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Giao an on tap hoc ki I Tieng Anh 9 Tiet 34

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“Can” - “ You can learn well ,Nam” The teacher said - The teacher said Nam could learn well Một số chuyển đổi khác khi chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp mà động từ tường thuật [r]

(1)Planning date: Teaching date: Period 34: REVISION FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge - Review and remember some important grammar/ structures that they have studied in the first semester: + The modal verbs with “If” + The reported speech and the tag questions + The passive - Apply the grammar on doing the exercises b Skills Drill all the skills c Behavior Like learning English Preparation: a Teacher: Textbook; Teaching plan; grammar book; workbook b Students: Textbook; notebook; school things; prepare well for the new lesson Procedure *Organization T: greet and check the attendance Sts: reply 9A: 9B: 9C: 9D: a Check the old lesson (5’) T: check Ss’ preparations Ss: get ready T: today we’re going to review some important grammar/ structures that you have studied in the first semester Let’s begin the lesson b New lesson * Grammar (15’) Modals with “If” T: ask Sts to retell the conditional sentences type and the form with the modals in the main clause Sts: the task T: feedback Form If clause main clause ( present simple) ( modal verbs) Ex: If you want to improve English, we can help you Trong mệnh đề chính, thay vì sử dụng will, ta có thể sử dụng - may/can để cho phép Ex: If you eat all your dinner, you can have a chocolate - may/might/could để khả có thể xảy (2) Ex: If he doesn’t come soon, he might miss the train - Can/could để khả Ex: If the ice is thick, we can walk across - must/ have to để bắt buộc Ex: You must your homework if you want to go out - should/ ought to để lời khuyên gợi ý Ex: If you want to get well, you ought to stay in bed Sts: copy and remember the models T: ask Sts to retell the grammar of the reported speech Sts: the task T: give feedback - When report others’ speech, we must follow some rules: + The rule “one tense back” + Some changes (Ex - page 38 - TB) The reported speech T: Ask Ss some questions about the grammar Ss: Answer T: Listen and repeat the grammar Có hai cách để tường thuật điều đó nói: lối nói trực tiếp và lối nói gián tiếp + Direct speech Khi chúng ta sử dụng lời nói lối nói trực tiếp, chúng ta nhắc lại nguyên văn người nói Ex: Marry: I’ve bought the tickets She said, “I’ve bought the tickets.” + Reported speech Khi chúng ta sử dụng lời nói lối nói gián tiếp, chúng ta chú ý nghĩa chính xác của lời nói mà không thiết phải sử dụng nguyên văn lời đã nói Ex: Marry: I’ve bought the tickets She said (that) she had bought the tickets Về thì Nếu động từ tường thuật câu thì quá khứ thì phải lùi động từ chính quá khứ bậc Ta chuyển đổi theo bảng sau : Thì 1.Hiện Thì câu trực tiếp S + am/is/are Thì câu gián tiếp S + was / were đơn - “He is a student”Lan said S + V0/ s / es -Lan said he was a student S + V-ed/ V2 - “Nam goes to school today”Ba -Ba said Nam went to school that day said Hiện tiếp diễn 3.Quá khứ đơn S + am /is / are + V-ing S + was / were + V-ing -“ I am singing an English song” Ba Said -Ba said he was singing an english song S + V-ed/V2 S + had + V-ed/ V3 “ She played chess with me last -He said she had played chess with him the night before night” he said (3) 4.Quá khứ tiếp diễn Tương lai 6.Hiện hoàn thành với đt S + was / were + V-ing S + had been + V-ing -“ He was doing his HW, when I -Hoa said he had been doing his HW came” Hoa said S + will + V0 (when she had came) S + would + V0 -“ They will be 15 on Monday” his His mother said they would be 15 on monday mother told S+ have/has + V-ed/ VIII S + had + V-ed /VIII -“you have finished all your HW,Na” the teacher said -The teacher said Na had finished all her HW S + can + V0 S + could + V0 “Can” - “ You can learn well ,Nam” The teacher said - The teacher said Nam could learn well Một số chuyển đổi khác chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp mà động từ tường thuật thì quá khứ thì các trạng từ thời gian, nơi chốn và đại từ định chuyển theo quy tắc sau : Trong câu trực tiếp To day Tonight Yesterday Tomorrow Next week Last week Trong câu gián tiếp That day That night The day before / the previous day The day after/ the following day The week after / The following week The week before / the previous week Last night The night before This That These Those Here There Now Then Ago Before Một số dạng thường gặp * Câu tường thuật loại câu hỏi Có hay Không (Yes – No questions)có dạng : Loại câu này mở đầu các động từ: ask, inquire, wonder và theo sau có If whether Ex: “Did you go to school yesterday?” Hoa asked → Hoa asked me if/ whether