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Cấu trúc

  • Front Matter

    • Craig’s Restorative Dental Materials, 13th Edition

    • Copyright

    • Dedication

    • Contributors

    • Preface

    • Acknowledgments

  • 1 - Role and Significance of Restorative Dental Materials

    • Scope of Materials Covered in Restorative Dentistry

    • Basic Sciences Applied to Restorative Materials

    • Application of Various Sciences

    • Future Developments in Biomaterials

    • Bibliography

  • 2 -The Oral Environment

    • Enamel

    • The Mineral

    • Dentin

      • Physical and Mechanical Properties

        • Difficulties in Testing

      • The Dentin-Enamel Junction

    • Oral Biofilms and Restorative Dental Materials

    • Bibliography

      • Oral Biofilms

  • 3 -Design Criteria for Restorative Dental Materials

    • Design Cycle

    • Evidence Used in Product Design

    • Evidence-Based Dentistry

      • Patient Evidence

      • Laboratory (In Vitro) Evidence

    • Creating the Plan

    • Building the Restoration

    • Bibliography

  • 4 - Fundamentals of Materials Science

    • Mechanical Properties

      • Force

        • Occlusal Forces

        • Forces on Restorations

      • Stress

        • Types of Stress

        • Strain

      • Stress-Strain Curves

        • Proportional and Elastic Limits

        • Yield Strength

        • Ultimate Strength

        • Fracture Strength

        • Elongation

        • Elastic Modulus

        • Poisson’s Ratio

        • Ductility and Malleability

        • Resilience

        • Toughness

        • Fracture Toughness

        • Properties and Stress-Strain Curves

        • Tensile Properties of Brittle Materials

      • Viscoelasticity

        • Fluid Behavior and Viscosity

        • Viscoelastic Materials

        • Creep Compliance

      • Dynamic Mechanical Properties

        • Dynamic Modulus

      • Surface Mechanical Properties

        • Hardness

        • Friction

        • Wear

      • The Colloidal State

        • Nature of Colloids

        • Typical Colloid Systems

      • Diffusion Through Membranes and Osmotic Pressure

      • Adsorption, Absorption, and Sorption

      • Surface Tension and Wetting

      • Adhesion

        • Surface Considerations

        • Penetration Coefficient

      • Optical Properties

        • Color

        • Measurement of Color

          • Color Measuring Instrument

          • Visual Method

          • Surface Finish and Thickness

        • Pigmentation

        • Metamerism

        • Fluorescence

        • Opacity, Translucency, Transparency, and Opalescence

        • Index of Refraction

        • Optical Constants

          • Scattering Coefficient

          • Absorption Coefficient

          • Light Reflectivity

          • Contrast Ratio

        • Masking Ability

      • Thermal Properties

        • Temperature

        • Transition Temperatures

        • Heat of Fusion

        • Thermal Conductivity

        • Specific Heat

        • Thermal Diffusivity

        • Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

      • Electrical Properties

        • Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity

        • Dielectric Constant

        • Electromotive Force

        • Galvanism

        • Electrochemical Corrosion

        • Zeta-Potential

      • Other Properties

        • Tarnish and Discoloration

        • Water Sorption

        • Setting Time

        • Shelf Life

    • Summary

    • Bibliography—Mechanical Properties

      • Forces on Dental Structures

      • Stress Analysis and Design of Dental Structures

      • General Biomechanics

      • Fracture Toughness

      • Shear Strength

      • Bending and Torsion

      • Viscosity

      • Viscoelasticity

      • Dynamic Properties

      • Properties of Composite Materials

      • Tear Strength and Tear Energy

      • Hardness, Friction, and Wear

      • Specifications

    • Color and Optical Properties

      • Thermal Properties

      • Electrical and Electrochemical Properties

      • Other Properties

    • Websites

  • 5 -Testing of Dental Materials and Biomechanics

    • Compressive Strength

    • Flexure

    • Flexural Strength

    • Permanent Bending

    • Diametral Tensile Strength

    • Shear Strength

    • Torsion

    • Fatigue Strength

    • Fracture Toughness

    • Fractographic Analysis

    • Tear Strength and Tear Energy

    • Hardness

      • Brinell Hardness Test

      • Knoop Hardness Test

      • Vickers Hardness Test

      • Rockwell Hardness Test

      • Barcol Hardness Test

      • Shore A Hardness Test

    • Nano-Indentation

    • Wear

    • Setting Time

      • Definition and Importance

      • Measurement

    • Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

    • Rheology

    • Differential Scanning Calorimetry

    • Spectrometric Techniques

    • Pycnometry

    • Bond Strength Test Methods

      • Macroshear Bond Strength Tests

      • Macrotensile Bond Strength Tests

      • Microtensile Bond Strength Tests

      • Microshear Bond Strength Tests

      • Push-out Tests

    • Methods for Measuring Shrinkage and Stress During Cure of Resin Composites

      • Mercury Dilatometer

      • Bonded Disk

      • AcuVol

      • Managing Accurate Resin Curing (MARC) Test

      • Cavity Configuration Factor (C-Factor)

    • Stress Analysis and Design of Dental Structures

      • Finite Element Analysis

    • Polymerization Stress Test

      • Tensilometer

      • Tensometer

      • Crack Analysis

    • Specifications for Restorative Materials

    • American Dental Association Specifications

    • American Dental Association Acceptance Program

    • Index of Federal Specifications and Standards

    • Bibliography

      • Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Rheology

      • Spectrometric Techniques

      • Pycnometry

      • Polymerization Stress Tests

      • Fracture Toughness and Fractographic Analysis

      • Bond Strength Methods, Volumetric Shrinkage Methods, C-factor

  • 6 - Biocompatibility and Tissue Reaction to Biomaterials

    • Measuring Biocompatibility

      • In Vitro Tests

        • Cytotoxicity Tests

        • Tests for Cell Metabolism or Cell Function

        • Tests That Use Barriers (Indirect Tests)

