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Unit 1 A visit from a pen pal

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PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, poster, pictures, - Students: books, notebooks, extraboards.. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: - It’s difficult for Ss to remember the figures..[r]

(1)Date of oreoaring: 10/8/2016 Date of teaching: 9B2: /8 – 9B3: //8 REVISION I OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revised some grammar notes and sentence paterns Knowledge: + Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary + Language: revise some grammar notes and sentence patterns -form of verbs(tenses / modal verbs / gerunds …) -reported speech -passive forms Skill: -speaking, writing Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt II PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, coloured chalk , extraboard - Student: books, notebooks III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Ss can forget the knowledge they learnt after a long vacation 45 mins is not enough to review all IV PROCEDURES: TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIVES I WARM UP(7’) T:introduce one’s self : -Hello everybody My name’s Thuy -I’m 40 years old -I live in Do Son Ss:work individually:talk before class ( introduce about themselves as above ) II NEW LESSON A.Form of verbs :10’ T:stick poster on board and remind Ss of grammar notes Ss:take notes and memorize *Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1.We (live ) here in 1976 2.He ( learn ) English for months 3.Would you mind ( open ) the door ? 4.It (rain)when the plane arrived at Hanoi 5.My brother used to (go) to school by bike 6.I not ( see) this film yet 7.They like ( watch ) TV in the evening 8.Tuan was reading a book while Lan ( cook ) a meal T:share Ss handout and guide to the task CONTENTS AND BOARD DISPLAY REVISION A Form of verbs : -tenses:simple past / simple future / present perfect tense past progressive -used to + V-inf -modal verbs :can , could , may , must , have to , ought to -gerunds : like / enjoy … -would you mind + v-ing (2) Ss:work in individual:do exercises and exchange with their partners *Keys : 1.lived 2.has learnt 3.opening 4.was raining 5.go 6.haven’t seen 7.watching 8.was cooking B Reported speech : 10’ T:stick poster on board and remind Ss of reported speech Ss:take notes and memorize *Change these sentences into reported speech: 1.Mr Hung said to his son:”go to bed early” →Mr Hung told his son to go to bed early 2.”Are you hungry”She said to Hung → She asked Hung if he was hungry 3.”Don’t talk in class”-the teacher said →The teacher asked us not to talk in class 4.The teacher said to me:”Can you play the piano?” →The teacher asked me if I could play the piano 6.”Do you often go swimming?”The doctor said to me →The doctor asked me if I went swimming B Reported speech : -Command,requests : S + told / asked +O + (not)to-infinitive -Advice in reported speech : S1 + said + S2 +should / shouldn’t +infinitive -Indirected questions with if / whether : S +asked +O + if / whether + S +V(simple past ) T:share Ss handout and guide to the task Ss:work in individual:do exercises and exchange with their partners C Passive form : 10’ T: guide Ss to the task Ss:read and match tenses in column A with it’s passive form in colum B T:share Ss handout and guide to the task Ss:work in individual:do exercises and exchange with their partners *Turn these sentences into passive : a.Nam broke this vase of flowers yesterday →This vase of flowers was broken by Nam C Passive form : *Matching : A Present simple tense Past simple tense Future simple tense Present perfect tense PASSIVE FORM B a.was / were + pp b.have / has +been + pp c.is / am / are + pp d.will / shall + be + pp (3) yesterday b.They will build a bridge here next month →A bridge will be built here nextmonth c.Minh helps Lan with her homework everynight →Lan is helped with her homework by Minh everynight d.We have seen Tuan at school gate → Tuan has been seen at school gate III WRAPPING UP: 6’ T:share Ss handout and guide to the task Ss:work in individual:do exercises and exchange with their partners T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed *Correct the mistakes: 1.Did you watched TV last night ? → Did you watch TV last night ? 