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UNIT 6 E9 co tranh minh hoa phien am

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F T: give feedback and ask Sts to read the poem again and do the task “a” TB - page 51 Sts: work individually to do the task then compare the answers in pairs.. T: call on some Sts to gi[r]

(1)Planning date: .12.2013 Teaching dates 9A, D: 9B: 9C: Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Period 37: Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read .12.2013 12.2013 12.2013 Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: Read the passage about the work of a group of conservationists to understand the details - Know more about some environmental problems and the solutions to them and how to protect the environment b Skills Practice and improve all skills c Behavior Be aware of protecting the environment Preparation a.Teacher: Prepare textbook; teacher’s book; teaching plan; pictures about the environment; tape; cassette b Students: Prepare textbook; notebook; school things; homework; prepare well for new lesson Procedure *Organization T: greet and check the attendance Sts: reply 9A: 9B: 9C: 9D: a Check the old lesson (2’) T: check Sts' preparation for the lesson Sts: get ready * Warm up (8’) * Brainstorming: T: ask Sts to think about the environmental problems in their hometown and give out their ideas in front of the class Environmental problems Sts: work individually to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback Sts: give out the ideas in front of the class * Possible answers: (In V or in E) - the destruction of the forests - rubbish/ garbage/ trash - air pollution - water pollution - smoke from cars, motorbikes (2) Etc … T: elicit some more ideas and present the new words: @ - garbage dump (n): picture – Bãi đổ rác, đống rác - deforestation [di,fɔris'tei∫n] (n): explanation - Sự phá huỷ rừng - dynamite ['dainəmait] (n): example - Thuốc nổ - pesticide ['pestisaid](n): translation - Thuốc trừ sâu - spray [sprei](v): Phun, xịt - pollute [pə'lu:t] (v ) nhiễm - pollution [pə'lu:∫n] (n) nhiễm Sts: read and write down the words T: ask Sts to look at the six pictures on page 47 (TB) then match each picture with the words given in the box Sts: work individually to the task then compare the answers in pairs T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary @ Answers: a air pollution b.sprayingpesticides c garbage dump d water pollution e deforestation f dynamite fishing Sts: write the answers in the notebook T: ask Sts to think of the answer for the question: ? Why the writers of this book show us these pictures? Sts: the task * Possible answer: - Because they want us to know that our environment is being polluted and we should something to save it T: set the scene: In this lesson, you are going to listen and read a passage about the work of the conservationists to protect the environment Sts: listen to the teacher b New lesson (3) * Presentation (10’) @T: elicit some new words: - shore [∫ɔ:] (n): translation - Bờ biển, bờ hồ - rock [rɔk] (n): real object – Đá, khối đá - disappointed [,disə'pɔint] (a): translation - Thất vọng, chán ngán - achieve [ə't∫i:v] (v): dạt - conservationist [kənsə:'vei∫ənist] (n): eplain - người ủng hộ việc bảo vệ mơi trường thiên nhiên Sts: read and copy down the words in the notebook T: ask Sts to guess what the conservationists are going to Sts: the task T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback then have Sts listen to the tape to check their answers whether they are right or wrong The content of the text Mr Brown is talking to some volunteer conservationists."I want everyone to listen carefully, please."First of all, I'd like you to divide into three groups.Each group should take five plastic bags.Once you have filled a bag, come back to me as you will need another.I need group one to walk along the shore.Group two should check the sand, and group three has to check among the rocks Mr Jones is going to collect all the bags and take them to the garbage dump.Mrs Smith has kindly provided a picnic lunch for us, but we won't eat untill the whole area is clean.If you can't find you place, I will help you get there with the map.Don't worry uh I'm disappointed that people have spoiled this area.However, we are here to something about this pollution We must all work very hard.And, if we work hard, we'll make this beach a clean and beautiful place again OK Now, let's get started." walk along the shore check the sand check among the rocks T: ask Sts to read the passage again and work in pairs to “Ex a” (page 48 - TB) Sts: the task in pairs T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary @ Answers: 1: Group walk along the beach 2: Group check the sand 3: Group check the rocks 4: Mr Jones collects all the bags and take them to the garbage dump 5: Mrs Smith provides a picnic lunch for everyone 6: Mr Brown gives out the bags Sts: write the answers in the notebook T: ask Sts some questions