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OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :- talk about someone’s background III.TEACHING AIDS Teaching plan, textbook, workbook, reference books, photocopies ...... IV.PRO[r]

(1)TEACHING PLAN Date of prepare: Date of teaching: GRADE 10 Prepared by :Nguyen Thi Viet Ha Class: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND A.READING I.AIM -Reading for general ideas and specific information II OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -improve background knowledge about famous scientists especially about Marie Curie -develop such micro reading skills as scanning for specific information and guessing meaning in context III.TEACHING AIDS Teaching plan, textbook, workbook, reference books, photocopies IV.PROCEDURE Teacher’s and Student’s activities I.warm-up(7m) Brainstorming : SCIENTISTS -T asks Ss to give name of the famous scientists -Ss work in group of four and give more words that are related to school Famous scientists -Write the words Ss find out on the board II.Today’s lesson.(35m) 1.Before you read(10m) -T introduces the topic of the lesson: Today we study the topic about a famous scientist Marie Curie -T asks the whole class to open their books and discuss the question s on page /32 Have you ever heard of Marie Curie? 2.What you know about her ? * Marie Curie - scientist - famous -physicist -cancer -Nobel -T writes the new words on the board and asks Ss to make sentences with these words to make sure they Board display Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND A.READING 1.Before you read 1.Marie Curie is a famous scientist 2.She is a physicist 3.Cancer made her become famous and was the first person who found radium 4.She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry New words +specialization : chuyen mon hoa +general education(n):giaùo duïc phoå thoâng +brilliant(a):clever, quick at learning + private tutor (n):gia sư + to interrupt(v) gián đoạn +PhD:Doctor of Phylosophy:tieán só +tragic death: die painfully: caùi cheát ñau khoå +to be awarded: trao giải +atomic weight of radium:trọng lượng nguyên tử +humanitarian wish : mong muốn nhân đạo 2.While you read a/Task1 Expected answer: 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.d 5.b (2) understand their meanings - T calls some Ss to talk about the topics they enjoy 2.While you read Task 1:Matching -T asks Ss to read the passage individually and match the words or phrases in A with their meaning in B -Encourage them to try to guess the meanings of the words in the context of the reading - Call on some Ss to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class - Feedback and give correct answers: TASK 2:TRUE or FALSE -Have Ss read the passage more carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false(F).Correct the false information -T asks Ss to highlight or underline the information in the passage thet helps Ss find the correct answers -Feedback and give correct answers: TASK 3:Answering questions: -T asks Ss to the task in pairs to answer the qustions -Tell Ss to compare their naswers with other pairs Let them discuss and correct for one another -Feedback and give correct answers: 3.After you read.(10m) - T tell Ss to work in groups : choose one of the following topics and talk about minutes -Ss work in small groups of 3-4 and discuss the topic they choose -T goes to different groups and offer help if necessary -Ss the activity in groups and T goes round to offer help -T checks with the whole class b/ Task Expected answer: 1.T F (Her dream was to become a scientist) T F (She married Pierre Curie in 1895) T c/Task3 -Expected answer: MC was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867 She was a brilliant and mature student She worked as a private tubor to save money for a study tour abroad She was awardes a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium No, it wasn’t Her real joy was “ easing human suffering” 3.After you read -Work in groups : Retell the background of MC, using these questions: 1.Where was she born? when? 2.Why did she become so famous ? 3.What made her become famous ? 4.Who was her husband ? 5.When did she found radium? 6.When did she die? V.HOMEWORK.