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UNIT 1: INTERNATIONAL TRADE No . Words/Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Vietnamese 1. autarky The situation that a nation is self- suficient and has no foreign trade. Tự cung, tự cấp. 2. deficit A negative balance of trade or payment Thâm hụt (cán cân thương mại, hay thanh toán) 3. quotas Quantitative limits on the import of particular products or commodities Hạn ngạch 4. Balance of payment The difference between what a country receives and pays for its exports and imports of goods Cán cân thanh toán 5. Balance of trade The difference between a country’s total earnings from exports and its total expenditure on imports Cán cân thương mại 6. Surplus A positive balance of trade or payment Thặng dư (cán cân thanh toán/thương mại) 7. Tariffs Taxes charged on imports Thuế quan 8. Barter or counter-trade Direct exchanges of goods, without the use of money Hàng đổi hàng 9. protectionism Imposing trade barriers in order to restrict imports Sự bảo hộ (kinh tế) 10. dumping Selling goods abroad at (or below) cost price Phá giá 11. Visible trade or merchandise trade Trade in goods Thương mại hữu hình 12. Invisible imports and exports Trade in services (banking, insurance, tourism, and so on) Thương mại vô hình hay thương mại dịch vụ 13. Absolute advantage Ability of a nation to produce a good more efficiently than any other nation Lợi thế tuyệt đối 14. Comparative advantage Inability of a nation to produce a goods more efficiently than other nations, but an ability to produce that good more efficiently than it does any Lợi thế so sánh other good 15. Structural unemployment Unemployment resulting from changes in the basic composition of the economy Thất nghiệp cơ cấu 16. Retaliate (v) Get revenge Trả đũa, trả miếng 17. Infant industry New industry in its early stages of development, and in need of protection from predatory competition through tariff and non-tariff barriers until it is established. Ngành công nghiệp non trẻ 18. Rollover (v) Allowing an old loan or debt to continue into a new agreement with the same conditions Gia hạn (nợ, tín dụng…) 19. Division of labor the specialization of cooperative labour in specific, circumscribed tasks and like roles Phân công lao động Unit 3: Foreign exchange trading No. Terms Explaination in English Vietnamese 1 Revaluation Increasing the value of an otherwise fixed exchange rate. Nâng giá tiền tệ 2 Gold standard The use of gold as the standard value for the money of a country. Bản vị vàng 3 Floating exchange rate One exchange rate is determined by supply and demand. Tỷ giá thả nổi 4 Intervene A central bank buys or sells in oder to increase or decrease the value of their currency. Can thiệp 5 Stipulate To specify or require something, as in a written contract or formal agreement. Quy định 6 Peg Another verb for fixing exchange rates against something else Cố định 7 Speculator A trader who approaches the finacial markets with the intention to make a profit by buying low and selling higher, not necessarily in that order. Nhà đầu cơ, tích trữ 8 Barter A method of exchange by which goods or services directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. Trao đổi hàng hóa 9 Dirty floating exchange rate A sytem in which central bank intervene at the intervention points. Thả nổi tỉ giá có điều tiết 10 Clean floating exchange rate A sytem which is determined purely by supply and demand. Thả nổi tỉ giá hoàn toàn 11 Dealer Merchant A person who buy goods from any or all sources for resale to anyone and everyone for profit. Thương nhân 12 Suspend To temporarily cease an activity already commenced in progress. Lơ lửng 13 Hedging Try to insure against unfavorable price movements by way of futures contract Phòng hộ 14 Single currency Two or more states share the same currency. Đồng tiền chung 15 Medium of exchange Commodity, currency, or a financial instrument used incommercial transactions between buyers and sellers as ameasure and Phương tiện trao đổi standard of value. A distinguishingcharacteristic of money is its ability to be used as a medium of exchange. 