I had gone to school the day before * “ Is she beautiful,Nga?” Hung asked → Hung aksed Nga if / whether she was beautiful * “Are you hungry, John?”She asked → She asked John if/ whether he was hungry (4) * Câu tường thuật loại câu có từ để hỏi (Wh – question ) có dạng: Example: - “ Where are you going” She said to me → She asked me where I was going -“ What’s her name ?” Chung asked me → Chung asked me what her name was Sts: write the grammar in the notebook T: give Sts the copies of the exercises, ask them to the exercises individually then compare the answers in pairs Give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary Sts: the task The passive voice T: Ask Ss some questions about how to use the passive voice Ss: Answer T: Listen and write the correct answers Thể bị động (the passive voice) là dạng thức động từ phổ biến tiếng Anh Một động từ dùng thể bị động chủ ngữ nó không phải là tác nhân gây nên hành động mà là đối tượng nhận, chịu hay bị tác động hành động thể động từ đó Quy tắc chuyển đổi S V O S Be +P.P by Agent(tác nhân gây hành động) - Lấy tân ngữ câu chủ động làm chủ ngữ câu bị động - Nếu có trợ động từ câu chủ động, bạn hãy đặt trợ động từ liền sau chủ ngữ - Thêm động từ be vào sau trợ động từ hay các trợ động từ cùng hình thức vời động từ chính câu chủ động - Đặt động từ chính câu tác động cho trợ động từ và động từ be hình thức quá khứ phân từ - Đặt chủ ngữ câu chủ động sau động từ câu bị động với từ by trước (cũng có thể bỏ hẳn nó không quan trọng hiểu ngầm) Dạng thức thể bị động - Thể bị động có dạng thức là: BE + V-ed/3 + (by – agent) (V-ed/3 tức là dạng quá khứ phân từ) + Present simple tense S+ is/ am/ are + past participle Ex: Marry writes a letter → A letter is written by Marry + Past simple tense (5) S+ was/ were + past participle Note: I/ He/ She/ It + was You/ We/ They + were Ex: Marry wrote a letter → A letter was written by Marry + Present perfect tense S+ have/ has + been + past participle Note: I/ We/ You/ They + have He/ She/ It + has Ex: Marry has written a letter → A letter has been written by Marry + Simple future tense S+ will/shall + be + past participle Ex: Marry will write a letter → A letter will be written by Marry + Future of intention S+ is/ am/ are + going to + be+ past participle Ex: Marry is going to write a letter → A letter is going to be written by Marry + Modal verbs can, may, must, ought to, should, would, could, might S+ modal verb + be + past participle Ex: He should type his term paper → His term paper should be typed * Exercises (20’) Ex1: Change these sentences into reported speech Ha: “I can’t find my book.” They: “We are learning English now” She: “I will have an exam tomorrow.” The examiner asked Lan: “Where you come from?” He asked me: “Do you like watching sports?” Ex2: Put the verbs in brackets in the first condition If you (read) in bad light you (ruin) your eyes If you (see) him, (tell) him to ring me up If you (not change) your wet clothes, you (have) a cold I (take) my umbrella if it (rain) this afternoon What I (do) if the train (be) late? I (return) next week if you (want) me to I (be) sorry if they (not come) I can’t anything if I (not feel) very comfortable Ex3: Put the following into the passive voice My friend booked the flight They make cars in the USA People are drinking a lot of coffee nowadays Scientists have made new scientific discoveries People export rice from Thailand (6) They are repairing my bike today My company didn’t build that road My cousin, Tom, will meet you at the airport Ss: Write the completed exercises in the notebook  Answers: Ex 1: Change these sentences into reported speech Ha said she couldn’t find her book They said they were learning English then She said she would have an exam the following day The examiner asked Lan where she came from He asked me if/ whether I liked watching sports Ex2: Put the verbs in brackets in the first condition read- will ruin see-tell don’t change – will have will take-rains will I do/should I do- is will return-want will be sorry – don’t come don’t feel want-will ask 10 come – will not let Ex3: Put the following into the passive voice The flight was booked by my friend Cars are made in the USA A lot of coffee is being drunk nowadays New scientific discoveries have been made Rice is exported from Thailand My bike is being repaired today That road wasn’t built by my company You will be met by my cousin, Tom, at the airport c Summary (3’) T: summarize all the taught languages - The important grammar that they have learned in the first semester Sts: remember d Homework (2’) T: assign homework: - Learn by heart all grammar - Do exercises again and write in the notebook - Prepare well for + Adverb clauses of result + Gerunds after some verbs _ (7)

Ngày đăng: 15/06/2021, 13:06

