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Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school

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Tiêu đề Using Language Games To Improve Vocabulary And Grammar Learning Of 11th Graders At Hai Phong Maritime Upper-Secondary School
Tác giả Nguyen Thi Hue Linh
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Lam Quang Dong
Trường học Hanoi University
Chuyên ngành Master in Tesol
Thể loại Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2009
Thành phố Hanoi
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000042581 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THI HUE LINH MA THESIS USING LANGUAGE GAMES TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR LEARNING OF 11TH GRADERS AT HAI PHONG MARITIME UPPER-SECONDARY SCHOOL SUPERVISOR: Dr LAM QUANG DONG SU B M IT T E D IN PARTIAL FULFILLM ENT OF R EQ UIREM ENT OF THE DEGREE TRUNG TÃM t T4TV O F TNỎMG THU TK«ÍVIỆNr NN-tfH N8ƯC NG0ÀI MASTER IN TESOL liztäA HANOI, MARCH 2009 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my academic supervisor Dr Lam Quang Dong, Dean o f the Department o f Foreign Languages at C ollege o f Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, who has given me conscientious guidance and supervision throughout the writing o f this thesis His patient attention to detail, his enthusiasm and willingness to share ideas has been invaluable His assistance and encouragement are a precondition for the success o f this M.A thesis I am indebted to all students o f the class 11 A4 at Maritime U pper-Secondary School who have helpfully participated as informants for the study, to my colleagues for their warm concern, interest, encouragem ent and assistance in the process o f collecting the data W ithout their participation and support, this study could hardly be conducted I would like to express my special thanks and appreciation to M rs Nguyen Thai Ha (M.Ed), Vice Dean o f Department o f Postgraduate Studies for her extremely valuable help, useful comments and suggestions during my three-year study at the D epartm ent o f Postgraduate Studies I am grateful to Dr Vu Van Dai, Head o f the Department o f Post Graduate Studies, and the whole staff o f the Department for creating favorable conditions and th eir encouragement to me to complete this thesis Last but not least, my special appreciation goes to my beloved husband, especially my parents for their great love, care, great encouragement and assistance to me ABSTRACT At Maritime Upper-Secondary School, students usually feel bored in vocabulary and grammar lessons because o f the traditional way o f teaching and learning such as learning by heart a list o f words through the teacher’s explanations, doing grammar exercises in the textbook but not being able to use those words or gram m ar structures in different contexts or pronounce them correctly In addition, the test results o f lexical and grammatical items were not high To help students find language classes, especially vocabulary and gram m ar lessons more interesting, and to achieve higher learning results, the author conducted an action research to find out if the new method of using language games help students learn vocabulary and gram m ar m ore effectively or not The thesis starts with the review and discussion o f relevant literature Then, after discovering the problem and causes o f the students' weakness at vocabulary and gram m ar learning by observations and the pre-test, the author began her action research which included the application o f games in her own class, together with class observation and questionnaires distributed to 54 eleventh graders from class 11A4 at M aritim e Upper-Secondary School in order to elicit students' reactions, feelings and their assessment o f the effectiveness o f games in vocabulary and gram m ar learning Furtherm ore, a post-test was made at the end o f the last four units to acquire authentic evidence o f the use o f games, the effectiveness o f which is shown clearly in the students higher motivation, more active engagement in vocabulary and gram m ar lessons, and most importantly their improved scores in the post-test TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS ; A B ST R A C T H TABLE OF CONTENTS iH LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION j Background to the study ] 1.1.1 Teaching m aterial ] 1.1.2 The problem ? Current situation o f learning English at Maritime U pper-Secondary School Current situation o f teaching vocabulary and grammar at M aritim e upper- secondary school 2.3 Students' n e e d 1.2 Purpose o f the study 1.3 Research questio n s 1.4 Scope o f the research 1.5 O utline o f the thesis CHAPTER II LITERATURE R E V IE W 2.1 V ocabulary and grammar learning and teaching 8 2.1.1 W hat’s involved in