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 bđộng : English will be studied by me Lưu ý: để làm tốt câu bị động trước hết phải dựa vào động từ của câu chủ động câu đề để xem nó là thì gì mà áp dùng công thức cho phù hợp.. - Lưu [r]

(1)REVISION FOR TERM II ( CLASS 10): ÔN THI HỌC KỲ II I Pronunciation : “ED”: tận cùng “ed” có cách phát âm : /id/: sau “t,d” ( tình đầu ) Ex: wanted,needed /t/: sau “sh, s, ch, ss, ce, x , sh , k ,p, f ”( sháng sớm chị ssáu chạy xe sh khắp phố fường)Ex : stopped, watched… /d/: trường hợp còn lại “S/ES”: tận cùng “s/es” có cách phát âm: /s/: sau “ f, k, p,t,th…”( phố fường tối thui )Ex : hats, stops……… /iz/: sau “ sh, s, ch, xe, sh, gh, ce, se…” (sháng sớm chạy xe ghặp chim Ex : chases, washes /z/ : trường hợp còn lại II Word form: danger (n) nguy hiểm  dangerous (a) nguy hiểm  dangerously (adv) cách nguy hiểm  endanger (v) gây nguy hiểm  endangered (a) bị / gặp nguy hiểm survive (v) sống sót  survival (n) sống sót pollute (v) làm ô nhiễm  pollution (n) ô nhiễm pollutant (n) chất ô nhiễm  polluted (a) bị ô nhiễm music (n) âm nhạc  musical (a) thuộc âm nhạc  musician (n) nhạc sỉ nature (n) tự nhiên  natural (a) thuộc tự nhiên  naturally (adv) cách tự nhiên contaminate (v) làm bẩn,làm ô nhiễm  contamination (n) làm bẩn attract (v) thu hút, hấp dẫn  attractive (a) hấp dẫn, lôi attractively(adv) lôi  attractiveness/ attraction (n) thu hút V-ing/ed : người thì dùng với “ed”, vật thì dùng với “ing” III Writing: viết lại câu: câu điều kiện : a Loại 1:có thật ( động từ câu ngữ cảnh thì tương lai) Mệnh đề If (hiện đơn: S+V(s/es)),mđề chính(tương lai đơn: S+will/shall +V(bare)).Nếu mđề If mà là chủ từ số nhiều( S là số nhiều : we, they, tên riêng người),hoặc S là chữ “I” thì V giữ nguyên không chia gì hết (V(bare)) Nếu S số ít : he, she, it, tên riêng người thì V chia s/es Ex : If I eat something, I will not be hungry If she eats so much, she will be overweight Loại 2: không có thật ( động từ câu ngữ cảnh tại) Mệnh đề If (quá khú đơn :S+V(ed/c2), mđề chính(tương lai quá khứ : S+would/should +V(bare) Ex : I don’t buy a car because I don’t have money If I had (V(c2)) money, I would buy a car Lưu ý: mđề if là động từ “tobe” thi ta chia thành “were” cho tất các ngôi Ex :I am not rich,soI can’t help you  If I were rich, I could help you b Loại 3: không có thật quá khứ (động từ câu ngữ cảnh quá khứ) Mệnh đề If( quá khứ hoàn thành: S+had Ved/c3), mđề chính ( would/could have +Ved/c3) Ex :I was busy, so I couldn’t meet you last night. If I hadn’t been busy, I could have met you last night Lưu ý : câu cho sẵn có xuất becase và so thì ta làm sau: Câu cho sẵn: mệnh đề because mệnh đề If + mđề 2, mđề Mệnh đế 1, so mđề  If + mđề 1, mđề Nếu câu cho sẵn phủ định  câu if là khẳng định và ngược lại câu bị động: a thì đơn: câu chủ động : S + V(s/es) + O  câu bị động : S’ + am/is/are + Ved/c3 + by O’ (với S’=O, by O’=S) Ex: chủ động : she buys a book (S=she, V=buys, O=a book)  bị động : a book is bought (by her) ( S’= O=a book, by O’= by her =she) b thì quá khứ đơn : cách chuyển đổi giống thì khác cách chia động từ câu chủ động : S +V(ed/c2)+ O  câu bị động : S’ + was/ were + Ved/c3 + by O’ Ex: cđộng : Lan bought a new hat  bđộng : a new hat was bought by Lan c thì hoàn thành : câu chủ động: S + has/have +Ved/c3 + O câu bị động : S’+ has/have+been+Ved/c3+by O’ Ex : cđộng : they have played football  bđộng : football has been played (by them) d thì tương lai (will/shall/can/must) câu cđộng : S+will/shall/can/must +V(bare)+O bđộng : S’+will/shall/can/must+be +Ved/c3+byO’ Ex: cđộng : I will study english  bđộng : English will be studied (by me) Lưu ý: để làm tốt câu bị động trước hết phải dựa vào động từ câu chủ động (câu đề) để xem nó là thì gì mà áp dùng công thức cho phù hợp - Lưu ý hình thức số ít và số nhiều để chia trợ động từ cho đúng - Nếu có trạng ngữ xuất thì trạng ngữ nơi chốn đứng trước “by”, còn trạng ngữ tgian đúng sau “by” (2) - Nếu chủ từ câu chủ động là “they,we,I,she,he…”hoặc chung chung ta phép bỏ chuyển sang câu bị động Cấu trúc “It was not until + time + that + S + Ved/c2” :mãi khi… Khi viết câu với cấu trúc này cần lưu ý điều sau: - Khi viết lại với cấu trúc này luôn bắt đầu cụm “it was not until” Những gì sau từ “until” câu đề ta ghi lại hết, sau đó qua mđề “that” -Mệnh đề sau “that” luôn là quá khứ và luôn luôn khẳng định -Nếu câu đề cho “didn’t” thì mđề sau “that” bỏ luôn từ “didn’t” câu đề cho “couldn’t” bị động “wasn’t +Ved/c3” thì sau “that” ta bỏ từ “not” Ex : I didn’t go to school until yesterday it was not until yesterday that I went to school Nối câu sử dụng “to V”: Khi sử dùng cấu trúc này ta làm sau: - Ta nhìn vào câu đề xem nó là câu phủ định hay khẳng định Nếu khẳng định thì ta ghi lại hết câu thứ nhất, qua cầu thứ gì sau “to” chúng ta ghi hết lại, gì trước “to” ta bỏ - Nếu là câu phủ định ta làm nhu có thêm từ “NOT” trước “to” Ex : I save money I want to buy a house  I save money to buy a house.