, 250f advice, 262 extension, 252–254 maintenance, 254–256 superstructure, 252–254 Renaissance, engineering, 45–46 Report attachments, 376–377 background, 376 discussion, 376 executive summary, 375–376 introduction, 376 recommendations, 376 sections/chapters, 375–377 title page, 375 Report format, 375–377 Reporting, freedom, 300 Request for Information (RFI), 152 basis, 219 responses, 180 Request for Proposal (RFP) civil engineering example, 122 design team selection, 139 firm invitation, 258 pipeline routing study, Applegate to North Auburn Wastewater Conveyance Pipeline, 507– 514 preparation, 107, 122 program/brief, component, 136 report outline, preparation, 122 response, 292 working examples, 121–122 Request for Qualifications (RFQ), 292 design team selection, 139 preparation, 99, 107 Request for services, 115 Requirements, importance, 138, 138f Residual value, 458–459 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 241 Resource drawings, drawing set content, 168 Resources, competition, 415 Respect, client relationship element, 251–252 Response to Comment (RTC) form, 381f tables/resolutions, engineering proposals, 113 Responsible parties (RPs), defining, 212–213 Resume updates, 358–359 Risk allocation, 118–120 change, 316–317 definition, 310 mitigation, 218 project-based businesses, association, 313 retention, 310 reward, balance, 312 transfer, 310 Risk management, 309–312 elements, 316 example, 312–318 program, establishment, 311–312 safety, 431–432 scheme, revision, 318 Risk-related financial concepts, 275 Road building, Roman mastery, 32 Robotics, 495 Roebling, John, 49, 52f Roman aqueduct (Nimes, France), 33f Roman civil engineers, field report, 33–34 Roman Coliseum, contractor involvement, 185 Roman engineers, 30–33 Roman law system, 283 Rules of conduct, 67 S Schematic design, 142 Scope growth (creep), management, 218 Scope of discovery, identification, 326 Scope of services, 115, 292 Scope of work (SOW), 97 engineering proposals, 110 preparation, 99 summary, 206 work plan initiation, 205 Scope/schedule/budget relationship, maintenance, 253 triangular relationship, 194–195, 194f Sea-level rise biodiversity/habitat impacts, 412 public health impacts, 411 SectionFormat (CSI), example, 173f Self-assessment test, 395 analysis, 396 Senior management buy-in, 483 Service instruments, 288 ownership, 120, 302 Service maintenance, 301–302 Services exclusion, 300 marketing, 357–360 Severability, 118 Sewers (Knossos, Crete), 29f SF 330 form, usage, 104f Sheets cover sheets, 164–169 types, 163 http://librosysolucionarios.net Shop drawings options, 150 review, 180–181 process, 149–150 Short list development (QBS step), 99 form, example, 104f Short-list criteria, SF 330 form (usage), 104f Short-list interview, 99 Short technical report abstract, 585 background, 586–587 conclusion, 590–591 discussion, 587–590 example, 585–595 introduction, 585–586 recommendations, 591 Simultaneity, 402 Site map, 207–208 Site visit, conducting, 122 Six percent fee limitation, 107–108 Slander, 289 Sleeping, quality, 391 Smeaton, John, 47 Sole source selection, 306 Speaking engagements, 257 Specialization, 355–356 Specialty contractors, 133 Specifications, 169–170, 177 example, 587–595 format, 170–172 numbering system, 170 specifying methods, 175 advantages/disadvantages, 176t–177t U.S./Canadian standards, 170t Spill Prevention, Containment, and Contingency (SPCC) plan, 212 SPI ratio, 216 Spirit, 392–393 mind/body, combination, 393 self-assessment test, 395 Stakeholders information, 206 understanding, 253 Standard form contracts, 294, 298 Standardization, 422–423 Standardized drawing (sheet) sizes, 163t Standard of care, 115 Standard of practice, 286–287 Standard practice breach, 287 Standards, 67 State Licensing Boards, NCEES survey, 86–87 Statement of financial position (balance sheet), 351–353 example, 352–353 Statement of Need, 136–137 Statement of qualifications (SOQ), QBS step, 101 Statement of work (SOW), 97 components, 111 preparation, 99 BINDEX 02/21/2011 15:23:53 Page 714 714 Index Statements, evaluation (QBS step), 103 State Societies, NSPE guidance, 86–87 Statute repose, 289 Statutes, 284–285 Statutes of limitation, 289–290 Statutory law, 283, 284 perspective, 285 Stipulation, 326 Stonehenge, 26–27 Stone & Webster, Advanced Systems Development Services, 478 Strategic leadership, 273–275 Stress impact, 389 response, 389–390 Strict liability, 286, 288 Structural drawings, drawing set content, 166 Structural engineering services, contrast absence (case study), 90 Structural engineers, specialization/ responsibility, 132 Subconscious thinking, 503 Subconsultants, impact, 322 Subcontracting, 117 Subcontractor, safety incident, 260 Subject lines, clarity, 371–372 Submittals options, selection, 150 review, 149 Subpoenas duces tecum, 328 Successful, term (usage), 343 Summary judgment, 328 Summations, 330 Superstructure (relationships), 