(3m) T summaries the main points lesson and asks Ss to write down homework: Retell the background about Marie Curie - Write a short passage about 100 words about Marie C FEEDBACK: -/ (3) TEACHING PLAN Date of prepare: Date of teaching: GRADE 10 Prepared by :Nguyen Thi Viet Ha Class: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND B.SPEAKING I.AIM -Speaking about someone’s background II OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :- talk about someone’s background III.TEACHING AIDS Teaching plan, textbook, workbook, reference books, photocopies IV.PROCEDURE Teacher’s and Student’s activities I.warm-up(7m) -T asks Ss to arrange jumpled words to make a meaningful sentences 1.born,Marie Curie, November 7th,Warsaw, in was ,on,1867 2.become,she,to,dream,her,was,a famous,scientist 3.a PhD,receive,the first,to,Marie,became,from,woman,from,the Sorbonne -Tasks :Where can we get information of one famous person? ->in books, magazines, newspapers, from an interview Now we practise the concluding of an interview II.Today’s lesson.(35m) 1.Presentation(10) TASK 1:Expliciting the term -T asks Ss to work in pairs and decide which items can tell somebody’s background -Ss listen to T and answer t’s question Work in pairs Give correct questions for each item -Encourage Ss to discuss the items and choose the appropriate ones  Family  Education  Experience -Ask Ss to discuss the questions that can be Board display Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND B.SPEAKING I.Pre-speaking Expected answer: 1.Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7th,1867 2.She wanted to become a famous scientist 3.She was the first woman to receive a PhD from the Sorbonne II.While speaking 1.Task1  Family +How many people are there in your family? +What does your father do?  Education +Where did you study at high school ? +What subjects you like best? +What degree you have?  Experience +How long have you worked as a doctor/ teacher .? +What experience you have? 2.Task + birth of date:what’s your birthday?/when were you born? +place of birth:where were you born? +parents:What does your father/mother do? (4) used to get information for each item -Ss listen to T’s requirements and give some questions for each item 2.Practice (15) TASK 2:Set the scene -Imagine you are a journalist.Use the cues below to interview a classmate about his/her background or that of a person he/ she knows well Note: Before carrying out the interview, Ss should study the items of information carefully and find the questions for each item -Then Ask Ss to carry out the interview in pairs -Make sure that all Ss have the form filled before moving to the next activity 3.Further practice(10m) +bothers: how many brothers/sisters you have?what they do?How old are they? +primary school:which primary school/secondary school did you go to? +Subjects:What’s your favourite subject? III.After speaking Task -Suggestion: The person I interview ic Lan.She was born in 1991 in Hanoi.There are five members in her family TASK 3: Report an interview -T asks Ss to work in groups and talk about the person they have known through the interview -Call on some Ss to give a small talk in front of the class -Comment on Ss’s performance and make necessary corrections V-Consolidation: -How to get information from a person through an interview VI-Homework - Write a short passage about information of a person that you have interviewed - Prepare Unit lesson LISTENING FEEDBACK: -/ (5) TEACHING PLAN Date of prepare: Date of teaching: GRADE 10 Prepared by :Nguyen Thi Viet Ha Class: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND C.LISTENING I.AIM -Listening for specific information about Olympic Champion II OBJECTIVES -After this lesson Ss will be able to improve listening skills as listening for specific information about Olympic Champion III.TEACHING AIDS Teaching plan, textbook, workbook, reference books, photocopies IV.PROCEDURES Teacher’s and Student’s activities I.Warm-up(7) Answering Questions -T gives a picture about Olympic Champions and asks Ss to work in pairs and talk about them Suggest the questions: +What you know about Olympic ? ( When did the Olympic start ? How often is it held ?) + Do you know any Olympic Champions ? +Can you name any Olympic Champions? + What would you like to know about these people? The whole class answer T’s question Listen to T’s eliciting and copy down Listen and repear these words -Work individually -Read all statements and guess them II.Today’s lesson(35) 1.BEFORE YOU LISTENING Activity 1:Presenting Vocabulary +Olympic Champion + sports teacher: a teacher who teaches sports + Diploma(n) chứng nhận,văn + romantic (adj) + Degree:bằng cấp + Certificate:giấy chứng nhận Board display Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND C.LISTENING 1.BEFORE YOU LISTENING +Olympic Champion + sports