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Practice: Picture cues CNTT 5’ - T lets Ss run through the pictures - T models - Ss repeat chorally - T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs *Minh 5C can ask answer following th[r]

(1)Week - Period: 13 Date of preparing: 25/9/2021 Date of teaching: 28/9/2021 (5B, 5C, 5D) ENGLISH GRADE UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, I Objectives Knowledge: - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer the question about past holiday * Sentence patterns: Where did you go on holiday? I went to…… * Vocabulary: holiday, summer, island, ancient town, imperial city * Special students : Minh (5C) can ask and answer the question about past holiday Skills: - Practice listening, speaking skill Core competencies & Personal qualities - Co-operation (Ready to help friends in pair work/ group work) - Self-study (can perform individual tasks and solve problems by themselves) - Use language to talk about past holiday II Teaching- aids 1.Teacher’s aids: Computer, projector, speakers Student’s aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook III Procedures: Teacher’s and Ss’ activitives Contents go have went had Warm up (4’) * Pelmanism watch be (CNTT) - Divide the class into groups -watched Give instructions Look, listen and repeat Was/ were - Let Ss play the game - Praise the winners Presentation 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’) -T ask Ss to look at the pictures T: How many people are there? Ss: there are T: What are their names? Ss: Mai and Peter T: What are they doing? Ss: They’re talking on the phone about their holidays T: Where did you go (2) Ss: I went to Ha Long bay -T asks Ss to open their books to page 18 Ss: open their books to page 18 - T opens the cassette -Ss: listen and point - T opens the cassette again -Ss: listen and read in chorus (2 times) -T - Ss role play T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs -T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue T: Did Peter go on a trip with his family? Ss: Yes, he did T: What was the trip like? Ss: It was very nice T: Where did Mai go Ss: She went to Ho Chi Minh city *Minh (5C) can repeat the picture a 2: Point and say (10’) - T introduce some words by eliciting a Vocabulary holiday: (explaination) summer: explaination) island: (picture) ancient town: (picture) imperial city: (picture) *Check vocb: What and where *Minh (5C) can read words holiday, summer b Model sentences -T introduce stucture: Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page T: when Mai want to know about Trung’s past holiday How does Tom ask? Ss: Where did you go on holiday? T: How does Peter say? Ss: I went to HaLong bay -T model -Ss repeat chorally then individually -T wirtes down on the board - T checks: form, use, intonation Practice: Picture cues (CNTT) (5’) - T lets Ss run through the pictures T: how many pictures are there? Point and say a Vocabulary holiday: kì nghỉ summer: mùa hè island: đảo ancient town: phố cổ imperial city: hoàng thành b Model sentences Where did you go? I went to Ha Long Bay (3) Ss: answer T: What are they doing? - T models - Ss: repeat chorally - T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs *Minh (5C) can repeat the picture * Further practice: Bean bag circle - T: asks Ss to make a cicle T: ask ss to listen music and ask and answer the questions Where did you go on holiday? - Ss: Ask and answer when stop the music - T monitors and correct their mistakes Application: Let’s talk (6’) - Ask ss to practice further by asking and ansering questions about past holiday using the questions and answers in their books, - Ask ss work in pairs - Give minutes to practice -Ask some pairs to act out their conversation in front of the class - T gives feedback Summary (1) - Ask and answer about the past holiday IV Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… -Week - Period: 14 Date of preparing: 26/9/2021 Date of teaching: 29/9/2021 (5B, 5C, 5D) ENGLISH GRADE UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 1: Part 4, 5, I Objectives Knowledge: - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer the question about past holiday Sentence patterns: Where did you go on holiday? I went to … Vocabulary: holiday, summer, island, ancient town, imperial city (4) * Special students : Minh (5C) can ask and answer the question about past holiday Skills: - Practice listening, speaking skill Attitude: - Encourage Ss to have good consciousness in order to practice their past holiday Core competencies & Personal qualities - Co-operation (Ready to help friends in pair work/ group work) - Self-study (can perform individual tasks and solve problems by themselves) - Use language to talk about past holiday II Teaching- aids 1.Teacher’s aids: Computer, projector, speakers Student’s aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook III Procedures: Teacher’s and Ss’ activitives Contents Warm up and Review (5’) Bean bag circle - Have Ss play the game: passing ball to introduce themselves S1: Where did you