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Tiêu đề Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution
Trường học Microsoft Learn
Chuyên ngành XML Web Services
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Năm xuất bản 2001
Thành phố Redmond
Định dạng
Số trang 32
Dung lượng 1,15 MB

Nội dung

Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Contents Overview Lesson: Introduction to XML Web Services Lesson: Applying XML Web Services to Order Processing 10 Lesson: Providing XML Web Services to Trading Partners 16 Review 22 Lab A: Integrating XML Web Services 24 Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property  2001 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved Microsoft, Windows, BackOffice, BizTalk, FrontPage, Hotmail, PowerPoint, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual Studio, and Windows Media are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution iii Instructor Notes Presentation: 45 minutes Lab: 45 minutes This module introduces students to Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services and how students can use them to process purchase orders from business-to-business (B2B) trading partners Students will learn how to choose XML Web services and how to integrate them in their order processing workflow Students will also explore the requirements for hosting their own XML Web services and providing them to trading partners After completing this module, students will be able to: ! Describe how to use XML Web services in a B2B scenario ! Decide how to integrate XML Web services in order processing ! Decide whether and how to make their own XML Web services available to trading partners Required materials To teach this module, you need Microsoft® PowerPoint® file 2420A_08.ppt Preparation tasks To prepare for this module: ! ! Perform the instructor demonstration ! Review Course 2524A, Developing XML Web Services ! Classroom setup Read all of the materials for this module Download and become familiar with the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Toolkit, located at http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads The information in this section provides setup instructions that are required to prepare the instructor computer for the hands-on practice ! To prepare for the demonstration • Ensure that the instructor computer can connect to the Internet iv Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution How to Teach This Module This section contains information that will help you teach this module Lesson: Introduction to XML Web Services This module begins by explaining the challenges that businesses must overcome to integrate business systems, and how students can use XML Web services to overcome those challenges This lesson is introductory material For more in-depth coverage of XML Web services, refer students to Course 2524A, Developing XML Web Services The following information is specific to individual pages in this lesson Elements of an XML Web Service Document This page is intended only to familiarize students with XML Web services and to provide a high-level overview of how XML Web services work It is not necessary to discuss in depth the mechanics of XML Web services, but ensure that students understand how XML Web services work Demonstration: Using an XML Web Service This demonstration uses Microsoft’s profile in the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) Business Registry In this demonstration, show students how an XML Web service returns information based on a query Encourage discussion about the XML Web service, and ask students how they could use an XML Web service or create their own Use this example as a reference point throughout the module Also point out that the Microsoft UDDI Web site is an XML Web service Lesson: Applying XML Web Services to Order Processing This lesson provides more detail about integrating XML Web services For the purpose of B2B trading partner integration, XML Web services are most commonly used in order processing However, students can integrate XML Web services in almost any part of their business systems The following information is specific to individual pages in this lesson How BizTalk Server Can Call XML Web Services Check the Microsoft BizTalk™ Server 2000 Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk for white paper updates about the use of XML Web services with BizTalk Server in order processing Considerations for Integrating XML Web Services with Commerce Server Although you can call an XML Web service from a Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 pipeline, emphasize that students should so only under very specific conditions, which are mentioned on this page Lesson: Providing XML Web Services to Trading Partners Students may want to create their own XML Web services and make them available to their trading partners This lesson discusses the design considerations for doing so, along with a business justification for creating XML Web Services and infrastructure requirements for making them available Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution v The following information is specific to individual pages in this lesson Considerations for Hosting XML Web Services Summary: Integrating XML Web Services Unless time permits, avoid an in-depth discussion about high availability and Web service architecture This summary page highlights the main design elements of the module It is intended to be a simple module review and a tool to help students prepare for the final module and lab, where they analyze a new trading partner integration scenario and create