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(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) topic using pairs work and groups work method in teaching english 6

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PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO QUAN SƠN TRƯỜNG THCS MƯỜNG MÌN    SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐỀ TÀI SỬ DỤNG PHƯƠNG PHÁP HOẠT ĐỘNG NHÓM TRONG GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH Người thực hiện: Nguyễn Thị Hạnh Chức vụ: Giáo viên Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Mường Mìn SKKN thuộc mơn: Tiếng Anh QUAN SƠN NĂM 2017 INDEX A Introduction The reason for topic choice………………………………………………… Study purpose ………………………………………………………………3 Study tasks ………………………………………………………………….4 Study scope ……………………………………………………………… Methods of the study……………………………………………………… B Study content Reasoning and real bases……………………………………………… … 1.1 Reasoning bases ………………………………………………………… a The aim of this approach in the teaching progress ……………………… b Characteristic signs of the methods ……………………………………… 1.2 Real bases ……………………………………………………………… Reality and situation before studying…………………………………… 2.1 The real status of the study problem ………………………………… Some advantages and disadvantages……………………………………… How to help students learn and practise in pairsand groups effectively…… 4.1 The implemented solution …………………………………………… 4.2 The requirements for the teacher ……………………………………… 4.3 The requirements for the students ……………………………………… 4.4 Some activities in pairs and groups …………………………………… Lesson plan ……………………………………………………………… C Conclusions and proposals 1.onclusions………………………………………………………………… 16 2.proposals……………………………………………………………….… 17 Reference materials………………………………………………………… 18 A INTRODUCTION Reason of the theme choice Language is both a means of an expression and a means of keeping the cultural values of the nation that produces language Therefore, language courses are to equip students with new communication tools and through the use of communication tools, students acquire the cultural values of ethnic groups including knowledge of the country, people, customs, science and technology Today with the importance in the world in general and Vietnam in particular, English was chosen as required courses at schools, this is the advantage to promote the students to learn better The goal of the English is to help students to form and develop the basic skills of English and intellectual qualities needed to further educate or enter working life We can say that one of positive expressions, typicals of students in learning English is that students need to acquire knowledge and skills applied to communication, know how to work in pairs, groups and cooperate with partners if necessary during practising speaking and writing, know to initiatively present his or her intention to communicate through speaking or writing Work in pairs and groups - a new teaching method has been applied by many teachers in training students, aims to help students learn actively, resist passivel habits Under the current reform program, English requires students training on communication skills or rather, listening and speaking skills are especially valued Work in pairs, groups contributes to improving communication, exchanging and cooperating between students Work in pairs and groups will effectively bring to them dynamic and positiveness, attract all the participants, and also give opportunities to teachers to work as an instructor, consultant for students In years of teaching under the new method, I myself have evolved this experience: to improve the training efficiency, improve the quality of English, the most important factor is to identify and organize in process of the teaching “ consider learners centered, in teaching and learning procedure we must know the effective use of learning activities and practice in pairs and groups Above thoughts are important orientations in teaching and are the theme that I myself thought, made in the teaching process and has obtained certain results That is why I chose the theme: "How to help students learn to practice in pairs, groups effectively" Study purposes Being a teacher of English, I always concern myself and explore the best solutions to impart knowledge to his students in a positive way and have the best efficiency in order to promote self-discipline and initiative of students in English lessons Teachers must be appealing to them for playing a central role, guiding students in this form or other forms of teaching activities So I wrote this theme aims to share, get feedback from colleagues to thereby improve and continue to apply it in the teaching process to increase the quality of English Study tasks: Research on methods, skills and steps to guide students to learn and train in pairs and groups effectively Research to uncover the appropriate methods, procedures and guide students to learn and practise in pairs, groups in grades at Muong Min