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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 11 Period: 41 Date:07/11/16 Lesson One Words Objectives To identify different animals To understand a short story   Language Language focus: listening, reading Vocabulary: penguin, zebra, monkey, kangaroo, camel, lizard, crocodile Extra vocabulary: funny, zoo, wait, see, come (here)    Resources and materials Student Book p 36 Workbook p 34 Audio Tracks 44–45 Zoo animals Flashcards 59–65 Grade Flashcards 94–95, 100–102 A4 paper with a three inch diameter circle cut in it Worksheet 1: My favorite animal (one copy per child) Colored pencils         Culture note: Petting zoos Many U.S cities and towns have petting zoos Children are encouraged to feed and interact with farm and other more exotic animals that are not dangerous Visitors can feed animals like goats and giraffes right out of their hands The goal is to promote respect for animals while enjoying their unique qualities Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer    Play a game of Simon says to warm up the class and practice the present progressive Ask the children to stand at their desks Explain that you are going to give instructions If the instruction begins with the words Simon says…, children have to as you ask If not, they have to stand still and wait for the next instruction Any child who gets this wrong is out of the game and has to sit down Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!    Give an instruction that reviews the previous structures and vocabulary, e.g., Simon says… you’re windsurfing; Simon says… you’re swimming; Simon says… you’re playing on the beach Intermittently insert an instruction which is not preceded by “Simon says…” to see which children are really paying attention Continue the game until there is one winner left standing or a group of winners if you prefer Animal actions      Write these animals from Grade on the board: lion, snake, elephant, giraffe, parrot Alternatively, put the Grade Flashcards for these animals (94–95, 100–102) on the board As a class, decide on actions for each animal This will help you to check that they remember the animals Tell children they are going to visit the zoo, and divide the class into two groups When you point to a group and say an animal, the children in that group pretend to be the animal The other group pretends to take a photo Point to a group and say, e.g., Look at the elephants! Lead-in      Tell children they are going to learn the names of some zoo animals Ask children to call out the names of any zoo animals they remember from the previous levels, e.g., elephant, lion, snake, tiger, giraffe, zebra, parrot Use Flashcards 59–65 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson Hold the flashcards up one at a time and model any words the children don’t know Say all the words again for children to repeat Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)     Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures of the zoo animals Play the first part of the recording (Track 44) for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture Repeat if necessary Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and then repeat the words in chorus Transcript (Track 44) Listen and point penguin, zebra, monkey, kangaroo, camel, lizard, crocodile penguin, kangaroo, zebra, camel, monkey, crocodile, lizard Listen and repeat penguin, zebra, monkey, kangaroo, camel, lizard, crocodile Can you see?       Cut a hole in a piece of paper or card that is bigger or the same size as the flashcards The hole should be about two inches across or three inches if you have a big class Choose a flashcard without showing children, and put the paper with the hole in front of the flashcard Move the piece of paper around so that children see glimpses of the flashcard beneath Ask What’s this? or another appropriate question The first child to call out the answer correctly comes to the front to choose the next flashcard Continue until all the words in the vocabulary set have been practiced Development Listen and read (Exercise 2)   Focus children’s attention on the story Talk about each frame with the class and ask questions, e.g., Where are the children? Who is with them? What animals can you see? What Leo / Max / Amy have? Encourage predictions about the story Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!    Play the recording (Track 45) for children to listen and follow the words of the story in their books Ask comprehension questions, e.g., Can Holly see? What does the monkey take from Leo / Max / Amy? Does the monkey eat the sandwich? Who does the monkey like? Play the recording a second time for children to follow and ask them which two words from Exercise are in the story (penguin and monkey) Is it safe?     