a B2B design plan Lab: Integrating XML Web Services In this design lab, students examine how Adventure Works can integrate XML Web services to streamline its order processing workflow Students learn how Adventure Works can automate aspects of its order processing and offer its own XML Web services to trading partners Timing The design lab is scheduled for 45 minutes Divide students into pairs or small teams, and ask them to spend 20 minutes reading and discussing the scenario Then, have each pair or team present its answers to the class Discussion Although the lab scenario provides a clear path to certain design decisions, it contains enough ambiguity to encourage student discussion and debate Students may disagree with the answers that are provided in the Delivery Guide and the Student Materials compact disc Disagreement is acceptable if students can provide adequate business or technical justification To increase student involvement, ask a representative of each team to present the team’s answers to the class and then defend the design vi Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Customization Information This section identifies the lab setup requirements for a module and the configuration changes that occur on student computers during the labs This information is provided to assist you in replicating or customizing Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) courseware This module contains a single paper-based design lab There are no hands-on labs in this module, and as a result, there are no lab setup requirements or configuration changes that affect replication or customization Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Overview ! Introduction to XML Web Services ! Applying XML Web Services to Order Processing ! Providing XML Web Services to Trading Partners Supplier Supplier Business Business Logic Logic Other Other Business Business Systems Systems CRM ERP Inventory Accounting XML Web Service *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services enable different applications to exchange information locally and over the Internet without complex integration requirements You can use XML Web services to integrate your business systems with those of your trading partners; to apply XML Web services to internal applications, such as order processing; and to provide valueadded services to trading partners who buy from you In a business-to-business (B2B) scenario, XML Web services can improve your order processing workflow You can integrate XML Web services that other organizations develop, or you can develop your own XML Web services To enable your business partners to benefit from the XML Web services that you develop, expose your XML Web services over the Internet Objectives After completing this module, you will be able to: ! Describe how to use XML Web services in a B2B scenario ! Decide how to integrate XML Web services in order processing ! Decide whether and how to make your own XML Web services available to your trading partners Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Lesson: Introduction to XML Web Services ! Challenges to Integrating Applications ! What Are XML Web Services? ! How XML Web Services Can Work in a B2B Solution ! Elements of an XML Web Service Document ! Reasons to Use XML Web Services in a B2B Solution *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction XML Web services enable trading partners to solve many of the challenges of integrating applications and enable your business systems to take advantage of services that other organizations provide Lesson objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: ! Explain the difficulties of integrating applications ! Describe XML Web services ! Describe how a typical XML Web service works in a B2B trading partner integration solution ! Identify the elements of an XML Web service document ! Explain the benefits of using XML Web services in a B2B integration solution Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Challenges to Integrating Applications Supplier Supplier Internet Order Processing Application Order Processing Application Subtotal: 500.00 Tax: ??? Total: ??? Tax Company Common integration challenges ! Programming languages and operating systems differ ! The corporate firewalls prohibit RPC traffic ! Locally installed COM components must be registered and manually updated *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction For trading partners to integrate their business applications, the applications must be able to communicate freely with each other, which can be difficult In the example shown in the slide, a supplier that uses an order processing application receives a purchase order, but wants to obtain tax calculations over the Internet from another application Platform incompatibility Several major challenges exist when you exchange information externally The operating system or programming language of the order processing application may be incompatible with the service that provides the data For example, if the order processing application uses Component Object Model (COM) architecture, but the tax calculation application was developed on a different platform, a third middleware application is necessary to enable the two applications to communicate Middleware applications are often expensive and require significant programming knowledge to implement Firewalls prohibit RPC traffic Most corporate firewalls prohibit Remote Procedure Call (RPC) traffic because of its inherent security risks Even if both applications in the previous example use COM architecture, for example, RPC traffic would still