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family and friends grade 3 week 12

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Unit3 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Identifying different parts of the body, Listening and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Body Memory Cards Colour p[r]

(1)Week:09 Unit2 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Identifying common toys, Listening and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Song worksheet III.Vocabulary Toys,Kite,Bike,Train,Big,Love (v) IV.Sentence pattern: This is my… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Introduction -Use flashcards 35-37 to introduce the three new words Hold up each one and say the words for children to repeat -Play a miming game with the class Mime the actions of riding a bike for children to shout out the word Ask a child to stand up and s/he mimes an activity using one of the words from this lesson or from the other toy flashcards and the rest of the children guess the word Repeat the activity with different children Development -Recording 23: Ask children to look at the pictures and play the first and second parts of the recording as children point to the words Play again for children to repeat the words after the audio -Recording 24: Either use the song worksheet (without opening the Class Book) where children listen and fill in the correct words, or Exercise in the Class Students’ activities repeat Play a miming game with the class look at the pictures point to the words repeat the words after the audio listen and fill in the correct words (2) Book After either activity, ask children to sing along with the CD and then sing together without the CD audio -Sing and act: Tell children they are going to sing the song again, but this time they are going to the actions Elicit the actions from the pictures in the Class Book, (flying the kite, riding the bike, pushing the train) and then practice them as a class before doing the activity Consolidation -Song extension: Use all of the other toy flashcards to elicit further song paragraphs (e.g This is my big yellow doll…etc…) and ask children to decide in pairs what they would like to add to the song Ask different pairs to stand up and sing their song with the class VI.Ended experienced: the actions decide in pairs what they would like to add to the song (3) Week:09 Unit2 : Lesson I.Objectives: - First letter sounds e/f/g/h, Speaking and writing skills II.Teaching aids: - CD Tracks 25-27 III.Vocabulary Egg,Fig,Goat,Hat IV.Sentence pattern: V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Introduction -Ask children what letters of the alphabet they have already learned (a,b,c,d) Ask them to name words which begin with those sounds -Write Ee, Ff, Gg and Hh on the board and point to each letter and say the letter name and the sound for both upper- and lower-case letters for children to repeat Say the sounds again and children can draw the letters in the air Development -Vocabulary: Write the words, egg, fig, goat and hat on the board Circle the first letters and say the first sounds for children to repeat Hold up the phonics cards and say the words for children to repeat -Recording 25: Children the exercise and point to the letters -Recording 26: Do the exercise, and children join in with the chant Put the four cards around the room and children point as they say the chant -Recording 27: Ask children what the goat has got Tell children they can Students’ activities name words which begin with those sounds repeat and draw the letters in the air Repeat the exercise and point to the letters four cards around the room and children point as they say the chant (4) find out by listening Model the activity and then children listen and draw the lines -Exercise 4: Read the text for children to follow and model the activity first on the board Then children read and circle the sounds at the start of the words Consolidation -Extension activity: Divide the class into four groups: eggs, figs, goats and hats Do the chant again together Each group says their own lines Then put students in groups of four, and give each child one of the words, and they the chant in the group, taking turns to say their line VI.Ended experienced: find out by listening read and circle the sounds at the start of the words class into four groups (5) Week:10 Unit2 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Talking about favourite things, Reading skills II.Teaching aids: Natasha’s Extra Activity Handouts: Our favourite things Pair interview III.Vocabulary Favourite,Furry,Fat,Lovely,Colour (n),Animal IV.Sentence pattern: My favourite toy / colour / animal is a… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction -Put the toy flashcards around the point to the correct room and say the toys As you flashcard and repeat the do, the children point to the word correct flashcard and repeat the word answer -Introduce the concept of ‘favourite.’ Use flashcards to demonstrate Ask different children, What’s your favourite toy / colour / animal? look at the pictures and try to predict what the text is Development about -Create interest: Ask children to look at the pictures and try to predict what the text is about listen to the recording and Point to the name at the bottom of follow the words in their the poem and establish that the book poem was written by Tom Ask How old is Tom? (He’s seven) -Recording 28: Children listen to the recording and follow the words in their book Check comprehension by asking simple questions: What’s Tom’s favourite toy? Is it a train? (No) write their own favourite Is it a ball? (Yes) Ask similar toy, colour and animal (6) questions about Tom’s favourite colour and animal -Exercise 3: Do the exercise Children write their own favourite toy, colour and animal -Listening: Ask children to close their books Read the poem aloud Pause at the key toy, colour and animal words Encourage children to call out the ‘missing’ words Consolidation -Pair interview: Put children in pairs and give each one a worksheet They write their own name and their partner’s name on their worksheet Then they write their favourite animal, toy and colour in the first column and ask their partner the questions and write down their answers When they have finished they can compare their worksheets to see if their answers are similar Ask children to put up their hands if their answers are the same as their partner’s VI.Ended experienced: call out the ‘missing’ words in pairs write their favourite animal, toy and colour in the first column and ask their partner the questions and write down their answers (7) Week:10 Unit2 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Talking about favourite things, Listening and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Toys board game - Dice and counte III.Vocabulary Toys,My / your,Roll again,Miss a turn,Go back (3) spaces Go forward (2) spaces IV.Sentence pattern: What’s your favourite…? V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction Play Whispers -Play Whispers, using toy vocabulary Organise children into large groups Show a flashcard to the first child in each group This child whispers the word to the child next to him/her, and this continues around the group until the word reaches the final child The final child says the word aloud, and the first child holds up the flashcard to see exercise whether the word and the picture are the same Development -Recording 29: Children exercise 1, listening and matching the children to the toys and objects -Exercise 2: Model the activity first with a strong student Ask the child What’s your favourite toy? The child answers, for example, It’s a car Children then ask and answer using the target structures answers then ask and answer using the target structures with their partner the Writing box at the (8) with their partner Swap and the activity again with a different partner -Counting: Ask children to the Writing box at the bottom of p.19 They count each word in the sentences Copy the sentences onto the board and ask individual students to come to the front and write the amount of words in one sentence Check with the rest of the class to see if they agree Consolidation -Counting extension: Ask children to choose three of the sentences from the reading text on p.18 and count the words in each Then ask their partner to check their answer -Board game: Give each group of 4-6 children a copy of the board game (Either in colour or in black and white) They move around the board, saying the objects as they land on the squares with toy pictures The winner is the first child to reach the finish square VI.Ended experienced: bottom of p.19 choose three of the sentences from the reading text on p.18 and count the words in each Board game (9) Week:11 Unit3 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Identifying different parts of the body, Reading and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - My body flashcards 38-42 - Story poster - CD tracks 30-32 III.Vocabulary Body parts – arms, nose, face, legs, ears Let’s, put on, point to, now, that’s right IV.Sentence pattern: This is… These are… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction follow the directions -Model and say simple instructions first, and then listen and such as stand up, sit down, turn around, and get children to follow the directions first, and then listen and - Elicit the vocabulary for the lesson recycle the vocabulary by pointing to different parts of your further body and asking What’s this? Then use flashcards 38-42 to recycle the vocabulary further Development -Recording 30: Ask children to listen to the words They point to the pictures as they listen Put the flashcards around the room and as they listen one further time, they point to the correct flashcards -Recording 21: Students listen and point, and then listen and chant -Listen and read: Use Story Poster to present the story Revise the names of the characters Ask listen to the words point to the pictures point to the correct flashcards listen and point, and then listen and chant Listen and read (10) children to name as many things in the picture as they can Look at the story and ask children what is happening in each box Listen to the story as children follow with the poster, then listen again as children follow in their books and point to the body parts Ask simple comprehension questions (What’s this? Show me your arms.) to check understanding Consolidation -Vocabulary extension: Write the words arms, nose, face, legs and arms on separate pieces of paper and stick them to the board Give flashcards 38-42 to five children Ask them to come to the front of the class and put the flashcards next to the correct word on the board When the flashcards are all in the correct place, take off the words and give them to five different children They come to the front of the class and put them next to the correct flashcard Repeat with different children VI.Ended experienced: put the flashcards next to the correct word on the board (11) Week:11 Unit3 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Recognizing the difference between singular and plural nouns, Writing and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Story Poster - CD track 32 III.Vocabulary