(câu khẳg định nên khôg có “not”) I study hard I don’t want to fail exam  I study hard not to fail exam (câu phủ định phải thêm “not”) chuyển câu từ “although” sang “in spite of / despite” (despite = in spite of): Cách chuyển đổi: a Although + pronoun + be + adj  Despite + poss.adj (sở hữu tính từ) +noun derived from the adjective ( dtừ chuyển hóa từ tính từ) Ex : although he is ill, he goes to work Despite his illness , he goes to work b Although + N + be + adj  Despite + the + adj + N Ex: Although the weather was bad , they went out  Despite the bad weather , they went out c Although + S + V + O  Despite + gerund( V_ing) + O Ex : Although he worked hard , he didn’t get a lot of money Despite working hard, he didn’t get a lot of money Xem lại so sánh và so sánh a so sánh hơn: - tính từ trạng từ ngắn: S + V + adj/ adv (ngắn) + ER + than + S’ ex: she is taller than him - tính từ trạng từ dài: S + V+ more + adj/ adv ( dài ) + than + S’ ex: she is more beautiful than me b so sánh nhất: - tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn : S+V+the +adj/adv(ngắn) +EST + dt (N) ex : she is the tallest girl in the class - Tính từ/ trạng từ dài: S+V+ the most + adj/ adv (dài) +dt (N) ex: he is the most intelligent student IV phần trắc nghiệm: Xem lại tất các cấu trúc và từ vựng đã học ( đặc biệt là bài tập, bài ôn đã làm) EXERCISE TEST I Pronunciation a stopped b worked c decided d danced a thoughts b feelings c dreams d ideas a waited b cooked c invited d needed a records b works c stops d kicks II Word form The giant panda is an …………….…….species (endanger) The ……………has threatened many of the animals in this park (contaminate) My School has just invited some for school band.( music) Many people come to Cuc Phuong National Park to see the work being done to protect…species (endanger) The rivers here are very…………….for swimmers (danger) III Multiple choice: The starfish live on or depend _ the bottom a on b in c of d for Lots of abandoned animals _of in the orphanage a care taken b are taken care c are taking care d take care (3) In the zoos of new kind, animals may suffer _ dangerous disease a with b from c about d to playing the table tennis now? a Would you like b Let's c Are you free d How about Look! They _ Cups of tea and _ A lot of sandwiches a are drinking/ eat b drink/ eat c are drinking/ eating d.drink/ are eating You throw rubbish into the sea a- should b- shouldn’t c- won’t d- will If you Answer the questions correctly, you won’t pass the exam a-won’t b- shouldn’t c- don’t d- aren’t Haft of the world rainforests have already been _ a- endangered b- ended c- found d- destroyed Music in general and pop music in particular makes people a excite b exciting c excited d excitement 10 Language and music make humans different all other animals a of b with c from d by 11 I'm saving money _ a cassette player a buying b in buying c to buy d for buy 12 Music adds to the atmosphere of a festival a sadness b joyfulness c disappointment d happy 13 Would you like to go out _ a meal tonight, Joan? a to b for c with d of 14 How you go to school everyday? a By the bus b on foot c by cycle d I don’t know 15 My sister is terrified of spiders a fond b frightened c proud d jealous 16 I was very disappointed his behavior a of b with c in d at IV Find out the mistake: My brother is studying hard for get scholarship A B C D What does Son practice singing all day to? A B C D These boys who is taken to the zoo are very excited A B C D If Rita don’t buy a new bike, she would have to walk to work A B C D V.Rewrite the following sentences as directed She went to university She wanted to study engineering.