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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYỄN HỒNG THẮM USING COMMUNICATIVE GAMES TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN ORAL ACTIVITIES AT HOANH BO HIGH SCHOOL, QUANG NINH PROVINCE SỬ DỤNG CÁC TRÒ CHƠI GIAO TIẾP ĐỂ TĂNG CƯỜNG SỰ THAM GIA CỦA HỌC SINH TRONG CÁC GIỜ HỌC KỸ NĂNG NĨI TẠI TRƯỜNG THPT HỒNH BỒ, QUẢNG NINH M.A THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 THAI NGUYEN – 2019 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYỄN HỒNG THẮM USING COMMUNICATIVE GAMES TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN ORAL ACTIVITIES AT HOANH BO HIGH SCHOOL, QUANG NINH PROVINCE Sử dụng trò chơi giao tiếp để tăng cường tham gia học sinh học kỹ nói trường THPT Hoành Bồ, QuảngNinh M.A THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 Supervisor 1: Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Huong Supervisor 2: Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Que THAI NGUYEN – 2019 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby declare that this submission of the minor thesis entitled “Using Communicative Games to enhance Students’ Participation in Oral Activities at Hoanh Bo High School, QuangNinh Province” is my own work To the best of my knowledge, it contains no materials previously published or written by another person, or substantial of material which have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at SFL or any other educational institutions The thesis has not been submitted to any other examining body and has not been published Any contribution made to research by others is explicily acknowledged in the thesis Thai Nguyen, July 2019 Nguyen Hong Tham Approved by SUPERVISOR Supervisor 1: Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Huong Supervisor 2: Dr Nguyen Thi Que Date: July, 2019 i DEDICATION To my parents who taught me to be more patient, My siblings, My husband, Nguyen Ngoc Binh My two sons, Nguyen Duy Phuong, Nguyen Hai Nam And my friends For their endless support And being my constant sources of inspiration ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher has succeeded in finishing this study, which has been greatly improved by comments, corrections, guidance and ideas of many people It is hard to even begin to acknowledge personally all those who have had an impact on her life and study during that making of this study First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest thanks to Dr.Nguyen Thi Mai Huong and Dr Nguyen Thi Que, advisers, for their invaluable assistance, encouragement as well as her guidance they gave me while I was doing my research and for their constructive comments and suggestions in perfecting this thesis; I am indebted to all the teachers at School of Foreign Languages, Thai Nguyen University for their invaluable lessons, suggestions, moral support and prayers for the completion of this study; I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mrs Dang Thi Hien, the Headmaster of Hoanh Bo High School for her permission to conduct the study Thanks are due to all the teachers of English at Hoanh Bo High School for their suggestions and validation of the test items and questionnaires Last but not least, I would like to send my sincere thanks to all the students in 10A5 class at Hoanh Bo High School, the respondents of the study, for their willingness in joining the experimental learning period and answering follow-up questionnaires iii ABSTRACT The goal of this study was to evaluate the impacts of communicative games and activities on students’ participation in oral lessons as validated through teachers’ classroom observations and perceived by students participating in the program The respondents of the study include 30 grade 10A5 students and two teacher observers at Hoanh Bo High School in Quang Ninh province during their second semester of the school year 2018-2019 The study was conducted during weeks in which different communicative games and activities were introduced to teach speaking skill Students’ participation was evaluated through classroom observation sheets marked by two teacher observers during class visits In addition, a set of questionnaire was delivered to students upon the accomplishment of the experimental teaching period regarding their perception on level of participation in speaking as well as their evaluation of the whole learning period after being exposed to communicative activities and games The result of the study has shown that Communicative Games used in the pilot teaching enhanced students’ participation in oral activities and students’ attitudes towards Communicative Games used in the experimental teaching period were positive Therefore, Communicative Games are recommended in classroom teaching to enhance students’ participation in oral activities iv TABLE OF CONTENTS STT CONTENT PAGE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY i DEDICATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii ABSTRACT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 10 1.1 Introduction and rationale for the stud 11 1.2 Aims of the study 12 1.3 Scope of the study 13 1.4 Conceptual framework 14 1.5 Significance on of the study 15 1.6 Definition of terms 16 1.7 Structure of the thesis 17 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREAND STUDIES 18 19 2.1 Related literature 2.1.1.Overview about speaking 20 Definitions of speaking 21 Characteristics of successful oral activities 22 Students’ participation in oral activities 10 23 2.1.2 Factors impacting on students’ participation in oral 11 activitie 24 Students’ factors 11 25 Teachers’ factors 11 v 26 27 Classroom’s factors 12 2.1.3 Using Communicative Language Games in teaching 12 speaking 28 The nature of communicative language games 12 29 The benefits of communicative language games 13 30 Types of games 14 31 2.2 Related studies 16 32 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 18 33 3.1 Research Design 18 34 3.2.The population and sampling 19 35 3.3 Data collection íntrument 19 36 3.4 Research Procedures 19 37 3.4.1 Results of classroom observations 19 38 3.4.2 Results from students’ questionaire 20 39 General information of the student respondents 20 40 Students’ perceptions on communicative activities 21 41 Students’ evaluation towards the experimental 21 learning period being exposed to the use of communicative games 42 CHAPTER IV 22 43 4.1 Results of Classroom observations 24 44 4.2 Results from Students’ questionnaire 24 45 4.2.1 General information of the student respondents 24 46 4.2.2 Students’ perceptions on communicative activities 25 47 4.2.3 Students’ evaluation towards the experimental learning 27 period being exposed to the use of communicative games 48 CHAPTER V: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS 33 AND RECOMMENDATIONS 49 5.1 Summary of finding 33 vi 50 5.1.1 Results of the classroom observations 33 51 5.1.2 Results of the students’ questionnaire 34 52 5.2 Conclusion 35 53 5.3 Recommendations 35 54 REFERENCES 35 55 APPENDICES I 56 APPENDIX A: A LETTER OF REQUEST I 57 APPENDIX B: A LETTER TO THE RESPONDENTS II 58 APPENDIX C: A LETTER TO TEACHER OBSERVERS III 59 APPENDIX D: OBSERVATION SHEET IV 60 APPENDIX E: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS VI 61 APPENDIX F: THE RESULTS OF QUESTIONNAIRE FOR IX STUDENTS 62 APPENDIX G: LESSON PLANS XII vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATION FULL WORD CGA Communicative games CLT Communicative Language Teaching CAR Classroom Action Research viii Date of preparation: …./ … / …… Period: 62 UNIT 10: CONSERVATION Lesson 3: Speaking Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Students can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the new kind of zoo b Language: - The passive voice 1.2 Skills: - Asking and answering about the new kind of zoo - Showing agreement or disagreement about the new kind of zoo - Reporting on discussion results 1.3 Academic attitude: - Students know about the new kind of zoo Teaching aids: 2.1 Teacher: textbook, handouts, posters 2.2 Students: textbooks, notebooks Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork Procedure: 4.1 Organization (1’) Class Total Period Date of teaching Absent students 10A5 4.2 Warm-up: Time 4’ T’s activities Ss’activities - Ask sts some questions: Have you ever visited the zoo? What did you see there? -Sts answer: Yes, I have/ No, never I saw many animals Where are all the animals in the zoo? there - Introduce the new lesson: We are going to They are in the cages discuss the new kind of zoo where wild animals can live in their natural habitat LV 4.3 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities 8’ While you speak: + Task 2: Work in groups: Memory games A Task 2: Ask sts to find out the characteristics of the zoo of the new kind: - Read St 1: In the zoo of the new kind, animals can have paragraphs better food and find two silently out the St 2: In the zoo of the new kind, animals can have characteristics of the better food, suffer from dangerous diseases zoo of the new kind: St 3: In the zoo of the new kind, animals can have better food, suffer from dangerous diseases, what they want - Listen to the T St 4: In the zoo of the new kind, animals can have better food, suffer from dangerous diseases, what they want, develop - Work individually St 5: In the zoo of the new kind, animals can have better food, suffer from dangerous diseases, what they want, develop, feel happier ………………………………… LVI Date of preparation: …./ … / …… Period: 63 UNIT 10: CONSERVATION Lesson 3: Listening Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: - Sts know how a forest fire starts and what campers have to remember to to protect the forests - Some set expressions - Vocabulary on forest 1.2 Skills: - Listening: order events ,mark True/False, detect sentences - Speaking: - Discuss how a forest fire may start and what every camper ought to remember 1.3 Academic attitude: - understand the causes of a forest fire and how to prevent it Teaching aids: 2.1 Teacher: textbook, handouts, posters 2.2 Students: textbooks, notebooks Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork Procedure: 4.1 Organization (1’) Class Total Period Date of teaching Absent students 10A5 4.2 Revision: T’s activities Time 4’ Ss’activities - One st tell the whole class about the Other sts listen to their friend advantages and disadvantages of a zoo of the and give remarks new kind - Listen and give remarks LVII 4.3 New lesson: Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities After you listen: - Ask sts to work in groups and use the 8’ information in Task and to discuss the - Work in groups to discuss following questions: - How can a forest fire start? - What does every camper have to remember not to cause a forest fire? - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively - Ask one or two sts to retell the story in front of the whole class - Check and give remarks LVIII - One/ two sts present Date of preparation: …./ … / …… Period: 67 UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS Lesson 2: Speaking Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Students can talk about an excursion and express their regrets b Language: - Conditional sentences types - Vocabulary on an excursion 1.2 Skills: - Matching sentences in column A with the coresponding consequences in column B - Talking about an excursion - Expressing the regrets 1.3 Academic attitude: - Students improve their knowledge about national parks Teaching aids: 2.1 Teacher: textbook, posters, handouts 2.2 Students: textbooks, notebooks Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork Procedure: 4.1 Organization (1’) Class Total Period Date of teaching Absent students 10A5 4.2 Revision: T’s activities Time 4’ Ss’activities - call on a st to write new words and make a - to the board and sentence on board - Listen to their friend and give - Ask another to answer the questions in Task remarks - Check and give remarks LIX 4.3 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Time + Students’ activities Before you speak: - Listen to the T + Task 1: Matching 8’ Last week Nga’s class went on an excursion to Huong Pagoda Unfortunately, the - Read the sentences and find excursion turned out to be a disaster Most of some new words the things they did went wrong You are - Some sts tell about their required to describe thepictures about excursion in front of the class things happened in the excusion LX Date of preparation: …./ … / …… Period: 73 UNIT 12: MUSIC B SPEAKING Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Students can talk about their favourite kinds of music b Language: - The simple present tense - Vocabulary about music 1.2 Skills: - Asking and answering questions about music - Talking about favourite kinds of music 1.3 Academic attitude: - Students know more about the role of music in our life Teaching aids: 2.1 Teacher: textbook, handouts 2.2 Students: textbooks, notebooks Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork Procedure: 4.1 Organization (1’) Class Total Period Date of teaching Absent students 10A5 4.2 Revision: T’s activities Time 4’ Ss’activities - call on a St to write new words and make a sentence - call on another to tell about the roles of music in the passage - give feedback and marks LXI - go to the board and 4.3 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Time 10’ Students’ activities - Listen to the T 2.While you speak: + Task 2: Asking and answering about - Listen to the T and read the music taste information in the table - Tell sts that they are going to ask your - Think of the questions and say partners questions to get information to aloud: complete the table below + What kind of music you Work in groups: Information gaps like? Questions Partner Partner + Why you like it? + Who is your favourite singer/ Pop musician? + What kind of Classica music you like? + l What is your favourite song/piece of music? + Why you like … …… + When you listen to music? it? - Listen and take notes 13’ + Who is favourite your singer/ musician? + What is your favourite song/piece of music? + When you listen to music? LXII - Ask sts to look at the first column of the table which includes items they should ask their friend about - Ask sts what questions they can ask if they want to know about their friend’s favourite kind of music , reasons for listening to music, favourite band…… - T may introduce some adj and expressions to talk about music: + make sb excited/relaxed + help sb forget troubles and worries + relaxing/ peaceful - Ask sts to form groups of One of them will be a journalist who will interview their friends about their music taste The 15’ journalist has to ask two sts some questions and complete the table Sts can change their roles if time permits - Go around to help sts and collect the mistakes LXIII Date of preparation: …./ … / …… Period: 87 UNT 14: THE WORLD CUP Lesson 2: Speaking Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Students can talk about the World Cup winners b Language: - The simple present tense - Vocabulary about football 1.2 Skills: - Asking and answering questions about the World Cup - Talking about the World Cup winners Academic attitude: - Students know more about the World Cup Teaching aids: 2.1 Teacher: textbook, pictures, posters 2.2 Students: textbooks, notebooks Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork Procedure: 4.1 Organization (1’) Class Total Period Date of teaching Absent students 10A5 4.2 Warm-up: T’s activities Time 5’ Ss’activities *Jumble words - Listen to the T - Divide the class into small groups of or and - Work in groups and find introduce the games: Sts are to rearrange the letters out the words into meaning words - Answers: winner, score, - Write some groups of letters on the board runner-up,host country, - Ask sts to work in groups champion - Ask some goups to give answers LXIV - Introduce the