        • Other Assays for Cell Function

        • Mutagenesis Assays

      • Animal Tests

      • Usage Tests

        • Dental Pulp Irritation Tests

        • Dental Implants in Bone

        • Mucosa and Gingival Usage Tests

      • Correlation Among In Vitro, Animal, and Usage Tests

      • Using In Vitro, Animal, and Usage Tests Together

      • Standards That Regulate the Measurement of Biocompatibility

        • ANSI/ADA Specification 41

        • ISO 10993

    • Biocompatibility of Dental Materials

      • Reactions of Pulp

        • Microleakage

        • Dentin Bonding

        • Bonding Agents

        • Resin-Based Materials

        • Amalgam and Casting Alloys

        • Glass Ionomers

        • Liners, Varnishes, and Nonresin Cements

        • Bleaching Agents

      • Reaction of Other Oral Soft Tissues to Restorative Materials

      • Reaction of Bone and Soft Tissues to Implant Materials

        • Reactions to Ceramic Implant Materials

        • Reactions to Implant Metals and Alloys

        • Reactions to Resorbable Materials

    • Summary

    • Bibliography

  • 7 - General Classes of Biomaterials

    • Metals and Alloys

    • Chemical and Atomic Structure of Metals

      • Atomic Structure

      • Physical Properties of Metals

    • Polymers

      • Basic Nature of Polymers

        • Chemical Composition

        • Molecular Weight

        • Spatial Structure

        • Thermoplastics and Thermosets

    • Ceramics

    • Composites

    • Bibliography

  • 8 - Preventive and Intermediary Materials

    • Pit and Fissure Sealants

      • Light-Cured Sealants

      • Air Inhibition of Polymerization

      • Properties of Sealants

      • Clinical Studies

      • Application of Sealants

        • Enamel Surface Preparation

          • Sealant Application

      • Glass Ionomers as Sealants

      • Flowable Composites as Sealants

    • Glass Ionomers to Prevent the Progression of Caries

      • Composition and Reaction

      • Properties

    • Resin-Modified Glass Ionomers

      • Composition and Reaction

      • Properties

      • Manipulation

    • Resin-Modified Glass Ionomers as Cavity Liners

    • Calcium Hydroxide Cavity Liners

    • Fluoride Varnishes

    • Remineralization

    • Bibliography

      • Fluoride Varnishes

      • Pit and Fissure Sealants

      • Flowable Composites

      • Glass Ionomers and Hybrid Ionomers

      • Remineralization

  • 9 -Restorative Materials—Composites and Polymers

    • Multipurpose Composites

      • Composition

        • Overview and Classification

      • Resin Matrix

        • Methacrylate Monomers

        • Low-Shrink Methacrylate Monomers

        • Low-Shrink Silorane Monomer

          • Fillers and Classification of Composites

        • Macrofills

        • Hybrid And Microhybrid Composites

        • Nanocomposites

          • Nanofillers and Nanocomposites

        • Nanofill Composites

        • Nanohybrid Composite

          • Interfacial Phase and Coupling Agents

          • Initiators and Accelerators

          • Pigments and Other Components

        • Polymerization Reactions

          • Polymerization of Methacrylate Composites

          • Polymerization of Silorane Composites