learning a w ord? 2.1.2 What is involved in learning gram m ar 10 2.1.3 Implications for vocabulary and gram m ar teaching 12 2.2 G am es for language teaching and learn in g 2.2.1 What are language g am es? 18 2.2.2 Types o f language g a m e s 2.2.3 The advantages o f using g am es 20 2.2.4 Effective ways to make games work in a language c la ss 23 2.3 Previous studies about the effects o f using games for teaching and learning E nglish CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 28 30 3.1 Research m ethods 30 3.1.1 A ction research 30 3.1.2 Procedure o f an action re sea rc h 31 3.2 Description of the subjects 33 3.3 Description ot data collection instrum ents 33 3.3.1 Observation 33 3.3.2 Q uestionnaire 34 3.3.3 Tests 3^ C H APTER IV DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 37 3y 4.1 Initial results 4.1.1 The problem 3-7 4.1.2 Causes of the p ro b lem 3g 4.2 Summary o f the problem and their cau ses 41 4.4 Plan o f action 42 4.4.1 Aim o f the action p la n 42 4.4.2 Procedure o f action p la n 43 gam es 44 4.5 Evaluation o f action P la n 4g 4.5.1 Data collected from questionnaires 48 4.5.2 Data collected from pre- and post-tests 53 4.5.3 Summary o f major findings 54 CH A PTER V RECOM M ENDATIONS AND C O N C L U SIO N 58 5.1 R ecom m endations 5g 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for further cycles o f research 59 5.3 C O N C LU SIO N 59 R E F E R E N C E S Appendix 61 A ppendix ^ A ppendix ™ A ppendix 72 A ppendix 74 Appendix A ppendix A ppendix 8A gg Appendix 8A gỗ A ppendix B Ç2 A ppendix 8C LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AR Action Research EFL English as a Foreign Language ESL English as a Second Language LI The first language L2 The second language M OET Ministry o f Education and Training LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES Table 2.1 What is involved in knowing a w ord Table 2.2 Aspects o f the teaching or learning o f structures 10 Chart 2.1 A three dimensional gram m ar fram ew ork 11 Table 2.3 Table 4.1 Types o f gam es suitable at the three stages o f teaching new language Summary o f the results o f the pre-test 24 37 Chart 4.1 The students' preference fo r vocabulary games 49 Chart 4.2 The students' preference fo r gramm ar games 49 Table 4.2 The effectiveness o f gam es in vocabulary and gram m ar learning as perceived by the students A comparison o f the results between pre-test and post-test 51 Table 4.3 53 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Grammar and vocabulary, though have often been viewed as tw o separate elem ents in language teaching, are interrelated Vocabulary provides us w ith materials to fix to the grammatical structures in order to produce meaningful utterances, just like we attach bricks or wood to the framework to build a house M eanwhile “ Language without grammar would be chaotic” (Rob Batstone, 1994) and the question o f how words can (or cannot) be combined in sentences is an im portant part o f grammar Even though students are aware o f the significant role o f vocabulary and gram m ar, they usually feel bored with learning vocabulary and gram m ar because o f traditional teaching and learning such as learning by heart a list o f words through the teach er’s explanations, doing grammar exercises in the textbook but not being able to use those words or grammar structures in different contexts or pronounce them correctly In recent years, communicative language teaching has been applied in V ietnam , which, apart from its attraction and effectiveness, also poses many challenges to teachers Many researches have been done on learners’ acquisition o f lexical and grammatical items and various techniques o f com m unicative teaching have been recommended in an attempt to promote and improve vocabulary and gram m ar learning The present study aims to apply one o f the techniques used to teach vocabulary and grammar communicatively It is games because ‘gam es are truly com m unicative’ (Johnson and Morrow, 1981 cited in Larsen-Freeman, 1986), and if gam es are properly designed, they give students valuable com m unicative practice The study also examines its effectiveness in my own teaching situation: com m unicative language teaching at Maritime Upper-Secondary School 1.1 Background to the study 1.1.1 Teaching material At Maritime Upper-Secondary School, the textbook English 11 is currently used to teach English to students o f Grade 11 The textbook English 11 is in a set o f textbooks written by a group o f hand-picked Vietnamese EFL professionals to replace the existing structure-based ones The new syllabus is chosen because, as M OET defines, it adopts a "learner-centered approach and the com m unicative approach with task-based teaching being the central teaching method" (English 10, T eacher's book, p 12) The aims