occur each time the order processing client requests information from the tax application server The corporate firewall, however, would block the RPC calls Components must be updated Most locally stored components require continual monitoring for updates To eliminate the need for RPC traffic, the tax company in the previous example can supply the necessary COM or COM+ components to suppliers, which register and install the components in the order processing application However, when an update occurs, the supplier must obtain the updated files from the tax company and then update the components manually Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution What Are XML Web Services? XML Web services: ! Are XML-based units of application logic that provide data and services to other applications ! Enable applications to communicate over the Internet regardless of operating system or programming language XML Web services XML Web services Internet Supplier Supplier XML Web Service Provider *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction XML Web services are XML-based units of application logic that provide data and services to other applications XML Web services enable applications to communicate over the Internet regardless of operating system or programming language Definition An XML Web service is programmable application logic that applications can access by using standard Internet protocols XML Web services are defined by public standards organizations, such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML Web services combine the best aspects of component-based development and the Internet Developers can create XML Web services without knowing how other applications will implement them Applications call XML Web services by using common Web protocols and data formats, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and XML XML Web services enable seamless communication XML Web services enable applications to make RPC-like calls over the Internet and to share data The calls can occur regardless of the operating system that hosts the XML Web service or the programming language that was used to create the XML Web service By using XML Web services to share data, different applications can be independent of each other, yet still work together to perform a particular task 12 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Technical considerations Technical considerations include: ! Performance You must ensure that the performance requirements of your order processing application are compatible with the performance that the XML Web service provider offers In particular, ensure that the performance capacity of the provider’s platform and infrastructure is adequate, and that you can accept the latency, or roundtrip time, between your order processing application and the XML Web service ! Security XML Web services have no inherent security By default, arguments that are passed to XML Web services and data that XML Web services return are sent in plaintext If you transmit customer data or other sensitive data by using an XML Web service, you must make the necessary security arrangements with the XML Web service provider You can encrypt the data that the XML Web service transmits by using SOAP extensions Or, you can secure the protocol that the XML Web service uses to transport data—for example, by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) over HTTP Note For more information about securing XML Web services by using SOAP extensions, see Course 2524A, Developing XML Web Services Note For more information about securing XML Web services by using SSL, see Q307267: How to Secure XML Web Services with SSL at http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q307/2/67.asp ! Reliability Because you integrate an XML Web service in your own business process, the reliability of the service can directly affect the service that you provide to your trading partners Ensure that the XML Web service provider can guarantee an acceptable level of reliability Also ensure that your own organization’s Internet connection is reliable Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution 13 How to Use UDDI to Locate XML Web Service Information Tasks Tasks Use a Web browser or programmatic tools to Use a Web browser or programmatic tools to search UDDI for XML Web services offered by search UDDI for XML Web services offered by other organizations other organizations For each XML Web service, research: For each XML Web service, research: " What the service provides " What the service provides " How to integrate the service " How to integrate the service UDDI *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction You can use UDDI to register your company and XML Web services in a distributed database Companies can then search over the Internet for your services Likewise, you can search UDDI to locate XML Web services that other organizations offer Searching UDDI by using a Web browser You can locate XML Web service providers in UDDI by browsing the Web site of a UDDI node, such as http://uddi.microsoft.com You can locate an organization’s profile in UDDI and browse the business services and XML Web services that the organization offers Or, you can search for keywords in tModels A tModel is a generic metadata structure in UDDI that organizations can use to describe their XML Web services and B2B XML schemas Searching UDDI programmatically The UDDI Business Registry is programmatically exposed to make UDDI easier to search You can use either Visual Studio NET or Visual Basic 6.0 with the UDDI software development kit (SDK) to search the