The biggest donger is falling down the bolcony, the stoirs or out of o window.. The following tips help to..[r]
(1)ffit (B took, listen ond repeot .,lim as @P# a restless ond coreless boy His fomily ond friends ore olwoys concerned obout him Jim, don't climb on thot smoll bronch You moy foll down Jim, don't ploy with the kitten It moy scrotch you {} Point, osk ond onswer /lt * ' You i OK.Thonks - runor-,,t, i swing too fost ffi* coreful, Mum & fw # [x*r:$i* Don't i*2 oK t'll be / ride too fost / foll off your bike A: Don't ride too fost You moy foll off your bike *: OK Thonks iiit-*nrnr-nriia\! ' i fqll ?d^^ *-L n glide down the stoircose / i nlor with the lighter i\ _- oet o burn ._ / -i _- -,, I (2) @ Lirt"n ond tick \f @rolk + Guidlng questions Whot is he / she doing? / Whot ore they doing? Whot moy hoppen to him her / / them? Whqt qdvice you give him her I / them? "Ld# y\* s) (3) *ffi,ffi#ffift $ Listen ond repeot p# ride @ JImr tisten ond reod togerher pB Look ot Jim Whqt's the motter with him? He's riding too fost He moy foll off his bike Look ot Tim Whot's the motter with him? He's swinging too fost He moy foll off the swing G) Group ond soy oloud ffi side slim him decide glide swim Tim slide * ride I I i i *-"-*- l ffiE (4) (l Lirt"n ond number all !*erz \ #D t ) sr [] Frn time IH V A Matching Game tost ride too fatt offr"* u bilre (5) ffi $ took, listen ond repeot" w ff *,:.t* thu pyf ils in A4r Loc's class are hsving a lessan on Accident Prevention {or Children €9 i Point, osk qnd onswer Why shouldn't Becouse '.ir.i:-jiriErTiIiiirifiir,f_:,jimriffIfrrq:firr1iiriijiiljirr,itr,,la *& # , ,.'., Why shouidn't they iump i '*.Yt' s: into ihe river? Because they mcy drown F,Jrt ploywiih o lighter / *ort o room ploy with the knife, get o cut fire II (6) Q nuod the posscrge ond the tosks f B Accidents to young children hoppen onywhere in the home Foll is the most cornmon type of '.*@;s tz.+,t2fillfpao occident lt is very eosy for your boby brother or -*.v$,fu;** sister to roll off the edge of o toLrle, bed or sofo ",,&iffia, keep your boby brother or sister sofe from serious Wf:ffi;* occidents Moke sure he or she connot roll off o crodle or o cor seot corrier ' '.try'' - ;i ;' 1: 1., t) - ,1i;, r;.ifuj';, ";'."* ,,$ffiffii,u '., Moke sure he or she connot open ony upstoirs window Moke sure he or she connot crowl up or down the stoirs a Do not let him or her out in the bolcony olone a Cleor up onything thot moy couse on occident a Cleon up spilled woter immediotely o Tick the best title for the possoge A Accident Prevenfion for Bobies B Foll Prevention for Bobies C How to Keep Bobies Sofe b find the words in the possoge whtch meon: I move slowly on honds qnd knees very bod, dongerous widely found ensure c Answer the questions l Where in the home occidents hoppen to bobies? 2, Whot is the mosf common iype of occideni to bobies? Whot is the biggest donger for bqbies? -e@;9, ,r* ,e@p2 r,.@@1+ **1.,1/ffi W @.*t, The biggest donger is falling down the bolcony, the stoirs or out of o window The following tips help to "tr4.fi1a9" -*'.,W-f,,*,.$,fu,ppv- (7) @*rite.\ Complete Lindq's messoge to Jim T* fu*f V* 1)Oo* "!"u" "* ni,Aa ^y,"nl,J*, hl^ru J*""t, rratt{:atL y^tfu bl*"XA "+tr,"ot1,)ow \ru""A *,A3 **,.t, upw ta a"aA ba\iarb oLaAailA @ frn time V Do the crossword pvzzle #: +oo (8)