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Conditional sentences type 1 Câu điều kiện loại 1 diễn tả một điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.. Real in the present/ future If clause Main clause - simple present will [r]

(1)CONDITIONAL SENTENCES <A> Important points to remember: I Conditional sentences type Câu điều kiện loại diễn tả điều kiện có thể xảy tương lai (Real in the present/ future) If clause Main clause - simple present will - present perfect shall + bare-infinitive - present continuous can EX1 I will saty at home if it rains EX2 If she has finished her work, she can go home EX3 If father is sleeping, you can go out  Câu điều kiện loại với lời yêu cầu hay mệnh lệnh EX1 If you see Tom at the party tonight, tell him to phone me EX2 Don’t talk in class and the teacher won’t punish you  Câu điều kiện loại với “should” mệnh đề IF hàm ý nghi ngờ, không chắn EX1 If anybody should come, please tell him to wait for me  Should anybody come, please tell him to wait for me (lược bỏ IF) II Conditional sentences type If clause Main clause Past simple (V2/ed) would be  were could + bare-infinitive might - Câu điều kiện loại diễn tả:  Một điều kiện trái với không thể xảy tương lai EX1 If I were you, I would accept his invitation EX2 She can’t speak Chinese If she coul speak Chinses, she would get the job  Một tưởng tượng ước mơ EX1 If I had more money, I would travel around the world EX2 If I were a flower, I would be a sunflower III Conditional sentences type If clause Past perfect (had+V3/ed) Main clause would could + have V3/ed might - Câu điều kiện loại diễn tả việc, điều kiện không có thật quá khứ mà là hối tiếc, ước muốn thuộc quá khứ mà thôi EX1 The driver wasn’t careful He had an accident  If the driver had been more careful, he wouldn’t have had the accident EX2 Tom didn’t go to the party last night  If he had gone to the party last night, he could have met the new manager IV Inversion (đảo ngữ) type 2+3 - Ta có thể bỏ “if” dùng hình thức đảo ngữ, đảo ngữ với should/were/had EX1 If it should be neccssary, I will go  Should it be neccssary, I will go EX2 If I were rich, I would buy a new car  Were I rich, I would buy a new car (2) EX3 If you had asked me, I would have told you the answer  Had you asked me, I would have told you the answer V Một số từ/ cụm từ có thể thay cho IF với nghĩa tương đương: provided that, so (as) long as (miễn là), in case (trong trường hợp), on conditional that (với điều kiện) EX1 You can borrow my book provided that you bring it back VI Điều kiện hỗn hợp (2+3) EX2 If he worked harder at school, he would be a student now EX3 If I had taken his advice, I would be rich now VII If … not = unless Unless (trừ phi) thường dùng câu điều kiện – lúc đó Unless = if … not EX1 Unless we start at once, we will be late  If we don’t start at once we will be late EX2 Unless you study hard, you won’t pass the exams  If you don’t study hard, You won’t pass the exams EX3 We will be late if we don’t hurry  We will be late unless we hurry EX4 If I have time, I’ll help you  Unless I have time, I won’t help you VIII Implied condional (điều kiện hiểu ngầm) Đề bài có: “or, or else, but, without, otherwise, but for, unless” viết câu điều kiện đổi vế câu đề bài EX1 Keep silent or you’ll wake the boy up  If you don’t keep silent, you’ll wake the boy up EX2 Without the air, we would die  If there weren’t the air, we would die EX3 But for your help, I wouldn’t have been successful  If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have been successful  Cách viết câu điều kiện theo tình cho sẵn   Chọn loại điều kiện  Lấy: Mệnh đề nguyên nhân thường bắt đầu “because” làm mệnh đề “if”  Áp dụng công thức  Xác định đổi phủ định và ngược lại (loại 2,3)  Bỏ “because, so therefore, this/that is why, and” (nếu có) CONDITIONAL SENTENCES IN REPORTED SPEECH  Khi chuyển sang lời nói gián tiếp, các thì câu điều kiện chuyển đổi theo cách thông thường EX1 “If I catch the plane, I’ll be phone home by five.”  He said that if he caught the plane he would be home by five EX2 “If I had any money I’d buy you a drink.”  She said if she had had/ had any money she would have bought/ would buy me a drink EX3 “If she had loved Tom, she wouldn’t have left him.”  He said that If she had loved Tom she wouldn’t have left him  Câu gợi ý, lệnh, yêu cầu hay khuyến bảo có mệnh đề if có thể thuật lại nhiều cách EX1 “If you feel ill, why don’t you go to bed?” (3)  She advised me to go to bed if I felt ill  She said that if I felt ill I should got to bed  Câu có mệnh đề if + câu hỏi thường thuật lại với mềnh đề if nằm cuối câu EX1 “If the door is locked what shall I do?”  She asked what she should/ was to if the door was locked  Lời khuyên “If I were you I should/ would …” thường thuật lại advise + O + inf EX1 “If I were you, I’d stop taking tranquillizers,” I said  I advised him to stop taking tranquillizers  TỔNG KẾT  Conditional sentences Khi tường thuật câu điều kiện loại 1, ta đổi thì động từ theo quy tắc chuyển đổi câu tường thuật EX1 he said, “If I catch the plane I’ll be home by five”  He said that if he caught the plane he would be home by five EX2 ‘If Iyou feel ill”, she said, “you’d better go to bed”  She said that if felt ill I’d better/ I should got o bed  Conditional sentences 2,3 Khi tường thuật câu điều kiện loại 2, thì động từ không đổi EX1 “If I had a permit I could get a job”, he said (type2)  He said that if had a permit he could get a job EX2 “If she had loved Tom”, he said, “she wouldn’t have left him” (type3)  He said that if she had loved Tom she wouldn’t have left him <B> Exercises: Conditional sentences: type I If I see him I (give) him a lift The table will collapse if you (stand) on it If he (eat) all that he will be ill If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once The police (arrest) him if they catch him If he (read) in bad light he will ruin his eyes Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked If he (wash) my car I'll give him Ј10 If you (not go) away I'll send for the police 10 I'll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes 11 If he (be) late we'll go without him 12 She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) about this 13 If you put on the kettle I (make) the tea 14 If you give my dog a bone he (bury) it at once 15 If we leave the car here it (not be) in anybody's way 16 He'll be late for the train if he (not start) at once 17 If you come late they (not let) you in 18 If he (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says 19 Unless he (sell) more he won't get much commission 20 If I lend you Ј10 when you (repay) me? 21 We'll have to move upstairs if the river (rise) any higher 22 If the house (burn) down we can claim compensation 23 Unless you are more careful you (have) an accident 24 If you will kindly sit down, I (make) enquiries for you 25 Unless I have a quiet room, I (not be able) to any work 26 She won't open the door unless she (know) who it is (4) Conditional sentences: type II If I had a typewriter I (type) it myself If I (know) his address I'd give it to you He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often If you (play) for lower stakes you wouldn't lose so much