secondary school Study scope How to help student to learn to practise in pairs, groups effectively is the experience initiative that is studied within given situations and some appropriate exercises to work in pairs or in groups At the same time these are ways to organize and control activities in pairs and groups With the scope of this study, we can apply in the development of all the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing mainly - communicative activities With the desire to improve the quality of English lessons and help students to be able to communicate directly in English, students who learn in class of Muong Min secondary school These are the objects studied in this theme to offer the best solutions and help them overcome difficulties in learning, be confident to acquire knowledge of the teacher’s lectures Methods of study In the process of my study on this theme, I myself have used a combination of the following study methods: Method of observation: the person, who implements the project, looks for new research, visit colleagues’ classes The method of exchange, discussion: after visiting the classes of colleagues, colleagues take an attendance at the lectures of the person that implements the project, colleagues and the person implements the project start to exchange and discuss to draw experiences from those lessons - Experimental methods: teacher conducts to teach experimental lessons with purposes of some specific requirements, use active forms in pairs and groups -Methods of investigation: The teacher ask questions to check students’ understanding of lesson content assessment B STUDY CONTENT Reasoning and real bases 1.1 Reasoning bases The essence of new teaching reason is a positive and creative promotion of students, students-centered, students are the subject of the learning activity, the teacher is the organizer and guide them to receive new knowledge, practise language through a variety of communicative activities in the form of individual work, pairwork and groupwork In the teaching process, for promoting students’s positive initiatives, the pairwork and groupwork are forms of well-done learning activities Through this form of learning they have chances to present, exchange and express their thoughts about the amount of information on the lessons that they understand, feel and from these they are able to respond to personal information processed The amount of information of each student can be right or be wrong Through pairs or groups they respond to information for teachers Then the teacher grasp the level of thinking, their understanding This process is taken place with the two-way relations In terms of learning theory, this is a dialectical relationship Besides, to be exchanged in pairs, groups students should be trained more in skills and habits of thought, expression and presentation of a problem before a collective Through this activity, the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of students is increasingly improved a Aim of this approach in the teaching process Through the teaching process, teachers help students with self-discovery on the basis of self-awareness, freedom to think and debate for drawing useful lessons, from that students may propose discussing issues and resolve problems better Students are the centered object, tell them to practise in pairs and groups to communicate with each other, help children practice easily and correct timely When work in pairs and groups, the gifted students will help bad students grasp the essential knowledge of the lesson, they will gradually know how to learn and grasp the basic knowledge of the subject Practising in pairs and groups helps them with the competition and effort, from that teachers have discovered the good students to foster At the same time, practising in pairs, groups help children with learning selfconsciousness, boldness and confidence, the bad children also learn from their partners self-learning method under the motto: "Learning from friends is better than from teachers" b Characteristic signs of the method - The teacher must admit, empathy, respect for the needs and purposes of the students, gain credibility, create convince and stimulate the intrinsic motivation of students - Base on the experience of students and exploit those experiences, promote positive self-awareness - Achieve the maximum level of learners’ involvement, minimize requirements of the director(the teacher) - Promote independent thinking ability for students, creative thought creates dynamic and confidence - Practising in pairs, groups helps students recognize the strengths and weaknesses on the part of the partners and especially they themself recognize their strengths or your weaknesses so that strive for helping themselves to be more and more better It’s easy for teachers to see foreign language environment, remote controls, so the teacher only tell students how to do, give specific instructions and deploy in pairs, in