to elicit the model sentence: * ? According to Mr Brown, what will make the beach a clean and beautiful place again? - “If we work hard, we’ll make this beach a clean and beautiful place again.” (T write the sentence on the board) ? How many clauses are there in the sentence? (4) - There are two ? What is the tense of the verb in “If - clause”? - The simple present ? What is the tense of the verb in “Main - clause”? - The simple future ? When we use this kind of sentence? - When talking about a real condition that something will happen in the future We call it the conditional sentence type I Sts: write the grammar in the notebook * Practice (12’) T: ask Sts to read the passages again and work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in “Ex b” (page 48 - TB) Sts: work in pairs to the task T: call on some Sts to ask and answer in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary @ Answers: Who is the speaker? - Mr Brown is the speaker Who is the listeners? - The listeners are the volunteer conservationists Where are they? They are on the beach What are they going to do? - They are going to clean the beach What will they achieve if they work hard today? - If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again Have you ever done anything similar? If yes, what did you do? Where did you it? - Sts’ answers If the pollution continues, what might happen? - Sts’ answers Sts: write the answers in the notebook * Further –practice (8’) T: ask Sts to work in groups to discuss and answer the question: ? What should we to keep our environment clean and green? Sts: work in groups to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary * Possible answers: - Shouldn’t throw trash in the public - Plant and save trees - Shouldn’t cut down the forests - Shouldn’t use the dynamite to catch fish - Clean the rooms, classrooms, streets everyday - take part in social activities to save our environment Etc … (5) Sts: practice saying in front of the class then write the answers in the notebook c Feedback (3’) T: Summarize all the taught languages: - Practice reading passages about the work of the conservationists to save the environment for details and talking about how to save the environment Sts: remember d Homework (2’) @T: assign home work: - Learn by heart all new words and model sentence - Do exercises 1, (W.B page 57) - Prepare well for new lesson (Speak & listen) Rút kinh nghiệm sau tiết Thời gian: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nội dung: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Phương pháp: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… _ (6) Planning date: ……….2013 2013 Teaching date 9A, D: ……… 9B, C: ……….2013 Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Period 38: Lesson 2: Speak & Listen Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge - Know how to persuade someone to something - Practice persuading their friends to something in order to protect the environment - Listen to a passage about some reasons why the ocean is polluted to understand the details and complete the note - Know some reasons why the ocean is polluted b Skills Practice and improve all skills but pay attention to speaking, listening skills c Behavior Be interested in protecting the environment Preparation a Teacher: Text book; Teaching plan; tape; cassette; Teacher’s book, ex - board b Students: Text book; notebook; school things; homework; prepare well for the new lesson Procedure * Organization T: greet and check the attendance Sts: reply 9A: 9B: 9C: 9D: a Check the old leson (5’) * Question1: write these words in English: - Sự tàn phá Thuốc trừ sâu Thuốc nổ Thất vọng * Answers: - Deforestation Dynamite Pesticide Disappointed * Question2: ? What should we to keep our environment clean? Sts: think of the answers for the question * Answers: (possible) I think we should burn trash to reduce the amount of garbage we produce to protect the environment… T: remark and mark (1point for each word & points for right answer) (7) T: today we’re going to talk about the environment polluted Let’s begin the lesson b New lesson * SPEAK (20’) *Pre - speaking T: ask Sts to think of some things that can make the environment polluted again Sts: work in pairs to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback and elicit some new words: @ - leaf [li:f] (n): real object – Lá (cây) - dissolve [di'zɔlv](v): translation – Phân huỷ - energy ['enədʒi] (n): example – lượng - garbage bin = waste paper bin –thùng rác - fume [fju:m](n): translation – hơi, khĩi - faucet ['fɔ:sit] (n): picture – vịi - prevent [pri'vent] (v): translation – ngăn chặn Sts: read and write the words in the notebook T: ask Sts to retell some structures used in persuading some body to something Sts: the task T: give feedback and write on the board: @ I think you should + V Why don't you + V infinitive (- to) infinitive (- to) ? Won't you + V - infinitive (- Why not + V - infinitive (to) ? to) ? It would be better if you + V