IV.Sentence pattern: This is… These are… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Introduction - Play Simon Says to revise vocabulary from the previous lesson Tell students to stand up, sit down, turn around, point to their arms etc… -Point to the Story Poster again and ask children to tell you what happened in the story Elicit the body parts from the story and write them on the board Students’ activities stand up, sit down, turn around, point to their arms etc tell you what happened in the story Listen and read Development -Listen and read: Tell children to open their books to p.20 and play the recording again as children follow in their books -Role play: Put students in pairs and ask them to act out the story Elicit what actions they will need Get a couple of strong pairs to act it out in front of the class -Exercise 2: Model the language and ask children to repeat the in pairs to act out the story repeat the words and sentences Children write This is, (12) words and sentences Focus on the pronunciation Drill the language -Exercise & 4: Children write This is, These are in the correct place They then circle the correct words in exercise Check in pairs and with the whole class Then chant the sentences from exercise with the whole class once again When children say This is, they clap their hands once When say These are, they clap their hands twice Ask children to suggest different actions they could do, and say the chant a few more times using those actions (stamping feet, standing up and sitting down for example) Consolidation -Grammar Reference: Ask children to open their Class Books to p.74 and the Unit Grammar activity to practice the target structure further VI.Ended experienced: These are in the correct place practice (13) Week:12 Unit3 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Identifying different parts of the body, Listening and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Song worksheet - IIIII.Vocabulary Body parts – fingers, hands, eyes All IV.Sentence pattern: These are… This is V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction Repeat -Use flashcards 43-45 to introduce the three new words Hold up each one and say the words for children to repeat -Ask three children to come to the front of the class Give each one a different points to the flashcard and ask him/her to hold it in correct flashcard the air Say the body parts one at a time (in different orders) and the class points to the correct flashcard Development -Recording 33: Ask children to look at the pictures and play the first and second parts of the recording as children point to the words Play again for children to repeat the words after the audio -Recording 34: Either use the song worksheet (without opening the Class Book) where children listen and fill in the correct words, or Exercise in the Class Book After either activity, ask children to sing along with the CD and then sing together without the CD audio -Sing and act: Tell children they are point to the words repeat the words after the audio listen and fill in the correct words (14) going to sing the song again, but this time they are going to the actions Elicit the actions from the pictures in the Class Book, (showing ten fingers, pointing to their nose and eyes) and then practice them as a class before doing the activity Consolidation -Language extension: Put all of the body parts flashcards on the board, one below the other on the left side Point to the first flashcard for children to say the word (e.g ears) Ask, This is or These are? Children shout out the answer Elicit the complete sentence, These are my ears, and write it on the board Repeat with the rest of the flashcards Point to the sentences for the class to read them Rub out all but the last word and ask the class to say the sentences again VI.Ended experienced: Sing and act Repeat with the rest of the flashcards (15) Week:12 Unit3 : Lesson I.Objectives: - Identifying different parts of the body, Listening and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Body Memory Cards Colour pencils III.Vocabulary Body parts – fingers, hands, eyes Colours IV.Sentence pattern: V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction -Sing the song from Class Book p.22 again, with students doing the actions at the same time Sing a second time, with students at the front holding the three flashcards (fingers, hands, and eyes) and every time they hear their word they hold the card up in the air Sing the song Development -Exercise 1: Children trace the pictures and follow the instructions Check together as a class -Exercise 2: Children colour in the parts of the body following the instructions -Exercise 3: Children complete the gap-fill by filling in the missing body vocabulary trace the pictures and follow the instructions Consolidation -Extension: Ask each child to draw a picture of a person (either a colour in the parts of the body following the instructions draw a picture of a person (16) boy or a girl) They not colour it in They then swap their picture with a partner and dictate the colours their partner should use to colour in their picture (the legs are blue etc…) - Group activity: Give a set of memory cards to each group of 46 children Ask them to shuffle and place the cards face down on the desk They then take turns turning two cards over If the cards match (picture and word) they keep the cards, if they don’t match they turn them back over and the next child takes a turn The winner is the child with most matching cards at the end of the game VI.Ended experienced: group of 4-6 (17)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2021, 21:47