If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes I shouldn't drink that wine if I (be) you More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money If he (clean) his windscreen he'd be able to see where he was going If you (not belong) to a union you couldn't get a job 10 If I (win) a big prize in a lottery I'd give up my job 11 I could tell you what this means if I (know) Greek 12 If everybody (give) Ј1 we would have enough 13 He might get fat if he (stop) smoking 14 If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come) 15 I (be) ruined if I bought her everything she asked for 16 I could get a job easily if I (have) a degree 17 If she (do) her hair differently she might look quite nice 18 If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster 19 The whole machine would fall to pieces if you (remove) that screw 20 I (keep) a horse if I could afford it ' 21 I'd go and see him more often if he (live) on a bus route 22 If they (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches there might be less violence 23 What would you if the lift (get) stuck between two floors? 24 If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter 25 You wouldn't have so much trouble with your car if you (have) it serviced regularly Conditional sentences: type III Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week If he had slipped he (fall) 500 metres If I (had) a map I would have been all right If I (know) that you were coming I'd have baked a cake I (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill If you had left that wasp alone it (not sting) you If I (realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn't have come with you 10 If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (stop) 11 If you had told me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money 12 If you (not sneeze) he wouldn't have known that we were there 13 If you (put) some mustard in the sandwiches they would have tasted better 14 The hens (not get) into the house if you had shut the door 15 If he had known that the river was dangerous he (not try) to swim across it 16 If you (speak) more slowly he might have understood you 17 If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry 18 I shouldn't have eaten it if I (know) that there was ginger in it 19 If I (try) again I think that I would have succeeded 20 You (not get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions 21 If you hadn't been in such a hurry you (not put) sugar into the sauce instead of salt (5) 22 If I (be) ready when he called he would have taken me with him 23 If she had listened to my directions she (not turn) down the wrong street 24 If you (look) at the engine for a moment you would have seen what was missing 25 He would have been arrested if he (try) to leave the country 26 I (take) a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way 27 You (save) me a lot of trouble if you had told me where you were going 28 They would have forced their way into the house if I (not call) for help 29 If he had put out his pipe before putting it in his pocket he (not burn) a hole in his coat Conditional sentences: mixed types Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses If you pass your examination we (have) a celebration I should have voted for her if I (have) a vote then The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick You would play better bridge if you (not talk) so much If you (read) the instructions carefully you wouldn't have answered the wrong question I could repair the roof myself if I (have) a long ladder Unless they turn that radio off I (go) mad We'll have a long way to walk if we (run) out of petrol here If you shake that bottle of port it (not be) fit to drink 10 I'll probably get lost unless he (come) with me 11 You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly 12 If you (wear) a false beard nobody would have recognized you 13 If she (leave) the fish there the car will get it 14 Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road somebody into it 15 You'll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes 16 If I had known that you couldn't eat octopus I (not buy) it 17 If they (hang) that picture lower people would be able to see it 18 I (bring) you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty 19 If you had touched that electric cable you (be) electrocuted 20 I (not buy) things on the installment system if I were you 21 You (not be) any use to me unless you learn to type 22 If anyone attacked me, my dog (jump) at his throat 23 The ship would have run aground if the pilot (make) one mistake 24 I shouldn't have taken your umbrella if I (know) that it was the only one you had * Type 1 If Liz studies hard, she ………………… (pass) her test If I have time tomorrow, I ……………….(go) shopping with you If you …………………(turn) off the light, we will be in the dark If I see Duc, I ………………………(give) him your message He …………….(send) you some information if you tell him your address If Kate ……………(be) late again, she will lose her job She will be sick if she ………………….(eat) all that ice-cream If we ……….(go) out tomorrow evening, we (miss) that new programme on TV I (be) angry if it turns out that you are wrong 10 If he (finish) with the computer, I will put it away * Type If I had a typewriter I ………(type) it myself If I ……… (know) his address I’d give it to you He ……….(look) a lot better if he shaved more often If you ………(play) for lower stakes you wouldn’t lose so much If he worked more slowly he ………(not make) so many mistakes (6) I shouldn’t drink that wine if I ……………(be) you More tourist would come to this country if it ………… (have) a better climate If I were sent to prison you …………(visit) me? If someone……… (give) you a helicopter what would you with it? 10 I ………….(buy) shares in that company if I had some money 11 If he ………… (clean) his windscreen he’d be able to see where he going 12 If you drove your car into the river you ……………(be able) to get out 13 If you …………(not belong) to a union you couldn’t get a good job 14 If I …………(win) a big prize in a lottery I’d give up my job 15 What you …………(do) if you found a burglar in your house 16 If my grandfather (be) still alive, he would be a hundred today 17 I (offer) to give you a lift if I had my car here 18 Where (you/ choose) if you could live anywhere in the world? 19.If you (drive) from London to Glasgow, which way would you go? 20 .If I (live) out of town, I (take) up the garden 21 We (not have) any money if we (not work) 22 I (not mind) living in England if the weather (be) better 23 If I were you, I (not wait), I (go) now 24 If we (have) more reliable car, we .