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- Have Ss use the pictures and read * Check Vo: W & W the text to match the Vietnamese   meaning with the new vocabulary in the context -Let Ss listen to the text and then retell S[r]

(1)Week: 26/ Period: 74 Total: Date of planning: 26/02/2013 Date of teaching: 28/02/2013 Unit 12: SPORT AND PASTIMES Lesson : A – WHAT ARE THEY DOING? I Objectives: - At the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in present progressive and sports vocabulary to talk about what people are doing now II.Preparation: -Pictures and flash-cards III Procedure: Warm up: - Ask Ss some free questions (may be in Vietnamese) What you often / play in your free time? Ss answer by themselves Presentation: I New words: *Act 1: Presenting sport vocabularies: Swim (v) bơi - Teacher hangs the color picture of A1 Skip (v) nhảy dây and asks Ss: What are they doing? Jog (v) - Then teacher introduces: these are Volleyball (n) bóng chuyền people's sports and pastimes What Aerobics (n) TD nhịp điệu about you? Which sports pastimes Tennis (n) môn tenní you play? Table tennis (n) bóng bàn - Teacher reads part A1 once Badminton (n) cầu lông - Teacher introduces some new words Sport (n) thể thao - Guide Ss to get meaning of new words 10 Pastimes (n) trò giải trí - Teacher guides Ss to read new words II Structures - Check Ss’ reading Present progressive tense Example: - He is swimming *Act 2:Revision the present progressive - They are playing badminton tense - Teacher reads part A1 once +) S + tobe + V + ing + O - Give some sentences and get Ss to -) S + tobe + not + V-ing + repeat the form and use of the present O progressive tense ?) Tobe + S + V-ing + O? * V + ing * Omit "e" before adding "ing" * Double consonant if there is only a vowel next it + Come  coming (2) - Gets Ss to take note the way of adding Jog  jogging "V-ing" Wh - question Example: - Guide Ss to use question with "What" - What are you doing? I am watching TV - Give some example - What is he doing? He is swimming - Explaining - What are they doing? They are playing - Get Ss to set up the form soccer - Get Ss to take note the use of "Tobe" What is / are + S + doing? - Get them to translate the modern S + am / is / are + V-ing + O sentences - Get them to give some examples Practice: III Practice *Act 1:Practice vocabularies: A1 - Listen and repeat -Delives flash-cards to Ss and ask them to match to the pictures in A1 A2 - Ask and answer - Call some Ss to read part A1 a What is he doing? He is swimming b What are they doing? *Act 2: Practice grammar structures They are playing badminton - Gets Ss to works in pairs to ask and c What are they doing? answer about the people's activities in They are playing soccer A1 d What is she doing? She is skipping - Call some pairs to ask and answer e What are they doing? before the class They are playing volleyball - Teacher listens and corrects their f What is she doing? She is doing aerobics mistakes g What are they doing? *Act 3: Revision the simple present They are playing tennis tense with Wh-question (Which h What is he doing? He is jogging sport ?) i What are they doing? -Teacher introduces part A3: these are They are playing table tennis sport activities of each person: soccer, A3 - Listen and repeat swimming, skipping, aerobics, Example: jogging What about you? Which - Which sports you play? sports you play? I play badminton -Teacher gives an example to introduce - Which sports does she / he play? new form She / He plays volleyball - Explaining - Guide Ss to set up the new form Which sports + do/does + S + play? - Get them to translate the modern S + V / Vs / Ves + sentence - Get them to make examples a Which sports does he play? - Gets Ss to take note the use of do/does He plays soccer and the answer b Which sports does he play? He swims - Gets Ss to works in pairs to ask and c Which sports does she play? She skips answer about the people's activities in d Which sports does she play? A3 She does aerobics (3) - Call some pairs to ask and answer e Which sports does he play? He jogs before the class f Which sports does he play? - Teacher listens and corrects their He plays table tennis mistakes S1: Which sports you play? S2: I play badminton S1: Which sports you play? S2: I skip *Act 4: -Ask Ss to work in pair to A5 - Write: exercise in A5 a Ask -Ss complete the exercise in pair Example Teacher: Which sports you play? Nam: I play soccer b Write Example I like sports I play volleyball, aerobics and I jog Production: - Gets Ss to work in pair to ask and answer about their sport activities or past time in their free time -Ss practice in pairs Home work: - Learn by heart all new words and forms - Do exercise 1,2 (103 + 104) Ex1: Write sentences with the present progressive tense Ex2: Look at the pictures and write what they are doing Week: 26/ Period: 75 Total: Date of planning: 28/02/2013 Date of teaching: 02/03/2013 (4) Unit 12:SPORT AND PASTIMES Lesson 2: Free time (B1-> B4) I.The objectives -At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about one’s activities in free time II.Preparation -Pictures and flash-cards III.Procedure T’s and Ss’ activities 1.Warm up -Check the old lesson: call Ss to the board to make sentences with the cues given (using the present continuous tense): Mai / skip Tu and Manh / play soccer -Have Ss play the game: * Guessing game I in my free time Example: I aerobics in my free time S1: Do you play football in your free time? S2: No, I don’t S3: Do you watch TV? S2: No, I don’t 2.Presentation *Act 1: Revision the words of pastime activities(B1) - Introduces new words by using the pictures - Read the new words Ss : - Repeat after teacher -Listen and copy down -Repeat (chorus) then work in pairs *Act 2: Revision the simple present tense - Explain the sentences from a – f Retell what the characters in section in their free time - Emphasize the third person singular and the agreement of the verbs 3.Practice The contents B1 Listen and repeat Vocabulary - free-time (trans.) - (to)go fishing (pict.) - (to)go to the movies (pict.) Picture drill ( transformation) (B1 / P 127) Example : S1: What does (Phuong) in his free time? S2 : He goes to the movies *Grammar: The simple present tense What + /does + S + + in free time? S + V/ V(s/es) + O B2: Practice with a partner.Ask and answer the question: Transform Writing B3 / 128 – Listen and read a Phuong goes to the movies in his free time (5) *Act 1: Practice vocabularies: -Ask Ss to matching (flash-cards with pictures) *Act 2:Practice asking and answering about free time activities.(B2) -Ask Ss to work in pair to practice asking and answering the question ‘What you in your free time?’ with the pictures in B1 -Ss practice speaking in pair - Have Ss change “I” to “Phuong ” by asking some questions like example - Have Ss write in their notebooks -Ss : Correct their own writing with answer key (B3 / 128 ) Stick pictures of B4 on the board -Delives flash-cards to Ss and ask them to match to the pictures Then T corrects - Have Ss listen to the cassette and match the names with the letters of the pictures 4.Production Ss: Write things what they in their free time - In groups, they put all their sentences together on a poster b Ly B4 Listen * Matching - Tan : f - Minh and Nam : e - Lien : a - Lan and Mai : b Individual writing Lan writes: I watch TV, I go to the park and I play badminton Huy writes: I watch TV, I go fishing and I play soccer Thinh writes: I listen to music , I play soccer and I watch TV Group writing Lan, Huy ,Thinh watch TV Huy and Thinh play football Huy goes fishing Lan goes to the park and I plays badminton Thinh listens to music 5.Homework -Learn by heart new words -Do exercise 1,2,3 at page 104 Ex1: What is true for you? Check Ex2: Write what you with your friend(s) in your free time Ex3: Answer these questions with Yes, I or No, I don’t -Prepare part B4-B5 Week: 27/ Period: 76 Total: Date of planning: 04/03/2013 Date of teaching: 06/03/2013 Unit 12:SPORT AND PASTIMES Lesson 3: Free time (B5-> B6) (6) I Objectives: -At the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to use “ How often ?” questions and the answers with adverbs of frequency “ once / twice / three times a week ” to talk about frequency of activities II Teaching aids: -Pictures, flash – cards and teacher’s book III Procedure: T’s and Ss’activities Warm up a) Check