2.He should to stay in bed for a few days → He should stay in bed for a few days 3.This bike painted by Tuan yesterdy → This bike was painted by Tuan yesterdy 4.He asked me if I know her name → He asked me if I knew her name *HOMEWORK: Prepare:unit 1:”Getting started+Listen and read” -find new words -do exercise in texbooks / page V FEEDBACK: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of oreoaring: 10/8/2016 Date of teaching: 9B2: /8 – 9B3: //8 Period Lesson 1: - Getting started (page 6) - Listen and read (page 7) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to visit more places of Vietnamese and get to know about the places Lan went to with a foreign friend Knowledge: + Vocabulary: correspond, impress, friendliness, mosque, pray, mausoleum + Language: simple past tense Skill: (4) - Listening, speaking, reading, writing Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt II PREPARATION: -Teacher: book, lesson plan, computer - Students: books, notebooks, extraboards III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: - Ss don’t know the places in the pictures so it’s difficult to warm up in GS IV.PROCEDURES: CONTENTS AND BOARD DISPLAY TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIVES I GETTING STARTED- 7’-GW T:ask Ss some questions *Chatting : UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL -Do you have friends or relatives living in foreign Lesson 1: Listen and read countries ? -Which country does he / she live ? Getting started -How often you write letters or e-mail to him / Game 1: Kim’s game her ? -Has he / she visited your country ? -What activities would you during the visit ? Ss:listen and answer the questions one by one T:stick pictures and ask Ss to see quickly to identify names of the pictures Ss work in Gs a.Temple of Literature(Traditional festival) b.One Pillar Pagoda c.Dong Xuan market d.History Museum e.Special food (Hanoi noodles) f.HaNoi Opera House Ss work with a partner first: T:Call good students to make a short dialogue T:show picture d and make a dialogue with students Example : ( picture d ) A:Do you think this is a museum? B:I think so.I think this is one of the places we want to take our friends to.We can see the things made long time ago A:I believe she will enjoy it C:I would like to take her to a Vietnamese restaurant.I want to introduce our famous food “banh cuon thit heo.” D:I would like to take her to Ba Na resort to go climbing mountains there a, d, b, e, c, f, Listen and read *Vocabulary : -correspond (v): -mosque (n): -friendliness (n) = hospitality(n) -pray (v): (5) Ss:do the same as above with other pictures -mausoleum(n): -be impressed by … + I wish you had a longer vacation Practice II NEW LESSON 1.Listen and read:-12’ -translation -picture -synonym - mime -translation -translation R.O.R Practice T set a scence: Lan’s Malaysian pen pal,Maryam came to visit her in Hanoi.You’ll read the passage And can you guess what does Lan during the visit ? Listen to the tape: Ss:look at the passage and listen to the tape Ex1:8’-GW Ss:work in groups:read the passage in silence and write the places Lan took her pen pal to : Ex2: 8’-PW, GW T:ask Ss some questions about the passage Ss:listen and answer the questions Game: L.N Gs play the games Ex1: Read the passage and write the places Lan took her pen pal to : -Hoan Kiem Lake -HCM Mausoleum -The History Museum -The Temple of Literature Ex2: Answer the questions: a.How often Lan and Maryam correspond ? b.What was Maryam impressed by ? c.Which places did they visit ? d.What did Maryam want to invite Lan to ? (She wanted to invite Lan to visit her country) Multiple choice /p7 * Key: 1.C B D B *Game 2: role play III WRAPPING-UP: 8’ *Ss:work in pairs and sharing in group of or *Now,let us imagine you have a foreign pen pal who is coming to visit you for the first time He/she is going to stay with you for a week What activities would you during the visit? T:feedback and correct the mistakes IV HOMEWORK: 2’ T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed HOMEWORK -Learn the newwords by heart -Read the passage again -Prepare:”SPEAK+ LISTEN” +Make and respond to introductions (6) V.FEEDBACK: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PHÊ DUYỆT CỦA TỔ TRƯỞNG CM, BGH ….………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………… ………… … …………………………………… …………….….….……………………………………… ………… ………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………… …… ………… ………… … …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………… … ……… ….… ………………………………………………………………………………… ……… .… ……… ………… ….…………………………………………………………………………… ……………… ………… ………… ….