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THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT QUANG XUONG HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE APPLYING SOME GAMES FOR WARM-UP ACTIVITIES IN SPEAKING LESSONS IN ENGLISH 11 ( ÁP DỤNG MỘT SỐ TRỊ CHƠI CHO PHẦN WARM-UP TRONG GIỜ NĨI TIẾNG ANH 11) Writer: Nguyễn Thị Hồng Position: teacher School: Quang Xuong High School Subject: English THANH HÓA, YEAR 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I:INTRODUCTION 1.Rational of the study (page 1) 2.Aims of the study (page +2) 3.Scope of the study (page 2) 4.Methods of the study (page 2) PART II: CONTENTS 1.Theorical background (page +3) 2.Some problems before applying games for warm-up (page +4) 3.Some solutions to solve the problems by applying some games for warm-up (page - 15) 4.The effect of experience initiative (page15 + 16) PART III: CONCLUSION , PROPOSAL Conclusion (page 17) Proposal (page 17) 3.Reference “Applying some games for warming -up activities in speaking lessons in English 11 ” PART ONE : INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study Nowadays, English is the most popular language in the world As an effective means of international communication, it is used as the official language in many fields of life such as economics, politics, science, technology, sports and many others This leads to an increasing demand of learning English There are more and more people who learn English and consider it as an inevitable factor in their work and life Today society is growing, learning, acquire, acquire human knowledge is an urgent need of each individual To help people be accessible with abundant knowledge, English is an indispensable means Therefore, learning English is increasingly social concern, especially for the younger generation How to study and teach English effectively is always a big question to both teachers and students The knowledge introduced in the textbook is what all students have to exploit and receive However, if the teacher teaches directly the lessons, students will feel passive and they cannot define what they are going to study because the fact that English is too difficult for them To help students prepare mental sense well before going to the new lessons and become more active during the lessons Recognizing the importance of speaking, I decide on choosing “Applying some games for warming -up activities in speaking lessons in English 11 ” Aims of the study The specific aims of the study are as follows: - Clarifying the nature of warming -up activities in speaking lessons in accordance with some important points in teaching this skill - Investigating the present situation of teaching and learning speaking of the 11th form students to find out advantages as well as problems facing both teachers and students in speaking lessons - Suggesting useful techniques to motivate the speaking skills in the warming -up activities Scope of the study Due to the limitation, all the techniques suggested are used in the speaking skills in the warming –up stage And the object of this study is the 11th form students Methods of the study To implement this study, the following methods are used: - Consulting related materials: For the sake of getting knowledge and useful ideas, I read many books and other materials in addition to earlier researches about how to motivate students by warming up and teaching speaking - Delivering survey questionnaire and observing speaking lessons: To fulfill this study, two survey questionnaires, one for students and another for teachers and some speaking class observations were carried out to find out the teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward teaching and learning speaking as well as their working methods PART TWO : CONTENTS Part : Theoretical basis 1.1 What is meant by speaking skill? Speaking is described as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information Speaking depends on the context or the situation, Context includes the physical environment, the purposes for speaking is more often spontaneous, open ended, and evolving Speaking requires learners to not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary but also that they understand when, where, why and in what ways to produce language.[5] 1.2 What is the game in teaching English? Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work.''Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful The learners want to take part and in order to so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information 1.3 Ideas for warm up activities A warm up activity is a short, fun game which a teacher or trainer can use with students The purpose of a warm up is to encourage the students, wake them up – first thing in the morning and after lunch people are often a little sleepy, prepare them to learn by stimulating their minds and/or their bodies Warm ups should last about minutes Warm ups are particularly useful to help new students or trainees to get to know each other, to mark the shift when students have finished learning about one topic before starting on a new topic Warm up activities are essential teaching techniques for good teacher and trainers Part : Some problems before applying games for warm- up Teaching English at Quang Xuong for many years, I have noticed poor students in this course so much, only a few students can speak fluently Through practice I found that one of the reasons that the number of poor students due to the fact that families are difficult, learning conditions are limited, they not have dictionaries, reference books, video tapes of machine support for the children the skills of listening, speaking, practice more, and poor conditions from the school have affected the quality of their learning But the major cause is that they they don’t feel interested in the subject, that subject is difficult, they not have to communicate daily environment so they forget , which leads to slow acquisition, unequal power in school It is from this fact, in order to promote, encourage and stimulate the desire of the students believe that every teacher should study and apply the game to fit with the lesson content, contributing to the direction students in the lesson content and the desire to learn English To it well, every teacher needs to understand the role of the game, that is: - Create a relaxed atmosphere in the class - Supporting effective in creating excitement, interest in learning, comfort in every class - Supports the student's brain - Assist in review from a new set of questions - Assist in training students' speaking skills - Means of instructions, suggested by questions and answers between teachers and students towards the theme of the lesson.