groups, assign specific roles and responsibilities, teachers easily observe style, then get results through the performance of each student 1.2 Real bases Practically, teaching applications" How to help students learn to practise in pairs, groups effectively" have shown relatively positive effect Through the practice in pairs and groups, students in the class I tested was bolder, more energetic in the lessons Every time I put some information and ask them to work in pairs and groups, they capture and quite successfully During practice students self - correct for each other pronunciation, use of sentence structure, intonation When get the students to practice in pairs and groups, teachers are in the positions to grasp the amount of knowledge that students to acquire, from these, teachers should know how to promote the strengths as well as overcome the limitations in the training of students in order to meet the actual requirements of the teaching process Reality and situation before studying 2.1 The real status of the study problem In school year 2016 - 2017 I was assigned to teach the class Through the first several weeks of teaching, I realized that the students’ ability to practise in pairs and groups is limited, some children are very passive, afraid to practise The number of students is active and energetic, is very few Facilities are inadequate, students’ input is very weak, they not pay attention to learn Some advantages and disadvantages a Some advantages - I always get the attention of the Leadership, colleagues encourage, help, especially some older teachers experienced, this is a favorable condition for me to implement the theme - There is the Internet materials in my school It’s quite profitable for exploiting b Some disadvantages - Being a young teacher, I have not a lot of experience - Students are unequally distributed of quantity and quality Besides, a lot of many students not have the sense of learning How to help students learn and practise in pairs, groups effectively To carry out their activities and improve the quality timely like the other subjects, through monitoring the quality and students’ learning, I found that students did not meet the needs of subjects and teachers have difficulty adjusting ways to teach these students In the study I've found my positive approach is how the quality of students’ learning increasingly more advanced Combination of monitor and test in the class that I assumed, I found learning in pairs, groups is a viable solution to help students to be quickly progressive, meet the needs of the subject Here are some solutions to implement measures " How to help students learn to practise in pairs, groups effectively" 4.1 The implemented solution - Creat situations to suit each specific topic, make a plan to guide the students to work together, to exchange their learning - Need flexibility to use the book to guide students to gather data, draw structures for each type of exercise - Model for students is considered as a measure to help students acquire fastest and then the same for their own exercises - Use illustrated things to ask pairs and groups to use material objects and paintings to practice easily In this way they are remembered every sentence structure, sample sentences and will any structure if the teacher ask - Give more researching activities, observation, creativity in applying knowledge for each lesson - Creat the appropriate atmosphere for students to debate in any more lessons - Maximize teaching aids in pairs, groups, ask students to prepare paintings, practising aids for each practice - Divide the class into a specific pairs (two students sit at a table or sit next to each other), request to discuss and ask - answer each section While students practise to ask and answer, teachers must cover and monitor class to comment pairs, listen and correct their errors, help the pair which has weak students - Divide the class into groups with good students, average students and weak students so that they can help each other Thus, students, who not have the opportunity to respond, will have a chance to answer the next questions The division of the groups help them to be bolder, more confident with their knowledge and they will have better manners For weaker students of each group, teachers should guide leaders of the groups good students to help worse learners, so they can easily approach knowledge and suggest to help their partners and they promote all their abilities in the language lessons 4.2 Requirements for teachers Keep track of them practice, comment each small mistakes, tell them how to avoid repeating the error that I have had When students practice in pairs and groups, teachers come to pairs, groups to monitor and comment to correct in time For common errors, teachers should ask questions to the class and the students themselves discover their mistakes to correct and avoid repetition By doing this they will avoid errors, understand and remember