…………… ………………… (7) Date of oreoaring: 14/8/2016 Date of teaching: 9B2: /8 – 9B3: //8 Period Lesson 2: SPEAK & LISTEN (page 8,9) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to introduction Knowledge: + Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary + Language: simple present tense a.Hello.You must be … →Yes.That’s right.I am Let’s me introduce myself.Iam ……… →Pleased to meet you b.Are you enjoying your stay in …… ? →Yes,very much +people +weather +interesting places +food Skill: - Listening, speaking Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt II PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, poster, pictures, tape - Students: books, notebooks, extraboards III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: - Some Ss can’t hear the listening text - There isn’t enough time to practice speaking well IV.PROCEDURES: TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIVES I WARM UP(5’) T:prepare cards with numbers on one side and the countries and their cities on the other -make sure the countries and their cities are mixed up Ss:work in teams:turn over the cards and see if they match (Thailan → Bangkok) -continue until all the cards are turned over Thailan Vientiane Vietnam Jakarta Lao Bangkok Hanoi Indonesia Keys: Thailan → Bangkok Laos → Vientiane Indonesia → Jakarta Vietnam → Hanoi II NEW LESSON 1.Speak : 15’ CONTENTS AND BOARD DISPLAY UNIT1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 2: SPEAK & LISTEN Game 1:Pelmanism : 1.Speak : *Language contents : a.Hello.You must be … →Yes.That’s right.I am Let’s me introduce myself.Iam ……… (8) T:present some language contents on board Ss:takes notes and memorize T: look at the pic please and answer the questions *Questions: a.Have Nga and Maryam met each other before? b.Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Hanoi ? c.How does she feel about Vietnam ? (Vietnamese people are very friendly and Hanoi is a very interesting city) Ss:listen and answer the questions about Nga and Maryam Ex 1:PW/ GW T:Who is this? ( Nga / Maryam ) Nga is talking to Maryam.They are waiting for Lan outside her school Now,put their dialogue in the correct orders: Ss work in groups then Tcorrects T calls pairs to read the dialogue Ex 2: PW/ GW T:gives some information about three persons in book ” who does what” - She likes Vietnamese people - She lives in a busy big city - She’s from Tokyo - Who is she? ( she is Yoko) Ask Ss to take turn to be one of Maryam’s friends -Ask Ss to read the information given (on the poster) and practice -Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue + First ask some pairs to present their dialogue +Then ask Ss to practice with their partner -While Ss are doing their tasks,T.goes around, takes notes things should be corrected afterwards Example : A:Hello, you must be Yoko B:That is right, I am →Pleased to meet you b.Are you enjoying your stay in …… ? →Yes,very much +people +weather +interesting places +food A.Hello.You must be Maryam B.That’s right.I am Nga Maryam Ex 1:Put their dialogue in the correct orders Key: 1.c 5.b 4.d 2.e 3.a Ex 2:.Make similar dialogues (9) A:Are you enjoying your stay in Hoi An ? Ex 3: Imagine your friends is visiting your B:Oh yes, very much.I like Vietnamese people hometown Make the dialogue as above : and I love old cities in Viet nam A:Do you live in the city, too? B:yes, I live in Tokyo.Have you been there ? A:No, What is it like? B:It is a busy capital city.It is very different from Hoi An *Imagine your friends is visiting your hometown Listen Make the dialogue as above : Example : A.Hello.You must be Hung B.Yes.That’s right.I am.Pleased to meet you A.Are your enjoying your stay in my hometown ? B.Yes.Very much.The people in Hai Phong are very friendly and hospitable Hai Phong has lots of special food and interesting places Listen- 15’ *Identify the pictures T:stick pictures on board and ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell what there is in each picture ,where the place is a-1.Don’t walk on the grass 2.Don’t pick the flowers b-Ask about the numbers of the two buses 1.The number 103 2.The number 130 c-1.Mexican restaurant 2.Hamburgers Open Prediction :Tim is talking Carlo to visit some places.Think of things that they are doing *Possible Answers : +They are going to the park +They are taking the bus +They are going to the restaurant T:tell Ss that Tim is taking Carlo to visit some places -Ask Ss to think of three things that Tim and Carlo are doing Ss:Work in groups:think of three things that Tim and Carlos are doing T:introduce the lesson *Set a scene:Tim and Carlo