go on holiday ? S2: I went to Ha Long bay - T monitors and correct their mistakes New lesson: * Activity 1: Listen and match (10’) Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page Listen and match 13 and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and match character with correct pictures - T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and Key: c d b a complete the correct answer - Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class - T asks Ss to read out the answer - T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer * Minh (5C) can listen and match following the teacher Further practice: Chinese whisper - T devides Ss in to groups - Ss: make aline and one of them take one (5) sentence - T: Read aloud - Ss: stick it on board and read aloud -T minitor and give feedback Read and match *Activity 2: Read and match (10’) - T: asks ss to look at the book on page 19 - T: asks ss to look the questions and the answer Key: c d a e b T: How many questions? Ss: answer T: Is this text completed? Ss: No - T: ask ss to read sloud the questions and the answer Ss: read aloud - T: Ask ss to work in invidually - T: gives the time - Ss: compare with your partner - T: Ask some ss to tell the answer - T: Ask some ss to read aloud - T-Ss check together *Further practice: Read aloud - T: Ask ss to work in groups - Ss: Work in groups Let’s play - T: Ask one group read the question the other read the answer * Minh (5C) can listenFind andsomeone match following the Name teacher who Application: Let’s play (9’) Find someone who Ha Long bay Nam - Teacher shows the table on the board Ss copy Phong Nha cave down - Teacher gives instructions Phu Quoc - Teacher models: islandgo on holiday? T: Where did you S1: I went to Ha Long bay Ho Chi Minh T: What’s your name? S1: I’m Nam city - T calls somes groups perform before the class - T listens and gives feedback Summary (1’) - What skills have you practiced? IV Evaluation: (6) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Week - Period: 15 Date of preparing: 27/9/2021 Date of teaching: 30/9/2021 (5B, 5C, 5D) ENGLISH GRADE UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, I Objectives Knowledge: - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about means of transport Sentence patterns: How did you get there? I went by Vocabulary: * Special students : Minh (5C) can ask and answer question about means of transport Skills: coach, train, taxi, motorbike, underground, province - Practice listening, speaking skills Core competencies & Personal qualities - Be confident in communicating with friends/ teachers - Love hometown and country - Co-operation (ready to help friends in pair work/ group work) - Self-study (can perform individual tasks and solve problems by themselves) - Use language to talk about past holiday II Teaching- aids 1.Teacher’s aids: Computer, projector, speakers Student’s aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook III Procedures: Teacher’s and Ss’ activitives Contents Warm up (5’) * Activity: Brainstorm - Ask ss to think about the means of transports they have learnt in 30 seconds - Divide the class into groups - Ss each group take it in turns go to the board and write the means of transport s Presentation 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’) -T ask Ss to look at the pictures car means of transports Look, listen and repeat (7) T: How many people are there? Ss: there are T: What are their names? Ss: Tony and Phong T: What are they talking about ? Ss: They are talking about means of transports T asks Ss to open their books to page 20 Ss: open their books to page 20 - T opens the cassette -Ss: listen and point - T opens the cassette again -Ss: listen and read in chorus( times) -T - Ss role play T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs -T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue Where did Phong go on holiday ? Ss: He went to his hometown T: How did he go? Ss: He went by car *Minh (5C) can read following the teacher picture a 2: Point and say (10’) - T introduce some words by eliciting a Vocabulary coach: (picture) train: (picture) taxi: (picture) mortobike : ( picture) underground: (picture) province: (example) - T models - Ss: listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - T writes down on the board - Ss: copy *Minh (5C) can read words coach, train *Check Vocab: Slap the board - T devides Ss in to teams (Blue – White) - T explains how to play this game - T lets teams play together - T monitor and praise the winner b Model sentences - T introduce stucture: Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 20 Point and say a Vocabulary coach: xe khách train: tàu hỏa taxi: taxi mortobike: xe máy underground: tàu điện ngầm province: tỉnh b Model sentences How did you get there? I went by plane (8) T: when Tony want to know about means of transport s How does Mai ask? Ss: How did you get there ? T: How does Linda say ? Ss: I went by plane - T model - Ss repeat chorally then individually - T wirtes down on the board - T checks: form, use, intonation