What/ How about + V infinitive (- to) ing? ? Sts: write the model sentences in the notebook T: ask Sts to work in pairs to practice persuading their partners to some things to protect the environment using the expressions and the idea cues given in the textbook (page 49) following the examples given Sts: work in pairs to the task - Use banana leaves to wrap food (plastic bags are very hard to dissolve/ save paper) - Reuse and recycle bottles and cans (reduce garbage/ save natural resources) - Not throw trash onto the water (keep the water clean/ polluted water can directly harm to people's health and kill fish) - Go to school or go to work by bike (save energy/ keep the air cleaner) - Put garbage bins around the schoolyard (prevent lazy (8) students from throwing trash/ keep the schoolyard clean) - Use public buses instead of motorbikes (avoid traffic jams/ reduce exhaust fume/ save energy) Example: +) Dialogue 1: A: I think it would be better if we use banana leaves instead of paper or plastic bags to wrap food B: Why? How come? A: Because plastic bags are very hard to dissolve, they will cause pollution +) Dialogue 2: Mai: And if we use less paper, we can save trees in the forests That's how we can save environment Nam: Why? Mai: Because we can save energy and above all we can avoid traffic jams in cities, and reduce exhaust fume which is very harmful to people's health I think you should use public buses instead of motorbikes Nam: Oh, now I understand We should put the matter at our class meeting next month * While - speaking T: ask Sts to find possible answers to the questionaire They can use the ideas in section a Questionnaire Protecting the environment How can we - save paper? - prevent littering? - use fewer plastic - reduce air pollution? bags? - reduce the amount of garbage we - reduce water produce? pollution? Sts: work in pairs to the task T: call on some pairs of Sts to demonstrate their dialogues in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary Sts: practice saying in front of the class * Possible answers: * Save paper: S1: How can we save paper? S2: We reuse used paper and recycle waste paper * Use fewer plastic bags: S1: How can we use fewer plastic bags? S2: We use banana leaves to wrap food * Reduce water pollution: S1: How can we reduce water pollution? S2: We don't throw trash or rubbish in the rivers or lakes * Reduce air pollution: S1: How can we reduce air pollution? (9) S2: We should use public means of transportation instead of private cars or motorbikes S1: How can we reduce the amount of garbage we produce? S2: We can reuse and recycle bottles and cans And we can bury or burn trash Sts: practice saying in front of the class then write the answers for the questionnaire in the notebook * Post - speaking T: ask Sts to talk about the things that they often do/ can in order to protect the environment Sts: work in pairs to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary * Possible answers: S1: How can we save paper? S2: We can save paper by reusing used paper and recycling old newsprint or waste paper S1: How can we use fewer plastic bags? S2: We can use fewer plastic bags by using banana leaves to swrap food S1:How can we reduce water pollution? S2: We can reduce water pollution by using waste water treatment system and limit S1: the discharge of sewage and trash into the rivers or lakes S2: How can we prevent littering? S1: We can prevent littering by putting garbage bins along streets and in parks in cities S2: How can we reduce air pollution? S1: We can reduce air pollution by banning cars and trucks from the city centers and limit the emission of dangerous chemicals from industrial smoke stacks; at the same time, we persuade people to go to work by bus/ tram or bike instead of car or motorbike * LISTEN (15’) Pre - listening * Chatting: T: ask Sts to think of the answers for the question: ? Do you think what are making our oceans polluted? Sts: think of the answers for the question of the teacher (Their own ideas) T: give feedback and elicit some new words: @ - raw [rɔ:] (a) explain – sống, tươi, nguyên chất, chưa qua sử lý - sewage ['su:idʒ] (n) nước thải, nước cống - pump [pʌmp] (v) Action - bơm - spill [spil] (n) explain– tràn, đổra - ship [ship] (n) picture– tàu, thuyền - marine life: Cuộc sống biển - waste materials: Nguyên liệu phế thải Sts: read and write the words in the notebook T: explain the task then ask Sts to read the information in the note, and give out their (10) ideas about what information is missing Sts: work in groups to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback Sts: give out the ideas in front of the class *While - listening T: play the tape, ask Sts to listen and check their ideas whether they are right or wrong Sts: the task T: ask Sts to listen again (twice or three times) and complete the note with the right information Sts: work individually to the task then compare the answers in pairs T: call on some Sts to go to the board to