( using To infinitive) -> She went……………………………………………………………………………… I don’t have enough money, so I cant’t buy that motorbike -> I f I had People build a new kind of zoo to protect endangered animals -> A new zoo John will get a new job in ten days -> A new job……………………………………………………………………………………………… She wanted to invite me to her party, so Misa phoned me (use “to + inf”} ->………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We have finished those letters since o’clock - Those letters……………………………………………………………………………………… VI Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited No body knows exactly how much fuel is left However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the New England Institute of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late and nuclear power is the only alternative However, many people don’t approve of using nuclear power because it is very dangerous What would happen if there were a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible How much fuel is left? a no one knows exactly b It will never be used up c There is a lot of fuel d Let’s use it as much as we would like (4) We should use coal, oil, and gas …… a as much as possible b carelessly c as economically as possible d all are correct According to Professor Marvin Burnham, …… a nuclear power is the only alternative b we have to conserve coal, oil, and gas c a and b are incorrect d a and b are correct According to the passage, using nuclear power is …… a safe b cheap c interesting d dangerous TEST I Pronunciation a traveled b stared c landed d seemed a pens b books c rulers d pencils a cooked b stopped c finished d visited a lips b months c rockets d fingers a missed b divided c watched d looked II Word form Water vapor and carbon dioxide occur in the air _ ( nature) Trinh Cong Son is one of the most well-known _ in Vietnam (music) The country’s resources include forests , coal and oil (nature) War always human lives (danger) III Multiple choice: Thanks to modern technology, scientisits have been able to the life of plants that live under the sea a investigate b explore c protect d conserve We can not clean up our polluted rivers and seas overnight a circulated b eliminated c contaminated d destroyed There are two things that make humans _ from all other animals a differ b different c difference d differently I don’t want to go out now It _ heavily outside a has been rained b is raining c rained d rains We her since she moved to another town a haven’t met b didn’t meet c don’t meet d hadn’t met Would you mind _ me how _ this machine? a showing/ to use b showing/ using c showing/ use d to show/ to use When she to see me last night , I _TV a came/ watched b was coming/ watched c come/ watched d came/ was watching I think he _ stay home tonight because his mother is sick a should b had c would d ought _ you take physical exercises for? a Which b Whom c What d Who 10 I would have bought a new car if I _enough money a had b have had c had had d have 11 Sperm Whale populations are risk due to hunting for food a with b of c at d in 12 Cuc Phuong Natinonal Park contains over 200 square kilometers of rainforest a to find out b to get ready c to have something inside d to keep in the mind 13 If I in your position, I would not accept her offer a am b were c have been d would be 14 She put on warm clothes _catch cold a in order that b in order to c to d not to 15 Contamination is threatening the park and many species of animals living in it a population b pollution c elimination d distribution IV Find out the mistake: If I were you, I would have forgotten about buying a new car A B C D Do you think I ought apply for this job? A B C D You wouldn’t have got into trouble unless you hadn’t ignored my advice A B C D This computer has not been use for a long time A B C D (5) V.Rewrite the following sentences as directed Jack answered well in the interview, so he got the job -> If Jack hadn’t We were not at the party last Sunday, so we didn’t meet Laura -> If we had……………………………………………………………………………………………… Mr Thomas took the children to the park days ago -> The children They have sent me a letter for a few days -> I…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ken is learning Vietnamese He wishes to read Kieu (use “to + inf”} ->……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… He turned off the lights He didn’t want to waste electricity (use “to + inf”} ->……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VI Read the passage and make the correct