new lesson: Today we will talk about the World Cups 4.3 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities Before you speak: (12 minutes) + Task 1: A World Cup 2002 quiz Chia lớp làm - Answer the question of the đội, nói kỳ world cup( Tổ chức đâu, T nào, trận chung kết nước nào, người 1- England 3- Italy chiến thắng, tỷ số bao nhiêu) 2- France 4- Germany 12’ - Ask S to name the team in the photos on page - Listen and write down 145: these words into their - Before doing the task T give S some new notebooks words: Answer: + draw (v,n): e.g a score of 1- 1 times + lose the match to sb Zinedine Zidane + defeat sb: beat sb - 1( Italy won the game + penalty shoot - out - in a penalty shoout- - Give S some handouts and in each handout T out writes two questions about the four football France teams: 5.Jurgen Klinsmann Q1 How many times has Italy won the trophy up German to World Cup 2006? 7.David Beckam Q2 Who was the captain of the French national Portugal (by 3-1) football team in World Cup 2006? Q3 What was the score of the World Cup 2006 - Listen to their friends and final? check Q4 Which team was the runner-up in the World Cup 2006? LXV Q5 Who was the head coach of the German team in World Cup 2006? Q6 What nationality was the top scorer in World Cup 2006? Q7 Who was the captain of the English national football team in World Cup 2006? Q8 Who beat England in the World Cup 2006 quarter final? - Ask sts to work in groups to answer the questions - Go around to check that S work and speak English - Ask some Ss to answer the questions LXVI Date of preparation: …./ … / …… Period: 94 UNIT 16: HISTORICAL PLACES Lesson 2: Speaking Objectives: 1.1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - ask and answer questions about information relating to historical places - talk about historical places using the given information 1.2 Skills: Speaking 1.3 Academic attitude: - Sts know about the historical places Teaching aids: 2.1 Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 2.2 Students: - blackboard, chalk, pictures about some historical places in VN Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork Procedure: 4.1 Organization (1’) Class Total Period Date of teaching Absent students 10A5 4.2 Revision: - T calls on student to summarise the passage about Van Mieu QTG - summarise the passage about Van Mieu - T calls another student and interviews QTG him/her some questions - answer the teacher’s questions - T gives marks and comments - listen 4.3 New lesson Warm- up - T asks sts to discuss and give some basic information about President HCM’s mausoleum LXVII - discuss and give some basic information (Sts close their books) + place: Ba Dinh + Built: 1975 + floors: - T asks sts how to make questions for this + Visiting hour: information and leads to the new lesson - listen Task - T asks student to read out the requirement of - read the requirement and explain the task and explain it - listen - T explains more about the requirement to make it clearer - read the information - T asks sts to read the information about President HCM’s maussoleum individually in minutes - T explains the meaning of some words - listen and copy down - T asks sts to work in pairs and ask and answer questions based on given information - ask and answer questions - T asks sts to ask and answer the questions in A: front of class B: - T gives comments - ask and answer the questions in front of class - listen Task - T asks student to read out the requirement of - read the requirement and explain the task and explain it - listen - T explains more about the requirement to make it clearer - read the given information and - T asks sts to read the given information and then then act as a tourist guide to give a LXVIII act as a tourist guide to give a short introduction to short introduction to either of the either of the places places - T lets sts the task - the task - T goes around, controls, and helps - ask for help if necessary - T calls on some sts to read the passage aloud in - read aloud front of the class Task - T asks student to read out the requirement of - read the requirement and explain the task and explain it - listen - T explains more about the requirement to make it clearer - ask their partners about one of the - T asks sts to ask their partners about one of the historical places they know and historical places they know and take note the main take note the main information information - interview each other - T lets sts interview each other to find the information - T goes around, helps if necessary - T calls on some sts to report the information to the class - T gives comments LXIX ... ACTIVITIES AT HOANH BO HIGH SCHOOL, QUANG NINH PROVINCE Sử dụng trò chơi giao tiếp để tăng cường tham gia học sinh học kỹ nói trường THPT Hồnh Bồ, QuảngNinh M.A THESIS Field: English Linguistics... Interpretation Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Legend: 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree 2.50 – 3.24 Agree 1.75 – 2.49 Disagree 1.00 – 1.74 Strongly... 0.85 1.61 1.31 Interpretation Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Legend: 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree 2.50 – 3.24 Agree

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2021, 07:36

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