(drive) to Spain rather than fly 25 If Mr Morgan (be) still head teacher, he (not permit) such bad behaviour * Type If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you The ground was very soft But for that, my horse (win) If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week But for his quickness I (be) killed I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes If he had slipped he (fall) 500 meters If he had asked you, you (accept)? If I (had) a map I would have been all right 10 If I (know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake 11 I (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill 12 If you had left that wasp alone it (not sting) you 13 If I (realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn’t have come with you 14 If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (stop) 15 But for the fog we (reach) our destination ages ago 16 If you had taken care of your children, they might (be) more confident 17 If he had worked hard, he could (earn) enough money 18 If I hadn't cut my hair,it would (be) longer 19 If the student had spoken politely,the teacher (would/not /be) angry 20 You wouldn’t have seen the film if you……………… (come) late 21 You…………… (hit) the wall if you hadn’t stopped the car 22 They would have called you if they……………… (have) your telephone number 23 The company wouldn’t have cut the trees if we………………….(protest) 24 If they had paid attention, they…………………(learn) the lesson 25 We……………… (go) to the movies, if we had had money 26 If we had stored the information, we ……………….(save) time 27 You would have found your book if you ……………… (look) for it 28 If she had helped me, I …………………(finish) my homework 29 If it ……………….(be) sunny, we would have gone to the beach 30 They…………………….(see) the film if they had come earlier (7) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms If I (have) time, I will write to him If it’s cold, I (need) a heavier coat What are you going to if you (have) a holiday? If I can go tomorrow, I (let) you know If I should meet Helen, I (give) her your message If flowers don’t get any water, they (die) If I (get) a headache, I usually take some aspirins I will go to the party unless it (rain) She will buy the car as long as it (not be) .too expensive 10 Everything (be) .provided you tell the truth 11 If he (come) ., please tell him that I’ll be back in a few minutes 12 Don’t come if they (not call) you 13 If you (need) , why don’t you tell me? 14 Suppose you (win) a lot of money, what would you do? 15 If I got up earlier, I (not be) late for work 16 If I didn’t feel so tired, I (go) out with you 17 If you (not pass) the exam, would you take it again? 18 If I (be) you, I would apply for the job 19 I could repair the car if I (have) the right tools 20 If I (study) hard, I would have passed the exam 21 If I (not be) busy yesterday, I would have visited you 22 She (go) to the university if she had had the opportunity 23 Suppose they had offered her a job, you think she (take) it? 24 If she hadn’t been ill yesterday, she (go) to work now 25 If I (be) you, I wouldn’t have told him the truth yesterday 26 If today were Monday, I (not go) to work yesterday 27 What would happen if you (not go) to work tomorrow 28 If I had gone to yoour party last night, I (be) very tired now Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense Why didn’t you phone? If I (know) you were coming, I (meet) .you at the airport It’s a pity you missed the party If you (come) , you(meet) my friends from Hungary If we (have) some tools, we (be able) to repair the car, but we haven’t got any with us Thank you for your help If you (not help) , I (not pass) the examination It’s a beautiful house, and I (buy) it if I (have) the money, but I can’t afford it I can’t imagine what I (do) .with the money If I (win) .the football pools or a lottery Mark isn’t a serious athlete If he (train) .harder, he (be) quite a good runner If Claire (listen) to her mother, she (not marry) David in the first place It rained every day on our holiday If we (not take) the television with us, we (not have) anything to 10 Jim is so untidy! If he (buy) some new clothes, he (not look) so bad CONDITIONAL SENTENCES A Put the verb in brackets into the correct form If the earth suddenly (stop) ………… spinning we all (fly) ………… off it If you (smoke) …… in a non-smoking compartment the other passengers (object) …… (your parents / not / be) ……………… proud if they could see you now? I’m broke, but I (have) ………… plenty of money now if I (not / spend) ………… so much yesterday If we (work) ……………all right, we (finish) ……………in time; but we have no intention of doing it (8) If we (have) …………… a submarine now, we (use) …………it to investigate the seabed Were he ten years younger, he (take) …………… part in the voyage around the world Should you come late, they (not let) ……………… you in He might get rid of his cough if he (not smoke) ……………so much 10 If someone (give) …………….you a boat what you (do) …………… ? 11 Water (freeze) …………… if the temperature falls below zero 12 I (warn) ………… you if I had seen you last week 13 He always says hello if he (see) ………… you 14 What would you if he (resign) …………… tomorrow? 15 I wouldn’t have been so upset if Judy (write) ……………… to me earlier 16 Shout if you (see) ………… anything unusually 17 The engine starts if you (turn) …………… this key 18 If he weren’t so bad-temperature, his wife (not leave) …………….him so soon after the marriage 19 What (you / say) ………………….if I offered you a job? 20 The children always (get) ………….frightened if they watch horror films 21 If it (not be) _ for you, I would be late 22 I can’t help feeling sorry for the hungry children If only there (be) peace in the world 23 Were I to become president, my first act (be) to help the poor 24 If he (listen) _ to his father’s advice, he would still be working here 25 If she hadn’t stayed up late last night, she (not / be) tired now 26 I feel as if my head (be) _ on fire now, doctor 27 He always talks as though he (address) at a public meeting 28 It was our fault to keep you waiting so long We (inform) _ you in advance 29 Had I known her address, I (go) _ to visit her 30 He looked frightened as if he (see) _ a ghost 31 I wish I (see) her off at the airport yesterday 32 Tom wishes he (have) _ enough money to buy a new car now 33 Mary wishes she (become) _ an astronaut someday 34 I wish I (have) a day off to visit his parents He hasn’t seen them for ages 35 He wishes he (not/buy) that old car B Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence before i.t She doesn’t live in London because she doesn’t know anyone there  She’d ……………………………………………………………… I can’t live in the country because I can’t find a job there  I’d ……………………………………………………………… I don’t have a spare ticket I can’t take you to the concert  If I ……………………………………………………………… The schoolchildren sowed some seeds, but they forgot to water them so they didn’t grow  If the children ……………………………………………………… They don’t understand the problem They won’t find a solution  If they …………………………………………………………… He sits around too much He isn’t fit  If he ……………………………………………………………… Carol didn’t answer the phone because she was studying  If Carol …………………………………………………… Rita is exhausted today because she didn’t get any sleep last night  If Rita ……………………………………………………… She’s very thin; perhaps that’s why she feels cold so much  If she …………………………………………………… 10 He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart  If he …………………………………………………… (9) 11 He can’t park near his office; that’s why he doesn’t come by car  If he …………………………………………………… 12 My house is guarded by two big dogs That’s the only reason it isn’t broken into every night  If my house ………………………………………………………… 13 The flats are not clearly