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Test 10 Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses in the following dialogue.. Minh: Hello, Tuan Tuan: Hi.[r]

(1)10 TEST ÔN TẬP THI HỌC SINH GIỎI MÔN TIẾNG ANH Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses How you (get)……………………………… on at school ? Passengers (travel) …………………………………… on this bus bought their tickets in books There (be)………………………… no guests at all since I left It is crucial that Dido (stop)………………………………… using Quang Ha Over the years, She (collect)………………………………… thousands of stamps "Where is Jane?" "Down stairs sir" "She (greet) ………………… the guests." It won't be safe to use these stairs until they (repair)………………… I don’t like (treat) ……………………….as if I (be)………………………… a child They (see) ………………………….to go out three times a day 10 I shall never forget (see)………………………… her for the first time Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences Look! That is going too fast ( cycle) He's a good He wins all his fights (box) The hotel asked us to register ( reception) We often end our letters with our ( sign) That company has 2000 (employ) So people are being .in the surburbs and have to comute to work (house) I wrote letter of aplication, but got no reply (end) I don’t know why they call him a (lie) I live in the part of the country (south) 10 He suffered from constant ( sleep) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word The first impression of this meeting with the leader of the VietNam people was the complete informality, the warmth and simplicity of it all President Ho or .1 Ho as he is millions of people throughout Vietnam had the ability to make one feel .3 ease from the first moment and to present the most complex question in a .clear words and guestures.In subsequent meetings with this great personality it is just those qualities of warmth, .5 and the clarity of expression only comes with the intelligence and complete graps of the subject, which made the deepest .7 Everyone who .8 received by president Ho comments these characteristics, and above all their feeling of .10 immediately "at home" with him Question 4: a) Express the following sentences in single sentences without altering their meaning I kept you waiting I'm sorry  He had seen the girl somewhere before He remembered it  He didn’t say any word and left the house  He wants to become a famous writer He dreams of it  It's said that his brother speaks French very well  b) Which is the correct answer? a or b? 1.You are not supposed to eat strawberries a.No, the doctor told me not to eat cherries b No, the doctor didn’t tel me to eat cherries Do we need to make the package in a hurry? a Yes,there is plenty of time b b Yes, there is little time left Do you have any difficulty in learning English? a No, I don’t find English difficult to learn b b No, it's very difficult for me to learn English Have you got any shampoo ? a Yes, I've just bought it b b Yes, I've justfinished it Is life beginning to get him down? (2) a Yes, he believes in his future b Yes, he is becoming pessimistic about the future Question 5: Choose the correct word in brackets to complete each sentence Come on! They haven't got .( many/ much/ a lot of) time Could I try ( a little/ a few / little) wine? I like Nga and Phuong Anh They're (so/such) nice people They've got .(so/such) much money, they don’t know what to with it Are ( any / any of) those letters for me? I don’t mind if you come in late ( unless/ as long as) you come in quietly She's a very good swimmer She swims ( as/ like) a fish (As/Like) I said yesterday, I'm thinking of changing my job Don’t throw that bag away ( when/if) you don’t want it, I'll have it 10 I have lived in Ha Noi ( most / most of) my life Question6: a/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions What is Ha Noi famous ? He ordered me as if I were his wife Hard work leads success She is not much interested biology general She was quick .finding out things b/ Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences Nobody / predict/ what / happen leave / house / without / say / word My uncle/ give up/ smoke / one year The noise / the traffice/ prevented /me/ go to sleep/ Question 7: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues She cant get into the habit of studying everyevening she cant get used He said: `` We must have a party to celebrate this`` He said that He borrowed my book, but he forgot to return it I No decision has been made yet Nothing The arrival time of Hellen's flight is 8.00 Hellen's flight The snow fall was so heavy that all the trains had to be cancelled So Oh no! My wallet is missing Oh no! I have The station clock showed half past ten According I'm on the tenth page of the letter I'm writing So far I 10.This is my second visit to Vietnam This is the second Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses He doesn't like (treat) as if he (be) a child It won’t be safe to use these stairs until they (repair) What you think the children (do) when we get home? I will ring the bell one more if he (not answer),I think he must( go) out I am sorry about the noise last night We (have) a party I’d rather (live) in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours I shall never forget (see) her for the first time Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences What a very .old man he is! That's the most film I've seen This bottle contains a poison The old hotel we used to stay at has been Conservationists belive that we should preserve the rainforests in the world The little village is very quiet and .at night Being ., my mother forbids me to wear short skirts or sleeveless shirts (learn) (fright) (die) (modern) ( tropic) (peace) (tradition) (3) Make sure that you the electricity before you start mending this light switch ( connect) After the explosion, only two people were left (live) 10 Her husband's death made her life (mean) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word Cartoon films have very limits If you can draw something, you can it move on the cinema screen The use .3 new ideas and advanced computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of ages By the of the 1970s, the cinema world had decided that, cartoons were only for children But soon , one or two directors had some orginal new ideas They proved that it was possible to make films in which both adults and children could the fun However, not cartoon film was successful The Black Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because it was too for children and too childish for adults Directors learnt from this 10 , and the film companies began to make large amounts of money again Question 4: a) Combine these pair of sentences into one I've lost my ticket It cost five pounds I gave you some money Where is it? She told a story I didn’t believe it Do you know that girl? Tom is talking to her The man is a famous doctor His son is my classmate Hoankiem lake is a historical place Its water is always blue b/ What these things imply? a or b? We're supposed to go a We might not go b We're definitely going I really appreciate your staying a You've decided to stay b You might stay Would you mind if I opened the window? a You have opened the window already b You havent opened the window yet I have a report to write a I 'm going to write a report b Someone else already wrote the report Question 5: a/ Put the words in order so as to make up