UDDI registry for XML Web services and integration information As more organizations use UDDI, business applications, such as ERP systems, will likely include the capability to search UDDI for XML Web services as a built-in feature Researching integration information After you locate an XML Web service, determine what it provides and how to integrate it in your existing business systems or workflow You can examine the tModel for integration information, such as the Web Services Discovery Language (WSDL) The WSDL describes the services that the XML Web service offers and how the XML Web service client calls the service Note For more information about UDDI, see the UDDI Web site at http://www.uddi.org 14 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution How BizTalk Server Can Call XML Web Services BizTalk Orchestration Services can: ! Process orders asynchronously ! Process long-running transactions ! Call XML Web services by invoking COM proxies BizTalk Orchestration Services XML Web service call XML Web service call *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction BizTalk Server can orchestrate complex business workflows Because BizTalk Server can process orders asynchronously, it is a good choice for the integration of XML Web services in order processing Asynchronous processing BizTalk Orchestration Services is a feature that can process purchase orders asynchronously, or without regard to sequence In asynchronous processing, the failure of an XML Web service to respond to one PO processing event does not disrupt other POs that follow Processing long-running transactions The response time of an XML Web service call can vary BizTalk Orchestration Services minimizes the use of server resources when it executes long-running transactions by writing processing events to a SQL Server database while it waits for the XML Web service to respond This process is called dehydration BizTalk Orchestration Services automatically returns the transaction to memory when the XML Web service responds, a process known as rehydration BizTalk Orchestration Services also provides advanced management for long-running transactions, including nested transactions and transaction rollback Using COM components BizTalk Orchestration Services calls XML Web services by invoking COM components Although BizTalk Server 2000 does not have built-in functionality to invoke XML Web services, you can build COM components that act as SOAP clients to invoke XML Web services The SOAP Toolkit provides a wizard to create the Web service proxy component Note For more information about using the Web Service Proxy Wizard, see the link about the wizard under Additional Reading on the Web page on the Student Materials compact disc Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution 15 Considerations for Integrating XML Web Services with Commerce Server ! Integrate XML Web services only if all three conditions apply: The order processing system currently uses the Order Processing pipeline in Commerce Server The XML Web service has a low latency The XML Web service is highly reliable Order Order Processing Processing pipeline pipeline XML Web XML Web service call service call *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction Commerce Server Order Processing pipelines (OPP) are designed for short-lived processes and high performance Because the OPP processes orders synchronously, or one at a time, order processing can slow or stop when problems occur For example, if an XML Web service problem disrupts the first PO in a string of five POs, the remaining four POs are delayed until the first PO proceeds, or you manually trigger them to continue Commerce Server and order processing Use Commerce Server 2000 only to integrate XML Web services under specific circumstances If you have not implemented the OPP in Commerce Server or Microsoft Site Server version 3.0 Commerce Edition to process incoming purchases, BizTalk Server is preferable for the integration of XML Web services Conditions for use Although you can use Commerce Server to integrate XML Web services, it is recommended that you so only if the following three conditions are met: ! The order processing system uses the OPP in Commerce Server If you already use the OPP, you can integrate an XML Web service directly in a pipeline component ! The XML Web service has a low latency That is, the XML Web service responds quickly If the XML Web service has a high latency, it may become a bottleneck in the OPP and prevent orders from being processed in a timely manner ! The XML Web service is highly reliable If the XML Web service does not offer the level of reliability that your order processing system requires, it may become a bottleneck in the OPP and cause order processing to slow or stop 16 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Lesson: Providing XML Web Services to Trading Partners ! Reasons to Provide XML Web Services ! Considerations for Hosting XML Web Services ! How You Make XML Web Services Available *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction If you identify business challenges that existing XML Web services cannot solve, you may decide to create your own XML Web services You may also decide to provide those XML Web services to your trading partners so that they can benefit from them Before creating your own XML Web services, identify your requirements and design considerations for hosting XML Web services, and then examine how the services can benefit your trading partners Then, ensure that your partners can gain access to your services Lesson objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: ! Describe reasons to provide XML Web services ! Explain the design considerations for hosting an XML Web service ! Describe how to make an XML Web service available for use by trading partners Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution 17 Reasons to Provide XML Web Services Benefits Benefits Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction " Improve service to trading partners " Improve service to trading partners www.supplier.com Tracking Info " Offer a new value-added business service " Offer a new value-added business service " Reduce customer service costs " Reduce customer service costs *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction Providing your own XML Web services offers a way to distinguish your organization from your competitors and provide better service to your trading partners Business benefits Three important reasons to provide your own XML Web services include: ! ! Provide a new value-added business service You may discover an opportunity to provide a new service that benefits you or your trading partners—for example, one that shows up-to-the-minute inventory levels ! Example of benefits Improve or augment service to trading partners You may find an opportunity to improve a business system or replace a nonautomated service For example, you could process returned products by using an XML Web service Reduce customer service costs You may find a way to use an XML Web service to automate certain labor-intensive tasks, such as providing reports on current order status, which can reduce costs that are associated with maintaining help resources Consider an organization where the sales representatives are frequently interrupted by telephone calls from an important trading partner that wants to know the status of orders that it submitted to a B2B marketplace The organization could develop an XML Web service so that any trading partner can see the up-to-the-minute status of an order Not only does the XML Web service solve the immediate problem of disruption to the organization’s sales representatives, it provides a new, valuable business service that other trading partners can benefit from 18 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Considerations for Hosting XML Web Services Internet Secure the protocols Secure the protocols Add redundant Internet Add redundant Internet infrastructure for reliability infrastructure for reliability Trading Trading Partner Partner Supplier Supplier Routers Scale out by Scale out by adding servers adding servers Servers hosting XML Web services Load balance your systems Load balance your systems for increased availability for increased availability Servers hosting COM component clusters *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction Many of the issues that you consider before hosting an XML Web service are the same as those you consider before using a third-party XML Web service Before you host your own XML Web service, consider the technical issues that will affect your design Security Because a value-added service will likely require the exchange of confidential buyer and supplier information, you must ensure the security of the exchanged information Carefully consider what security precautions to take if your trading partners submit confidential information, such as logon and password information, or if you provide private data, such as order or payment details For example, you can secure the transport protocol by securing HTTP with SSL or TLS Or, you can encrypt the data that the XML Web service exchanges by using SOAP extensions Reliability Reliability refers to the likelihood that a service will fail If your XML Web service is unavailable for even a small amount of time, the frustration and customer dissatisfaction that may occur can outweigh the benefits that you gain from the majority of trading partners who use your XML Web service successfully To improve reliability, you can use clustering to provide redundancy for software and hardware failures For example, you can use Microsoft Application Center 2000 to cluster COM components, thereby increasing the reliability of COM components that an XML Web service calls You can also increase hardware and software reliability, improve fault tolerance, and strengthen Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layer and below Internet infrastructure Note For more information about creating COM clusters in Application Center 2000, see the Microsoft Application Center 2000 Resource Kit Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution 19 Scalability Scalability refers to the enlarging of a segment of your infrastructure It reflects the ease with which you can add new hardware and software to accommodate increased demand If you anticipate increased demand from trading partners for your XML Web services, consider scaling your XML Web service infrastructure For example, if you plan to host an XML Web service that requires four CPUs per server, install Microsoft Windows® 2000 Advanced Server, which permits up to eight CPUs per server, rather than installing Windows 2000 Server, which is limited to four CPUs per server Availability Availability refers to the ability of trading partners to always gain access to your services, even during peak usage Increased traffic and the processing requirements of your XML Web services may also affect the availability of your services To ensure availability, consider using redundant or backup connections in case your primary connection fails Also ensure that your network can accommodate increased traffic—for example, during busy or peak seasons You