teacher: a teacher who teaches sports + Diploma(n) chứng nhận,văn + romantic (adj) + Degree:bằng cấp + Certificate:giấy chứng nhận 2.WHILE-LISTENING a.TASK Expected answer: 1.T 2.T F( I don’t have much free time) T F( I want to be a sports teacher) (6) Activity 2:Listening and repeating WHILE -LISTENING TASK 1:TRUE Or FALSE -T asks Ss to to listen to the conversation between Bob and Sally Decide whether the statements are true or false -Before listening to the tape, T asks Ss to read all statements and understand clearly - Encourage Ss to guess the statements if they are T or F -Play the tape several times if necessary -Have Ss compare their answer with a friend -Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class -Feedback and give correct answers: TASK 2:GAP- FILLING -Tell Ss to read the sentences carefully and try to guess the missing words in the blanks - Ask Ss to listen to the conversation again and fill the blanks - Play the tape once - Feedback and give correct answers: 3.AFTER-LISTENING Ask Ss to work in pairs :Ask and answer about Sally b.TASK 2:GAP- FILLING -Expected answer: 1.general aducation 2.lives - family 3.different - swimming 4.loves stories 5.teacher’s diploma 3.AFTER-LISTENING Work in groups Ask and answer questions about Sally Suggested questions: 1.Who is sally? 2.When was She born? 3.What has she got at local school? 4.What did she when she was 15 5.Where is her house? 6.How many members are there in her family ? who are they? 7.What does she like in her family? V-Consolidation:- Report something what you have listened about Sally VI-Homework - Write a short passage about Sally - Prepare Unit lesson WRITING FEEDBACK: - (7) TEACHING PLAN Date of prepare: Date of teaching: GRADE 10 Prepared by :Nguyen Thi Viet Ha Class: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND D.WRITING I.AIM -Writing a C.V about people’s background II OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a CV about people’s background III.TEACHING AIDS Teaching plan, textbook, workbook, reference books, photocopies IV.PROCEDURES Teacher’s and Student’s activities Board display I.warm-up(7) :Task 1/27 WARMER: Matching -T asks Ss to close their textbook and match the items in A with the information in B Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND D.WRITING A B 1.Name 2.Date of birth 3.Place of birth 4.School attended 5.Exams passed 6.Previous jobs 7.Interests a.Boston b.Kengsinton Highschool c.English, Maths,French d.Tourist guide e.David Brown f.12/11/86 g.Music and dancing -T checks and asks Ss where these information are listed Someboby’s background II Today’s lesson 1.PRE-WRITING 1.PRE-WRITING Expected answer: 1e 2.f a 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.g TASK 1: How to write somebody’s background Give correct answer: Mr Brown was born on 12th November, 1969 in Boston.He went to Kengsinton High school and passed exams in English, French, and Mathematics.He worked in a travel agency from June 1991 to December 1998 And from 1999 to 2002, he worked as a hotel telephonist He likes music and dancing Task 1:How to write somebody’s background TASK 2: -T explains the elements of a C.V by asking Ss to read Mr Brown’s C.V C.V:cirriculum vitae -a form with details about somebody’s past education and jobs: lí lich C.V normally consists of following items Personal information/data: Education: Previous jobs: Interests: *Education: which school did you go to ? when? * Exams: which exams did you pass? When? *Hobby: what’s your hobby ? what you in your free time? * Sports:Do you like play sports? What sports you like playing? * Job: What did you work ? when? (8) -T asks Ss to work independently and write a paragraph about Mr Brown, using the cues Name Mr/Ms below Be born like go Date of birth to school .from to .pass exams in travel agency .work as Place of birth -Have Ss compare their wrting with a friend PRACTICE: Education: Task 2: -T asks Ss to work in pairs and ask the partner School attended for the information about his/her parents and complete the form Exams passed: -Go around the class and provide help by Date from/ date to Previous job: giving suggested Qs - Call students to go the blackboard and write TASK 3: Write a paragraph about your their writing partner’s parents Then ask him/her to read the -Peer correction 2.WRITING Task : Write a paragraph about your partner’s parents Then ask him/her to read the paragraph and check whether the information is correct paragraph and check whether the information is correct Work in pairs -Go around the class and provide help by giving suggested Qs - Call students to go the blackboard and write their writing -Peer correction III.Wrapping up( 3) -T gives feedback and final comments.T summarises the main points of the lesson V.HOMEWORK.