numbered, so it is very difficult to find anyone  If the flats … ……………………………………………………… 14 I don’t know her e-mail address, so I can’t tell you  If I …………………………………………………………………… 15 She works in the evening She has no time to play with her children  If she ………………………………………………………………… 16 I don’t want them to be upset, so I’ve decided not to tell them what happened  They …………………………………………………………… 17 I am not tall enough to join the basketball team  If I …………………………………………………………………… 18 He doesn’t see the signal so he doesn’t stop his car  If he ………………………………………………………………… 19 Peter gets bad marks because he doesn’t prepare his lessons well  If Peter ……………………………………………………………… 20 Mary doesn’t have enough money She can’t buy a new car  If Mary ……………………………………………………………… 21 Go right now or you’ll be late for the train  If you………………………………………………………………… 22 He doesn’t apply for the job because he doesn’t have enough qualifications  If he ………………………………………………………………… 23 Hurry up, or we will be late for the exam  If we ………………………………………………………………… 24 They not understand you because you not often talk to them  If you ………………………………………………………………… 25 Because you speak English unnaturally, they not understand you  If you ………………………………………………………………… C Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence I would have visited you before if there _ quite a lot of people in your house A hadn't B hadn't been C wouldn't be D wasn't If you had caught the bus, you _ late for work A wouldn't have been B would have been C wouldn’t be D would be If I _, I would express my feelings A were asked B would ask C had been asked D asked If _ as I told her, she would have succeeded A she has done B she had done C she does D she did Will you be angry if I _ your pocket dictionary? A stole B have stolen C were to steal D steal You made a mistake by telling her a lie It _ better if you _ to her A would have been / hadn't lied B would be / didn't lie C will be / don't lie D would be / hadn't lied John would be taking a great risk if he _ his money in that business A would invest B invested C had invested D invests She wouldn't have given them all that money if we _ her to A wouldn’t advise B won't advise (10) C hadn't advised D didn't advise If the tree hadn't been so high, he _ it up to take his kite down A could have climbed B climb C is climbing D climbed 10 If the wall weren't so high, he _ it up to take his ball down A climbed B could climbC is climbing D climb 11 If I _ her phone number, I _ her last night A had known / could have phoned B knew / would have phoned C know / can phone D knew / could phone 12 If he the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him A tells B told C had told D would tell 13 If you press that button what _? A would happen B would have happened C will happen D happen 14 She says if she _ that the traffic lights were red she _ A had realized / would stop B realized / could have stopped C has realized / stopped D had realized / would have stopped 15 I am very thin I think, if I _ smoking, I might get fat A stop B had stoppedC will stop D stopped 16 If I _ that yesterday, I _ them A had discovered / would inform B had discovered / would have informed C had discovered / could inform D discovered / can inform 17 If you _ to the course regularly, they a certificate last year A go / gave B go / give C had gone / would have given D went / would give 18 I think he is not at home If he _ in, he the phone A was / answered B were / would answer C were / would have answered D.had been / would have answered 19 If I in London now, I could visit British Museum A were B had been C have been D would be 20 If Columbus _ money from Queen Isabella, he _ across the Atlantic A not receive / could not sail B had not received / might not have sailed C did not receive / might not have sailed D would not receive / might not sail 21 If you didn't wear shabby clothes, you _ more good-looking A will be B would be C would have beenD can be 22 If your hair _ grey now, what you ? A went / would / B goes / would /do C had gone / would/do D had gone / would have / done 23 If you be someone, who you ? A could / would / have been B could / would / be C can / will / be D are able to / will / be 24 If I an Angel, I would try to make happy all the children A am B have been C were D had been 25 John would be taking a great risk if he _ his money in that business A would invest B invested C had invested D invests 26 It if nobody had reminded them A would have be forgot B would have been forgot (11) C would have forget D would have been forget 27 The car if somebody takes it there A will be repaired B would be repaired C will been repaired D is repair 28 You to prison if you did that A would be send B would have been sent C would be sent D were sent 29 You would study Italian if it _ here A was teaching B were taught C would be taught D is taught 30 It _ if nobody reminded them A was forgotten B would be forget C would be forgot D would forgot 31 The magazine _ by more people if it had better articles A would be reading B would read C would be read D been read 32 The joke would not be funny if it _ into French A were translated B is translated C was be translated D translated 33 A doctor _ if somebody falls ill A will be cold for B will be called for C will call for D would be call for 34 Would she go if she _? A were invited B was be invited C have been invited D be invited 35 He _ the death penalty if he were found guilty A would be given B would be gave C would given D were given 36 Who would have won the World War II if the nuclear bomb _ by the Nazus first A had be produced B had produced C had been produced D would be produced 37 The room if it is not empty A couldn’t be repainted B cannot be repainted C could be repainted D can be repainted 38 He _ the death penalty if he had been found guilty A would has given B would has been given C would have given D would have been given 39 The cars _ if we had not done such a huge advertising campaign A would not have been bought B would not have be bought C would have been bought D would not had been bought 40 If I were a better conversationalist , _ to parties more often? A I would be invited B I would have been invited C would I be invited D would I have been invited 41.Kevin never seems to get tired I wish I _ his energy A can have B have had C had D would have 42 If I him yesterday, I would have to come back tomorrow A didn’t meet B have met C met D hadn’t met 43 If she the truth, I think she’d never want to see you again A would know B knows C will know D knew 44 I would never have believed it with my own eyes A if I didn’t see B if I hadn’t seen (12) C if I haven’t seen D if I wouldn’t have seen 45 I wish I had remembered your number Otherwise, I you A phoned B would phone C would have phoned D will have phone 46 Such typing mistakes _ avoided if you had been more careful A can have been C would be C might have been D should be 47 Carol was late for work this morning But for the traffic jam, she half an hour earlier A could come B could have come C had come D can have come 48 Don’t worry home late tonight A when I’ll be B if I’ll be C unless I’ll be D if I’m 49 I one of my special desserts