go to restaurant *3 things that they are doing: -………………………… -………………………… -………………………… Answer keys: a b c (10) downtown.They go through the park.They come *Comprehension questions : there by bus.Listen to the tape and choose the a.Are Tim and Carlos hungry ? correct picture b.Where did they want to go ? c.How they go there ? d.Do they walk in the park before catching a T:ask Ss to listen to the tape to check their bus ? prediction e.Which number of the bus they catch ? -give feedback f.What kinds of food they eat in the T:ask Ss to listen to the tape (twice) and choose restaurant ? the correct picture *Listen again and fill in gaps (poster) Tim:Let’s go to a (1) ……….downtown.If we go through the park,we can catch a (2) ……… on Ocean Drive T:ask Ss some questions Carlo:That’s fine.I really like walking in the(3) *Comprehension questions : …… You’re lucky to have a place like this close to your home.It’s Ss:listen and answer the questions so (4) …….with all the trees and flowers about the content of listening and a pond in the middle *Listen again and fill in gaps : Tim:Carlo!Be careful.You’re walking on the (5) … The park Ss:listen to the tape again and fill in keeper is growing some more-You’ll kill the gaps to complete the dialogue new grass! Carlo:Oh,sorry.I didn’t see the sign *Answer keys: Tim:Come on.It’s time we caught the bus 1.restaurant Carlo:is that our bus,Tim? 2.bus Tim:No.That’s a (6) …… bus.We want the 3.park number 130 4.beautiful Carlo:Where are we going to eat ? 5.grass Tim:It’s up to you.There’s a new Mexican 6.103 restaurant in 7.hamburger town Carlo:Oh,no.I can eat Mexican food at home.I love American food.I’d rather eat (7) ……… III WRAPPING –UP-8’ Ss:work in individual:use the cues *Write-it-up : words to make the sentences a.Tim and Carlo / hungry Tim and Carlo are hungry b.They / want / go / a restaurant They want to go to a restaurant T:feedback and correct the mistakes c.They / catch a bus / the restaurant They catch a bus to the restaurant d.They / eat / hamburgers / the restaurant They eat hamburger at the restaurant IV HOMEWORK: 2’ HOMEWORK -Finish all exercises into your notebooks (11) T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed -Write sentences about pictures / page about things Tim and Carlo : Ex: They are going to the park -Prepare:”READ” +find out new words +read the passage and answer:What is the passage about ? V FEEDBACK: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… Date of oreoaring: 14/8/2016 Date of teaching: 9B2: /8 – 9B3: //8 Period Lesson 3: READ (page 9,10) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of tha ASEAN Knowledge: + Vocabulary: divide,comprise,compulsory,religion,tropical climate, be separated by … + Language: simple present tense Skill: -Reading for specific details to know more about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASEAN Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt II PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, poster, pictures, - Students: books, notebooks, extraboards III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: - It’s difficult for Ss to remember the figures (12) IV.PROCEDURES: TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIVES I Warm up: 7’- WG T:hang the world map on the board and explain the game T:gives some information Ss:guess what that country is *Which country is it ? CONTENTS AND BOARD DISPLAY UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 3: Read 1.It has an area of 236,800 km and it’s capital is Vientiane *Play a game :net work 2.It’s close to Vietnam and it’s national language is Khmer 3.This country borders with Laos and Cambodia It Countries of ASEAN has many tourist attractions The major cities are Bangkok 4.It has the population of over 72 million and it’s 10 capital is Manila 5.It’s the largest of the ten counties of the ASEAN.It’s unit of currency is Rupiah 6.It’s official region is Buddhism and it’s capital is Laos Yangun Cambudia 7.It’s the small country and it has area of 5,765 Thailand km2 Philipines 8.It is one of the cleanest country in the world.The Indonesia country and the capital city share the same name Its Myanmar population is about million people Brunei 9.It’s the country where we are living.It’s capital is Singapore Hanoi Vietnam 10.It has the Petronas Twin Towers The capital city is10 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur What country is it ? *Answer keys: 1.Laos 2.Cambudia 3.Thailand 4.Philipines 5.Indonesia 6.Myanmar 7.Brunei 8.Singapore 