may want your XML Web service to make calls to a local COM component If so, use Application Center 2000 to perform component load balancing Note For more information about building highly available Web solutions, see Course 2088A, Designing a Highly Available Web Infrastructure 20 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution How You Make XML Web Services Available Publish the XML Web service to UDDI Modify your Web site to call the XML Web service Supplier Supplier Published XML Web Service Information Published XML Web Service Information UDDI Supplier Supplier www.supplier.com Web Service Call Web Service Call XML Web XML Web service service *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction After you develop and deploy an XML Web service for trading partners, you must make the service accessible to them You can publish your XML Web service to UDDI, or you can modify your own Web site to call the XML Web service Publish to UDDI Your trading partners may want to integrate your XML Web service directly in their order processing system or in their corporate intranet You can assist them in discovering and integrating your XML Web services by using UDDI You can use UDDI to categorize and publish binding information, such as the endpoint, or location, of the XML Web service, and integration information, such as the WSDL for the XML Web service Modify your Web site One way to expose trading partners to your XML Web service is to place it where they visit—namely, your Web site A secure Web site is useful if you not use SOAP extensions to secure documents that are exchanged by the XML Web service You can create a Web site feature for your XML Web service and add it to your Web site To make your XML Web service accessible, ensure that your Web site is secured with SSL and that it uses Microsoft ASP.NET to call the XML Web service directly Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution 21 Summary: Integrating XML Web Services Project Design Project Design " Decide whether to use XML Web services " Locate XML Web services " Determine an integration strategy " Decide whether to provide XML Web services " Make your XML Web services accessible to trading partners *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction This job aid summarizes the key project design elements to consider before you use XML Web services Design element Criteria to consider Decide whether to use XML Web services Business and technical benefits Locate XML Web services Use of UDDI Determine an integration strategy Use of BizTalk Server or Commerce Server Decide whether to provide XML Web services Business benefits and technical costs Make your XML Web services accessible Use of a Web site and UDDI 22 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Review ! Introduction to XML Web Services ! Applying XML Web Services to Order Processing ! Providing XML Web Services to Trading Partners *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** The chief information officer (CIO) of a large office supply company wants to know about the challenges that her company could face when it integrates its business systems with its trading partners She also wants to know how XML Web services can solve some of those challenges What would you tell her? Integration challenges include the possibility that applications are on different platforms, that firewalls prohibit RPC traffic, and that the company must manually update any local integration components XML Web services can solve these challenges by enabling applications to obtain dynamic data from anywhere, on any platform The CIO of your organization has asked you to locate an XML Web service that provides travel advisories for the company’s traveling sales force Where can you locate this information? Use UDDI to locate companies that offer XML Web services that provide the information Your organization has just contracted with an XML Web service provider to obtain up-to-the-minute currency exchange rates and tariff information How can you integrate this XML Web service in your BizTalk Server and Commerce Server e-commerce solution? Use BizTalk Orchestration Services to integrate XML Web services in your order processing system, unless you meet all three of the following conditions: You already use the OPP in Commerce Server, the XML Web service is highly reliable, and the XML Web service has low latency Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution 23 Developers in your organization create an XML Web service to improve your order processing workflow Several of your trading partners have expressed interest in using the XML Web service, but they are concerned about personal data being transmitted over HTTP by the XML Web service calls What can you to reduce their security concerns? Encrypt the data that the XML Web service transmits, secure the protocol that the XML Web service uses to transport the data, or both To encrypt the data, use SOAP extensions To secure the transport protocol, secure HTTP by using SSL or TLS 24 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Lab A: Integrating XML Web Services ! Exercise 1: Creating a Strategy for Integrating XML Web Services *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Objectives After completing this lab, you will be able to: ! ! Use UDDI to locate an XML Web service ! Determine an integration strategy for the XML Web service ! Prerequisites List the business and technical benefits of using an XML Web service Make your XML Web service available to trading partners Before working on this lab, you must have knowledge about: ! ! Introduction Estimated