are to equip students with communicative ability and com petence to perform basic language functions receptively and productively, using correct language form s and structures Moreover, besides developing the four language skills o f listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as grammar, sound system and vocabulary, it also attempts to perfect students' knowledge by adopting an intercultural communication perspective The textbook content is arranged according to themes drawn from th e contexts o f the students' daily life including their home, friends, school, health, recreation, com m unity and the natural and social worlds The themes provide the context in w hich language skills, content and cultural values are taught and developed in an integrated manner These themes, in fact, are recycled from grade to grade but are dealt with from different perspectives and at different levels o f difficulty Each unit in the textbook contains five lessons, o f which four focus on skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing and the fifth on the practice o f language forms including pronunciation o f discrete sounds and discrete grammar item s and vocabulary A number o f these points occur in the previous reading or speaking or listening texts, but others are decontextualized Therefore, rem em bering vocabulary and grammar items in the previous lessons plays an im portant role in helping students study the next lesson or other skills 1.1.2 The problem The problem that most teachers and I sensed is students' weakness at learning vocabulary and grammar The question posed then was what were the m ain causes o f th e problem ? Previous studies have shown that the main causes could be the students' passive learning style, students' involvement and motivation, students' lim itations in features o f input, background knowledge and cultural norms, teaching method and ways o f m anaging class, etc Among these factors students' passive learning style, their involvem ent and motivation in learning vocabulary and grammar, and teaching m ethods could be identified as major causes The following parts will present in details the problems in learning and teaching vocabulary and gram m ar at Maritime U pper-Secondary School own card and the one they want to put it next to They must explain this link to the other players, who decide whether to accept the explanation or not OPTIONS 1/ Total no o f cards held by players, at least 6, but more are possible for a longer game 2/ Players may be allowed to put down more than card at a time if they can find the links M ATERIALS: Small uniformly sized cards with different pictures stuck or draw n on Crossword puzzle (Adapted Games in the book o f Nguyen Thuy Minh & Luong Quynh Trang, 2008) Com petition game- W ord search - O bjectives o f using sa m e : revise and elicit vocabulary related to the topic “Space conquest” - P layers: small groups o f 3-4 students 85 - Timing: 10 minutes - DESCRIPTION: T divides the class into small groups o f 3-4 students Then T distributes the following word search handouts for Ss to in their own groups W hich group finishes first and has all the correct answers will be the winner Note: Most o f the words in the box appear in Task and Task Before S s work T may ask if Ss know all the words in the box T can give some Vietnam ese equivalents o f the words and quickly teach Ss to pronounce the words + milestone (n): mốc lịch sử + conquest (n): chinh phục + launch (v): phóng + artificial (adj): nhân tạo The words in the box bellow are hidden in this puzzle The words go across, up, down, backward and diagonally Astronat orbit cosmonaut spacecraft flig h t Satellite artificial launch milestone conquest Y Q A R p R Q E T F M D G B T A Y A N G A c M M L E G A N B R D V A c A H p c X M K 1 F A B T Q M Q A M Y s N X T u B V p u c K H E D D L V J s J E V A E R w F M T D L p K u K K c D N R Y p N D M Y A T s w E T J G c X T G u w B V N X s L L c F K X J p J s D F L p 1z J V L T Q s I E R c Rc p A G V L c Y J T Đ J F J z p X Q E M V E T L L E T B c A w X w A c c F K p o G A F Y V K K R Y X c R u s A Q A Y M Rw Y K T T Y p F N T N Q M B L Q G T A D G T c M s Y H s R T M N X R G c Q H s H Q Q V N N u J L E L c A s V z H T J T T s A u p c c X o N R T H V K V Q L s F z G p X p z J M w L D B H H ow m any w o rd s can you m ake ? A dapted Rixon ’ s (1988) Games Objectives o f us in s sam e: revise and elicit vocabulary related to the topic “The wonders o f the world” LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced 86 PLAYERS: Group or whole class competing individually with one another Small groups competing against other groups TIM ING: 15 -20 minutes LOCATION: Classroom DESCRIPTION A fairly long word e.g Great Pyramid o f Giza is put up on the blackboard Players try to make as many other