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MARINE PRODUCTS C OMMITED TO QUALITY SINC E 1923 1923 A Limited Partnership Shibata Rubber Industries was esta blished in Kobe to produc e rubber boots. 1949 A Limited Partner wa s dissolved, a nd Shibata Rubber Industrial C o. Ltd was esta blished. 1961 Marine RubberFenderswere produced. 1970 Name of Corporation waschanged to Shibata IndustrialCo.Ltd. 1979 “RubberChainer” wasdeveloped. 1989 “Cushion Roller” wasdeveloped. 2001 “SuperCircle (SPC)” fenderwasdeveloped. 2003 Shibata Asia SDN.BHD.wasestablished inMalaysia. SHIBATA INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD ESTABLISHED : August 10,1923. PRESIDENT : Atsuki SHIBA TA C APITAL : JPY 315M NUMBER OF EMPLO YEES : A pp rox. 400 SALES REC ORD : JPY 8.1 Billion (USD 76 M) in 2007 BUSINESS PO LIC Y CustomerCreed G o for Uniqueness C ompany with Originality and Ac tivity Applic ation and Development Human Resourc e COMPANY CREED Supple Mind Adoration Mind Gratitude CONTENTS INTRODUC TION DESIGN DATA COLLEC TION DESIGN OF FENDER SYSTEM THE DEVELOPMENT OF FENDER C SS FENDER . SUPER C IRC LE FENDER . PM-FENDER (PARALLELFENDER) V-SHAPED FENDER . C YLINDRIC AL FENDER -C T- RIGID FENDER -D & SQUARE SHAPE- . WORK BOAT FENDER . C USHION ROLLER . RUBBER LADDER -FOR SAFETY OPERATION- RUBBER LADDER -JOINT LADDER . C AR STOPPER . EDGE BUMPER BC TYPE EDGE BUMPER BP TYPE ACC ESSORIES PHYSIC AL PROPERTIES OF UHMW-PE RUBBER PROPERTIES . OTHER PRODUC TION . 1 4 5 19 21 24 28 30 37 38 41 46 48 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 IN TRO D UC TIO N INTRODUCTION 1) WHAT IS A FENDER The purp o se of the fe nde ring syste m is to serve a s a bumper to protec t the hull and berthing fac ility from damage when vesselsberth alongside. Another function is to operate as a shock a b sorb e r by a b sorbing the b e rthing energy o f a vessel on the berthing operation and soften the berthing impac t to the berth and hull. Therefore,thetwomainfunctionsofthefendering system are: 1) To perform as a bumper to protect the hull and berthing fac ility from damages. 2) To perform as a shock absorber on the berthing operation. The adoption of a suita ble fendering system will help to ensure smooth berthing operation. Henc e itisimportantto give priorityto the selec tion ofa fendering system that can actually reduc e the whole berthing fa c ility c onstruc tion cost, instead of simply choosing low-cost fenders. 2) HISTORY In the early days, vessels are made of wood and run by wind or human efforts. There was no necessity to use specialfendersotherthan timber fenders for berthing vessels. With the advanc ed technologies after the industrial revolution, vessels are propelled by steam engines or diesel engines, and hull are constructed out of steel in place of wood. It b e c ome s possible for la rg e r size ve ssels to be onstructed with thinnerand weakerhullsstructures with improved knowledge in ship-building and cost minimization. Due to the lac k of suita ble fendering system, la rge vessels were fo rc ed to moor a t a nc ho ra ges and cargoes were transferred by small boats or barges. Alte rna tively, the large vessels had to berth alongside with strong hull construction. With the development of mass transportation, it was important to develop fendering system to enable vessels to berth alongside of the quay. C ylindric al type rubber fenders was developed in the 1940’ s, whic h allowed vessels to berth direc tly at the wharves. However the cylindric a l fender is easily damaged bec ause it is insta lled by c ha ins and shackles,and hasa high reaction force. To overcome the above defects, V-shape fenders were developed after some research and development works done by the relevant authorities, together with fender manufac turing in Ja pan in the 1960’s. REAC TIO N FO RC E ENERG Y ABSORPTIO N REAC TION FO RC E DEFLECTION REAC TIO N FO RC E DEFLECTION REAC TIO N FO RC E DEFLEC TION 1 IN TRO D UC TIO N