9.Vietnam 10.Malaysia T:feedback and correct the mistakes Read *Vocabulary: -ASEAN: Association of South East Asian Nations -divide (v) = separate (v): -comprise (v) = consist of (v) : (13) T:set situation to introduce the lesson *Set a scene:Today,we’ll read a passage about Malaysia to know more information about it’s area,population,climate,unit of currency,capital city,national language … 1.Vocabulary: 8’ -explanation -synonym -synonym -synonym -translation -At school, you have to learn English whether you like it or not,so learning English is WHAT & WHERE 2.Pre-Questions: poster- 3’ T gives the Qs Ss close the books & guess the answers -a region = an area : -Islam(n): đạo hồi -compulsory(adj): bắt buộc -Hinduism(n): đạo Hin-đu(Ấn độ giáo) *Pre-Questions: poster -Where is it? -What is the capital of Malaysia ? -What is its population ? -How big is Malaysia ? -What language is spoken in this country ? *Fill in the chart : Area : 329.758 Population : over 22 million Climate : tropical climate Unit of currency : ringgit Capital city : Kuala Lumpur T:What you know about Malaysia? Official religion : Islam Now,make questions for what you want to National Language : Bahasa Malay know Compulsory Second language: English (Look at the map and point the Malaysia) 3.Fill in the chart :8’- GW T: you work in group and complete the table with information you already know about Malaysia if you don’t know, just discuss with group members Ss:work in groups:read the passage in silence and complete the chart with information in the passage Ss:work in pairs:ask and anwer the questions about the information in the passage Questions :5’_PW a.Is Malaysia one of the countries of the ASEAN ? b.What is it’s area ? c.What was it’s population in 2001 ? d.Does Malaysia have tropical climate ? e.Which language they speak as a national language? f.What is it’s capital city ? T:feedback and correct the mistakes 4.True / False statements :4’-GW *True / False statements : *Answer keys: T F ( there are more than religions ) F ( English, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken) F ( one of the three: Malay, Chinese, Tamil ) F (English is a compulsory second language, not primary language of instruction ) 2.Tell something about Vietnam : (14) T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide Ss to the task Ss:work in groups:read the statements and decide which statements are true and which ones are false -Area: -Population : -Climate : -Capital city : -National language : -What is it famous for ? -Which places of interest? -What can visitors when they come to our country? III WRAPPING- UP: 8’ Ss:talk before class HOMEWORK -Learn the newwords by heart -Finish all the answers into your exercise books -Write a short paragraph,describing about your country -Prepare:”WRITE” +The ways of writing a letter,telling about your visits in another part of Vietnam or in a different country IV HOMEWORK: 2’ T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed V.FEEDBACK: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PHÊ DUYỆT CỦA TỔ TRƯỞNG CM, BGH ….………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………… ………… … …………………………………… …………….….….……………………………………… ………… ………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………… …… ………… ………… … …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………… … ……… ….… ………………………………………………………………………………… ……… .… ……… ………… ….…………………………………………………………………………… ……………… ………… ………… ….…………… ………………… (15) Date of oreoaring: 23/8/2016 Date of teaching: 9B2: /8 – 9B3: //8 Period Lesson 4: Write (page 11) I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a personal letter to tell about their last trips Knowledge: + Vocabulary: revison of vocabulary + Language: simple past tense Skill: - writing a letter,telling about their visit in another part of Vietnam or a different country Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt II PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, computer - Students: books, notebooks III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: - Lazy Ss will not concentrate to write - Some Ss don’t know other places besides HP IV.PROCEDURES: TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIVES CONTENTS AND BOARD DISPLAY I.WARM UP: 5’- GW *Look at and tell the names for these pictures : UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 4: WRITE T:stick pictures on board and ask Ss to look at and tell the names for the pictures Ss:work in teams T:ask Ss some questions Ss:listen and answer the questions one by one a b *Answer keys: 1.Have you ever visited any other places in Viet a.Halong Bay c.Nhatrang Beach Nam ? c d b.Ben Market d.NgoMon Gate (16) 2.When did you go ? 