time to complete this lab: 45 minutes XML Web services UDDI In the design exercise, students will analyze the business processes of Adventure Works, an online supplier, and study how Adventure Works can integrate an XML Web service in its order processing workflow Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution 25 Exercise Creating a Strategy for Integrating XML Web Services The CIO of Adventure Works, Kim Yoshida, has hired you as a consultant Your job is to recommend a strategy for the company to use XML Web services to simplify integration between dissimilar applications and systems and to provide added value to trading partners The following scenario describes why Adventure Works is considering using an XML Web service Read the scenario and then work with your lab partner to answer the design questions Scenario Adventure Works’s primary shipping partner is Contoso, Ltd., which has an extensive shipping network in the western United States, where Adventure Works’s main trading partners are located Contoso, Ltd has placed a shipping computer at the Adventure Works warehouse Garth Fort, the shipping department manager at Adventure Works, uses the computer to print shipping labels and to schedule order pickups The Adventure Works Information Technology (IT) team must download updates to the shipping computer periodically from Contoso, Ltd to ensure that the computer has the latest shipping costs If a shipment destination is outside the delivery range of Contoso, Ltd., Garth must manually compare prices with Adventure Works’s other freight partners, and then choose the partner that offers the best shipping rate Additionally, if a trading partner requests a shipping company other than Contoso, Ltd., the Adventure Works sales team must manually calculate the shipping rate and then forward the information to Garth By using UDDI, Adventure Works has discovered several new trading partners, including companies in Europe To the extent possible, Adventure Works would like to use one shipping company for all shipments Senior management is concerned about shipping internationally, where costs can fluctuate greatly due to currency exchange rates John Kelly, the sales manager at Adventure Works, has located a new shipping company by searching UDDI John reports that Consolidated Messenger provides an XML Web service that calculates the shipping cost dynamically John is unsure how XML Web services can benefit Adventure Works In discussions with David Simpson, the lead technical engineer at Adventure Works, you learn that Adventure Works has recently implemented BizTalk Server and Commerce Server to receive and process orders Adventure Works receives orders over Secure HTTP (HTTPS) and then submits them to an XLANG schedule The XLANG schedule places the order in the Commerce Server OPP After the pipeline finishes processing an order, the XLANG schedule enters the purchase order data in Adventure Works’s ERP system and legacy mainframe David also briefs you about the XML Web service that his team has developed The service will enable buyers to view the real-time status of their orders The service is now ready to use 26 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Design Questions How can the XML Web service that Consolidated Messenger offers benefit Adventure Works? The sales team can provide customers with accurate and up-to-theminute quotes on shipping by using one application Also, sales representatives no longer must manually calculate certain shipping rates or maintain the Contoso, Ltd computer that is located in the warehouse Also, Garth no longer must compare shipping prices manually How can Adventure Works find the integration requirements of Consolidated Messenger’s XML Web service? David’s team can query UDDI to locate the WSDL for the XML Web service in Consolidated Messenger’s profile in UDDI In what part of the order processing system would you integrate the XML Web service, and why? BizTalk Server is the best choice, because it is possible that a high degree of latency can occur when an application calls an XML Web service over the Internet, where network traffic is unpredictable BizTalk Server processes orders asynchronously, so delays in contacting an XML Web service not affect other orders in the queue Kim is concerned that not all of Adventure Works’s customers will be able to use the XML Web service that David’s team developed How would you allay her concerns? Because they are wrapped in industry-standard SOAP messages, XML Web services function independently of programming language and operating system David’s XML Web service is now ready for trading partners to use What steps must Adventure Works take to ensure its availability? Ensure that the Adventure Works’s network and Internet infrastructure can meet the reliability, scalability, and availability requirements of the XML Web service You must also determine how you will secure the information that the XML Web service exchanges ... partners 2 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution Lesson: Introduction to XML Web Services ! Challenges to Integrating Applications ! What Are XML Web Services? ! How XML Web Services. .. load balancing Note For more information about building highly available Web solutions, see Course 208 8A, Designing a Highly Available Web Infrastructure 20 Module 8: Integrating XML Web Services. .. a new trading partner integration scenario and create a B2B design plan Lab: Integrating XML Web Services In this design lab, students examine how Adventure Works can integrate XML Web services

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