better Teachers grasp the knowledgable level of each student, the level of understanding each child's lessons to find appropriate methods of the teaching Assign tasks to group leaders to help and keep track of their members Teachers motivate, encourage timely students to well their tasks Create an exciting atmosphere for the children so that they are interest in the teacher’s comments Ask students to prepare well practice in pairs and groups 4.3 Requirements for students Bring the ability to access all knowledge, create a practice routine in pairs and groups so that the next lessons, when the teacher pointed out hand signals and say commands (Group / Pair work) then students move themselves and the request of teachers Creates the language atmosphere in the classroom to see a foreign language course with its own characteristics Develop their language style Practise for each sample sentence, then use it to homework in workbooks, write sentences and write paragraphs Voluntarily practice any situation that teachers required Promote four skills of listening - speaking - reading – writing at the same time 4.4 Some activities in pairs and groups - Activity in the form of pairs: Interview This is a common activity which applied to the lessons, especially in parts of Reading and Speaking The teacher ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer for each topic of each lesson after giving the sentence patterns Performing this activity requires teachers to pay attention to the weak pairs to encourage them to participate Lesson plan * English Unit 1: Task Introduce yourself to the whole class, using the cues below Greeting Your name Your age Task Make adialogue with a friend, using the cues below Greeting Introduce your name Asking how he / she is Asking how old he / she is Unit Student A: ask your friend Student B: Answer your friend’s some question Use the give words questions Use the given words 1…………………………… 1………………………… what/name ? My name/ Quan 2……………………………… 2……………………… Q-U-A-N How/spell/ your name ? 3……………………… 3……………………… How old/ you? I/ twelve 4………………………… 4………………… Where/ live ? I / on Unit Task Talk about your family You may use the following questions How many people are there in your family? Who are they? How old is your mother / father / sister / etc.? What does your mother / father / sister / etc do? Where are they now? Unit Task Decribe your school, using the cues below Is it small or big? How many buildings does it have? How many classrooms does it have? How many students does it have? How many teachers does it have? 10 Task Talk about your classroom, using the following cues The name of your class The number of doors and windows The number of students .The number of boys and girls .The number of desks ands chairs Unit Task Talk about your day, using the cues below Time In the moring Action get up have breakfast go to school In the afternoon play games housework In the evening homework go to bed Task Complete the table and tell the subjects you have today Example: Today is Monday I have English from 7.00 to 7.45 Subjects Time English 7.00 – 7.45 Unit Task Answer your friend’s questions about your classroom 11 How many students are there in the class? How many desks are there? How many windows and doors are there? What is there on the teachers’s desk? ( some books, a cassette player, some pieces of the chalk………) What else is there in the room? ( a board, two ceiling fans, some lights, …….) Task 2: Role play Student A Student B Ask your friend about the place he / she lives in Use the suggested ideas Answer your friend’s questions about the place you live in Use the suggested ideas Where / live? live / a city Who / live with? live with / mother / father / sister How many rooms / there / your house? six rooms What / they? three bedrooms / a living room / a kitchen / a toilet What / there / near your house? there / a school / a park Unit Task Ask your friend about his/ her daily routine You can use the following suggestions .What time / get up? What time / have breakfast? What time / go to school? Go to school / bus or bike or walk? What time / classes / start and end? Unit 12 Task 1: Ask and answer about what the people are doing, using the pictures and the words Example: Picture 1: They/ dance A: what are they doing? B: They are dancing Picture 2: The old man / have a bath Picture 3: The children / look out the window Picture 4: The bussinessman / call his wife Picture 5: He / watch TV Picture 6: The woman / yoga Picture 7: The old woman / sleep Picture 8: The boys / play video games Picture 9: The bussinesswoman / smoke (mainly English), mainly Vietnamese) sometime ( a mixture of the two languages) English Vietnamese Introducing the lesson Both  Checking attendance  Organizing  Classroom control / discipline  Giving praise  Presenting new language  Introducing a new text  Asking questions on the text  Correcting errors Setting homework   13 * Survey: English –Unit –Lesson in your family ? Name people Lan in your house? chairs in your classroom? lamps tables desks boards 10 21 10 windows Example exchanges S1: How many [people] are there in your [ family] ? S2: [Three] *Survey: English – Unit – Lesson Name get up Lan 5.30 have breakfast 6.15 watch homework television 7.00 8.00 S1: What time you get up ? S2: At 5.30 *Mapped Dialogue: English –Unit – Lesson  -What …today ? -What time … start ? -Do we …literature …8.40 ?  