choice People have been hunting whales for at least a thousand years, and there were no real problems until the 20 th century What happened was that: fishing technology became much more efficient and the ships were much faster, so more and more whales were caught In the 1960s the main whaling countries were killing more than sixty thousand whales a year, and everyone began to realize that something had to be done It was environmental groups like Greenpeace that really made things change They set out to make people aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct But even now we don’t know if all this interest has come to late Let’s take the great blue whale for example, which at thirty to forty meters long is the biggest animal there has ever beennow there are perhaps a bout two thousand or so left In fact, they have been protected for quite a long time, but there is still no sign that the population is growing How long have people been hunting whales? a for over 2000 years b since the 20th century c for nearly 200 years d since the 1960s th The 20 century has bought many dangers to whales due to a improve methods of technology b fast ship c longer nets d both a- b What makes people aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct? a Greenpeace b Environmental groups c Main whaling countries d International agreement Which of the following statements is Not true about the whales? a They can grow up to forty meters long b They are the biggest animal on the earth c Their population is growing fast d They have been protected for quite along time TEST I Pronunciation a received b worked c obtained d harboured a conditions b husbands c physics d dreams a earned b worked c suffered d lived a disabled b forced c believed d realized II Word form Water power gives energy without…………………… ( pollute) Folk music is traditional…………………… From a particular country,region community (musical) She has a good…………………(natural) In late summer, fire is the greatest………………… to forest (dangerous) Many birds didn’t…………………… the severe winter (survival) III Multiple choice: If you had told me you needed money, I _ you some a could have lent b could lend c will lend d lend If you had worked harder, you _ your final exam a passed b would pass c will pass d would have passed The accident was your fault If you more carefully, it wouldn’t have happened a drove b had driven c drive d have driven If Jake to the trip, would you have gone? a doesn’t agree b didn’t agree c hadn’t agreed d wouldn’t agree If Geoge the money, he would have lent it to me a had b have c had had d would have A forest fire _ valuable wood in Ca Mau some years ago a destroyed b destroys c destruction d destroying is Cuc Phuong national park? - It’s in Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Hoa Binh a What b Which c Where d Why (6) The charity is totally dependent……………… money from the public a From b on c upon d b&c are correct Cuc Phuong National park is ………… 160 kilometers south west of Ha Noi a Lied b established c abandoned d located 10 They were sent to local …… right after their parents death a Orphanage b hospital c park d prison 11…… …………best time to visit the park is during the dry season a a b an c the d o 12 Nearly 1.000 of the world’s bird species are ………….with extinction a Threatened b endangered c protected d abandoned 13 If I ………this bus, I’ll get a taxi instead a Miss b missed c had missed d will meet 14 I’m very busy, so please don’t disturb me ……… it’s urgent a While b if c since d unless 15 Marge’s children are used to………… after school everyday They don’t have to walk home a Picking up b being picked up c be pick up d.pick up IV Find out the mistake: If you had studied harder, you wouldn’t have fail the exam a b c d Tourists go to Cuc Phuong National park to look for the 1,000 year-old tree a b c d Have the students be told about the changes of their timetable yet? a b c d Man and most animals need a constantly supply of water to live a b c d V.Rewrite the following sentences as directed He didn’t know how to swim until he was 30 -> It was not until………………………………………………………………………… They could not leave their place until the police found out more evidences -> It was not……………………………………………………………………………… I took a taxi to the airport because I didn’t want to be late for my flight (use “to + inf”} -> I took a taxi to