(2) T summaries the main points T asks ss to the exercises in workbook and prepare for the next lesson - Unit lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS FEEDBACK: - (9) TEACHING PLAN Date of prepare: Date of teaching: GRADE 10 Prepared by :Nguyen Thi Viet Ha Class: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND E.LANGUAGE FOCUS I.AID -Revision of sound /e / and / æ / -Using the past perfect and the past perfect vs the past simple tense correctly II OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -pronounce the sounds /e / and / æ / correctly - using the past perfect and the past perfect vs the past simple tense correctly III.TEACHING AIDS Teaching plan, textbook, workbook, reference books, photocopies IV.PROCEDURES Teacher’s and Student’s activities Board display I.warm-up(7) Warmer : Table completion Date: -Ask Ss to work in groups and give each group a table containing 10 verbs -Tell Ss to complete the table following the instruction -Work in groups -The group which completes the table first and has more correct verbs will be winner II.Today’s lesson(35) PRONOUNCIATION /e/ and /æ/ 1.Example: pen hat /e/ /æ/ -T helps Ss to distinguish two sounds -Ask them to listen and repeat 2.Practice: -Open their textbooks and practise the sentences -Calls on some Ss to pronounce two sounds - Peer correction GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Review the past perfect tense Form: 2.Use: 3.Adv Practice: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND E.LANGUAGE FOCUS Verb infinitive Take Past form Past participle came Spoken went teach I PRONOUNCIATION /e / *e: pen bell,tell, went, expensive, better,seven ,depend,telephone *a: many, any, anyone,said /æ/ *a: hat,bank, family ,example , happen,natural, fat,camera II GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY A.Review the past perfect tense Form: + affirmative:S + had + PP (10) Exercise 1:Use the verbs in brackets in the past perfect -Note that the action in the past perfect is always before another past action -Have Ss compare their answers with a friend -Make sure all the verbs have been put the correct form - Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers in front of the class -Feedback and give correct answers: Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect -Tell Ss to the exercise carefully and then compare the answers with a friend -Feedback and give correct answers: Exercise 3:Correcting mistakes -T asks Ss to read the story carefully and ask them some questions about the story to make sure Ss have general understanding + What is the story about ? + Who are in the story ? -Have Ss work in pairs and find five mistakes in the use of tenses in the story - Ask Ss to join another pair to make a group and compare and discuss the answers - Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class - Feedback and give correct answers: III.Wrapping up( 3) - T gives feedback and final comments.T summarises the main points of the lesson + negative: S + had + not + PP + question: Had + S + PP ? 2.Use: The past perfect tense can be used to describe : * an action before a point of time in the past: EX:I had done all my homework before p.m last night * An action that had happened before another past action: EX:I had done all my homework before I watched TV 3.Adv: BY + time Before, after, when,as soon as + clause B.Practice: Exercise 1:Use the verbs in brackets in the past perfect Expected answer: 1.had broken 6.had been 2.had done 7.had left 3.had met 8.had moved 4.hadn’t turned 9.hadn’t seen 5.had ever seen 10.had broken in Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect Expected answer: 1.had just finished /came 2.had seldom travelled/went 3.went/had already taken 4.Did you manage/ had he gone 5.had just got/ phoned /had been Exercise 3:Correcting mistakes Expected answer: Sentence 1:had climbed -> climbed 3:had turned ->turned 5:had called -> called 7:had heard -> heard 9:went -> had already gone V.HOMEWORK.(2) T summaries the main points T asks ss to the exercises 1,2,3,4 in workbook and prepare for the next lesson Unit FEEDBACK: (11) Complete these sentences 1.He had already known her before 2.When he came back, 3.No sooner had she come back 4.I didn’t know what 5.He thanked me for what I (12)

Ngày đăng: 14/06/2021, 10:55