words related to the topic: “The wonders o f the w orld”as they can, using any o f the letters in that word They may not use any letter m ore often than it occurs in the original word (e.g ‘D ictionary’ has “i”s so the new w ords may contain or 2, but not “i”s) OPTIONS The winner may be judged by the total number o f words alone or, extra points may be awarded to players who find a word that no other player finds M ATERIA LS: Blackboard and chalk, Pencil and paper for players Bingo (Adapted Rixon ’ s (1988) G am es) LEVEL: Intermediate PLAYERS: one caller (the teacher) and any num ber o f Bingo players TIM ING: 15 minutes MAIN LA N G U A G E: It is said th a t People say that DESCRIPTION: The players each have a card ruled into a number o f sections Each section contain a sentence relating to one o f the above grammatical points (either active or passive) Each player's card is different from those o f the others The caller calls out the sentence w ith the same meaning with the sentence in players' cards If a player has that sentence on his card, he covers it The first player to cover all his card shouts 'Bingo' and is the winner Materials: Sets o f bingo cards and list o f items written on small cards, which caller picks up and reads at random Lucky Astronauts LEVEL: Interm ediate to Advanced PLA YERS: divide the class into two teams TIMING: 15 -20 minutes 87 LO CA TIO N : Classroom Objectives o f using sa m e: Use could/be able to and tag questions correctly to make sentences basing on the situation DESCRIPTION: There are six pictures o f the astronauts which have been learnt in the previous lessons, in which there are four situations and two 'lucky' words hidden on the back o f these pictures These pictures are stuck on the board The representative o f each team choose the picture at random If the picture has the situation, the team has to make sentence with the situation and when the team gives the right answer, one point will be scored If not, the right o f playing will turn into the other team If the team choose the lucky picture, the team doesn't have to answer and is scored one point The winner getting more points will be the winner M A TER IA LS: a set o f pictures o f the astronauts Appendix 8A SAMPLES OF LESSON PLAN LESSON 2: LANGUAGE FOCUS- GRAM M AR LESSON UNIT 13 I Objectives By the end o f this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use cleft sentences (subject focus, object focus, and adverbial focus) correctly to the exercises and solve comm unicative tasks II M aterials Textbook, handouts IV Procedures Work Tim e Steps arrangem en t Grammar 10’ a) Presentation - T writes the following examples on the board (the Individual work & whole class examples should be taken from the book to save time) and asks Ss to draw out the format o f cleft sentences with different focus E.g.: - The boy visited his uncle last month + Subject focus: It was the boy who visited his uncle last month + Object focus: It was his uncle that the boy visited last month + Adverbial focus: It was last month that the boy visited his uncle - T calls on some Ss to comment on these examples - T explains or gives Ss the following handout A declarative sentence, such as David studied English at Oxford 89 Work Time Steps arrangem en t can be reformulated as: It was D avid who studied English at Oxford This is called a CLEFT SENTENCE because the original sentence has been divided (or “cleft”) into two clauses: It was D avid and who studied English at Oxford Cleft sentences focus on one particular part o f the original sentence, placing it after it was (or it is) Here we have focused on the Subject David, but we could also focus on the Direct Object English: It was English that D avid studied at O xford Or on the Adverbial at Oxford It was at O xford that D avid studied English Cleft constructions, then, exhibit the pattern: I t + be + focus + clause Cleft sentences are particular useful in writing where we cannot use intonation for purposes o f focus or em phasis, but they are also frequently used in speech 15' b) P ractice: Individual E xercise 1: work, pair - T asks Ss to Exercise individual and then compare their answers with another student work & whole class T calls on some Ss to read out their answers - T elicits peer correction and gives correct answers if necessary E xercise 2: - T asks Ss to Exercise and then calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board T elicits feedback from other Ss - T gives the corrects Answers E xercise 3: T asks Ss to Exercise in pairs 90 Work Time Steps arrangemen t T asks them to compare answers with another pair T calls on some Ss to read aloud their answers T asks other Ss to feedback gives correct Production 13' Pair w ork & Noughts and crosses whole - T puts a grid on the board with nine words/ expression class