write their answers on the ex - board, give feedback and ask Sts to listen again to check their answers @ Answers: Secondly: garbage is … Thirdly: … come from ship at sea Next: waste materials come from factories Finally: oil is washed from the land Sts: write the complete note in the notebook *Post - listening T: ask Sts to work in groups to discuss and answer the question: ? What should we to prevent the oceans from being polluted? Sts: work in groups to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary * Possible answers: - We mustn’t pump the sewage directly into the sea - We shouldn’t throw the garbage, the trash into the sea - We should have the regulations which stop the factory owners letting the waste run directly into the rivers and the oceans - We mustn’t use the dynamite to catch fish Etc … Sts: practice saying in front of the class c Summary (3’) T: summarize all the taught languages: - Practice and improve speaking skill by practice persuading the others to some things to save the environment - Practice and improve listening skill by listening to the passage about some reasons why the ocean is polluted Sts: remember d Homework (2’) @T: assign homework: - Learn by heart the model sentences used in persuading other people to smt - Write the answers (post - listening) in the notebook - Do exercise 3, 4, 5(W.B page 58, 59) - Prepare well for the next lesson (Read) (11) Rút kinh nghiệm sau tiết Thời gian: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nội dung: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Phương pháp: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… _ Planning date:…….2013 Teaching dates 9A,B,D: ………01.2013 9C:…….01.2013 Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Period 39: Lesson 3: Read Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge - Read a poem about the environment to understand the details - Know some environmental problems and how to protect the environment b Skills Practice and improve all skills but pay attention to reading c Behavior How to protect the environment Preparation: a Teacher: Textbook; Teaching plan; ex- board b Students: Textbook; notebook; school things; exercise; prepare well for new lesson Procedures *Organization T: greet and check the attendance Sts: reply 9A: 9B: 9C: 9D: a Check the old lesson (5’) * Question: Answer the questions: ? What are making the ocean polluted? * Possible answers: - There are some things that are making the ocean polluted such as: raw sewage is (12) pumped directly into the sea, garbage is dropped into the sea, oil spills, and waste materials and oil is washed from the land T: remark and mark T: today we’re going to read a poem about the environment Let’s begin the lesson b New lesson Pre – reading (10’) T: ask Sts some questions to lead - in: ? Have you ever been to a park? (or a public place) ? Are there any garbage bins in the park? ? Do people protect the environment in the park? What they often with the garbage when walking in the park? Sts: think of the answers for the questions of the teacher (their own ideas) T: give feedback and elicit some new words depending on Sts' answers: @ - junk - yard (n) a place to store rubbish and waste Nơi để đồ đồng nát - treasure /'treʒə/ (n) valuable / precious things Châu báu, kho báu (v) Quý trọng, trân trọng - foam /foum/ (n) mass of bubbles of air or gas Bọt (nước biển, bia) - hedge /hedʒ/ (n) Hàng rào - nonsense /'nɔnsəns/ (n ) meaningless words or ideas vơ lí - end - up (v) use up / finish chấm dứt - silly /'sili/ (a) ngốc nghếch Sts: read and write the words in the notebook T: set the scene: In this lesson, you are going to read a poem in which there is a mother and her son They are having a picnic in a park The son sees the place is polluted He asks his mother about the problems of pollution Before reading, let make some True/ False predictions about the reading T/F statements prediction: The boy is really interested in the problems of pollution He doesn’t want to make the place more polluted His mother is aware of the danger of the pollution The mother thinks she should protect the environment Sts: listen to the teacher and work in groups to make T/F predictions T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback Sts: give out the ideas in front of the class While – reading (17’) T: ask Sts to open the book, read the poem and check their predictions whether they are right or wrong Sts: the task, read the poem and check their predictions whether they are right or wrong MUMMY, OH MUMMY "Mummy, oh Mummy, what's going to happen If all the pollution goes on?" "Well the world will end up like the second-hand junkyard, With all of its treasures quite gone (13) 10 15 @* Answers: The fields will be littered with plastics and tins, The streams will be covered with foam Now throw those soda bottles over the hedge, Save us from taking them home." "But Mummy, oh Mummy, if I throw the bottles, Won't that be polluting the woods?" "Nonsense! That