Ask children to look at the pictures in the story again Ask Can you play with zoo animals? Can you give them sandwiches? Elicit No Explain that the monkey was funny, but the children did something a bit dangerous They were too close to the monkey Put the children into small groups and ask them to think of some other actions in the zoo that might be dangerous Ask each group to share one or two of their ideas with the class Consolidation Sounds of the jungle Put the children into groups Ask all the children to think of their favorite animal, without letting the other children know Tell them to think of the sound it makes and how it moves  Each child makes the sound of their animal and mimes its action for the other children to guess Worksheet 1: My favorite animal        Give out copies of the worksheet, one for each child Tell the children to think about their favorite animal and draw a picture of it in the box Ask them to write some facts about their animal They can use their imagination to choose its name and age, and they can ask the teacher or other children for help if they don’t know what it eats and where it lives Ask the children to use their imagination to write about their animals’ likes and dislikes Tell children to leave the last line blank Put the pictures up around the room and tell the children to walk around and look at each other’s work They should try to work out what kind of animal is shown on each picture Exercises: Workbook p 34 Story time: A reader of your choice Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 12 Period:42-43 Date: 07/12/16 Lesson Two Grammar Objectives To identify present progressive questions and short answers To respond to present progressive questions using short answers  To act out a story   Language  Vocabulary: Are you reading? Yes, I am / No, I’m not Is the monkey eating the sandwich? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t Are they eating? Yes, they are / No, they aren’t Resources and materials Student Book pp 36–37 Workbook p 35 Audio Tracks 45–46 Zoo animals Flashcards 59–65     Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer    Draw a plan of a zoo on the board Write the names of the zoo animals from the flashcards in each enclosure You may add decorative trees and walls but no animals Hold up the Zoo animals Flashcards one by one and ask children to tell you where to put them Children call out the names of the animals Put the animals in the correct places on the board Lead-in   With books closed, ask children what happened in the story Ask Where the children go? What animals they see? What does the monkey take? Who does it like? Tell children to open their Student Books and turn to the story on p 36 to check their answers Presentation Listen to the story and repeat Act (Exercise 1)   Play the recording (Track 45), pausing for children to repeat Divide the class into groups of four to play Amy, Holly, Max, and Leo If the class does not divide exactly, some children can act twice or you can give the non-speaking parts: Dad (and the monkey if this is appropriate for your class) Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!    As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below) Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen and say their character’s lines Groups may act out the story at the same time, or you may ask some groups to act out the story in front of the class Monitor and check pronunciation Story actions Picture 1: Max holds his book Amy points to the penguins Leo looks at the kangaroos Holly stands on tiptoes to see Picture 2: Leo holds a sandwich and the monkey takes it Leo is surprised Amy and Max laugh Amy holds her bag Holly stands on tiptoes Picture 3: Max tugs to keep his book Amy tries to hold on to her bag Holly stands on tiptoes Leo laughs Picture 4: Leo lifts Holly on his shoulders (ask the Leos just to pretend to lift someone) Holly reaches and takes the things from the monkey Amy and Max smile at the monkey Listen and repeat (Exercise 2)       Write Are you sleeping? on the board Ask a child to ask you the question Pretend to sleep and say Yes, I am Then pretend to something else, and ask another child to ask the question again Say No, I’m not Ask individual children or the whole class questions to elicit positive and negative short answers, e.g., Are you listening to the teacher? Are you sleeping? Are you wearing a hat? Ask children to turn to p 37 in their Student Books Focus attention on the picture, and ask two children to read aloud the speech bubbles Play the recording (Track 46) of the sentences in the Let’s learn! chart, pausing after each one for children to repeat Write Yes, he is and No, he isn’t on the board, and then draw stick figures on the board doing things that children know Ask questions for children to choose the correct short answers on the board, e.g., Is he fishing? Is he reading? Development Miming game    Write Are you…? on the board and mime an action that the children know Elicit the question Are you (reading)? and answer Yes, I am Give a child an action to mime The class asks the question and the child answers Put the children into small groups to continue playing the game Read and check () (Exercise 3)   Look at the example with children and check that they understand the exercise Children the rest of the exercise individually  Go through the answers with the class Answers No, he isn’t Yes, they are Yes, it is No, she isn’t Write (Exercise 4)    Look at the example with the class and check that they understand the exercise Children the rest of the exercise individually Go through the answers with the class You might like to ask extra questions about the pictures, e.g., Are the kangaroos eating? Is the woman looking at the zebra? Answers No, they aren’t Yes, it is Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! No, she isn’t Yes, they are Consolidation Let’s practice!    Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble Ask Is he sleeping? Have one student answer Yes, he is Have a pair of students ask and answer the same question Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the question Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page Put the letters in order   Show the class a Zoo animals Flashcard and elicit the word Hide the card Write the scrambled letters of that word on the board, followed by the correct number of lines for the number of letters Call children to come to the board to write one letter at a time to complete the word Encourage the rest of the class to call out the letters to help them Marionette     Ask the children to work in pairs Each child writes four questions in the present progressive to ask his/her partner Children then take turns to ask their partners the questions Students can answer yes or no, but they must the action that corresponds with the question For example: Child 1: Are you reading? Child 2: Yes, I am (while doing the action) OR No, I'm not (while doing another action) If the child answers no, his/her partner must ask another question to guess what he/she is doing Exercises: Workbook p 35 Story time: A reader of your choice Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 11 Period: 44 Date: 07/11/16 Lesson Three Grammar and Song Objectives To ask and answer present progressive questions: third person singular To use present progressive questions (third person plural) and short answers in the context of a song   Language Language focus: writing, speaking Extra vocabulary: notebook, lion, tiger, parrot, climb, talk   Resources and materials Student Book p 38 Workbook p 36 Audio Track 47 Worksheet 2: Choose a boy (one copy for each child)     Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer      Play Think of a word to review the animals children know Choose a child and ask him / her to think of an animal The child calls out the word Ask the child to point to another child in the classroom, who has to think of and say another word Continue around the class Children can say animals from this unit or previous levels, and they can repeat words, but they can’t say the same word as the person before them Lead-in  Ask children to open their Student Books to p 38 and ask questions about the picture, e.g., What animals can you see? Are the girls with their moms and dads? How many people are wearing hats / eating a sandwich? How many penguins can you see? Are the monkeys swimming? Are they climbing? Presentation Choose a girl Ask and answer (Exercise 1)     Ask children to find Chi in the picture Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class Check that children understand the exercise, and tell them to choose two or three girls each Ask children to work in pairs and the exercise Monitor and help where necessary Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!  Ask some pairs to ask and answer their questions for the class Write about a girl (Exercise 2)     Read the example with the children and ask them to find Thanh in the picture Ask children to tell you the second sentence about Thanh Elicit She’s wearing a hat Ask children to write about another girl, using the example to help them Monitor and help where necessary Ask some children to read aloud their sentences for the class Which girl is it?    Ask children to look at the picture and choose any girl They should remember what the girl is doing and then stand up Tell children you are going to choose a girl and say sentences about her If the person they chose doesn’t match your sentences, they must sit down Say This girl is wearing a hat (half the class sit down) She isn’t taking a photo (children who chose Thanh sit down) She’s eating a sandwich (children who chose Chi sit down, leaving the children who chose Ly)  Ask the children to choose again and repeat, saying different things Development Listen and sing (Exercise 3)       Ask children to look at the pictures and name the animals Elicit what each pair of animals is doing (climbing, running, walking, talking, swimming, sleeping) Play the recording (Track 47) for children to listen and point to the pictures in their books Play the recording again for children to follow the words Recite the words of the song with the class, without the recording Say each line and ask children to repeat Play the recording for children to sing along  Repeat (more than once if you wish) Sing and (Exercise 4)     As a class, decide on the actions for the song (see suggestions below) Practice the actions with the class Play the recording for children to listen and the actions Ask children Which animals aren’t in the pictures? (the lizards) Song actions Are the monkeys climbing? – reach up with your hands Are the zebras running? – stamp your feet to pretend to run Are the tigers walking? – move your arms as if walking on four legs Are the parrots talking? – make beaks with your fingers to show two birds talking Are the penguins swimming? – mime swimming Are the parrots flying? – flap your elbows as if flying Are the lizards eating? – mime eating Are the lions sleeping? – stretch and yawn Consolidation Memory game   Tell children to look at the song pictures for one minute and remember what the animals are doing and then close their books Call out questions, e.g., Are the lions climbing? Are the parrots talking? Children say Yes, they are or No, they aren’t Worksheet 2: Choose a boy Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!       