My dog Their sister His wife At home In the library Her best friend My mother This Sunday Mai - T tells Ss the rules o f the game: + Ss work in pair One student copies the grid in his/ her book + One student is “noughts” (“O”) and the other is “crosses” (“X ”) + One student starts S/he chooses a word and makes a cleft sentence with it If the sentence is correct, s/he puts he mark (“O” or “X ”) in that square + The first student to get three-in-a row (across, down, or diagonally) wins - T goes around observing - T calls on some Ss to read out their sentences, and other Ss give comments 2’ W rapping up whole class T summarises the main points o f the lesson For homework, Ss review the lesson, the exercises in the workbook and the extra activity 91 Appendix 8B SAMPLES OF LESSON PLAN LESSON 5: SPEAKING LESSON UNIT 15 I Objectives By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask and answer questions on given information - Talk about historical events in the space conquest II Materials Textbook, handout III Anticipated problems Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to provide help IV Procedure Tim e Work Steps arrangem ent W ARM-UP 10 ’ Group work & whole Competition game- W ord search class - T divides the class into small groups o f 3-4 students Then T distributes the following word search handouts for Ss to in their ow n groups W hich group finishes first and has all the correct answers will be the winner N ote: M ost o f the words in the box appear in Task and Task Before Ss work, T may ask if Ss know all the words in the box T can give some Vietnamese equivalents o f the words and quickly teach Ss to pronounce the words 92 Time Work Steps arrangement + milestone (n): mốc lịch sử + conquest (n): chinh phục + launch (v): phóng + artificial (adj): nhân tạo The w ords in the box bellow are hidden in this puzzle The w ords go across, up, down, backward and diagonally Astronat orbit cosmonaut spacecraft flig h t Satellite artificial launch milestone conquest D V A c A H p c X M K 1 F A L L T G Y Q Q A R T p M R B A Y A N G A c M E F D G D M Y s T c Y Q E B c T J M A G A T N B R A Y B s N Q T M Q R w F D F J u L p G c z c K J V X H B V N X c F K X M E D D L V J s J E V T L T Q c K u K s 1Es N R Y p N R c X A T s w E R c p H u B V p A V L V T B J F J z p X J V E T L L E T A w X w A c c F K T M L E p J E D L p K c D o X M G A F Y V u K K R w Y X s c R u A Y M R w Y K T Y A p A Q N T Q M B L G T A D H u p c N X K T G c Q N R Q s H Q Q T H L N N u V s L E L c G p X F z J s p N A Q M Y R T M R F G T c V p s V z H z J M w J T T s L D B H Pair work & 10’ TASK whole In stru c tio n : Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about class a piece o f news - T introduces the task and goes over the news w ith the class - T gets Ss to the task in pairs T requires Ss to make questions with every sentence in the news T reminds Ss o f the simple past tense used in the news: - T goes around the class to check and offer help - T calls on some pairs to present their questions and answers 93 Work Steps Time arrangement and asks others to comment - If necessary T may call on some Ss to go to the board and write down the questions G roup work TA SK 13’ Note: T can adapt this task to make it more communicative and save time fo r the next activity & whole class In stru c tio n : Now work in groups to talk about important event in space exploration, using the given suggestions After this activity, you have to prepare a short presentation about the important events in space exploration - T photocopies page 171 and cuts it into sections, each o f w hich includes two events - T puts Ss in groups o f and gives each group a set o f the cut handout Each student has minutes to read the events and prepare for their talk and then will take turn to talk about these two events in their section While one student talks, others have to take notes - Before Ss work in groups, T elicits the verb tense they should use (the simple past) and reminds Ss that they can use both the active and passive voice - T goes around to check and offer help - T calls on som e Ss to talk in fro n t o f th e class - T elicits feedback fro m th e class an d g iv es final comments P R E S E N T A T IO N Group work & whole 10’ - Tasks Ss to return to their group and prepare a short class presentation about the important events in space exploration based on the talk in the previous activity - Ss work within their group and prepare the presentation 94 Work Time Steps a rrangem ent They should use some transitions to make their presentation coherent Some transitions they can use are: first, next, after that, then - T calls on the representative o f each group to present - T give comments and compliments the best presentation Whole 2’ W RAPPING UP class - T summarises the main points o f the