        • Packaging of Composites

          • Light-Cured Composites

          • Self-Cured and Dual-Cured Composites

    • Properties of Composites

      • Overview

      • Physical Properties

        • Working and Setting Times

        • Polymerization Shrinkage and Stress

        • Thermal Properties

        • Water Sorption

        • Solubility

        • Color and Color Stability

      • Mechanical Properties

        • Strength and Modulus

        • Knoop Hardness

        • Bond Strength to Dental Substrates

        • Enamel and Dentin

        • Other Substrates

      • Clinical Properties

        • Depth of Cure (Light-Cured Composites)

        • Radiopacity

        • Wear Rates

        • Biocompatibility

    • Composites For Special Applications

      • Microfilled Composites

      • Packable Composites

      • Flowable Composites

      • Laboratory Composites

      • Core Build-Up Composites

      • Provisional Composites

    • Glass Ionomers

      • Components and Setting Reaction of Conventional Glass Ionomer

      • Cermets

      • Components and Setting Reactions of Resin-Modified Glass Ionomers

      • Tri-Cure Glass Ionomer System

      • Nanoionomer

      • Packaging of Glass Ionomers

      • Clinical Applications of Glass Ionomers

      • Properties of Glass Ionomers

        • Physical, Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties

        • Fluoride Ion Release and Uptake

        • Adhesion

    • Compomers

      • Composition and Setting Reaction

      • Properties

      • Manipulation

    • Light-Curing Units

      • Overview

      • Quartz-Tungsten-Halogen Light-Curing Units

      • Blue Light-Emitting Diodes

    • Prosthetic Applications of Polymers

      • Physical Form and Composition

        • Powder

        • Liquid

    • Bibliography

      • History

      • Composites

      • Nanocomposites

      • Low-Shrink Composites

      • Glass Ionomers and Resin-Modified Glass Ionomers

      • Compomers

      • Light-Curing Units

      • Provisional Materials

  • 10- Restorative Materials—Metals

    • Amalgam

      • Dental Amalgam Alloys

        • History

        • Composition and Morphology

          • Spherical Particles

        • Silver-Tin Alloy

      • Amalgamation Processes

        • Low-Copper Alloys

        • High-Copper Alloys

          • Reaction of Mercury in an Admixed High-Copper Amalgam Alloy

          • Reaction of Mercury in a Unicompositional Alloy

        • Microstructure of Amalgam

          • Strength of Various Phases

      • Physical and Mechanical Properties

        • ANSI/ADA Specification for Amalgam Alloy

        • Mercury in Mix

        • Compressive Strength

        • Tensile Strength

        • Flexural Strength

        • Elastic Modulus

        • Creep

        • Dimensional Change

        • Corrosion

      • Properties of Mercury

      • Bonding of Amalgam

    • Dental Casting Alloys

      • Types and Composition

      • Metallic Elements Used in Dental Alloys

        • Noble Metals

          • Gold (Au)

            • Carat and Fineness of Gold-Based Alloys.For many years the gold content of gold-containing alloys has been described on the basi...