isn't the same thing at all, You just keep quiet and be good If you're going to start getting silly ideas, I'll take you home right away Because pollution is something that other folk do, We're just enjoying our day." 1.T; T; F; F T: give feedback and ask Sts to read the poem again and the task “a” (TB - page 51) Sts: work individually to the task then compare the answers in pairs T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary @* Answers: c g f e d a b Sts: write the answers in the notebook T: ask Sts to read the poem again and work in pairs to ask and answer the questions to (Ex “b”) Sts: the task T: call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary @* Answers: According to the mother, what will happen is the pollution goes on? - If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk - yard Who does the mother think pollute the environment? - The mother thinks other folk pollute the environment but not her and her son What will happen to the boy if he keeps on asking his mother such questions? - If the boy keeps on asking such questions, his mother will take him home right away Do you think the boy's question (lines - 10) is silly? Why (not)? - No Because he is right: if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods What does the poet want us to learn about keeping the environment unpolluted? -The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution Sts: write the answers in the notebook Post – reading (9’) T: ask Sts to work in groups to discuss and answer the questions (14) What could you in your school/ house to minimize pollution? Sts: work in groups to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their ideas in front of the class, give feedback and make any corrections to their answers if necessary Sts: practice showing the ideas in front of the class (Who are called) * Possible answers: In your school we could something to minimize pollution by keeping it always clean and beautiful and by reducing the amount of garbage as such as we can Or: - Put the garbage bins around the schoolyard - Pick up the rubbish/ garbage and throw it into the trash bins - Don’t throw the garbage on the ground - Clean the house/ the schoolyard/ the classroom everyday Etc … c Feedback (2’) T: Summaries all the taught languages: - Practice and improve reading skill by reading a poem about the environment and talking about how to protect the environment Sts: remember d Homework (2’) @T: assign homework: - Learn by heart all new words - Do exercise 6, 7, (W.B – P 60, 61) - Prepare well for new lesson (Write) _ Rút kinh nghiệm sau tiết Thời gian: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nội dung: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Phương pháp: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Planning date: ……….2013 Teaching date 9A, B, C: ….01.2013 9D: … 01.2013 Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Period 40: Lesson 4: Write Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge - Review and remember how to write a formal letter - Write a letter of complaint b Skills (15) Practice and improve all skills but pay attention to writing skill c Behavior Be concerned about the environment around them Preparation a Teacher: Text book; Teaching plan b Students: Text book; notebook; school things; exercise; prepare well for the new lesson Procedure *Organization T: greet and check the attendance Sts: reply 9A: 9B: 9C: 9D: a Check the old lesson (5’) * Question 1: Write the words in English and answer the question: - Bãi phế thải Ngu ngốc Bọt Hàng rào * Answers: - junk – yard Treasure Foam Hedge * Question 2: What could you in your school/ house to minimize pollution? * Answers: In your school we could something to minimize pollution by keeping it always clean and beautiful and by reducing the amount of garbage as such as we can T: remark and mark (1 point for each word & points for the right answer) T: How to write a complaint letter let’s begin the lesson b New lesson * Pre – writing (12’) T: ask Sts some questions to lead- in: (in V or E) ? Do you remember the way to write a formal letter? ? How many parts are there in an English formal letter? ? Have you ever written a letter of complaint about something? ? Do you want to know how to write a letter of complaint? Sts: think of the answers for the questions T: give feedback and elicit some new words: @ - complication /kɔmpli'kei∫n/ (n) phức tạp, rắc rối - resolution /,rezə'lu:∫n/ (n) giải quyết, cách giải - response /ri'spɔnd/ (n) trả lời, đáp lại - refreshment /ri'fre∫mənt/ (n) nghỉ ngơi - float /flout/ (v) nổi, trơi bồng bềnh - prohibit /prə'hibit/ (v) cấm, ngăn chặn Sts: read and write down the words T: ask Sts to close their books, provide them with five sections of a complaint letter (with their definitions) in random order Have Sts put the sections in a correct order @ Situation: A complaint letter has five sections states the reason for writing (16) Complication: mentions the problem Resolution: makes a suggestion Action: talks about future action Politeness: ends the letter politely a Action: talk about future action b Situation: states reasons for writing c Politeness: ends the letter politely d Complication: mention the problem e Resolution: make a suggestion Sts: work individually to the task then compare the answers in pairs T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback, and correct mistakes if necessary Sts: give out the ideas in front of the class and write the answers in the notebook T: ask Sts to read the letter on page 52 (TB) and label each section with the appreciate letter: C, S, R, A or P 26 Tran Phu Street Ha Noi October 9, 2003 The Director L&D Transport Company 431 Le Loi Boulevard HCMC Dear Sir/ Madam, R I would suggest that your company should tell your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving S I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the north A I look forward to hearing from you and seeing good response from your company C When the trucks of your company have a short break on the streets around my house, the drivers left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment When the trucks leave the place, the ground is covered with trash and a few minutes later there is smell and flies P Yours faithfully, Tran Vu Nhat @* Answers: 26 Tran Phu Street Ha Noi October 9, 2003 The Director (17) L&D Transport Company 431 Le Loi Boulevard HCMC Dear Sir/ Madam, S I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the north C When the trucks of your company have a short break on the streets around my house, the drivers left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment When the trucks leave the place, the ground is covered with trash and a few minutes later there is smell and flies R I would suggest that your company should tell your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving A I look forward to hearing from you and seeing good response from your company Yours faithfully, Tran Vu Nhat Sts: work individually to the task then compare the answers in pairs T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary Sts: write the answers in the notebook While – writing (15’) T: ask Sts to read the situation in part “b” then answer some comprehension questions: ? What you complaint about? ? What problems you want to mention in your letter? ? What suggestions you want to make? Sts: work individually to the task * Answers: - The way people catch fish (use electricity to catch fish) - Fish and other animals have died - Prohibiting and fining heavily anyone catching fish in this way T: ask Sts to use the information given to write a letter of complaint following the form of the model letter Sts: work individually to the task T: go round and help Sts if necessary *Post – writing (9’) T: ask Sts to compare their writings in pairs Sts: the task T: call on some Sts to show their letters in front of the class give feedback and correct some typical mistakes Sts: show the letter in front of the class (who are called) and correct mistakes if necessary @ Suggested letter: Thursday, January 11, 2003 P (18) Ho Chi Minh City Dear Mr President, I am writing to you about the problem of fish catching in the lake behind my house I am very worried because people use electricity to catch fish After a short time they left the place, a lot of small fish died and floated on the water surface Other animals such as frogs, toads and even birds also died from electric shock waves I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment from the local authority Yours faithfully, … c Feedback (2’) T: Summaries all the taught languages: ? Repeat about five sections of a complaint letter Action: talk about future action Situation: states reasons for writing Politeness: ends the letter politely Complication: mention the problem Resolution: make a suggestion Sts: remember d Homework (2’) @T: assign homework: - Rewrite the letter (part “a”) as in its order - Complete and write the letter (part “b”) in the notebook - Do exercise 9, 10, 11, 12 (W.B – P 62, 63) - Prepare well for new lesson (Language focus) Rút kinh nghiệm sau tiết Thời gian: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nội dung: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Phương pháp: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… _ (19) Planning date: Teaching dates: Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Period 41: Lesson 5: Language focus Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge - Review and remember how to use the adjectives and adverbs - Use the conditional sentences type I - Use the adverb clause of reason with “because”, “as”, “since” - Apply the grammar on doing exercises b Skills Practice and improve all skills c Behavior Be interested in learning English Preparation: a Teacher: Textbook; Teaching plan; grammar book b Students: Textbook; notebook; school things; prepare well for the new lesson Procedure * Organization T: greet and