Ways ofUtilizingXML in .NET You can utilize XML from within .NETin hundreds of ways. The following list spells out some of those ways. The first three ways will be shown in some of the How-Tos later in this chapter. • Utilizing the XML Document Object Model (DOM) • Reading XML with the XMLReader • Writing XML with the XMLWriter • Validating XML with Schemas • Using XPathNavigator in the .NET Framework • Integrating XML with Relational Data and ADO.NET To use XML, you must use the XML namespaces that are available within .NET. . Ways of Utilizing XML in .NET You can utilize XML from within .NET in hundreds of ways. The following list spells out some of those ways. The. Writing XML with the XMLWriter • Validating XML with Schemas • Using XPathNavigator in the .NET Framework • Integrating XML with Relational Data and ADO.NET