3.How did you get there ? 4.Did you visit any places of interest ? 5.Did you buy anything ? 6.When you are away from home, you keep in touch? How? Today we’ll practice writing a letter about the places you have visited II NEW LESSON Pre- writing: 10’ *Set the scene:Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Vietnam or a different country T:get Ss answer the questions Ss:answer the questions one by one T:Do you remember”How many parts are there in a formal letter”? Example : 43 Le Loi Street Friday, September 10, 2005 Dear Mom and Dad, Best regardd, Best wishes, Love, Sincerely, Yours, Regards, While- writing: 15’- GW T:stick sub-board on board and present the outline Write Ex1:Answer the questions : 1.Where are you now? How did you get there? 2.Who did you meet first and take you to his/her home? 3.What have you done? -What places have you visited? -Who have you met? -What kinds of food have you tried? -What souvenirs have you bought? 4.How you feel now? 5.What you think interest you most? 6.When are you returning home? *The formal of a personal letter : -HEADING - Write’s address and the date -OPENING - Dear -BODY OF THE LETTER -CLOSING - Your friend, / Regards, / Love *Take outline : (poster) 1.First paragraph:say when you arrived and who met you at the bus / train station / airport 2.Second paragraph:talk about: -what you have done Ss:take notes and memorize -places you have visited -people you have met -food you have tried -things you have bought 3.Third paragraph: -tell how you feel(happy / disappointed ) *Suggested letter : -say what interests you most (people / places / Dear Mom, activities … ) I arrived at Hue train station at a.m two days -mention when you return home (17) ago.Two my friends, Hoa and Minh met me at the station then they took me Hoa’s home by bikes I have visited Gia Long, Minh Mang Tombs, Thien An Hill, Dong Ba Market I have tried different Hue foods : banh beo, bun bo, com hen I will visit Tu Duc Tomb and Citadel tomorrow I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much.The people here are so nice and friendly, the foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful I will leave Hue at p.m next Sunday and will arrive home at p.m.Please pick me up at the train station See you then Yours Ss: work in Gs and write on posters then hang on the board T:feedback and correct the mistakes III POST- WRITING:13’ Ss write their own letters T choose some letters to correct in class Practice Ex2: Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Vietnam.Write a letter to your family : *Suggested ideas: First paragraph :I arrived at Hanoi airport at 2p.m at midnight on Monday Uncle Tri met me at the airport then took me home by motorbike Second paragraph : I’ve visited many places like Sword Lake, Ba Dinh Square, Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum, supermarket I’ve tried different foods : Hanoi specialities, noodles I’ll visit One-Pillar-Pagoda and Le Nin Park tomorrow / on Sunday Third paragraph : I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much.The people here are so nice and friendly, the foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful.I will leave Hanoi at 3p.m/ p.m next Thursday and will arrive home at 10 p.m Please pick me up at the airport/ train station IV HOMEWORK- 2’ T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed HOMEWORK -Finish the letter into your notebooks -Prepare:”Language focus” +simple past tense +simple past with”wish” V.FEEDBACK: …………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… Date of oreoaring: 23/8/2016 Date of teaching: 9B2: /8 – 9B3: //8 (18) Period Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS (page 11,12) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to select the correct picture and to use past simple, and past simple with “wish” Knowledge: + Vocabulary: revison of vocabulary + Language: simple past tense and the past simple with wish Skill: - Speaking and writing Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt II PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, computer - Students: books, notebooks III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS - There’s a mistake between simple past tense and the past simple with wish IV.PROCEDURES: TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIVES I WARM UP: 5’- GW