check the attendance Sts: reply 9A: 9B: 9C: 9D: a Check the old lesson (2’) T: check Sts' homework and preparation for the new lesson Sts: get ready b New lesson * Language - focus (10’) T: give out some examples to elicit the grammar: - She is a quick runner - She runs very quickly Sts: look at the examples ? “Quick” and “quickly” - which is the adjective/ the adverb? How we use them? Sts: answer the questions of the teacher T: give feedback: @+ Adj + ly = Adverb of manner + Adjectives can be put in two places in a sentence: before a noun or after some verbs such as: be, look, appear, seem, feel, taste, sound, smell … + Adverbs can be put in two places in the sentence: after the verbs or after the direct object Sts: write in the notebook and make some examples T: ask Sts to read the Ex 1, explain the task and elicit some new words: - amazed (a) - cope (v) (20) - respiratory (a) - ideal (a) - inedible (a) Sts: listen and write down the words T: ask Sts to Ex Sts: work individually to the task then compare the answers in pairs T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary Sts: give out the answers in front of the class @ Answer b …slowly c … sadly d … happily e … well Sts: copy the answers * Language - focus (8’) T: elicit and explain the adverb clauses of reason with “Because”, “as”, “since” by giving two sentences and ask Sts to combine them into one using “Because” He is tired He stayed up late watching TV last night Sts: the task - He is tired because he stayed up late watching TV last night @T: give feedback: The clause, which goes after “Because” is called the adverb clause of reason We can also use “As” or “Since” instead of “Because” Example: a I'm tired I stayed up late watching TV => Ba is tired because/ as/ since he stayed up late watching TV Sts: write the grammar in the notebook T: ask Sts to Ex Sts: work individually to the task & compare the answers in pairs T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary b I have a broken leg I fell over while I was playing basketball c I'm going to be late for school The bus is late d I broke the cup I was careless (21) e I want to go home I feel sick f I'm hungry I haven't eaten all day @ Answers a I’m tired because/ as/ since I stayed up late watching TV b I have a broken leg because/ as/ since I fell over while I was playing basketball c I’m going to be late for school because/ as/ since the bus is late d I broke the cup because/ as/ since I was careless e I want to go home because/ as/ since I feel sick f I’m hungry because/ as/ since I haven’t eaten all day Sts: give out the answers in front of the class * Language focus (9’) T: set the scene to elicit the structure: Ba: Dad! I got mark on my test Dad: That’s fine I’m pleased that you are working hard Sts: read the sentences T: ask Sts to find out the form Sts: the task T: feedback @ Form: S + be + Adj + that + clause Sts: write the grammar in the notebook T: ask Sts to Exercises Sts: work in pairs to the task T: call on some Sts to practice the complete dialogues in front of the class Give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary @Answers b Mrs R: Tomorrow I’m excited that I can go to Da Lat this time c Lan: I’m sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday d Mr R: I’m disappointed that you didn’t phone me about it e Nga: Thanks I’m amazed that I could win the first prize Sts: practice saying in front of the class * Language focus 4, T: remind Sts of the conditional sentences type I through the example: @- If we pollute the water, we will have no fresh water to use * Form: If clause (present tense), main clause (future simple tense) Sts: write the model in the notebook T: ask Sts to Ex 4, (TB) Sts: work in pairs to the task T: call on some Sts to give out their answers in front of the class, give feedback and (22) correct mistakes if necessary @ Answers Ex - e; - a; - c; - d; - b Ex a If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants will die b If we go on littering, the environment will become seriously polluted c If we plant more trees along the streets, we will have more shade and fresh air d If we use much pesticide on vegetables, the vegetables will become poisonous and inedible e If we keep our environment clean, we will live a happier and healthier life Sts: practice giving the answers in front of the class c Feedback (2’) T: summarize all the taught languages - The Adjectives/ Adverbs/ Adverb clause of manner - The conditional sentences type I Sts: remember d Homework (2’) @T: assign homework: - Learn by heart all grammar - Do exercises again and write in the notebook - Do exercise 13, 14 (WB – P 65, 66) - Prepare well for the next lessons (Unit 7: Getting stared, listen and read) _ Rút kinh nghiệm sau tiết Thời gian: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nội dung: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Phương pháp: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… _ (23) (24)

Ngày đăng: 18/06/2021, 18:30