          • Platinum (Pt)

          • Palladium (Pd)

          • Iridium (Ir), Ruthenium (Ru), and Rhodium (Rh)

        • Base Metals

          • Silver (Ag)

          • Copper (Cu)

          • Zinc (Zn)

          • Indium (In)

          • Tin (Sn)

          • Gallium (Ga)

          • Nickel (Ni)

        • Binary Combinations of Noble Metals

          • Alloy Composition and Temperature

          • Phase Structure of Noble Alloys

          • Hardening of Noble Alloys

          • Formulation of Noble Alloys

        • Grain Size

          • Density

          • Strength

          • Hardness

          • Elongation

          • Biocompatibility

        • Composition and Properties of Noble-Metal Alloys for Ceramic-Metal Restorations

          • Au-Pt-Pd Alloys

          • Au-Pd Alloys

          • Au-Pd-Ag Alloys

          • Pd-Ag Alloys

          • Pd-Cu Alloys

    • Base-Metal Alloys

      • General Requirements of a Dental Base-Metal Alloy

      • Cobalt-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium Casting Alloys for Removable Dental Prostheses

        • ANSI/ADA Specification No. 14 (ISO 6871)

          • Function of Various Alloying Elements

        • Microstructure of Cast Base-Metal Alloys

        • Heat Treatment of Base-Metal Alloys

          • Physical Properties

            • Melting Temperature

            • Density

        • Mechanical Properties

          • Yield Strength

          • Tensile Strength

          • Elongation

          • Elastic Modulus

          • Hardness

          • Fatigue

        • Corrosion

        • Base-Metal Casting Alloys for Fixed Prosthodontics

          • Nickel-Chromium (Ni-Cr) Alloys

          • Cobalt-Chromium (Co-Cr) Alloys

          • Titanium (Ti) and Titanium Alloys

        • Other Applications of Cast Base-Metal Alloys

      • Titanium and Titanium Alloys

        • Commercially Pure Titanium

        • Titanium Alloys: General

        • Ti-6AL-4V

        • Machined Titanium for Dental Implants

        • Cast Titanium

      • Wrought Alloys

        • Microstructure

        • Composition

        • Properties

      • Wrought Stainless Steel Alloys

        • Composition

        • Function of Alloying Elements and Chemical Resistance

        • Stress-Relieving Treatments

      • Wrought Nickel-Titanium Alloy

        • Composition and Shape-Memory Effect

        • Properties and Manipulation

      • Wrought Beta-Titanium Alloy

        • Composition and Microstructure

        • Properties

    • Bibliography

      • Amalgam—Review Articles

      • Amalgam—Reactions and Properties

      • Amalgam—Retention and Bonding

      • Amalgam—Mercury and Biocompatibility Issues

      • Casting Alloys

      • Cast Base-Metal Alloys

      • Wrought Base-Metal Alloys

      • Titanium

  • 11 - Restorative Materials—Ceramics

    • Classification of Dental Ceramics

      • Classification by Application

      • Classification by Fabrication Method

      • Classification by Crystalline Phase

    • General Applications of Ceramics in Prosthetic Dentistry

      • Metal-Ceramic Crowns andFixed Partial Prostheses

      • All-Ceramic Crowns, Inlays, Onlays, and Veneers

    • Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Dental Ceramics

      • Toughening Methods

      • Test Methods

      • Comparative Data

    • Optical Properties of Dental Ceramics

    • All-Ceramic Restorations

      • Sintered All-Ceramic Materials

        • Alumina-Based Ceramic

        • Leucite-Reinforced Ceramic

      • Heat-Pressed All-Ceramic Materials

        • Leucite-Based Ceramic

        • Lithium Disilicate–Based Materials

      • Slip-Cast All-Ceramic Materials

        • Alumina and Spinel-Based Slip-Cast Ceramics

        • Zirconia-Toughened Alumina Slip-Cast Ceramics

      • Machinable All-Ceramic Materials

        • Hard Machining

        • Soft Machining Followed by Sintering

    • Metal-Ceramic Restorations

    • Requirements for a Metal-Ceramic System

    • Metal-Ceramic Bonding

    • Ceramics for Metal-Ceramic Restorations