252– 254 Supply chain, management, 421–422 Survey/mapping, drawing set content, 165 Sustainability, 441 definitions, 442 obstacles, overcoming, 444 principles, 450–451 support, 443–444 Sustainable design meetings/analyses/actions, 455t– 456t strategy, 454–455 Sustainable development (NSPE ethics case study), 90–92 Sustainable engineering, 442–445 examples, 443 integrative approaches, 452–453 Sustainable materials strategy, 454– 455, 457 Sustainable Project Rating Tool (SPRT), 153 System scope, 187 Systems thinking, 444–445 Teaching/learning modes, 7–8 Team members/friends/family, behavioral characteristics, 374–375 Team working, integration, 423–424 Technical alternatives, engineering proposals, 111 Technical leadership, 273, 276–277 Technical memos/reports, 177–178 Technical problems, conceptual problems (gap), 479f Technical report, example, 585–592 Technical specialization, 356 Technical specifications, 160 information, 162t contrast, 161–162 Technical staff, certification, 357 Technology, 473 issues, perspective, 474t Tectonic economics, 415–416 Telecommunications drawings, drawing set content, 168 Telephone conversation record, 378f Telford, Scot Thomas, 48, 49f Temperature rise, systems/resources (impacts), 406f Teotihuacan, construction, 39, 39f Terms of art, 298 Theory, systematic body (usage), 20 Think Twice contract clauses, 299–302 Three-dimensional project representation, 485 Time/motion studies, 185 Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Environmental Impacts (TRACI), 462 Tort law, 283, 285–286 Total Enterprise Management, 475 Total Quality Management (TQM), 475 Trade organization activities, 362–363 Traditional project delivery, integrated project delivery (contrast), 484t Training, 222 Trial, 328–331 notice, 326 Trust, client relationship element, 250–251 Tuned mass damper (TMD), usage, 54 Two-dimensional project representation, 485 Two-dimensional typology, 188f Two-envelope QBS, 293 Typical Drawing Numbering System, 164 Typical Specification Numbering System, 170 T U Tacit knowledge, features, 497f Taipei 101 (Taiwan), 54, 54f Task descriptions, inclusion, 122 Unanticipated hazardous materials, discovery, 300 Unfair competition, 286, 289 http://librosysolucionarios.net United Nations Climate Change Conference (Copenhagen), 467 United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), 404 Unit price contracts, 307, 308 Unlicensed practice, NSPE position, 86–87 U.S anti-discrimination laws, 337–338 U.S Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 403–404 information, 405 permits, identification, 233–234 Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Environmental Impacts (TRACI), 462 U.S Green Building Council (USGBC), 463 U.S legal system, 283–284 flowchart, 284f Use of the Term ‘‘Engineer’’ (ASCE Policy Statement 433), 85–86 V Values/processes, 447–454 Verdict, judgment (request), 331 Verification, importance, 465 Vicarious liability, reduction, 293 Virtual organization, advent, 186 Virtual Reality systems, Bechtel usage, 478–479 Vision, 277 Vitruvius, vision, 31 Voice tonality, 370 Voir dire, 328 Voluntary activities/sponsorship, 363 Voluntary arbitration, 334–335 Voluntary nonsuit, motion, 330 Volunteering, 257 W Warming biodiversity/habitat impacts, 411 public health/environmental impacts, 411 Warranty, 117, 286, 288 Waste products, ownership, 117 Water wheels, usage, 44 What if scenarios, 217 White, Edward T., 138 Words, usage, 370 Work breakdown structure (WBS), 110, 113, 214 usage, 212–213 Work flow, 133 flowchart, 134f Working capital, adequacy, 324 Work plans, 204–205, 360 PM preparation, 205 Work rejection/stoppage, right, 302 Workshop activities, 136 World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 404 Worthington, John, 137 ... 16:57:7 Page Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Karen Lee Hansen and Kent E Zenobia http://librosysolucionarios.net... Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Hansen, Karen Lee Civil engineer’s handbook of professional practice/ Karen Lee Hansen and Kent E Zenobia p cm Includes index ISBN 978-0-470-43841-1... nine professional outcomes), as well as other relevant issues The Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice targets both academia and industry The book can be used as a textbook for Professional

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Mục lục

    2. Background and History of the Profession

    5. The Engineer's Role in Project Development

    7. Executing a Professional Commission—Project Management

    9. The Client Relationship and Business Development

    11. Legal Aspects of Professional Practice

    12. Managing the Civil Engineering Enterprise

    13. Communicating as a Professional Engineer

    C: Example Feasibility Study Report

    D: Example Short Technical Report: The Benefits of Green Roofs

    E: Example Specification: Cast-in-Place Concrete