16 Gold rush A surge in activity in a specific area by individuals seeking to capitalize on newly discovered gold present in the area. During a gold rush, workers will migrate to the area where gold has been discovered and work aggressively trying to collect as much gold as they can Sự đổ xô mua vàng 17 Exchange control Restrictions on conversion of a country's currency for another, imposed by its government in an attempt toimprove its balance of payments position. Kiểm soát trao đổi ngoại tệ 18 Exchange rate risk Exposure or uncertainty that is inherent in dealing with two or more currencies that do not have fixed-parity values. Also called currency risk. Rủi ro tỷ giá 19 To ‘peg’ a currency against something To fix its value in relation to it Neo tỷ giá 20 Foreign exchange rates When central banks intervene in the foreign exchange markets at the intervention points Tỷ giá ngoại tệ có can thiệp 21 Exchange controls used to limit The amount of a country’s money that residents were able to change into foreign currencies Giới hạn ngoại tệ chuyển đổi 22 Speculators They buy or sell currencies in order to make a profit by making capital gains or by investing at higher interest rates Người đầu cơ 23 Market forces The determination of price by supply and demand (the quantity available and the quantity bought and sold). Lực lượng thị trường 24 To adjust To make changes to something Điều chỉnh 25 To convert To change something into something else Chuyển đổi 26 To abolish To end something permanently Xóa bỏ vĩnh viễn 27 To suspend To end something temporarily Xóa bỏ tạm thời 28 To fluctuate To go up or down (in quantity, value .) Dao động 29 To diverge To move away from what is considered normal Biến động 30 A promissory note A negotiable instrument, wherein one party makes an unconditional promise in writing to pay a determirate sum of money to the other, either at a fixed or determinable future time or on demand of the payer Giấy nhận nợ 31 Devaluation A reduction in the value of a currency with respect to those goods, services of other monetary units with which that currency can be exchanged. Phá giá tiền tệ 32 Convertibility The quality that allows money or other financial instruments values in different currencies must be exchanged. Tính chuyển đổi 33 Purchasing power parity A condition between countries where an amount of money has the same purchasing power in different countries Sức mua tương đương. 34 Short - term money market A market where participants including banks and other major financial institution trade very large volumes of short – term debt instruments including bank bills promissory notes, bank issued certificates of deposit and other short – term interest bearing securities. Thị trường tiền tệ ngắn hạn. 35 European Monetary System (EMS) An 1979 arrangement between several European countries which link their currencies in an attempt to the stabilize the exchange rate. Hệ thống tiền tệ châu Âu. 36 Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) Based on the concept of fixed currency exchange rate margins Cơ chế hối suất. 37 Currency fluctuation Changes in the value of one currency relative to another. Sự biến động tiền tệ. UNIT 4: PAYMENT IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE No. Terms and Phrases Definition and Explanations 1 Open account The goods and relevant documents are sent by the exporter directly to the overseas buyer, exporters lose all control of goods, trusting that payment will be made (thanh toán ghi sổ) 2 Documentary credit It is often referred to as a Letter of Credit. This is an undertaking issued by an overseas bank to an exporter through a bank in sellers’ country. (phương thức thanh toán tín dụng chứng từ) 3 Bills for Collection Trade collections are initiated when an exporter draws a bill of exchange on an overseas buyer. (phương thức nhờ thu) 4 Advance payment Importers have to pay before any goods are dispatched. (thanh toán trả trước) 5 Undertaking A promise or guarantee given to or by a bank like a L/C (cam đoan, cam kết, đảm bảo) 6 Issuing bank A bank that issues Letter of credit (ngân hàng phát hành) 7 Advising bank A bank that is a correspondent of a bank which issues a letter of credit, and, on behalf of the issuing bank, the advising bank notifies the beneficiary of the terms of the credit, without engagement on its part to pay or guarantee the credit. ( ngân hàng thông báo) 8 Collecting bank A bank that collects cash payment or time draft from a buyer in exchange bill of lading and other documents which enable the buyer to take delivery of the shipment. The collecting bank then forwards the payment to the seller’s bank. (ngân hàng thu hộ) 9 Confirming bank A bank (usually in the seller’s country) that confirms it will pay the exporter on the evidence of shipment of goods. (ngân hàng xác nhận) 10 Irrevocable Letter of credit A letter of credit that cannot be canceled or amended without agreement of all party. ( thư tín dụng không hủy ngang) 11 Revocable L/C A letter of credit that may be canceled at any moment without notice to the beneficiary (thư tín dụng hủy ngang) 12 Sight L/C payment is to be made at the time of presenting time the document (thư tín dụng trả ngay) 13 Time L/C It requires a payment a certain number of days after the appropriate documents are presented. (thư tín dụng trả sau) 14 Deferred payment L/C