for dinner, if you like A make B will make C am going to makeD am making 50 When you Bob, tell him he still owes me some money A see B are going to see C will see D are seeing 51 I wish I him, but I don’t A like B can like C liked D would like 52 She feels lonely because she doesn’t know many people there She wishes she more people A will know B knew C knows D has known 53 If I the flu, I would have joined you for the trip A hadn’t had B haven’t had C didn’t haveD had has 54 “I’m not staying any longer.” “I wish you .” A can B will C are D were 55 But for the hold-up, we here in time A would have been B could be C had been D must have been 56 I miss my old motorbike, I wish I it I had it for years A I didn’t sell B hadn’t sold C had sold D haven’t sold 57 Jill regrets having bought that second-hand laptop She wishes she A didn’t buy it B hasn’t bought it C wouldn’t have bought it D hadn’t bought it 58 I’m sorry I missed seeing my old friend at your party I wish I A had been there B was there C could have been there D should have been there 59 I lost your phone number Otherwise, I you much earlier A will contact B would have contacted C would contact D had contacted 60 “I’m sorry you failed the test.” “Frankly, I wish I harder.” A could study B had studied C have studied D would have studied 61 “Are we lost?” “I’m afraid we are If only we a map with us.” A brought B would have brought C could have brought D had brought 62 If the lecture so quickly, we’d have understood his speech A didn’t speak B hadn’t spoken C wouldn’t have spoken D shouldn’t have spoken 63 If you put salt in water, it A dissolves B would dissolve C could dissolve D dissolved 64 , please paint the windows before you leave A If you’ll have enough time (13) B If you have enough time C Unless you have enough time D Unless you can have enough time 65 Jeff wouldn’t have bumped into the waitress if he in such a hurry A weren’t B hasn’t been C hadn’t been D wouldn’t have been 66 If you Mary by chance, please give her my phone number A met B should meet C could meet D will meet 67 My parents lent me the money Otherwise, I this shop A hadn’t opened B couldn’t open C weren’t be able to open D wouldn’t have opened 68 I think she would forgive you if you to speak to her A are trying B would try C tried D have tried 69 I wouldn’t have to take this course if my English better A were B had been C would be D would have been 70 If we hadn’t got lost, we arrived much earlier A had B would be C might be D could have 71 But for his wife’s encouragement, he gotten to the top of his profession A hadn’t B hasn’t C won’t have D wouldn’t have 72 I wish I more careful with my money in the future A would beB should be C could be D had been 73 “You speak English well.” “Yes, but I wish I another foreign language well too.” A speak B can speak C would speak D could speak 74 “Did you watch the football match late last night?” “No, I didn’t, but I wish I .” A were B have had C had D did 75 “I doubt whether I can get through the test.” “If you did as I told you, you ” A can succeed B could succeed C had succeeded D would have succeeded 76 “I’m too tired to study.” “If you hadn’t watched that late movie last night, you _ so tired now.” A wouldn’t be B hadn’t been C wouldn’t have been D would have been 77 “Did you invest that company, Carol?” “Yes, but now I wish I ” A didn’t B hadn’t C did D had 78 She was too shy Otherwise, she _ many more friends A will make B can make C would have made D should have made 79 If I had known that you couldn’t eat eel, I bought it A wouldn’t B won’t have C hadn’t D wouldn’t have 80 Without the life-jackets, most passengers _ drowned in that accident A would have been B would be C had been D were 81 “I couldn’t have made it without your help” means A I couldn’t have made it if you helped me B I couldn’t have made it if you had helped me C I couldn’t have made it if you hadn’t helped me D I couldn’t have made it if you didn’t help me 82 She didn’t stop her car because shi didn’t see the signal A If she saw the signal, she would stop her car B If she had seen the signal, she would stop her car C If she had seen the signal, she would have stopped her car D If she saw the signal, she would have stopped her car (14) 83 His flight was delayed so he couldn’t be here on time A He would be here in time if his flight were not delayed B He would have been here in time if his flight hadn’t been delayed C He would be here in time if his flight hadn’t been delayed D He would have been here in time if his flight weren’t delayed 84 Without your help, I couldn’t overcome the problem A If you don’t help me, I can’t overcome the problem B If you didn’t help me, I couldn’t overcome the problem C If you hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t overcome the problem D If you hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t have overcome the problem 85 Thanks to Laura’s report, I was able to finish the project A If there isn’t Laura’s report, I wouldn’t finish the project B Had it not been for Laura’s report, I wouldn’t have been to finish the project C If Laura didn’t help me, I wouldn’t finish the project D I wouldn’t have finished the project if Laura didn’t help me D Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting 86.What you if you won the first prize of the lottery? A B C D 87 Would people be able to fly, if they have feathers instead of hair? A B C D 88 George now wishes he hasn’t broken his encouragement with Marian A B C D 89 I would it if I could, but I can’t so I wouldn’t even try A B C D 90 If a drop of oil is placed in a glass of water, it would float to the top A B C D 91 If Peter had been more careful, he wouldn’t break the camera I lent A B C D him 92 Roger wouldn’t have made such a lot of mistakes if he hasn’t been so A B C tired D 93 How nice it would be for our parents if we could built the house A B C D 94 He wouldn’t have able to pass the test if his English hadn’t been A B C good enough D 95 If only we knew all this information about the market many weeks A B C D ago 96 My father gave me a watch for my birthday, but I wish he has given A B C me laptop instead D 97 If your son were old enough, he could be able to take the competition A B C D next week 98 If she had send a telegram, we would have received it by now A B C D (15) 99 They wouldn’t have order more books if they had noticed that the A B C sales were falling D 100 I would have called you if I could have known your number A B C D Rewrite the sentences using conditional sentences His father often punishes him because he is lazy She is too old so she cannot go hiking The car is very expensive and he doesn’t have enough money to buy it They don’t go for a picnic because the weather is bad I shan’t buy a dictionary; I don’t have enoughmoney I’m busy tonight, so I can’t come and have dinner with you It rained heavily; that’s why I can’t go to school You got into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t screen on the window 10 He is busy right now, so he can’t help them 11 I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking 12 I’m not youso I can’t tell him the truth 13 She came, so he wasn’t disappointed 14 They don’t behavethemselves so their parents are not happy about that 15 She didn’t say sorry so he was angry 16 I am not arich businessman and I can’t affort to buy an expensive car 17 It rained last night so I didn’t go to the barbecue 18 My parents not allow me to go, so I hev to saty at home 19 She doesn’t pay attention to her cooking so the food is horrible 20 The weather was very nice so we didn’t go camping 21 the computer broke down and I had to stop my work 22 She loves him so she forgives him easily 23 He was angry so I didn’t say anything  Conditional in reported speech 1.