[4] Part 3: Some solutions to solve the problems by applying games for warm –up activites in some speaking lessons Organizing games for warming-up activities in teaching speaking skill a Rules: The teacher has to ensure that the students understand how a activity is played by giving clear instructions of the rules and remember to chech their understanding before starting b Forms of playing Student can take part in some activities such as: - in pairs - in small groups of four or five - in large groups of two tables - in two groups( the class is divided into teams) - in individual with class b Requirements - Student should use English as much as posible while they are taking part in the activities c Preparation - Teacher should prepare all the objects, things relating to the goal of activities and must give clear instructions d Role of the teacher - Teacher plays the role of an instrutor and counselor during the activities e Time limited Each activity takes from to minutes Before starting, time limited should be given to students and the teacher shoul stop them whether they have finished or not Type of games for warming-up activities in teaching speaking skill Students of English often lack confidence when speaking due to the language's irregular pronunciation rules Practicing often can help to build both the learners' confidence and competency in speaking English Using games which require verbal responses in the classroom is an effective way of developing spoken language skills There are some games that are used in teaching speaking skill: Sorting, ordering or arranging games, Information gap game, Guessing games, Matching games, Labeling games, Puzzle-solving games, Role play games… Games for warming –up activites in some speaking lessons in English 11 Unit 1:Friendship [1] Lesson B: Speaking Game : Crosswords - Divide the class into two groups: Group A and Group B - Stick the Crossword Poster on the board - Give instructions: - Two groups take turn to choose the number from one to seven There are two lucky numbers If you choose them, your group gets mark If not, you have to answer my question One mark will belong to you if you’re right If not, the other group has the right to answer - At the end of the game, which group has more marks will be the winner.” - Let the class play the game - Declare the winners Unit Personal Experience [2] Lesson B: Speaking “Have you ever” Game Form: The teacher ask sts to work in groups of 3-4 Preparation: at home Teacher cuts out and shuffles the given “Tell the truth” or “Tell a Lie” card The goal: Ask and aswer with the question “have you ever………… ?” How to proceed : teacher places the cards in one pile at the centre of the table - teacher modes “Have you ever” + past participle” for sts as well as ways to respond to “Have you ever” question Eg: Have you ever been to Paris? No, I haven’t or Yes, I have If the answer is Yes, one might ask a follow-up question, using the past simple, eg When was it? - within the sts’ groups the first student starts and asks anyone else in his/ her group a “Have you ever?” question.The student who is asked the question should draw a card from the piles of “ Tell the truth” or “Tell a lie” cards and answer according to the card.The rest of the students are allowed to ask more follow-up questions to try and determine if the person answering is telling the truth or lying.After questions are up, the student answering will show his/her card for the group to see if it’s a “tell the truth” or “tell a lie” card The group continues to play until everyone is asked Unit 3: A Party [1] Lesson B: Speaking Brainstorming Form: The teacher ask sts to work in groups and fill in the circles some parties they know Preparation: Teacher preparation boards, chalk The goal: Find some phrases only parities How to proceed : Teachers require each groups to think and fill in the handouts The grous having the name of the parties the most will be the winner UNIT :Volunteer work[1] Lesson B: Speaking Competition game- Describing the pictures Teacher divides the class into small groups of 3- students and gives each groups a set of pictures Sts are required to describe the activity in each picture in one sentence only.Which group finishes first and has the most correct and meaning ful sentences will be the winner UNIT : COMPETITON [1] Lesson B: Speaking Brainstorming Form: The teacher ask sts to list some competitions they know Preparation: Teacher preparation boards, chalk The goal: Find some phrases only competition How to proceed : Teachers ask sts to list some names of the competition in front of the class 10 UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION Lesson B: Speaking Jumbed words Ask sts to work in pairs to arrange the order of words to make meaningful words 1.BOLEUP 2.LYMIFA NAPLIGN 3.CERSEANI 4.RAESDEC 5.IMLTI 6.GEURIF Suggested answer 1.DOUBLE 2.FAMILY PLANNING 3.INCREASE 4.DECREASE 5.LIMIT 6.FIGURE UNIT 8: CELEBRATUION Lesson B: Speaking Guessing FORM :Ask sts to listen some pieces of the songs and give the name of the festival Preparation: Teacher preparation cassete, tapes The goal: introduce some celebrations How to proceed : Teacher plays the tape for sts to hear the pieces of the song aboutVietnamese Teachers’ Day, Christmas and Mid – Autumn festival UNIT : THE POST OFFICE [1] Lesson B: Speaking - ask sts to look at the pictures and guess what service