the airport……………………………………………………………… They must sell the old bicycle in the afternoon -> the old bicycle………………………………………………………………………… Laura went to the bank She wanted to cash a cheque (use “to + inf”} ->…………………………………………………………………………………………… Mary is attending a course She wants to improve her English (use “to + inf”} ->…………………………………………………………………………………………… VI Read the passage and make the correct choice We are all slowly destroying the earth The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in There is so much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world's cities In one well-known city, for example, poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks We have cut- down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the worlD As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat In certain countries in Asia there is too little rice Moreover, we not take enough care of the countryside Wild animals are quickly disappearing For instant, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive However, it isn't enough simply to talk about the problem We must act now before it is too late to anything about it Join us now Save the Earth This is too important to ignore 25 The seas and rivers nowadays A cannot be swum in B are less dirty than they used to be C are dirty enough to swim in D are contaminated 26 Smoke A is harmful to health B is full of the big cities C causes an healthy life D makes life in big cities difficult (7) 27 In one well-known city, traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks a in order to protect themselves from being injured b because there are so many cars on the streets c in spite of poisonous gases d because of air pollution 28 Why farmers imparts of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat? A.Because many trees have been planted B.Because there are large areas of land that cannot be used C.Because there is too little rice D Because people cut down many trees TEST 4: I Pronunciation A established B orphaned C recognized D endangered A seasons B tourists C animals D depends A missed B played C called D moved A eliminate B elephant C endanger D erosion II Word form His only chance of……………….was a heart transplant (survive) Van cao is one of the most well-known………………in vietnam (musical) The money spent on reconstructions of the animals’……………… environment (nature) Scientists have made lists of …………… species and suggested way to save them (danger ) Tom is …………… in politics ( interest) She finfs politics ……………….(interest) III Multiple choice: If I were you, I him A won’t love B wouldn’t love C didn’t love D wouldn’t have loved If I had seen Mary, I _ her A would tell B would have told C will tell D had told If Lan _ his telephone number, she’d give it to you A knows B knew C had known D has known If Tom _ free yesterday, I would have invited him A has been B was C had been D is If she won a big prize in a lottery, she _ up his job A will give B can give C would have given D would give Mary has got two cats, white one is thin, black one is fat A a /a b an /a c the /the d the / a Lan is really _about going to Singapore A excite b excited c exciting d excitedly Tom is wearing two pullovers _ keep warm A so that b in order to c so as d in order that Mary finds it _ to housework everyday She feels _ with it A boring/bored B boring/boring C bored/bored D bored/boring 10 She turn down the radio _ wake up the sleeping baby A to not B in order to not C so that not to D so as not to 11 “…… is your favourite Vietnamese singer?” – “Trong Tan and My Linh” a What b Who c Whom d Whose 12 “…… you like classical music?” – Because it helps me relax a How b What c Which d Why 13 It was not until 2000 that I him a teach b teaching c to teach d taught 14 Van Cao is one of the most- well-known .in Viet Nam A actors B authors C musicians D singers 15 Language and music make humans different all other animals A of B with C from D by 16 The prefix sub in the word submarine means A again B under C above D none 17 The UK is divided four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland A between B among C into D for 18 Carnivores are animals which _ A eat meat B eat plants C live on the bottom D swim very fast 19 If I _you, wouldn't buy that coat (8) A am B was C were D would be 20 You _to go to bed late A shouldn't B oughtn't C mustn't