Overview oftheXML Web Services Infrastructure The infrastructure ofWebServices has four main areas: • XMLWebServices Directories. Central location to locate XMLWebServices that outside organizations create. The UDDI registry is an example of one of these directories. Your Web Service client might not even need to use these if you know the address oftheWeb Service you are accessing. • XMLWeb Service Discovery. Discovering documents that describe a particular XMLWeb Service using theWebServices Description Language (WSDL). The DISCO specification defines an algorithm for locating service descriptions. Again, if you know the location ofthe service description, you can avoid this process. • XMLWeb Service Description. Defines what types of methods theXMLWeb Service uses. Tells clients how to interact with an XMLWeb Service so that they know how to use it. • XMLWeb Service Wire Formats. To be able to communicate with all platforms and languages, XMLWebServices use open wire formats. These are protocols that any system that is capable of supporting the most common Web standards can understand. SOAP is the main protocol used. Figure 13.2. Don't panic-these steps are performed for you in some cases after you set up theWeb reference. You can find all ofthe examples in this chapter in the Solution called Visual Basic .NET- Chapter 13 on theWeb site. Note You will find theWeb Service solution in a separate location called SecurityWebServices on theWeb site. The Chapter 13 solution will contain the sample forms that are created to call methods from theWeb Service. . Overview of the XML Web Services Infrastructure The infrastructure of Web Services has four main areas: • XML Web Services Directories these if you know the address of the Web Service you are accessing. • XML Web Service Discovery. Discovering documents that describe a particular XML Web