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Evaluating the psychological impacts related to COVID 19 of healthcare workers and some associated factors in hanoi in 2020

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TW jfcfc «s> «> *4: ACKNOWLEDGMENT First and foremost would like to acknowledge to my thesis advisor* Assoc Prof Le Thi Thanh Xuan who had directly guided and created necessary conditions for me to participate in this research, with her dedication, patience, intellectual guidance I had a precious opportunity to leant more about academic skills along with accomplishira; my final thesis My journey along with this research allowed me to come in contact with medical managers and healthcare workers Tlteir thorough objective reviews contributed immeasurably in the desired outcome of this work My sincere appreciation also goes to The health workers in range of departments in Hanoi's health care facilities, for participating and providing data for rhe research Tie successful navigation through the university met various obstacles tliat would not have been surpassed without tire guidance from all lecturers of Hanoi Medical University particularly lecturers from School of Preventive Medicine and public Health Last but not least, maty thanks were given to my family and friends who encourage me throughout the period of difficulties Hanoi 25* May 2021 Tran Thi Thuy Linii -w ã* CN ôG DECLARATION Respectfully addressed to: - Department of Under- Graduation Training Hanoi Medical University - Department of Occupational Health School of Preventive Medicine and Public Health - Board of Dissertation Assessment guarantee dial this study is my scientific research which I carried out as one of tire main investigators The results and figures xn tills research collected are accurate and ha\r not been published and reported in an}- other publications will be responsible for any delusion detected Hanoi 25* May 2021 The Author Tran Thi Thuy Linh -w ã* CN ôG CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 11 Basic concepts 1.1.1 Definition of mental health and health workers ãããôã 1.12 Definition of history of COVID-19 and situation 1.2 Psychological chaises of heahhcare workers I 1.3 Related factors with mental health problems of healthcare workers 13 Chapter 2: METHODOLOGY 15 2.1 Study duration and location 15 2.2 Study population •• 2.3 Study design •f I 2.4 Sample size and sampling method 2.5 Study variables and indicators •• 15 •• •• •••» 15 • ••••!• MK1MI llaill ■ ■ ■!■•■••■■•» ■ail 16 • ••••••••■•■•44i4 44 4ôa4' 17 ãeiằ 17 2.6 Data collection tool and method 2.7 Data management and analysis 2.8 Bias and control 18 19 •• 2.9 Ethical considerations 19 Chapter3: RESULTS 21 3.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents - • ỊI 3.2 The niental health problem of respondents during the COVID-19 pandemic 24 3.3 Some factors associated with mental health problems of respondents 29 «>*ai ■> *4s Chapter4: DISCUSSION 45 4.1 Demographic charactenstics of respondents 45 4.2 The menial health problem of respondents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hanoi in 2020 47 4.3 Association between mental health problem and related factors 49 CONCLUSION 55 RECOMMENDATION 56 REFERENCES APPENDIX APPENDIX TWM*M«K> *4: ABBREVIATIONS ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome CDC Disease Control Center IES-R Impact of Event Scale - Revised ILO International Labor Organization MERS-CoV Middle East Coronavins Respiratory Syndrome PPE Personal Protective Equipment SARS Severe Acute Respirator}' Syndrome SARS-CoV-2 Corona\iru$-2 Acute Respiratory Syndrome WHO World Health Organization PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder -w ã* CN ôG LIST OF TABLES Table 3J Personal characteristics of lepondents 21 Table 3.2 Occupational characteristics of respondents - 22 Table 3.3 Mental health problems amors’ study partcipants through IES-R score 24 Table 3.4 Lex-el of mental health problem through gender.« 25 Table 3.5 Lexel of mental health problem through age groups 26 Table 3.6 Lexel of mental health problem through working department ->7 Table 3.7 Lexel of mental health problem through job ty pes 28 Table 3.8 Lexel of mental health problem through length of woric experience 29 Table 3.9 .Association betxveen mental health problems and age group 29 Table 3.10 Association between mental health problems and gender 30 Table 3.11 Association between mental Irealth problems and education lex els 31 Table 3.12 Association between mental health problems and maiital status 31 Table 3.13 Association between riKĩital health problems and person living with 32 Table 3.14 Association betxveen mental health problems and level of hospital 33 Table 3.15 Association between mental health problems and job types 34 Table 3.16 Association between mental health problems and deportment 35 Table 3.17 Association between mental healUi problems and length of work experience ããããããããããã 44 ããããããããã 4* 4ằằ44ằô ããããããããããããã ••••••••••• Table 3.18 Association between mental health problems and perception on the exposure risk to COMD-19 through breahing air among respondents aixi (•■•■MUMialMa *4 4A •* *4: c^iestionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Level of being alarmed and startled (by the CoVid-19 