History 7.50 No … English -What time … finish ? 9.25 -What …… at 9.35 ? Geography Example exchanges: S1: What we have today? 14 S2: We have history S1: What time does it start? S2: At seven fifty S1: Do we have literature at eight forty? S2: No, we don’t We have English S1: What time does it finish? S2: … * Mapped Dialogue: English – Unit - Grammar Practice Yes/No questions with Present Progressive: Mapped dialogue  ? X ? X ? X What …? Example exchanges: S1: Are you watching TV? S2: No, I’m not S1: Are you listening to the radio? S2: No, I’m not S1: … * Describe the house: English 15 – Unit - Grammar Practice This is a house In front of the house, there is a flower garden To the left of the house, there is a lake To the right of … The achieved results: Class The number of students 42 Points 9-10 % 7-8 % 5-6 % 3-4 % 10 23,8 17 40,5 15 35,7 0 Explaination: The results showed that students in the class scored or more was 100%, including 7.8 points and 9.10 accounted for 72% Through the process of implementing this method, I found the quality to be improved and more widely applied to the whole school in the next school year C CONCLUSIONS AND PROPOSALS Conclusion While teaching at Muong Min Secondary School, I saw the organization for students to practise in pairs and groups in each lesson, is an effective solution and the need for teachers of English It became one of the decisive factors to improve the efficiency of foreign language teaching So I myself draw the following experience: Experience lessons: - Teachers should always pay attention to the students so that discover gifted ones of the subject - As a person play an important role to guide the students’ activities, so he or she must avoid perfunctory and formality 16 - Need to be dynamic and creative to divide student groups, make sure that there are full of objects - students in a group - Need agility in operations to save the maximum time for a lesson Proposals I look forward to receiving all administrators’ attention on the learning conditions of students and teaching of the teachers; adding appropriate facilities for teaching and learning under the new approach From my personal reality, through theoretical studying and learning of colleagues of English I have some experience of teaching method innovation "how to help students learn to practise in pairs, groups effectively "as shown above However, the study and presentation of this Experience Initiative could not avoid shortcomings I look forward to comments of my colleagues and all administrators so that I can accumulate more experiences This helps me to fulfill the duties of a teacher Sincerely thank a lot! The confirmation of the headmaster ( xác nhận Hiệu Trưởng) Quan Son, the 15th of April 2017 I assure the experience initiative was written by me, not reproduced in any form REFERENCE MATERIALSWriter Nguyễn Thị Hạnh 17 REFERENCE MATERIALS SGK TH mới, Bộ GD ĐT, Nhà xuất giáo dục Chương trình TH mới, Bộ GD ĐT, Nhà xuất giáo dục Tài liệu Bồi dưỡng giáo viên môn tiếng Anh, Bộ GD ĐT, Nhà xuất giáo dục Những vấn đề chung đổi giáo dục TH môn tiếng Anh, Bộ GD ĐT, Nhà xuất giáo dục Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Prentice Hall Nunan, David 1991 Language Teaching Methodology, Prentice Hall Truong Vien, Bao Kham, Learning and the learner, Hue College of Pedagogy 1998 18 DANH MỤC CÁC ĐỀ TÀI SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG ĐÁNH GIÁ XẾP LOẠI CẤP PHÒNG GD&ĐT, CẤP SỞ GD&ĐT VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Hạnh Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên trường THCS Mường Mìn TT Tên đề tài SKKN Phương pháp giảng dạy kỹ Kết Cấp đánh đánh giá giá xếp loại xếp loại (Phòng, Sở, (A, B, Tỉnh ) C) PGD B Năm học đánh giá xếp loại 2010 -2011 đọc môn Tiếng Anh * Liệt kê tên đề tài theo thứ tự năm học, kể từ tác giả tuyển dụng vào Ngành thời điểm 19 ... writing, know to initiatively present his or her intention to communicate through speaking or writing Work in pairs and groups - a new teaching method has been applied by many teachers in training... identify and organize in process of the teaching “ consider learners centered, in teaching and learning procedure we must know the effective use of learning activities and practice in pairs and groups. .. activities in the form of individual work, pairwork and groupwork In the teaching process, for promoting students’s positive initiatives, the pairwork and groupwork are forms of well-done learning activities

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2021, 10:07