V-shape fenders are anchored directly onto the quay walls instead of sec uring c hains as in the c ase of c ylindric a l fenders. It offers better dura bilities and energy absorption c apac ity with lower reaction force as compared with c ylindric a l fenders. After 1960’ s, the researc h and development workscontinued to develop more idealfenders for eac h individua l special requirement. Today, with the c orrec t applic a tion of the suita ble fendering systems from va rious kinds of fenders, construction costs of berthing are nationalized. You c an selec t suita ble fenders to meet your requirements, for berthing of small boats to super tanker, from cylindric a l type fenders,V- sha pe fe nd ers, impro ve d V-sha p e fend e rs, c irc le fenders, improved c irc le type fenders, fenderswith steel frontal panels,pneumatic or roller fenders, a nd simple D or square sha ped fenders. 3) FENDER TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS 3-1) C hara c teristic s of fenders The c ha ra c te ristic s in te rms o f pe rforma nc e of rubberfendersare expressed by: A) Energy absorption:E(Tonf -M) “Rated energy absorption” is the amount of energy absorbed by the fenderwhen it It is given by area under the reaction B) Rea c tion forc e: R (Tonf) “Ra ted re a c tion fo rc e” is the rea c tio n the relation between energy absorption value (E) and reaction load value ®,that makes the maximum values (E/R). D) Hull p re ssure: (To nf/m 2 ) “Hull (surfa c e ) p re ssure ” is the forc e tra nsfe rre d to hull (p er sq. meter) of a ship from the fe nd e r. Hull (surfa c e) p re ssure = (re a c tion forc e )/ (c onta c t area ). REAC TION FO RC E DEFLEC TION REAC TIO N FORC E DEFLEC TION REAC TIO N FORC E DEFLEC TION Deflec tion Fig.1-1 Performanc e C urve A R B E E/R 2 IN TRO D UC TIO N 3-2) Types of fenders fender). Buc kling (C onsta nt Reac tion) type fenders having the performanc e c urve as shown in Fig.1-1 will have a reactionload thatsuddenlyrisescomparativelyasa resultofelastic compressive deformation c losed and elastic c ompressive deformation will be restored resulting in a sudden rise in reac tion loa d. Fenders having the performance curve as shown in Fig.1-2 are the constant elastic modulus type fenders, and hollow cylindric a l fenders will fa ll into this c ategory. Approxima tely in proportion to Deflection Fig.1-2 Performa nc e C urve R B E E/R Deflection Fig.1-1 Performa nc e C urve A R B E E/R 3 DESIGN DATA C OLLEC TION DESIGN DATA C OLLEC TION 1) BASIC ITEMS FOR FENDER’S SELECTION A) Berthing energy B) Allowable reac tion forc e from fender to the struc ture C ) A llo wa b le hull (surfa c e ) p re ssure D) Position and area to be protected by fendering system E) Na tura l forc e (wind, c urre nt, wa ve) 2) REQUIRED INFORMATION {*: im p o rta n t} 2-1) Vessels (refer to c hapter 3.1): vessel A) Type * : G enera l c a rgo, O il ta nker, C o nta ine r c a rrier, Bulk c a rrier, Fe rry b oa t, Pa ssenge r b oa t. Workboat,Tug boat,Warship. B) Weig ht * : D.W.T., D.P.T., or gross ton C) Length : Lo a or Lp p D) Breadth E) Dra ft G) Free board 2-2) Berthing fac ility (Berthing struc ture) A) Type * : Wharf,Jetty,Pier,Dolphin orPontoon B) Struc ture : Pile type or gravity type C) Elevation* : Top deck(platform)level,High waterand Low waterlevel. For existing quay struc ture, the following additional informa tion are required: D *Space for fender installation with its elevations from sea water level. E) *Horizontal allowable forc e ac ting on the struc ture. 2-3) Na tural c ondition A) Wind:Direction and speed B) Current:Direction and speed C) Wave:Height, period and direction 4 DESIG N O F FENDER SYSTEM DESIG N O F FENDER SYSTEM 1) VESSEL As a general rule, one should use the ac tual values of the ship to calculate the berthing energy. However, in some cases where the actual values are not known, one can refer to the attached Appendix-1 “Sta ndard size of vessels” showing the typic a l