“If you pass your test, I will buy you a car”, he said => He told me if I passed my test, he would buy me a car 2.“If I were King you would be Queen”, he said to his wife => He told his wife if he were King, she would be Queen 3.“If I’d had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you.” Matthew said => Matthew told me if he had had my mobile the day before, he could have contacted me Notes: Conditional type 1: we apply all the necessary changes as usual : changes of verb tenses, pronouns, adverbs of time and place Conditional type and : we don’t change the verb tenses, but we follow the rules to change pronouns, adverbs of time and place Exercise 2: Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech “If I were you I wouldn’t accept that offer” She said to Nam => She told _ “I will pay you a visit if I am free” She said to me =>She told “If it rains we won’t be able to go on a picnic”, they said =>They said _ “What should you if you won the first prize in the lottery?” The teacher asked his pupils =>The teacher (16) “If you hadn’t helped me I would have gone bankrupt”, she said to him =>She told _ “If I were King you would be Queen”, he said to his wife =>He told “If you don’t take physical exercises you will be overweight”, the woman said to her husband =>The woman told _ “If you had told the truth you wouldn’t have been imprisoned”, the policeman told the criminal =>The policeman told _ “If I have some money I can buy that toy”, the boy said to his father =>The boy told 10 “Will you be happy if I ask you to marry me?”, He asked his lover =>He asked _ 11 ‘If I had any money, I’d buy you a drink,’ she said to me =>She told me 12 ‘If I catch the plan, I’ll be home by five,’ he said =>He said 13 ‘You should stay in bed if you feel unwell.’ My mother said =>My mother advised me 14 ‘What would you if you were having a problem with grammar, Jane?’ Anne asked =>Anne asked 15 “What would you say if someone stepped on your feet?” he asked her => He asked her _ 16 “If I were you, I’d stop smoking.” She said to her brother =>She advised her brother _ 17 “If I don’t practice my English, I won’t get any better,” She said => She said _ Rewriting: Go to school on time, or you’ll be punished If Unless Do it carefully or you’ll feel sorry afterwards If Unless Go out more often or (else) you’ll feel ill If Unless Without the sun, man would live in the darkness If Unless Without a visa, she couldn’t have come to that country If Unless Rewriting: I don’t help him because he never asks me for help If _ I don’t know where she works, so I can’t tell you about it If I I am sick That's why I can’t help you now If I I don’t have enough money now, so I can’t buy you that toy car If _ Linda is shy That’ why she can’t be successful (17) _ if she _ The air isn’t pure, so they don’t feel healthy If Because it rains hard now, we can’t go out If John is fat because he eats so many chips If _ Jack can’t tell you about the sight because he doesn’t see it if _ 10 You don’t have more practice You can’t speak English better If 11 You will become ill if you don’t stop working so hard Unless 12 We can’t get into the house if nobody has a key Unless Change the following sentences into Unless and vice versa If you don’t tell me the truth, I cannot help you Unless she tells me the truth, I won’t forgive her They will not be successful if they don’t try more They will get angry if she doesn’t come on time He will be very sad unless she phones him Unless Mary gives us a hand, we won’t this If our parents don’t support us, we’ll be starved The result will be very bad if the teacher doesn’t help us Mary will feel disappointed unless she gets more than marks 10 If he cen’t speak English, we cannot offer him the job 11 There will be a shortage of water unless it rains CONDITONAL SENTENCES (Cont) Exercise 1: One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence is not correct in standard English Identify them If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle’s accident A B C D If a student takes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four years doing the course A B C D Unless it did not rain, Peter would pay us a visit A B C D If had I known you were in financial difficulty, I would have helped you A B C D If I had knew the time when the match started, I would have told you A B C D If she had finished the work, she can go home A B C D If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered me the job A B C D If we had had a map, we would not be lost yesterday A B C D Had I known Alice’s address, I would write to her (18) A B C D 10 If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I would stop A B C D 11 If had you sent the application form to that company, you would have been offered a job A B C D 12 If you don’t care conservation the environment, we will get unavoidable disasters A B C D /,ʌnə'vɔidəbl/ kh thể tránh được; tất yếu 13 He spends money carelessly as if he was a millionaire A B C D 14 Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness A B C D 15 Unless there had been the heavy storm, the climbers will not have died A B C D 16 She has found that nobody can help her if she did not try her best to it herself A B C D Exercise 2: Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences If the oceans _of fresh water, there _ plenty of water to irrigate all the deserts on earth A is / will be B.were / would be C would be / were D had been / would have been _have enough apples, she’ll bake an apple pie this afternoon A.Should she B If she C Will she D Unless she If you _to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble A listened B would listen C had listened D Would have listened If you don’t know how to spell a word, you _ look it up in the dictionary A must B will C should D ought If the sun _, we _for a walk A shines / will go B shone / will go C shone / would go D had shone / would go The campfire _ if it _ last night A wouldn’t be cancelled / hadn’t rained B wouldn’t have been cancelled / hadn’t rained C would have been cancelled / hadn’t rained D will be cancelled / rains But for our parents, we _ successful in life A will never be B would never be C wouldn’t have be D would have never been If I _ my wallet at home this morning, I _ money for lunch now A leave / will have B didn’t leave / would have C hadn’t left / would have D hadn’t left / would have had It is too bad, Lam isn’t here If he _ here, he _ what to A were / would know B is / will know C had been / would have known D was / would know 10 If we _ the plans carefully, we would not have had so many serious