the customers are using Unit 11: Sources of energy 11 Part B: Speaking Guessing FORM :Ask sts to listen some information about some alternative sources of energy and then answer The goal: introduce some alternative sources of energy How to proceed : Teacher make questions “What sources of energy you know? “ It can be found in only some places of the earth (GEOTHERMAL HEAT) This energy can be very dangerous (nuclear power) Sailboats couldn’t move without this energy (WIND ENERGY) They will be exhausted within a relatively short time (FOSSIL FUELS) It covers about three quarters (¾ ) of the earth’s surface (WATER ENERGY) Panels are used to create this energy( SOLAR ENERGY) UNIT 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part B: Speaking Jumbed words - ask sts to rearrange the order of words to make meaninful sentences 1.14Th / were/ the/ where/ Asian/ held/ Games/ when/ and? 2.countries/ in/how/ the/part/many/took/ Games? 3.were/at/Games/sports/many/ completed/how/the? Answer 1.When and where were the 14Th Asian Games held? 2.How many countries took part in the Games? 3.How many sports were competed at the Games UNIT 13: HOBBIES Part B: Speaking -ask sts to work in pairs to ask about their own hobbies -write their hobbies on the board UNIT 15 : SPACE CONQUEST Part B: Speaking -give some picture of famous astronauts _ask sts some questions and answer 12 1.Who Are They? What Are their nationalities? Pict 1:He’s Pham Tuan_VietNamese astronaut 2.He’s Yuri Gagarin Russian astronaut 3.Buzz Aldrin_American Astronaut 4.Yang Liwei_Chinese Austronaut 5.John Glenn_An American Astronaut Valentina_Tereshkova UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD [1] Part B: Speaking Guess the place -ask sts to listen some information about wonder and answer the question “ what wonder of the world is? “ It is believed to have been built over a 20-year period It consisted approximately two million blocks of stone Key: The Great Pyramid 4.The effect of experience initiative During a 2016-2017 school year, I have applied these some games in class 11T1,11T2, 11C3 and it can be seen that students have made some progress Many students became more and more active and easier with the lessons Therefore , they leaned the lessons more comfortablely and more effectively Specific results class 11T1 11T2 11C3 total 46 44 42 Excellentvery good 22 10 Quite average good 20 21 15 13 22 Weak (bad) 0 13 PART THREE : CONCLUSION, PROPOSAL During the year, I usually used the game for warm-up activities, depending on the abilities of students in each class to choose and orient the content of games I used many kinds of games and I see that many students became more and more active and easier with the lessons Therefore , they leaned the lessons more comfortablely and more effectively I found used game measures play an active supporting role in the teaching of foreign languages in general and English in particular It is one of the effective measures that motivates students to participate actively in learning, research, brainstorming lesson We created the situation, context, help students practice better, inspire and assist students to understand quickly, contribute to improve the quality of student learning and performance teaching performance of the teachers Thus, the use of the game not only create a fun atmosphere, start learning in students, but also a science tricks, creative teachers Integrated to match the theme unit Stimulating the passion for learning and research in each student We need to see the game as a rewarding job for those students Although it takes teachers a lot of time to prepare for the design of games in the class, anyway we also try to help young generation, for the country in the future, we try to our best to invest in a certain language knowledge for each student Help students use their capital basic language and application for their practical life Due to the shortage of time and the lack of practical experience, all the issues of the teaching process cannot be covered as a whole It is expected that the further studies will be the continuance for this one The quality of teaching and learning speaking in English as a result can be step by step improved Furthermore, mistakes are also inevitable in the thesis 14 because of the limitation of time, references and ability Comments and recommendations would be highly appreciated to better the thesis both in content and in the form I think it is a good method for every teacher in teaching.This paper is only my suggestions, you can create a suitable one for your own class you will see how helpful it is I would like to receive your strict criticism and constructive comments to male it a better one for another My recommendation : I wish the leaders of my school could create better conditions for the teaching aids for teachers of English such as: cassette, video tapes, pictures, projectors… XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG Thanh Hóa, ngày 30 tháng năm 2017 ĐƠN VỊ Tôi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, khơng chép nội dung người khác Nguyễn Thị Hồng 15 Reference [1].The website://www.google.com.vn [2].Thiet ke bai giang tieng anh 11 [3].English Textbook 11 [4].English langguage teaching methodology ( Teacher’s Workbook) [5].Teach English – A training course for teachers – Tác giả Adrian Doff 16 17 ... solutions to solve the problems by applying games for warm ? ?up activites in some speaking lessons Organizing games for warming -up activities in teaching speaking skill a Rules: The teacher has... going to the new lessons and become more active during the lessons Recognizing the importance of speaking, I decide on choosing ? ?Applying some games for warming -up activities in speaking lessons. .. There are some games that are used in teaching speaking skill: Sorting, ordering or arranging games, Information gap game, Guessing games, Matching games, Labeling games, Puzzle-solving games, Role

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2021, 16:46

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