    • Dental Porcelain Composition and Manufacture

      • Composition

      • Manufacture

    • Effect of Design on Metal-Ceramic Restorations

    • Failure and Repair of Metal-Ceramic Restorations

    • Bibliography

      • Metal Ceramic Systems

  • 12 - Replicating Materials—Impression and Casting

    • Purpose Of Impression Materials

    • Desirable Qualities

    • Types of Impression Materials

    • Alginate Hydrocolloids

      • Composition and Chemistry

      • Proportioning and Mixing

      • Properties

        • Working Time

        • Setting Time

        • Elastic Recovery

        • Flexibility

        • Strength

        • Compatibility with Gypsum

        • Dimensional Stability

        • Disinfection

    • Elastomeric Impression Materials

      • Consistencies

      • Mixing Systems

      • Impression Techniques

      • Composition and Reactions

        • Addition Silicone

        • Polyether

      • Setting Properties

        • Viscosity

        • Working and Setting Times

        • Dimensional Change on Setting

      • Mechanical Properties

        • Elastic Recovery

        • Strain in Compression

        • Flow

        • Hardness

        • Tear Strength

        • Creep Compliance

        • Detail Reproduction

      • Wettability and Hydrophilization of Elastomeric Impression Materials

      • Disinfection of Elastomeric Impressions

      • Relationship of Properties and Clinical Application

    • Occlusal Registration Materials

      • Elastomeric Registration Materials

    • Impression Trays

    • Die, Cast, and Model Materials

      • Desirable Qualities of a Cast or Die Material

      • Dental Plaster and Stone

      • Epoxy Die Materials

      • Comparison of Impression and Die Materials

    • Gypsum Products

    • Chemical and Physical Nature of Gypsum Products

      • Manufacture of Dental Plaster, Stone, and High-Strength Stone

      • Chemical Reaction

        • Water/Powder Ratio of Dental Stone and High-Strength Dental Stone

        • Mechanism of Setting

        • Volumetric Contraction

        • Effect of Spatulation

        • Effect of Temperature

        • Effect of Humidity

        • Effect of Colloidal Systems and pH

    • Properties

      • Setting Time

        • Definition and Importance

        • Measurement

        • Control of Setting Time

      • Viscosity

        • Compressive Strength

      • Surface Hardness and Abrasion Resistance

      • Reproduction of Detail

      • Setting Expansion

    • Manipulation

    • Casting Investments

      • Properties Required of an Investment

      • Composition

        • Refractory Material

        • Binder Material

        • Other Chemicals

    • Calcium Sulfate–Bonded Investments

      • Properties of Calcium Sulfate–Bonded Investments

      • Effect of Temperature on Investment

        • Effect of Temperature on Silicon Dioxide Refractories

        • Effect of Temperature on Calcium Sulfate Binders

        • Cooling of the Investment

      • Setting Expansion of Calcium Sulfate–Bonded Investment

        • Particle Size of Silica

        • Silica/Binder Ratio

        • Water/Powder Ratio

        • Spatulation

        • Age of Investment

        • Water-Bath Temperature

    • Thermal and Hygroscopic Casting Investment

      • Hygroscopic-Thermal Gold Casting Investment

      • Investment for Casting High-Melting-Point Alloys

        • Phosphate-Bonded Investment

        • Silica-Bonded Investment

      • Brazing Investment

    • Investment for All-Ceramic Restorations

    • Bibliography

      • Review Articles—Impression Materials

      • Agar and Alginate Hydrocolloids

      • Properties and Use of Elastomeric Impression Materials

      • Disinfection of Elastomeric Impression Materials

      • Tray Materials

      • Dental Plaster and Stone

      • Casting Investments

  • 13 - Materials for Adhesion and Luting

    • Principles of Adhesion

      • Adhesive Systems

        • Classification and Basic Components

        • In Vitro Evaluation of Bond Performance