D can't 21 The shrimp is a kind of A krill B mammal C plant D fish 22 The sea is polluted, which sea plants and animals A dangers B dangerous C dangerously D endangers IV Find out the mistake: My brother is studying hard to not get bad mark a b c d It was not until his mother came home which he did his homework a b c d What your daughter practice singing all day for? a b c d If she had been to the party, she would met her old friends a b c d Jane will come to see you tomorrow if he had finished his work a b c d V.Rewrite the following sentences as directed He didn’t arrive at the office until half past nine -> It was not until………………………………………………………………………… Mary didn’t work for the UN until 2004 -> It was not until………………………………………………………………………… I don’t speak English well, so I don’t pass the interview -> If……………………………………………………………………………………… 4.I didn’t watch TV last night last night because I was busy -> If …………………………………………………………………… We can solve this problem -> This problem …………………………………………………………………………… We wanted to buy some fruits,so we went to the market (use “to + inf”) ->……………………………………………………………………………………… VI Read the passage and make the correct choice All over the world people listen to classical music Classical music is difficult to describe It means different things to different people Some famous classical composers were Bach, Vivaldi, and Mozart In their music, they didn’t tell a story or show strong emotion They wanted to make a beautiful, interesting design They wanted to write lovely sounds Then composers started to interpret ideas They told story about wars, armies, and soldiers They wrote about religion Sometimes they composed music for holidays They told love stories and showed strong emotion Some of these composers were Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky Classical music stays with people along time Bach wrote about 300 years ago, Beethoven wrote about 200 years ago, and Tchaikovsky wrote over 100 years ago Sometimes people close their eyes to listen to classical music When they close their eyes, they can see the design They can listen to the same classical music many times and enjoy it Sometimes it is difficult to understand The listener has to think about it However, we can all learn to enjoy some classical music It is very important to people Classical music is famous A in the Western b in Europe c in the United States d all over the world The first classical composers wanted to a tell stories about religion b write lovely sounds c show strong emotion d b and c What kind of stories did some composers not to tell in their music? a love b wars c religion d racial integration Beethoven _ a composed his music a long time ago b just wanted to make an interesting design c did not tell a story d wrote some music that was difficult to understand People sometimes close their eyes when they listen to classical music in order to a understand it clearly b think about the design c form a picture of design in their mind d hear the same classical music many times TEST (9) I Pronunciation a cooked b stopped c finished d visited a lips b months c rockets d fingers a missed b divided c watched d looked a conditions b husbands c physics d dreams a earned b worked c suffered d lived a chemistry b prepare c receive d degree II Word form The main threat to the……………of these creatures come from their loss of habitat (survive) I like listening to pop………………because it makes me happy (musical) Many laws were being passed in……………… ’s defence (naturally) The health of our children are being ……………….by exhaust fumes (danger ) she was …………… by her smile ( fascinate) I don’t like studying english because it is ……………….(bore) III Multiple choice: I think you apologize for your behaviour A should B ought C shall D have Sperm whale populations are now risk due to hunting A in B at C of D by The starfish lives on or depend the bottom A in B for C on D of Whales, seals are examples of animals A marine B land C river D tiny 5.If I didn't want to go to the party, I go A don't B didn't C won't D wouldn't Whales feed on krill A tiny shellfish B small fish C sea plants D small animals Sperm whale population are at risk due to hunting A in extinction B in danger C on the decrease D in fewness We _ to the beach yesterday if the sun had been shining A will go B would go C would have gone D had gone Cuc