A letter of credit under which the documenst are forwarded to the importer’s bank, while sight draft is presented at a later future date. (thư tín dụng trả chậm) 15 Red clause L/C A letter of credit permitting the beneficiary to receive a sum prior to shipment. (thư tín dụng có điều khoản đỏ) 16 Transferable L/C A letter of credit that can be utilized by someone designated by the original beneficiary. (thư tín dụng có thể chuyển nhượng) 17 Revolving L/C A letter of credit calling for renewed credit to be made available when the issuing bank informs the beneficiary that the buyer has reimbursed the issuing bank for the draft already drawn. (thư tín dụng tuần hoàn) 18 Back to back L/C Two letters of credit with identical documentary required except for the difference in the price as shown by the invoice and draft. (thư tín dụng giáp lưng) 19 Traveler L/C A letter of credit by a bank addressed to all its correspondents permitting the bearer to draw drafts to the total amount named in the letter (thư tín dụng du lịch) 20 Standby L/C A letter of credit that can be drawn but only of another business transaction is not performed. (thư tín dụng dự phòng) 21 Bid of performance bond A financial guarantee given by a contracting company which states that it has the capability to start and satisfactorily complete the project. (thư đảm bảo thực hiện hợp đồng) 22 Advised L/C A letter of credit issued by a bank and forwarded to the beneficiary by a second bank in this area. The second bank validates the signatures and attests to the legitimacy of the first bank. (thư tín dụng thông báo) 23 Confirmed L/C Letter of credit issued by one bank to which a second bank adds its commitment to pay. (thư tín dụng có xác nhận) 24 Bill of exchange/ Draft A draft or a bill of exchange is a written order by an exporter instructing an importer or its agent to pay a specified amount at a specified time. (hối phiếu) 25 Trade draft A draft that buyer is the drawee of it (Hối phiếu thương mại) 26 Bank draft Buyer’s bank is drawee of draft (hối phiếu ngân hàng) 27 Negotiable instruments Financial instruments that can be negotiated like a draft. ( các công cụ có thể chuyển nhượng) 28 Sight draft A draft which is payable on presentation to the drawee. ( hối phiếu trả ngay) 29 Time draft A draft which allows a delay in payment. It is presented to the drawee who accepts it with a promise to pay at some later date. (hối phiếu trả sau) 30 Banker’s acceptance When a draft is accepted by a bank, it becomes a banker’s acceptance. (chấp phiếu ngân hàng) 31 Trade acceptance When drawn on and is accepted by a business firm it becomes a trade acceptance. (hối phiếu nhận trả thương mại) 32 Documentary collection Payment by bill of exchange to which commercial documents and sometimes document of title are attached (nhờ thu kèm chứng từ) 33 Clean collection Payment by bill of exchange to which documents are not attached. (nhờ thu trơn) 34 Documents of title Document allowing someone to claim ownership of the goods. (chứng từ sở hữu) 35 Straight B/L A B/L requires the carrier deliver the merchandise to the designated consignee only. ( vận đơn đích danh) 36 Order B/L A B/L directs the carrier to deliver the goods to the order of a designated party, usually the shipper. (vận đơn theo lệnh) 37 Document against payment An exporter instructs the presenting bank to hand over shipping and title documents to the importer only if the importer fully pays the accompanying bill of exchange of draft. (thanh toán đổi chứng từ) 38 Document against acceptance An exporter instructs the presenting bank to hand over the shipping and title documents to the importer only if the importer accepts the accompanying bill of exchange or draft by signing it. (chấp nhận thanh toán đổi chứng từ) 39 Maturity Date when a bill of exchange is due for payment. (ngày đáo hạn) 40 (To) dishonour a bill An act that the importer fails to pay the accepted bill upon maturity. (không thanh toán hối phiếu đúng hạn) 41 (To) release the documents An act that presenting bank hand over the shipping and title documents when the importer pays or accept to pay (chuyển giao chứng từ) 42 (To) defer presentation The act of delaying passing the bill to the importer. (trì hoãn chuyển giao chứng từ) 43 Intermediary Person or company that acts as a middleman in a transaction (trung gian) . fixed or determinable future time or on demand of the payer Giấy nhận nợ 31 Devaluation A reduction in the value of a currency with respect to those goods,. difference between a country’s total earnings from exports and its total expenditure on imports Cán cân thương mại 6. Surplus A positive balance of trade or

Ngày đăng: 28/12/2013, 16:30

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