        • Biocompatibility

        • Clinical Performance

        • Enamel Bonding

        • Dentin Bonding

      • Bonding to Other Substrates

        • Cast Alloys

        • Ceramics

        • Indirect (Laboratory) Composites

        • Amalgam

        • Fiber Posts

      • Repair of Composite, Ceramic, and Ceramic-Metal Restorations

    • Classification and Characteristics of Luting Agents

      • Classification

      • Biocompatibility

      • Interfacial Sealing and Anticariogenic Activity

      • Adhesion

      • Mechanical Properties

      • Handling Properties and Radiopacity

      • Viscosity and Film Thickness

      • Solubility

      • Esthetics

    • Acid-Base Cements

      • Zinc Oxide–Eugenol and Noneugenol Cements

        • Composition

        • Setting Reaction and Structure

        • Properties

        • Glass Ionomer

        • Composition

        • Setting Reaction and Structure

        • Properties

      • Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer

        • Composition

        • Setting Reaction and Structure

        • Properties

    • Resin-Based Cements

      • Resin Cements

        • Overview

        • Composition

        • Setting Reaction and Structure

        • Properties

      • Self-Adhesive Resin Cements

        • Composition

        • Setting Reaction and Structure

        • Properties

      • Resin Cements for Provisional Restorations

    • Bibliography

  • 14 - Digital Imaging and Processing for Restorations

    • Dental cad/Cam Systems

    • Digital Impressions

    • Design Software

    • Processing Devices

    • Clinical Outcomes

    • Bibliography

  • 15 - Dental and Orofacial Implants

    • Classification

      • Endosseous Implant

    • Osseointegration and Biointegration

    • Factors Affecting the Endosteal Implant

      • Geometry

      • Magnitude of the Force

      • Duration of the Force

      • Type of Force

      • Implant Diameter

      • Implant Length

    • Surfaces and Biocompatibility

      • Ion Release

      • Surfaces

      • Surface Alterations

      • Surface Coatings

    • Challenges and the Future

    • Bibliography

  • 16 - Tissue Engineering

    • Autograft

    • Allograft

    • Xenograft

    • Alloplasts

    • Strategies for Tissue Engineering

      • Injection of Cells

      • Guided Tissue Regeneration

      • Cell Induction

      • Cells Within Scaffold Matrices

    • Stem Cells

    • Biomaterials and Scaffolds

      • Biological Materials

      • Ceramic and Glass Materials

      • Polymeric Materials

    • Cell Culture Methods

    • Tissue-Engineered Dental Tissues

    • Bibliography

      • Websites

  • Appendix A - Conversion of Units

    • Lengths

    • Weights

    • Forces

    • Capacity (Liquid)

    • Area

    • Volume

    • Conversion Tables

    • Conversion Factors (Linear)

    • Conversion Factors (Force Per Area)

    • Conversion of Thermometer Scales

    • Conversion Factors (Miscellaneous)

    • Conversion of Exponentials to Decimals

    • Comparative Table of Troy, Avoirdupois, and Metric Weights

    • Prefixes and Symbols for Exponential Numbers

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • X

    • Y

    • Z

Nội dung

Cuốn sách này thảo luận về sự tổng hợp, hiệu suất và các ứng dụng của vật liệu gốm. Chương Một trình bày việc tái chế tro sinh khối để thu được gạch đất sét để có thể sử dụng làm vật liệu xây dựng. Chương Hai tóm tắt việc sử dụng gốm cấu trúc nano để kiểm soát dòng nhiệt. Chương Ba đề cập đến mô hình phân tích ứng suất nhiệt trong hệ thống ma trận đa hạt với các hạt hình trụ đẳng hướng được phân bố định kỳ trong một ma trận vô hạn đẳng hướng. Chương Bốn đề cập đến mô hình phân tích ứng suất nhiệt sinh ra trong quá trình làm nguội của một chất rắn đàn hồi liên tục. Chương Năm cung cấp thông tin gần đây về việc sử dụng zirconia trong nha khoa, đặc điểm và chỉ định của nó, đặc biệt nhấn mạnh vào các phương pháp bảo dưỡng bề mặt để thúc đẩy sự kết dính của vật liệu làm từ nhựa với zirconia.

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2021, 14:11