Give out the worksheets to the children, one for each child Ask the children to look at the pictures, and then work in pairs to ask and answer questions with their partner, as in Exercise Let them continue until they have talked about all of the pictures Ask them to look at the example sentence, and then work individually to write sentences about the boys Monitor and help where needed Ask children around the room to read a sentence about one of the boys Exercises: Workbook p 36 Story time: A reader of your choice Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 12 Period: 45-46 Date: 14/11/16 Lesson Three Grammar and Song Objectives To ask and answer present progressive questions: third person singular To use present progressive questions (third person plural) and short answers in the context of a song   Language Language focus: writing, speaking Extra vocabulary: notebook, lion, tiger, parrot, climb, talk   Resources and materials Student Book p 38 Workbook p 36 Audio Track 47 Worksheet 2: Choose a boy (one copy for each child)     Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer      Play Think of a word to review the animals children know Choose a child and ask him / her to think of an animal The child calls out the word Ask the child to point to another child in the classroom, who has to think of and say another word Continue around the class Children can say animals from this unit or previous levels, and they can repeat words, but they can’t say the same word as the person before them Lead-in  Ask children to open their Student Books to p 38 and ask questions about the picture, e.g., What animals can you see? Are the girls with their moms and dads? How many people are wearing hats / eating a sandwich? How many penguins can you see? Are the monkeys swimming? Are they climbing? Presentation Choose a girl Ask and answer (Exercise 1)    Ask children to find Chi in the picture Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class Check that children understand the exercise, and tell them to choose two or three girls each 10 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!   Ask children to work in pairs and the exercise Monitor and help where necessary Ask some pairs to ask and answer their questions for the class Write about a girl (Exercise 2)     Read the example with the children and ask them to find Thanh in the picture Ask children to tell you the second sentence about Thanh Elicit She’s wearing a hat Ask children to write about another girl, using the example to help them Monitor and help where necessary Ask some children to read aloud their sentences for the class Which girl is it?    Ask children to look at the picture and choose any girl They should remember what the girl is doing and then stand up Tell children you are going to choose a girl and say sentences about her If the person they chose doesn’t match your sentences, they must sit down Say This girl is wearing a hat (half the class sit down) She isn’t taking a photo (children who chose Thanh sit down) She’s eating a sandwich (children who chose Chi sit down, leaving the children who chose Ly)  Ask the children to choose again and repeat, saying different things Development Listen and sing (Exercise 3)       Ask children to look at the pictures and name the animals Elicit what each pair of animals is doing (climbing, running, walking, talking, swimming, sleeping) Play the recording (Track 47) for children to listen and point to the pictures in their books Play the recording again for children to follow the words Recite the words of the song with the class, without the recording Say each line and ask children to repeat Play the recording for children to sing along  Repeat (more than once if you wish) Sing and (Exercise 4)     As a class, decide on the actions for the song (see suggestions below) Practice the actions with the class Play the recording for children to listen and the actions Ask children Which animals aren’t in the pictures? (the lizards) Song actions Are the monkeys climbing? – reach up with your hands Are the zebras running? – stamp your feet to pretend to run Are the tigers walking? – move your arms as if walking on four legs Are the parrots talking? – make beaks with your fingers to show two birds talking Are the penguins swimming? – mime swimming Are the parrots flying? – flap your elbows as if flying Are the lizards eating? – mime eating Are the lions sleeping? – stretch and yawn Consolidation Memory game   Tell children to look at the song pictures for one minute and remember what the animals are doing and then close their books Call out questions, e.g., Are the lions climbing? Are the parrots talking? Children say Yes, they are or No, they aren’t Worksheet 2: Choose a boy 11 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!       