T:prepare cards with numbers on one side and the infinitives and past forms on the other -make sure the infinitives and past forms are mixed up Ss:- work in teams:turn over the cards and see if they match (see→ saw) - continue until all the cards are turned over CONTENTS AND BOARD DISPLAY UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS *Play a game : pelmanism see saw have had be were bought buy live lived II NEW LESSON Simple past tenses:5’ *Set a scene :This is a conversation between Tan and Phong.They are talking about what Ba di on the weekend Tan : What did Ba on the weekend? Phong: Monsters” Tan : When did he see it? Phong: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two I Simple past tenses: o’clock -S+regular V-ED / V2(irregular verb) -S + was / were …… T:stick sub-board on board and remind Ss of usage eg: She went to the zoo last week of simple past tense Express an action that completely finished in *Make the sentences : the past.(yesterday,ago…last …… , in 1976) a.They / live / here / 1970 Ss:take notes and memorize b.My father / buy / this bicycle / yesterday (19) c.They / be / Doson beach / last week Ss:use the cues words to make the sentences in simple past Ex1.Work with a partner Ask and answer questions about what each person did on the weekend : Ex 1/ p11: 8’-PW T:set situation to introduce the dialogue Ss:work in pairs One asks,one answers about what Nga, Lan, Nam, Ex2 Lan and her friends are holding a and Hoa did on the weekend farewell party for Maryam.Write the things they did to prepare for the party *Matching : Buy a cake Ex 2/p12:10’- GW Make flowers T:say “ if you have a farewell party, what will you Hang a picture of HN prepare? “ Go colorful lamps Ss:answer freely Paint shopping *Write things : Ss:work in teams: -Hoa made a cake -Minh colorful lamps on the wall -Lan bought flowers T:ask Ss to to look at the pictures and use the words -Hung painted a picture of Hanoi in the box to write the things they did to prepare for -Nga and My went shopping the II.Wishing clause in present time : party *Form: -S1 + WISH(ES) + S2 + PAST SIMPLE (To Ex3/ p13: 8’- (work in individual) be: were) T:ask Ss one question “Do you have a sister/ *Make the sentences : brother ?” a.I / wish / a doctor Ss:answer freely b.He / wish / not get bad marks T:say“ I don’t have a sister” c.We / wish / have / much money  I wish I had a sister Ex3 Work with a partner.Write wishes you →which tense is used in the clause after”wish” ? want to make in these situations : T:explain new grammar *Answer keys : *Usage: wish is used when we want really to be b.I wish I were in the swimming pool different and exactly opposite of the truth(express a.I wish I had a computer unreal wishes in present time ) d.I wish I lived closed/near to school e.I wish I had a sister Ex : She studies badly f.I wish I drew well  I wish she studied well g.I wish I knew many friends or : I wish she didn’t study badly h.I wish I had my friend’s phone number i.I wish there were some rivers and lakes in my Ss:work in individual:do exercise / page 12 in hometown textbooks GAME: LN T:feedback and correct the mistakes *Put the correct form of the verbs in III WRAPPING- UP: 5’ brackets: a.They (not go ) to work yesterday (20) Ss plays in teams T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide them to the task Ss:work in individual and share with their partners →They didn’t go to work yesterday b.I wish my parents (give) me much money → I wish my parents gave me much money c.He wishes his friends(write) to him often →He wishes his friends wrote to him often d.We ( live ) here in 2001 → We lived here in 2001 *Correct the mistakes: a.I wish I am a singer →I wish I were a singer b.We wish Tuan comes with us today →We wish Tuan came with us today c.Nga didn’t watched TV lastnight →Nga didn’t watch TV lastnight T:feedback and correct the mistakes HOMEWORK IV HOMEWORK: 4’ T:guide Ss to learn at home -Finish all the exercises into your exercise books -Prepare:”Getting started & listen and read”(unit 2) +find out new words Ss:do as directed V FEEDBACK: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PHÊ DUYỆT CỦA TỔ TRƯỞNG CM, BGH ….………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………… ………… … …………………………………… …………….….….……………………………………… ………… ………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………… …… ………… ………… … …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………… … ……… ….… ……………………………… …… (21)

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2021, 05:10