Practice: Picture cues (CNTT) (5’) - T lets Ss run through the pictures - T models - Ss repeat chorally - T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs *Minh (5C) can ask answer following the teacher picture a *Further practice: Lucky numbers - Divide the class into groups - Use the comprehension questions and add more questions How did you get to HaLong bay? Lucky number! How did you get to Ho Chi Minh city? How did you get to Nha Trang beach? How did you get to Phong Nha cave? Lucky number! - T lets Ss play together - T monitors and correct their mistakes Application: Let’s talk (5’) - Ask ss to practice further by asking and ansering questions about means of transport using the questions and answers in their books, - Ask ss work in pairs - Give minutes to practice - Ask some pairs to perform in front of the class T gives feedback Summary (1) - Ask and answer about the means of transport Answer key: I went by coach 3.I went by plane I went by underground I went by train IV Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… -Week - Period: 16 (9) Date of preparing: 28/9/2021 Date of teaching: 01/10/2021 (5B, 5C, 5D) ENGLISH GRADE UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, I Objectives Knowledge: - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about means of transport Sentence patterns: How did you get there? I went by Vocabulary:coach, train, taxi, motorbike, underground, province * Special students : Minh (5C) can ask and answer question about means of transport Skills: - Develop listening, speaking skills Core competencies & Personal qualities - Be confident in communicating with friends/ teachers - Love hometown and country - Co-operation (ready to help friends in pair work/ group work) - Self-study (can perform individual tasks and solve problems by themselves) - Use language to talk about past holiday II Teaching- aids 1.Teacher’s aids: Computer, projector, speakers Student’s aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook III Procedures: Teacher’s and Ss’ activitives Contents Warm up and Review (5’) * Slap the board - Circle the words on the board - Divide the class into teams - Choose students from each team stand in lines - Teacher speaks the Vietnamese words , - Ss slap the words in English - Let Ss play the game - Praise the winners Coach train plane car Underground boat (10) New lesson: * Activity 1: Listen and write one word in each blank (9’) *Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 21 and tells them that they are going to listen to the mean of transports - T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and complete the correct answer - Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class - T asks Ss to read out the answer - T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer *Minh (5C) listen and write following the teacher *Further practice: Snatch words T: divde class in groups and give each groups a set of picture -Ss: play in groups T: Say the name of picture Ss: snatch the word that you hear and keep your self *Activity 2: Write about your last holiday (9’) *Set the sence - Asks Ss to open their book on page 21 and tell them they are going to write about last holiday Set the sence T : How many sentences are there? Ss :answer T : Are they completed ? Ss: No T: Ask ss to read the the questions T: Ask ss to circle the things that you did on your last holiday Went swimming coach Ha Long bay Nha Trang beach listened to music plane - Ss: circle T : How many sentences are there? Ss :answer -T: ask ss to answer the questions Ask ss to work in invidually - T gives Ss minutes to the task - Ss compare with your partner Listen and write one word in each blank Key: motorbike train taxi plane Write about your last holiday Write I went …………last holiday I went there I … in the sea I…in the evening The trip was very nice (11) -T: corrects and give mark *Minh (5C) can write with the help of teacher *Further practice : Write it up (CNTT) T: ask ss to write about your last holiday in short paragraph - T gives Ss minutes to the task - Ss: read your writing - T corrects and let Ss to copy down on their notebook * Activity 3: Let’s sing (8’) T: ask ss to look at the board -How many pictures are there ? Ss: answer T: You magine you use these transports T: ask How did you get your hometown? - Ss: I went by bus T: ask How did you get your hometown? - Ss: I went by train - T opens the song -Ss : listen to the song - T read the lyrics - Ss repeat after the teacher - T teach them some new words - T opens the song again - Ss repeat line by line - Ask ss to sing along with the music - T devides Ss into groups - Ask Ss to sing and actions in groups - Ss sing and actions together - T calls somes groups perform before the class - T listen and give feedback *Minh (5C) can listen to the lyrics Application (3’) - t asks Ss to ask and answer question about means of transport Summary (1’) - What skills have you practiced? Let’s sing IV Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… (12) (13)

Ngày đăng: 07/10/2021, 12:19