mistakes A study B had studied C studied D were studying 11 I will never talk to you again _ you apologize me _ your being rude A if / for B unless / for C or / of D whether / or 12 _ if you work harder, you will be sacked A Whether B If C However D Unless 13 I think you should stop smoking A If I am you, I will stop smoking B If I were you, I will stop smoking C If I were you, I would stop smoking D If I had been you, I would stop smoking 14 If you take the ice out of the fridge, it _ A vaporizes B melts C heats D disappears 15 We should something to protect water from being polluted _we will have nothing to drink in the future (19) A if B whether C or D unless 16 If / you / want / get ahead / this company / have / be prepared / work / long hours A If you want to get ahead this company, you have to be prepared work long hours B If you want to get ahead in this company, you have to be prepared working long hours C If you want to get ahead for this company, you have to be prepared working long hours D If you want to get ahead in this company, you have to be prepared to work long hours 17 not / forget / keep / touch / me / if / you / come / Singapore A Don’t forget keeping in touch with me if you come to Singapore B Don’t forget to keeping in touch with me if you come to Singapore C Don’t forget to keep in touch with me if you come to Singapore D Don’t forget kept in touch with me if you come to Singapore 18 If I can’t afford something, I never buy it A I never buy anything that I can’t afford B I never buy something that I can’t afford C I never buy anything that I can afford D The thing that I can’t afford I never buy anything 19 The police want to contact with people if they saw him A The police want to talk to anyone who sees the man B The police want to talk to anyone who saw the man C The police wants to talk to anyone who saw the man D The police who saw the man want to talk to someone 20 How should people be punished if they start a fire? A What we should with someone who starts the fire? B What should we with someone starts the fire? C What with someone who starts the fire should we do? D What should we with someone who starts the fire? 21 Let’s knock on their door to see _ home A if they’re B unless they’re C whether they were D if they were 22 Unless we _ more snow, we can’t go skiing A will have B have C have had D had 23 You’ll fail the exam _ you start revising A if B until C when D unless 24 Unless you wash the car, you _ not drive it at the weekend A would B could C have to D may 25 If Peter _ his car before the drive, he _ the problem of out of petrol A checked / will not get B had checked / would not have got C checks / will not have got D would be checking / will not have got 26 He stepped on the mine, and it exploded A If he doesn’t step on the mine, it doesn’t explode B If he doesn’t step on the mine, it won’t explode C If he didn’t step on the mine, it wouldn’t explode D If he hadn’t stepped on the mine, it wouldn’t have exploded 27 In my experiments, the liquid is cooled to 32ºF It always freezes A If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it froze B If you cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would freeze C If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it will freeze D If you had cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would have frozen 28 It may rain this afternoon I hope it doesn’t because I don’t want the match to be cancelled A If it rains, the match is cancelled B If it rains, the match will be cancelled C if it rained, the match would be cancelled D If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled (20) 29 Unfortunately, I don’t know Philosophy, so I can’t answer your question A If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question B If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question C If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question D If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question 30 If the bag had not been heavy, we would have taken it with us A The bag is heavy, so we cannot take it with us B The bag was heavy, so we could not take it with us C Because the bag was heavy so we could not take it with us D We took the bag with us although it was heavy 31 _ there are some more ideas, we can end the meeting now A If B As if C Unless D In case 32 If he _ with us now, he _ the beauty of nature of the National Park A is / can enjoy B was / will enjoy C has been / would enjoy D were / could enjoy 33 If they had searched more carefully, they…the watch sooner A will find B would find C found D would have found 34 If I had got up early, I _ to have breakfast now A have B.I had C would have D would have had 35 He talked as if nothing _ A has happened B had happened C will happen D would happen 36 Can you imagine what _ if everyone _ A will happen / can fly B would happen / could fly C had happened / could have flown D happened / will have happened 37 The wind was so strong that the cottage collapsed A The wind was too strong to collapse the cottage B If the wind were not so strong, the cottage would not collapse C Due to the strong wind, the cottage collapsed D It is the strong wind made the cottage collapsed 38 Slow down _ A In case you will get and accident B Provided that you would get and accident C And you will get and accident D Or you will get an accident 39 I regret behaving so impolitely with her and she was disappointed A Unless I behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed B Provided that I did not behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed C I wish I did not behave so impolitely with her D If I had not behaved so impolitely with her, she would not have been disappointed 40 I cannot buy a new computer _ I save enough money A if B even if C unless D as if 41 Most people you meet will be polite to you _ A if you are polite to them B if you will be polite to them C unless you are polite to them D if you were polite to them 42 Take an umbrella with you _ A in case it rains B unless it rains C if it will rain D even if it would rain 43 If you so, it _ the matter worse A makes only B would only make C will only make D had only made 44 You _ English fluently unless you practice it every day A will speak B will not speak C can speak D did not speak 45 Hurry up _ you will miss the bus and be late for school A if B and C or D as (21) 46 You will get a good seat if you _ first A come B came C have come D will come 47 The baby will die if nobody sends for a doctor A unless a doctor is sent for B if a doctor is sent for C unless nobody sends for a doctor D if a doctor will be sent 48 He needs a lot of money to cure his daughter’s illness _ he works day and night A if B unless C then D so 49 Sam will not graduate _ A if he passed all the tests B if he does not pass all the tests C unless he passes all the tests D unless he had passed all the tests 50 _ , we cannot continue our journey A If there is not enough food B If only there is not enough food C Only if there is enough food D If there was enough food 51 If I had been more confident, I would have passed the driving test I failed my driving test because of my lack of confidence I had failed my driving test because of my lack of confidence I passed the driving test in spite of my lack of confidence I passed the driving test with confidence 52 You / in need / I / help A If you are in need, I will help you with something B If you are in need, and I will help you with something C If you are in need or I will help you with something D Otherwise you are in need, I will help you with something 53 Ok / I / pick you up / o’clock / afternoon? A Do you OK if I pick you up at o’clock in the afternoon? B Is it OK if I pick if I pick you up at o’clock in the afternoon? C Do you mind it is OK if I pick you up at o’clock in the afternoon? D I wonder is it OK if I pick you up at o’clock in the afternoon? 