Give out the worksheets to the children, one for each child Ask the children to look at the pictures, and then work in pairs to ask and answer questions with their partner, as in Exercise Let them continue until they have talked about all of the pictures Ask them to look at the example sentence, and then work individually to write sentences about the boys Monitor and help where needed Ask children around the room to read a sentence about one of the boys Exercises: Workbook p 36 Story time: A reader of your choice 12 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 12 Periods: 47-48 Date:14/11/16 Lesson Four Phonics Objectives To pronounce the dipthong /ɔɪ/ To associate the sound /ɔɪ/ with the letters oy and oi in words    To identify the sound /ɔɪ/ in a chant Language Language focus: speaking Vocabulary: boy, toy, oyster, coin, oil, soil   Resources and materials Student Book p 39 Workbook p 37 Audio Tracks 40, 48–49 Phonics Cards 15–18 (boy, oyster, coin, soil)     Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer Draw a ball and a wall on the board Point to them and ask What’s this? Ask children to tell you the words they remember from the last phonics lesson (ball, mall, wall, tall, small) Play the recording (Track 40) and say the chant from Student Book p 33 to practice the all sound    Lead-in     Hold up Phonics Cards 15–18 one at a time, saying the words for children to repeat Put the words spelled with oy on one side of the board and the words with oi on the other Point to the cards on either side of the board several times for children to repeat, pointing to the letters each time to get children used to the two spellings of /ɔɪ/ Leave the cards on the board Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)     Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Student Books Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of the different words Play the first part of the recording (Track 48) for children to listen and point to the pictures Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words in chorus Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for children to point and repeat again 13 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Make sure children understand the words oyster, oil, and soil  Transcript (Track 48) Listen and point boy, toy, oyster, coin, oil, soil oil, soil, boy, toy, oyster, coin Listen and repeat boy, toy, oyster, coin, oil, soil Listen and chant (Exercise 2)      Ask children to look at the picture Ask Who can you see? What does he have in his hand? What can he see? Where is the coin? (in some soil) Play the recording (Track 49) for children to listen to the chant Play the chant again, pausing the recording after each line for children to repeat Play the chant once more for children to join in and follow Ask children to look at the picture and circle the objects from the chant Development Read the chant again Circle the words with oy and oi (Exercise 3)    Focus attention on the word boy in the chant and ask children to point to the flashcard on the board Point out that the word is spelled with oy Ask children to find and circle the other words with oy or oi in the chant Go through the answers with the class, and ask children the name of the boy if they miss Roy Answers Roy, boy (x4), toy (x4), coin (x4) Oy or oi  Divide the class into two groups Tell them you are going to read aloud some sentences One group stands up when they hear a word spelled with oy, and the other group stands up when they hear a word spelled with oi  Read aloud these sentences: Those boys are in my school I have soil on my shoes I have three coins in my pocket Hey! Those are my toys! Can I have some oil on my salad? Look at these oysters! Match and write (Exercise 4)   Ask children to look at the first picture Ask What’s this? (soil); Which letters are in “soil”? Ask children to the rest of the exercise individually  Go through the answers with the class Answers soil boy oyster coin oil toy Consolidation Let’s practice! 14 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!    Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page I’m still standing      Write the letters oy and oi on opposite sides of the board, and use the phonics cards to play a variation on I’m still standing Hold a phonics card facing you, and ask children to guess whether the word you are holding is spelled oy or oi by pointing to the letters on the board Show children the flashcard Children who guessed incorrectly sit down Do the same with the other cards until only a few or only one player is left standing Reshuffle the cards and start again Longest sentence Ask the children to work in pairs Tell them they must try to write a sentence using as many of the oi and oy words as they can Set a time limit of five minutes  At the end of the time limit, ask the pairs to count how many words are in their sentence Ask the children with the longest sentences to read them out for the class The class must decide if the sentences make sense or not! Exercises: Workbook p 37   Story time: A reader of your choice 15 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 13 Periods: 49-50 Date: 21/11/16 Lesson Five Skills Time! Objectives Reading: read and understand a story; read and match specific actions / descriptions with story characters  Language Language focus: reading, writing Vocabulary: scared, free, sorry, funny, kind Extra vocabulary: mouse, run (over), wake up, laugh, roar (v), run away, later, jungle, net, over, mouth, hear, chew  Structures: Revision    Resources and materials Student Book p 38, 40 Workbook p 38 Audio Tracks 47, 50–51 Adjectives to describe emotions Flashcards 66–70     Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer     Tell children they are going to listen to the song from Lesson again Ask children to remember the animals in the song Children call out the animals Write them on the board Ask children to open their Student Books to p 38 to check the words Play the recording (Track 47) and sing the song Are the monkeys climbing? to energize the class and review the animals vocabulary Lead-in      Tell children they are going to learn some adjectives Use Flashcards 66–70 to introduce the adjectives Use facial expressions to reinforce where appropriate Model the words for children to repeat Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat Show the children flashcards at random, and ask them to call out the words Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)   Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures in Exercise Play the first part of the recording (Track 50) for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture 16 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!   Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point, and then repeat the words in chorus Transcript (Track 50) Listen and point scared, free, sorry, funny, kind sorry, free, funny, kind, scared Listen and repeat scared, free, sorry, funny, kind Mime it!    Ask children to work in pairs Tell children to take turns to mime (through facial expression) one of the words on the flashcards Their partner must guess which word they are showing Encourage children to exaggerate and have fun showing the emotions Describe what is happening in the pictures below (Exercise 2)  Ask children to look at the text and the pictures Ask children what kind of text it is (a story)  Ask questions about each picture to encourage children to make predictions, e.g., Is the lion angry? What does he want to do? Is the mouse scared? Is the lion angry now? Is he laughing? Does the mouse help the lion? Is the lion happy? Development Listen and read (Exercise 3)      Play the recording (Track 51) for children to listen and follow the text silently in their books Check the answers to the questions you asked before children read Check that children understand the following vocabulary, using gestures and demonstration where possible: wake up, jungle, net, mouth, roar, and chew Ask How does the mouse make a hole? Elicit It chews the net Play the recording a second time and ask children to find and circle the words from Exercise in the text (they are all in the text) Read again and write (Exercise 4)     Explain that children are going to write lion or mouse in the sentences to show who does the actions in the story Look at the example with the class Allow time for children to read the text again and complete the other sentences individually Go through the answers with the class Answers lion lion mouse mouse lion mouse Order the story  Ask children to close their Student Books Write the sentences from Exercise on the board, adding two or three more events from the story, e.g., The mouse says “Don’t eat me!”  Ask children to put the events of the story in order Consolidation Performance time! 17 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!     Tell children they are going to act out a play about the lion and the mouse Write the lines below on the board, and divide the class into two groups: lions and mice [part 1] Lion [wakes up and yawns] Don’t run over my nose! Mouse I’m very sorry Lion I can eat you for dinner! Mouse Don’t eat me I can help you one day Lion [laughs] That’s funny! [part 2] Lion [walking in the jungle when the net falls] Help! Help! Mouse I can help you Don’t move [chews the net] Lion I’m free! Thank you! Children read aloud the play in their groups You may ask some children to act it out in pairs in front of the class How you feel?     Write the words on the board scared, sorry, funny, kind Say to the children I lost my friends’ football How I feel? Elicit Sorry Say I walked home through the forest at night How did I feel? Elicit Scared Ask the children to work in pairs and write one sentence for each emotion word Tell the children to work with another pair They should take turns to read their sentences and let the other pair guess the emotion Exercises: Workbook p 38 Story time: A reader of your choice 18 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 13 Period: 51-52 Date: 21/11/16 Lesson Six Skills Time! Objectives Listening: understand descriptions of things happening in pictures using the present progressive Speaking: ask and answer questions about pictures Writing: recognize and use quotation marks; write about animals (Workbook)    Language Vocabulary: Revision Extra vocabulary: watch, teacher, sit down, desk  Structures: Revision   Resources and materials Student Book p 40-41 Workbook p 39 Audio Track 52 Adjectives to describe emotions Flashcards 66–70     Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer Play Where was it? to review the vocabulary from the previous lesson Put a number of flashcards face up on the board Give the class five seconds to look at the cards Now turn all the cards over so that they are facedown Ask, for example, Where’s funny? The children try to remember the position of the card Give several children an opportunity to guess Ask them to say the word before they point to the card      Lead-in   Tell children to open their books and look at the pictures in Exercise Ask children questions about the pictures, e.g., What animals can you see? What is on the tiger’s head? Is the tiger angry? Is the monkey scared? Does the tiger climb the tree? What is the tiger doing? What is the monkey eating? Presentation Listen and write the numbers (Exercise 1)    Tell children they are going to hear a recording of a boy talking about the pictures They have to write numbers to put the pictures in the correct order Play the recording (Track 52) the whole way through for children to point to the correct pictures in order Play the recording again, pausing after each part for children to write the number 19 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!   