Phuong National Park over 200 square kilometers of rainforest A contains B hold C gets D covers 10 If I _ that Huong had to get up early I her up A knew - would wake B had known - would have woken C would have known - had woken D knew - woke 11 If he up earlier, he to work on time A got - would get B had got - would get C would get – got D would have got - had got 12 " you like classical music?" – “Because it helps me relax.” A How B What C Which D Why 13 We started early in order _ miss the first part of the concert A to not B not to C no for D for no 14 " are you 1eaming Chinese for?" - To sing Chinese songs " A What B Why C How D Which 15 Would you please remember away all the tapes when you're finished listening to them? A putting B to put C put D be put 16.I was enjoying my book but I stopped a program on TV A reading to watch B to read to watch C to read for watching D reading for watching 17 It was not until 1925 _ the cinema really became an industry a when b which c that d while 18 We are really _about going to the cinema tonight a excited b interested c amused d pleased 19.The number of people who went to see that film increased rapidly a quickly b gradually c suddenly d uncontrollably 20 In the early 1910s, audience could enjoy the first long films a ought to b were able to c used to d were possible 21 The film Titanic is about the sinking of a luxury liner a boat b submarine c ferry d ship IV Find out the mistake: If you sold your house, you didn't get much money for it A B C D (10) The government should done more to help homeless people A B C D What would you if you have change to travel in the submarine? A B C D If modem technology didn't exist, we will never have these precious pictures: A B C D Jack will win the election if lie campaigned harder A B C D Trees of this kind grown well on this soil A B C D Scott Joplin, a well-known African American piano player, was born 1868 and had died in 1917 A B C D V.Rewrite the following sentences as directed She didn’t recover her confidence until that morning -> It was not until …………………………………………………………………………… 2.It is very cold, so we can’t go swimming => If………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.Lan will serve refreshments => Refreshments…………………………………………………………………………………… 4.Minh didn’t leave early, so he missed the bus => If …………………………………………………………………………………………… She locks the door She doesn’t want to be disturbed (Using to V) =>……………………………………………………………………………………………………… They are attending a course They want to improve her English ( Using to V) =>…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7.Although the salary is good, he is unhappy in his job =>In spite of………………………………………………………………………………………… 8.He doesn’t drive as carefully as my father (using comparative) => My father………………………………………………………………………………………… No houses in Hoi An is as old as the Tan Ky House (using superlative) =>The Tan Ky House………………………………………………………………………………… 10 No student in my class is as intelligent as her (using superlative) =>She is ……………………………………………………………………………………………… TEST I Pronunciation A caps B cooks C pubs D cuts A cooked B stopped C watered D finished A seasons B tourists C animals D depends A missed B played C called D moved A stopped B cleaned C prepared D played II Word form This ……………….has threatened the park and many of the animals in it (contaminate) Most of rivers have been……………….seriously because people often release……… into them.(pollute) She has a…………………smile (attract) The blue whale is an/a ……………………… species (danger ) she finds the book is very…………………(excite) III Multiple choice: There's an film on at the local cinema A interest B interesting C interested D interesting; 2.We went to see last night A a awful film B an awful film C the awful film D awful film 3.The international football………… is held every four years a match b contest c tournament d game FiFa was …………… in 1904 in England ( a set up b set off c put up d put off ) That bag looks heavy I ………………you with it a help b will help c am going to help d am helping Germany was the …………….nation of the 2006 World Cup final (a help b hold c host d house) 7.How many countries took part in the first World Cup? A interested B participated C competed D cooperated (11)

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2021, 04:42

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