54 I / get / refund / change / another sweater A I would like to get the refund if you can change me another sweater B Unless I would like to get the refund or you can change me another sweater C I would like to get the refund or you can change me another sweater D I would like to get the refund; consequently, you can change me another sweater 55 If I had time, I would go with you A.I am free and surely go with you B.I am too busy to go with you C I will go with you because I have time D I am free enough to go with you 56 America/if/college tuition/high/they/may/need/work/part-time/help pay/their education A In America, if college tuition was high, they may need working part-time to help pay for their education B In America, if college tuition is high, they may need working part-time to help pay for their education C In America, if college tuition is high, they may need to work part-time to help pay for their education D In America, if college tuition is high, they may need to working part-time to help pay for their education 57 If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she… Injured A has been B would has been C would be D would have been 58 If I _ the rain yesterday, I _ ill A had not caught / would have been B had not caught / would have not been C have not caught / were not D have not caught / would have been 59 He looked frightened as if he _ a ghost (22) A sees B is seeing C has seen D had seen 60 What _if there _ a serious nuclear accident A will happen / was B happens / were C would happen / were D would happen / had been Exercise 3: Choose A,B, C, D that isn’t correct and correct them 1) If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean A B C D 2) We should visit that part of the country if it will be spring A B C D 3) If I will make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends A B C D 4) We could had done more if we had had more time A B C D 5) He said that if he has more time, he would come to see us A B C D PRACTICE TEST: CONDITIONAL SENTENCE Câu If you pass your examination we _ a celebration A have B will have C would have had D would have Câu If I had time, I _ to the beach with you this weekend A will go B will have gone C would go D would have gone Câu If she _ late again, she'll lose her job A came B comes C had come D come Câu If I had enough money, _ that house A I am buy B I could buy C I can buy D I will buy Câu If you had told me earlier, I _ it to you A would give B will give C would have given D gave Câu If it , I will come to see you A didn't rain B doesn't rain C don't rain D not rain Câu I to work if I had a car A drove B will drive C would drive D would have driven Câu If he _to me, he wouldn't have failed in the exams A had listened B has listened C listens D listened Câu Had he come earlier, he her A would meet B would have met C might meet D will meet Câu 10 If I were you, I _ a new car A buy B will buy C would buy D bought Câu 11 If there were no gravity, everything A would float B floated C would be floating D will float Câu 12 You if you take a map A will get lost B would get lost C won't get lost D would have got lost Câu 13 We would save thousands of lives if we out the remedy for the flu (23) A had not found B found C find D will find Câu 14 If I ten years younger, I would yoga everyday A are B were C have been D am Câu 15 Unless you go now, you late for school A will be B would have been C would be D are Câu 16 If we _ in a town, life would be better A had lived B lived C would live D live Câu 17 We _ you if we have time A would phone B had phoned C phoned D will phone Câu 18 If I won the lottery, I _ you half the money A had given B gave C will give D would give Câu 19 It _ be a pity if she married Fred A can B would C may D will Câu 20 If I'm free on Saturday, I to the mountains A went B could go C to go D can go Câu 21 A will be B is C would be D were Câu 22 I know I'll feel better if I _ smoking A stopped B will stop C stop D had stopped Câu 23 If I _ you, I would help him A had been B were C am D will be Câu 24 I could understand him if he _ more slowly A speaks B spoke C would speak D had spoken Câu 25 The kitchen will look better if we _ red curtains A had B had had C would have D have Câu 26 If I knew his address, I round and see him A go B will go C would go D went Câu 27 It _ quicker if you use a computer A would be B will be C been D were Câu 28 "Will you come to the party tomorrow?" - "I will if I _ no visitors" A had B will have C have D am having Câu 29 If it too cold, we could go on a picnic A wouldn't be B isn't C weren't D wouldn't be Câu 30 If they didn't live so far away, I _ them every week A will visit B visited C visit D would visit Câu 31 Unless we _ throwing garbage into the river, it will be polluted A won't stop B stop C will stop D don't stop Câu 32 She is too weak; she can't sit up and talk to you A If she isn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you B If she wasn't too weak, she could sit up and talk to you C If she hadn't been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you D If she wasn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you Câu 33 I don't have enough money with me now; otherwise I will buy that coat A If I had enough money with me now, I wouldn't buy that coat B If I had enough money with me now, I would buy that coat C If I didn't have enough money with me now, I would buy that coat D If I didn't have enough money with me now, I wouldn't buy that coat Câu 34 If I had known you would come, A I would wait for you B I would have waited for you C I will wait for you D I would not have waited for you Câu 35 I wish I a trip to London last year A took B will take C take D had taken (24) Câu 36 She wishes she a lot of money now A will have B had C had had Câu 37 The weather was terrible I wish it _ warmer A has been B was C were Câu 38 I'd rather you in here A don't smoke B won't smoke C didn't smoke Câu 39 He talked as if he where she was A were knowing B had known C knew 11 21 31 12 22 32 13 23 33 14 24 34 15 25 35 16 26 36 17 27 37 D has D had been D not smoked D would know 18 28 38 19 29 39 10 20 30 40 Đáp án: 01 B; 02 C; 03 B; 04 B; 05 C; 06 B; 07 C; 08 A; 09 B; 10 C; 11 A; 12 C; 13 B; 14 B; 15 A; 16 B; 17 D; 18 D; 19 B; 20 D; 21 A; 22 C; 23 B; 24 B; 25 D; 26 C; 27 B; 28 C; 29 C; 30 D; 31 B; 32 B; 33 B; 34 B; 35 D; 36 B; 37 D; 38 C; 39 B; (25)

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2021, 23:22

