unit 123 reading and listening english 11

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unit 123 reading and listening english 11

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Sưu tầm: Ngô Minh Quân A12 THPT LONG KHÁNH- ĐNAI UNIT 1 Everyone has a number of acquaintances, but no one has many friends, for true friendship is not common, and there are many people [r]

(1)Sưu tầm: Ngô Minh Quân A12 THPT LONG KHÁNH- ĐNAI UNIT Everyone has a number of acquaintances, but no one has many friends, for true friendship is not common, and there are many people who seem to be incapable of it For a friendship to be close and lasting, both the friends must have some very special qualities The first quality is unselfishness A person who is concerned only with his own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend Friendship is a two-sided affair; it lives by give-and-take, and no friendship can last lone which is all give on one side and all take on the other Constancy is the second quality Some people not seem to be constant They take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it and feel the attraction of some new object Such changeable and uncertain people are incapable of a lifelong friendship Loyalty is the third quality Two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them We not think much of people who readily believe rumours and gossip about their friends Those who are easily influenced by rumours can never be good friends Trust is perhaps the fourth quality There must be mutual trust between friends, so that each can feel safe when telling the other his or her secrets There are people who cannot keep a secret, either of their own or of others’ Such people will never keep a friend long Lastly, there must be a perfect sympathy between friends - sympathy with each other’s aims, likes, joys, sorrows, pursuits and pleasures Where such mutual sympathy does not exist, friendship is impossible UNIT MY MOST EMBARRASSING EXPERIENCE My most embarrassing experience happened a few years aso when I was a grade student In those days, my biggest dream was a red hat - a floppy cotton hat like the one my pop star idol wore in her video clip I thought I would look great in it My father knew this, so on my birthday he gave me some money so that I could buy the hat for myself I was extremely excited and decided to go to the shop at once I got on the bus and sat down next to a schoolboy about my age The boy glanced at me and turned away There was a sneaky look on his face, but I didn't think much about it I was busy imagining how I would look in the hat After a while, I turned round and noticed that the boy’s schoolbag was open Inside it, I saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones my father had given me I quickly looked into my own bag - the notes had gone! I was sure that the boy was a thief He had stolen my money I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I decided just to take my money back from the schoolboy’s bag, without saying a word about it So I carefully put my hand into the boy’s bag, took the notes and put them in my own bag With the money I bought the pretty hat of my dreams When I got home, I showed it to my father “How did you pay for it?” he asked / “With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course Dad,” I replied “Oh? What's that then?” he asked, as he pointed to a wad of dollar notes on the table / Can you imagine how I felt then? UNIT A It is Lisa’s birthday She is seven years old today, and her family and friends are at her birthday party On the table is a birthday cake with seven candles, one for each year People sing ‘Happy Birthday' to Lisa: Happy birthday to you! /Happy birthday to you! /Happy birthday, dear Lisa! /Happy birthday to you! When they finish singing, Lisa blows out the candles on the cake Then everybody eats cake and ice cream After that, Lisa opens her birthday cards and presents Her family and friends give her toys and clothes for her birthday In the United States, people of all ages celebrate birthdays But when an adult has a birthday, there are not a lot of candles on the birthday cake Many Americans over the age of 30 don't like to talk about their age Some people joke every year “I’m 29 years old today.’' Perhaps they not want to get any older B Rosa and Luis are having a party, too But it is not a birthday party It is an anniversary party Fifty years ago Rosa and Luis got married Today their family and friends are giving them a party Everyone eats some cake and says “Happy Anniversary!” to Rosa and Luis People also give cards and gifts to the anniversary couple Most married couples in the United States celebrate wedding anniversaries each year Husbands and wives give flowers or gifts to each other They often have a quiet dinner al home or at a restaurant They usually don’t have a big party (2) Bat the 25th and the 50th wedding anniversaries are special People call the 25th the “silver anniversary" and the 50th the “golden anniversary.” These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between married couples Rosa and Luis are happy to be together for their golden anniversary UNIT Lan’s talk My best triend is Ha We’ve been friends for a long time We used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru Residential in Hanoi Her family moved to Haiphong in 1985 It is said that Haiphong people are cold, but Ha is really, really friendly I first started to get to know her when I was going on a two-day trip to Doson last year and I didn't know anybody there I gave Ha a ring and she was so friendly, she said, “Oh, I’ll come to visit you." So she rode on her motorbike to Doson and twenty minutes later she was there She stayed with me for two days She happened to know a lot of people there, so she introduced me around, and we’ve been best friends ever since Long’s talk My best friend is Minh We met in college I was there singing and Minh was a guitarist So we worked together a lot Minh has a great sense of humour, he's very very funny, and that's one of my favourite things about him And over the years we have been through good times and bad times with each other, and that's one of the thines I like best about him And we have a lot of the same interests We like to go to plays and movies together But when we’re going through a rough time, he's really a good friend, and he's a very good listener, and he always helped me through UNIT Interviewer: This is Radio In your “Unforgeitable Experiences" programme tonight we talk to Christina,a successful business woman Heloo Christina, welcome to our programme Christina: Hello and thank you! It's nice being with you tonight Interviewer: Christina, could you tell our audience about The most memorable experience in your life? Christina: Well, my most unforeeitable experience happened thirteen years ago, when my house burned down Interviewer: Really? How did it happen? Christina: The fire started in the kitchen where I forgot to turn off the gas stove Interviewer: What were you doing at that time? Christina: I was sleeping when I was suddenly woken up by terrible heat I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by walls of fire Interviewer: That's terrible! Hem did you escape? Christina: I was terrible Then I heard my mother's voice calling my name I rushed to her She carried me out Luckily, I got away without even a minor burn Interviewer: Not many people are so lucky Did the fire affect you in any way? Christina: Oh, yes Yes, very much, in fact Although I lost many things in the fire, the experience helped me to grow up Interviewer: What you mean? Christina: Well, before the fire I was selfish I always complained to my mother about how small my room was, or how few clothes I had Then the fire came and destroyed everything we owned But I slowly began to realize that I didn't really need my old things I just needed my family After all, you can set new clothes anytime, but a family can never be replaced Interviewer: I see, so the fire took many things from you, but it gave you something, too Christina: Exactly, It taught me to appreciate my family more than things UNIT3 Mai is my neighbor She turned 16 recently and her parents held a birthday party for her I was one of those invited The party began at about three in the afternoon There were about twenty of us gathering in Mai’s house She didn't like having the party at a restaurant because it is noisy and expensive (3) We gave presents to Mai and she happily opened them It must really be exciting to receive all those presents After that Mai's mother served us soft drinks and biscuits We then listened to music and played cards The winners were given prizes At about four thirty Mai's mother brought out the birthday cake It was beautifully decorated with pink and white icing Sixteen colourful candles sat in the middies of the cake We all clapped our hands eagerly and sang “Happy Birthday" as she blew out the candles and cut the cake We helped ourselves to slice of the delicious cake and sang all the songs that we knew Finally at about six in the evening the party came to an end We were all tired but happy The parents of other children came to collect them by motorbikes I helped Mai and her mother clean up the mess we had made After that I walked home, which was only three doors away (4)

Ngày đăng: 16/10/2021, 16:59

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