the old lesson - Gets Ss to go to the board and exercises S1: Write adjective possessives Contents * Write adjective possessive for these personal pronouns I → my You → your He → his We → our They → their She → her It → its Play volleyball Swim S2: Write sports and pastime Listen to music Play games Play activities Watch TV badminton Play tennis b) Warmer Jog - Get Ss to repeat Phuong's, Skip Play table tennis Ly's, Nam's, Lan's, Tuan's, Long's activities in their free Do aerobics times Presentation: *Practice listening skill: Ss: Listen to the cassette and exercise *Present adverbs of frequency B5 Listen and read and the question ‘How Vocabulary - How often (trans.) often ?’ - once(trans.) - Set up new situations to - twice(trans.) introduce the adverbs of - three times (trans.) frequency Matching - Explain how to use these M T W T F S S adverbs and give examples   Ss : Notice the usage of advebs once a week    twice a week of frequency  three times a week - Let Ss listen to the dialogue - Ask some questions and let Ss * Model sentences anwer to check their * How often ? Example: comprehension - How often does Ly go jogging? She goes jogging once a week - How often you go to the zoo? I go to the zoo once a month 3.Practice How often + / does + S + V + O? *Practice the question ‘How (7) often’ and adverbs of  S + V / Vs / Ves + O + once a day frequency twice a week - Use the charts describing Ly’s three times a diary to introduce her activities four times month - Have Ss practice in pair , a year asking and answering according to the model given - Call some Ss and check their Substitution drill Cues: three,one,four, two, one,five ,two, six, one, answers three, seven, one Ex : T says Ss say: Production Three  three times a week -Ask students to work in groups One  once a week to play the game ‘Find some Picture drill (B5- 129) one Who ?’ -Ss work in pair to ask and Example: answer about their activities S1: How often does Ly [ go to school]? S2: She goes [six times] a week using adv of frequency S1: How often you play ect * Find some one who soccer? Find some one who Name S2: Once a week .plays soccer twice a week Home work: -Learn by heart all new words goes to the park once a week .watches TV seven times a and forms week -Do exercise 4(105); 5(106) Ex4:Answer the questions plays badminton twice a week about you .does homework six times a Ex5:Complete the sentences week about you with one a week,twice a week, -Prepare part C1  C4 Week: 27/ Period: 77 Total: Date of planning: 05/03/2013 Date of teaching: 07/03/2013 Unit 12:SPORT AND PASTIMES Lesson 4: How often? (C1 → C4 ) I Objectives: -At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know how to use some adverbs of frequency with question "How often" II Preparation (8) - Extra board, poster III Procedure: T’s and Ss’activities Warmer: a) Check the lesson - Do exercise 4(105) - Let Ss play the game Ss : Do as directed 2.Presentation *Present adverbs of frequency: - Say the adverbs of frequency loudly - Explain the meanings of these adverbs, then let Ss listen and repeat -Ss: Listen to the teacher, notice the meanings of the adverbs of frequency The contents * Exercise 4(105): Answer questions: a) How often you go to school? I go to school times a week b) How often you watch TV? I watch TV every day * Noughts and crosses swim read a book play tennis play football listen to homework school watch TV play go to school volleyball Pre-teach (C1 / P.130) *Adverbs of frequency: - Always - Usually - Often - Sometime ● ◕ ◒ ◔ ○ 100% 80% 60% 20% - Never 0% + Trạng từ tần xuất đứng trước động từ thường - Guide Ss to know the position of và đứng sau động từ tobe Example: adverbs of frequency I often watch TV I am usually busy - Introduce Ba and Lan’s activities - Tell them what Ba and Lan - Have Ss use the pictures and read * Check Vo: W & W the text to match the Vietnamese   meaning with the new vocabulary in the context -Let Ss listen to the text and then retell Ss about their activities 3.Practice *Practice adverbs of frequency and the question ‘How often ’ - Read the text again - Let Ss practice in pairs, ask and answer the question about Ba and  C2 : Listen and read a