lesson - For homework, Ss the extra activity 95 Appendix 8C SAMPLES OF LESSON PLAN LESSON 3: W RITTING LESSON UNIT 14 I Objectives By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Describe a cam ping holiday II Materials Textbook, AO papers III Anticipated problems Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write, so T should be ready to help them IV Procedure Work Steps Tim e arrangem ent Group work WARM-UP & whole 8’ C om petition gam e- W h at should be p re p a re d fo r a class cam ping trip ? - T divides the class into small groups o f 3-4 students Then T explains the activity: Imagine that yo u r class is going fo r a cam ping trip in Ao Vua, a place which is around 50 km fro m Hanoi a n d has m any mountains, streams and waterfall Now discuss in your groups to work out the things yo u should prepare before the cam ping trip After minutes, which group has the m ost suitable things will be the winner - T gives each group an AO paper to write their answers - T goes around to observe 96 Time Steps Work arrangement - After minutes, T asks the groups to stick their paper on the board and elicits the comments from the class - T gives final comments Suggested Answers: - Things to bring: food, drinks, tent, shovel, flashlight, sleeping bag, blanket, whistle, mattress, tarp, compass, first aid kit, swim m ing suit, spare clothes, strong shoes, stove, cooker, guitar - Things to do: hire a coach, hire the tent, buy necessary things, prepare some gam es and songs PREPARING SS TO W RITE 12’ Pair work, group work & whole TASK Tasks Ss to work in pairs to look at the pictures and activities class given on page 159 and 160 o f the book Ss discuss to match the activities with the suitable pictures - T checks the answers w ith the whole class Ig 2a b 4c f 6d 7h 8i 9e - T asks Ss to work in groups to brainstorm the ideas for the description Ss should also work out the structure o f the writing - Ss answer and T summarizes the main points: + Introduction: Ss write one or two sentences about the time and place o f the cam ping trip + Body: Ss describe the cam ping trip in details: the time they set up, what activities they did, and the time they came back fro m the campground + Conclusion: Ss write about their feelings o f the trip - T reminds Ss o f the verb tenses they can use in the 97 Time Steps Work arrangement description: + The past sim ple is used to talk about an event that happened and fin ish e d in the past + The past continuous is used to talk about an event that was in progress around a specific past time We often use the p a st continuous together with the p a st simple The p a st continuous refers to a longer 'background' action or situation; the simple past refers to a shorter action or situation that happened in the middle or interrupted it + The past p erfect is used to talk about an event that had happened before another event that happened in the past - T might also want to give Ss some relevant vocabulary and structures if necessary and ask Ss rem em ber to use adverbials o f time (after that, next, after lunch, etc.) in their writing WRITING Individual work 15’ - N ow T gets Ss to write their description in 15 minutes, based on the suggestions given in Task and the things T has revised Ss should arrange the ideas in a logical way With better students, T may encourage them to add more ideas - T calls two Ss to go to the board to write - T goes around to offer help FEEDBACK ON SS' W RITING 8’ Pair work & whole - T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for class peer correction - T goes around and collects mistakes and errors - T asks the w hole class to look at the writing on the board and elicits com m ents from Ss - T writes Ss' typical errors on the board and elicits self and 98 Work Time Steps a rra n g em en t peer correction T provides correction only when Ss are not able to correct the errors - Finally, T provides general comments on the writing W hole 2’ W RAPPING UP class - T sum m arises the main points o f the lesson - For hom ew ork, T asks Ss to revise their writing according to their peer's suggestions and submit for marking in the next lesson 99 ...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THI HUE LINH MA THESIS USING LANGUAGE GAMES TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR LEARNING OF 11TH GRADERS AT HAI PHONG MARITIME UPPER- SECONDARY. .. problems in learning and teaching vocabulary and gram m ar at Maritime U pper -Secondary School Current situation of learning English at Maritime U pper -Secondary School To meet the needs of socio-economic,... Current situation o f learning English at Maritime U pper -Secondary School Current situation o f teaching vocabulary and grammar at M aritim e upper- secondary school

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2021, 16:59