epidemic) Level of being panic and shocked, tried not to think about CoVid-19 anymore Level of having feelings about CoVid-19 but ignore them Level of lost emotion about the CoVid-19 epidemic Level of having actions and feelings when drinking were back dun ng the CoVid-19 boom in Vietnam Level of finding it difficult for sleeping Level of having strong emotion when it comes to CoVid-19 epidemic Level of trying to remove CoVid-19 epidemic Olfl ofnind Level of having trouble concentrating (because of CoVid-19 epidemic Level of having symptoms when someone reminders of CoVid-19(sweating difficulty breathing, nausea or pounding heart) Level of having drcams about Co Vid-19 Level of having feeling alerted (by CoVid-19 pandemic) Level of trying not to talk about CoVid-19 pandemic Likert scale (1-Absolutely not; 5= too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (l=Absoluielv not 5= too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (1-Absolutely not; 5= too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (1 "Absolutely not 5- too much) Likert scale (1-Absolutely not; 5" too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (l=Absolutelv not; 5= too much) Likert scale (1-Absolutely not; 5« too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (1-Absolutely not; 5= too much) Likert scale (l=Ab$olutelv not; 5= too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (1 "Absolutely nor 5= too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (1-Absolutely not 5“-too much) kert scale (1 -Absolutely not 5" too much) Questionnaire Likert scale (l=Absolutely not; 5= loo much) Questionnaire TWM*M«K> *4: Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire APPENDIX COVID 19 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Investigation code: _ INTROD UCE Hello Sir Madam I am - (he enumerator of the survey: ■ At preseQt the situation of CoVid-19 is still complicated in Vietnam requiring high determination to prevent its spread as quickly as possible The survey hopes to identify perceptions of the risks impacts and effectiveness ofCoVid 19 preventive measures, as well as health care workers' concerns Because medical staffs are a force always at the forefront of management, control and prevention of CoVid-19 outbreak Hie information you provide will be used to improve existingpreventive measures and address the general concerns of health care workers and is kept confidential for research purposes only Do you agree to participate in this survey? I Yes No (stop intense wing) ADMINISTRATION Date of interview: 2020 Province Cl tv: Hospital Name of enumerator Name of data cleaner: Name of the data entry personnel Numerical Older Questions Notes Answers -A PERSONAL PARTICULARS Al A2 A3 Full name Phone number Year of birth —— ——•— - - - (solar calendar) A4 Gender A5 Ethnic group A6 Religion A7 Marital status AS am presently Staying A9 Academic level A10 Job title Male Female Kinh Other (please specify): No religion Buddhism Christian Protestant Other religion (please specify) Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed Other (please specify) With my family acquaintances friends Alone in a rental room, apartment Other (please specify) Primary school Secondary school High school Intermediate level College and university Other (specify'): .~ Doctor Nurse Technician (laboratory technician X-ray technician, physiotherapist technician ) Pharmacist Emergency personnel Janitors Reception Administrative staff -w ã* CN ôG Other, specify: Accident Ặ: Emergency Genera] examination dípúilHien! Surgical department Internal medicine department Intensive care Radiographical sen ices Laboratory senices Administrative s Infection control Others, specify: years All The area of work A12 The length of my experience as a health care worker w official Long term full-time contract (8 hours-day) Short-teirn full-time contract Part.ttme contract Other (specify): EXPOSURE TO COV1D.19 Al mv place of work, lam most likely at risk of getting Slronffy Strongly Nottur* Divagrw Agrw from 'Please Dim pw agree circle only one optionfor each sen retie g) The air that I • breathe Close contact with colleagues B RISK o Bl BU BI.Ĩ Mv current work status -w CN «G XotM exposed ỈO Cứ Vid.J patients With regard to the risk of contracting CoVid 19 Stroogh Disagree Nd sur» Agree Ĩ agree IU> seif B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 I feel that my job puts me at great risk of exposure to CoVid 19 Iamahaid of falling ill with Co Vid - 19 consider it acceptable if my colleagues resign because of their fear of CoVid-19 My family believes that I have a high risk of getting CoVid-19 If were to get CoVid 191 believe that my chances of survival are poor 1 5 TWM*M«K> *4: Notes D IMPACT or• EVE NTS sc ALE (I ES) Below is a list of comments made by people during stressful life events For each item please cross die approximate box which indicates how frequently these comments are true for vou over the past one week with respect to COVID-19 in VIETNAM If the)’ are not occurring choose Not at all." While answering the items, think of the event being referred to as the Co Vid-19 situation in Vietnam IES DI D2 DS D4 DS D6 D7 DS DO DIO Dll D12 Moderat«*y Quite a hl Exlreniefr • 4

Ngày đăng: 15/09/2021, 14:24

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