Guess the meaning - tha dieu - cai leu - di cam trai - di da ngoai b Grid ( C3 / P 131)    (9) - Hang the poster on the board -Have Ss work in group of a table to find the answer of the questions - Have them practice asking and answering - Correct their mistakes 4.Production -Ask questions about their own activities and let them answer - Let Ss practice in pairs , as the model given - Ask them to copy the text then write questions and answers in their exercise book Home work: Put the words in correct position to complete sentences a) Nam and Ba /camping /never /go /have don't/they/a tent/because b) Often /to /park /go /the /they c) You /help /do /your /mom /how often - Do exercise 1,2(106) Ex1: How often you these thing? Check Ex2:Read then answer the questions - Prepare C5  C7 Week: 27/ Period: 78 Total: always usually often sometimes “How * Answer key: How often they never Lan’s activities.Use often ?” go to the zoo? go to the park? have a picnic? sports? fly kites? go camping? walk to school? homework? c Given answer a About times a year b Twice a week c No, never d Yes, always * Answer key: a How often they go to the zoo? b How often they go to the park? c Do they go camping? Are they late for school? d Do they walk to school? Do they their home work? C4 Write sentences about you in your exercise book Date of planning: 07/03/2013 Date of teaching: 09/03/2013 Unit 12:SPORT AND PASTIMES Lesson 5: How often (C5  C6 ) I Objectives: -At the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a text to understand the details and get further practice adverbs of frequency ,the simple present tense and outdoor pastimes vocabulary II.Preparation -T’s book, picture and flash-cards (10) - Extra board III Procedure: T’s and Ss’activities Warmer: a) Check the old lesson - Make question "How often" and answer a You / go to the movies / once b She / her homework / times b) Warmer: - Let Ss predict how often Nga and Lan the things - Ask them listen and correct their predictions 2.Pre-reading - Write the subject on the board - Divide the class into teams - let Ss play the game The Contents C5 Listen * Predict a b c d e * Answer key a never b sometimes c often d often e usually * Tape transcript Nga and Lan never go camping They sometimes go to the zoo They often go to the park They often play sports They usually have a picnic in the park * Network pastimes in the country fly a kite - Present some new words by using * Pre-teach - wear (pict.) realia& pictures - clothes ( realia) - Read them aloud Ss: Listen, copy , repeat then read - boots ( realia) - a stove (pict.) individually - overnight (trans.) * Check Vo: R & R C6 Comprehension questions 3.While- reading Answer keys - Have Ss work in groups to answer the a.He likes walking questions.(write in the sub-board) b They always wears strong boots and - Stick the sub-board on the board warm clothes - Correct the mistakes c He goes on the weekend - Let Ss practice in pairs( asking and d He usually goes with two friends answering) e He often goes walking in the mountain f They take food, water and a camping Post-reading stove - Ask Ss to write a short paragraph from the text (C6 / p.132) Note: - For weaker students : Change * Transformation writing (11) “Minh” to “I” - For stronger students: Change “Minh” to “I” and use “Network”” Home work: - Write a passage about your weekend or your friend's weekend - Prepare: A1 +A2 of Unit 13 -Do exercises 3&4 (p.107) in the workbook Ex3: Answer these questions about you Ex 4: Make questions to fit the answers, using the information Ex: - I like walking On the weekend I often go walking in the mountains I usually go with friends Me and my friends always wear strong boots and warm clothes - I like On the weekend I often I usually Me and my friends always wear and I always take Sometimes we Home work: - Write a passage about your weekend or your friend's weekend - Prepare: A1 +A2 of Unit 13 - Do exercises 3&4 (p.107) in the workbook Ex3: Answer these questions about you Ex 4: Make questions to fit the answers, using the information (12)

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2021, 12:06


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