Play the recording the whole way through again for children to check their answers Go through the answers with the class Transcript (Track 52) Look at the tiger It’s eating Look at the monkey It’s climbing The tiger is sleeping now The monkey is eating a banana The monkey is dancing now Look at the banana It’s falling! Oh, no! The tiger isn’t sleeping now The tiger is angry It’s watching the monkey It wants to eat the monkey The monkey is scared It’s running! Answers c a d b Write about the pictures    Ask children to choose a picture in Exercise and write one sentence about what the monkey is doing and one sentence about what the tiger is doing Ask children to close their Student Books Ask individual children to read aloud their sentences The rest of the class listens and then calls out the number of the picture Development Look at the pictures Ask and answer (Exercise 2)      Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class Tell children they are going to look at the pictures and ask and answer questions about the monkey and the tiger Tell children to follow the order of the pictures (to reinforce the story) Check that children understand the exercise, and ask them to work in pairs and the exercise Ask some pairs to ask and answer their questions for the class Write the quotation marks (Exercise 3)       Write the sentence from the Writing box on the board, with the quotation marks in place Ask children what the marks mean Erase the quotation marks and ask children to come to the board to put them in again Alternatively, write the first one in, then move your hands along the sentence and ask children to shout Stop! Point out that the comma is inside the quotation marks Look at the example with the class, and check that they understand the exercise Children the rest of the exercise individually Monitor and help where necessary Go through the answers with the class Answers “Thank you,” says the lion “I’m Linh,” says the girl “I’m your new teacher,” says Mr Khang “These are your desks,” he says Circle the quotation marks   Ask children to turn to the story on p 40 and circle all the quotation marks Read aloud the story Ask children to follow in their Student Books and tap their desks every time you get to a quotation mark Write three things your teacher says Use quotation marks (Exercise 4) 20 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey!    Elicit from the children something that they commonly hear you say, e.g., Good morning class or Don’t forget your homework next class! Ask them to write the three things using quotation marks Monitor and help where needed Ask a few children to share one of their sentences with the class Consolidation Mime the words      Write these verbs from Lessons and on the board: run, laugh, roar, chew, climb, eat, sleep, watch As a class, decide on a mime for each verb and remind children of any words they have forgotten Mime each word in order together with the class Call out the words for children to mime while you stay still You may wish to go faster and faster to make it more exciting, but be careful of children accidentally hitting each other Jungle stories     Children work in small groups of four or five to write a story about some animals of their choice The students are given ten minutes to write the story, but they must include at least three animals, four examples of the present continuous, two adjectives from the unit, and three uses of quotation marks Write these criteria on the board When the stories are finished, the children read them in front of the class The class listens and checks that all of the items are included If you like, the class can vote on the best story Exercises: Workbook p 39 Story time: A reader of your choice 21 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Worksheet 1: My favorite animal Draw a picture of your favorite animal Write some facts Name: Age: Lives: _ Eats: Write about its likes and dislikes My animal likes It doesn’t like _ My animal is a / an ! 22 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade Unit 5: A funny monkey! Worksheet 2: Choose a boy Choose a boy Ask and answer questions with your partner Bao Phong Huy Hoang Lam Nhan Now write sentences about the boys Bao is on the beach He’s eating an ice cream 23 – Family and Friends Special Edition _ _ _ _ _ 24 – ... choice 15 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 13 Periods: 49 -50 Date: 21 /11/ 16 Lesson Five Skills Time! Objectives Reading: read and understand a story; read and. .. 35 Story time: A reader of your choice Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Week: 11 Period: 44 Date: 07 /11/ 16 Lesson Three Grammar and Song Objectives To ask and. .. point and repeat again 13 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 5: A funny monkey! Make sure children understand the words oyster, oil, and soil  Transcript (Track 48) Listen and point

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2021, 14:44