ship’s measurements given by the Harbor De p a rtme nt of the M inistry of Tra nsporta tio n. And, we use the following formulae in Appendix-2“Formulae to c alc ula tionofvessel’ s c haracteristics” to provide supplementary materials to compensate for the in between va lue s of sta nda rd ship s shown b a sed o n re port from the Port and HarborResearch Institute of the Ministry of Transporta tion. Usually, ships are built ac c ording to the sta ndard sets of dimensions and c a rrying c apac ity. TERM IN O LO G Y G ro ss Tonna g e Net Tonnage Displacement Tonnage Dead Weight Tonnage Lig ht We ig ht Balla st Weight Le ngth of ship Brea dth of ship Loaded Draft Lig ht Dra ft Depth of Ship DEFINITIONS Total volume of vessel and cargo. It is derived by dividing the total interior capacity of a vessel by 100 cubic feet. Total volume of cargo that can be carried by the vessel. Tota l weight of the vessel and c a rgo whe n the ship is loaded to draft line. Weight of cargo, fuel, passenger, crew and food on the vessel. Weight of ship. Weight of ship and water added to the hold or ballast c ompa rtment of a vessel to improve its sta bility after it ha s d isc ha rg ed its c a rgo. The length from the top of the bow to the end of the stern of a ship. The d ista nc e a c ross the p a ra lle l sec tion o f the sid es of a ship . The distance from the water surface to the keel of the ship when the ship is loa ded to the freeboard mark. The distance from the water surface to the keel of the ship when the ship is at light. The actual Depth of ship. GT (ton) NT (ton) DPT (ton) DWT (ton) LW (to n) BW (ton) Loa o r Lp p (m) B (m) d (m) db (m) D (m) Note : Pa ssenger ship , c a r c a rrie r a nd LPG & LNG c a rries a re no rma lly e xp re sse d using G T o r NT. DPT = DWT + LW freeboa rd full load draft molded depth light loa d draft molded breadth length between perpendiculars length overa ll Fig.3-1 Dimension of vessel 5 DESIG N O F FENDER SYSTEM 2) BERTHING ENERGY 2-1) Berthing Energy Effec tive berthing energy is c a lc ulated as follows: where; E : Effec tive berthing energy (ton-m) M : Displacement tonnage (tons) V : Berthing velocity (m/sec) g : Acceleration of Gravity (9.8m/sec²) 2-2) Berthing veloc ity (V) Berthing veloc ity is one of the most importa nt fac tors for designing a fendering system. Berthing veloc ity of vessels is determined from values of measure or from experienc e at existing berthing fac ility. a) Good berthing conditions, sheltered. c) Easy berthing conditions, exposed. d) Good berthing conditions, exposed. they are considered to be high. difficult berthing: lowest sheltering effec t difficult berthing: high sheltering effect easy berthing: high sheltering effect 0 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 approaching velocity (m/sec) ordinary difficult in berthing: low sheltering effect easy berthing: lowest sheltering effec t . opentype (pier type) . closed type (sheet pile type, gravity type) 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 displacement tonnage (tif) 10 15 5 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0 1 2 5 10 50 100 500 DWT in 1000 tonne Figure 4.2.1. Design berthing veloc ity (mean va lue) as func tion of naviga tion c onditions and size of vessel (Brolsma et a l. 1997) a b c d e 6 DESIG N O F FENDER SYSTEM account when calculating the total energy of the vessel by increasing the mass of the system. A ship mostly b e rths a t a c e rta in a ng le . The re fore , vessel turns Some ofthe kinetic energy ofthe ship isconverted to turning energy, a nd the re ma ining e ne rg y is tra nsfe rre d to the b e rth. The ec c entricity fac tor (C e) represents the proportion of the remaining energy to the kinetic energy ofthe vesselat berthing. R = distanc e of point of c onta c t to the centre of the mass (measured parallel to the wharf) (in m) = angle between velocity vectorand the line between the point ofcontact and the c e ntre of ma ss. L 7