correct sentences you / blackboard/ want/ clean/ I / to /the your/ a/ has/ collection / been/ brother / given/ of/ postcards/ beautiful/ on / September / begins / 1st / year/ the / school / new / usually remembered/ Vietnam/ he/ to / trip/ his b) Put in like or as I'm afraid I can't meet you on Sunday .we arranged I wish I had a car yours his father, Minh has a very good voice Suddenly there was a terrible noise It was a bomb exploding I think I preferred this room it was, before we decorated it We met John last night He was very cheerful, .always Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues I asked the receptionist to wake me up at 6.30 the following morning " Please '' He is a man of extreme honesty He is an 3.It was a mistake of me to spend a lot of money on clothe I shouldn’t 4.The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired The car was too People did not discover AIDS until 1981 Not until 6.There were many people on the way We couldn't drive on There were so (4) 7.Phong wishes he hadn't bought that cheap television set Hard work is the secret of passing your exam So long as 9.He was a fool to say that 10.Living in the city is exciting Phong regrets It is Some people find Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses I could tell at a glance that the pile of letters on my desk (disturb) while I (be) out He never fails (arrive) in time to help me It is nearly autumn, soon the leaves (change) colour The children were frightened because the lights suddently (go) out and they (sit) in the dark Quick! There(be) an accident Phone the hospital The accident (happen) when that red car (shoot) out of the side street without warning On the way to Hai Phong I stopped (have) a cup of coffee at a roadside restaurant and when I came it (stop) (rain) Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences He was when he did the test badly (hope) He has great in God (believe) “Look after your mother”, were his words (die) The of that little girl makes the room more pleasant (present) was one of three problems facing the Vietnamese government after the August Revolution in 1945 ( literacy) She got a .letter from her boss ( person) The wanted to interview all of us ( detect) If you are a , you have to work hard ( science) If you are not too busy, I could with some (assist) 10 It is very to live in a damproom ( health ) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word For many young people sport is a popular part of school life and in one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important .2 someone is in a team it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away home, as many matches are played then It also involve travelling to other towns to play agaist other school teams and then on after the match for a meal or a drink Sometimes parents,friends or other students will travel with the team to support own side When a school team wins a match it is the whole school which feels proud, .only the players It can also mean that a school well-known for being good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing national and international teams so that the school has really 10 names associated with it Question 4: a) Which sentence (a,b or c) may be the most natural and logical continuation of the passage? When I first tried to get into the movies, I was worried and scared I had just come from India and I didn’t know anyone in Wilmington where I was trying to get a job a) I saw a few producers but non of them hired me b) I know what it means to live in houses without a bathroom or running water c) For two weeks I lived on nothing but crackers and water Another popular way of celebrating the New Year in England is to go a New Year's dance Most hotels and dance-halls hold a special dance on New Year' Eve The hall is decorated a) There are several different bands and the atmosphere is very festive b) At midnight the radio is turned on so that everyone can hear the chimes of Big Ben c) In Piccadilly Circus crowds gather and sing to welcome the New Year b) Which is the correct answer a or b Why are you getting rid of that? a- because I don’t need it b- because I need it Do you have the day - off? (5) a- No, I don’t have to work at all b- No, I have to work after all Is it O.K to smoke in here? a- No, you are not supposed to b- No, you don’t have to Are you going to go to work? a- No, if I have to b- No, unless I have to Do you have any difficulty in learning English? a No, I don’t find English difficult to learn b No, it's very difficult for me to learn English Have you got any shampoo ? a Yes, I've just bought it b Yes, I've just finished it Question 5: a/ Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences I/ apologise/ him/ not able/ arrive/ on time My uncle/ give up/ smoke / one year Look! / sun / set / mountains 4.In my life/ I / never be/ Pac Bo Cave b/ Combine these pairs of sentences into one Polly didn’t her homework She forgot I once met Mrs Trang Anh I'll always remember it What about painting the shelves? But he didn’t mean it The driver wanted to buy some cigarettes So he stopped The room is painted yellow Nobody has slept in the room for years She invited me to dinner It was very kind of her Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues The remark was so unexpected that she didnt know what to say It was You're the worst guitarist in the world Noone it was waste of time to write that letter I neednt Although the fish appears to be harmless, it is quite dangeruos Contrary He didnt remember anything about it, and neither did she He forgot I wish I had applied for that job It is a As I didnt know all the facts I rang the police If She didnt work hard enough, so she lost the job The reason "You can leave early" Mr Minh said to Hai Mr Minh 10.I have no advice, which I can offer you I have no Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses The man (teach) in this school since 1985 Before he (come) here, he (live) in Hue Now he (live) in the suburbs and (come) to school everyday on his bicycle A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise We want (pay) better wages We don’t enjoy (use) as cheap labour -I remember (lock) the door of the car because the key (be) wet and dirty when I (drop) it in the street Nga assured him she (finish) it by 11 Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences He is looking thinner ( appreciate) It was a complete .due to poor planning (fail) The police were given information about the crime (lead) They had a very happy (marry) What a lovely painting! your daughter must be very ., Mrs Green (art) Great talkers are never great (do) Women nowadays have more to participate in social activities (free) We often end our letters with our ( sign) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word or phrase Many hundred years there were many villages and few towns in England The villagers like to go into the forests and the fields when spring came On the first Sunday of May they usually took a tree back them and put it the village (6) The children danced round it and the men and women games around it Later the international working class made the first of May the day of .5 The first May Day was in England in 1890 when the workers decided to fight for an eight-hour working day and an end to the very long hours that they worked In London, the workers from all places to a in Hyde Park This demonstration their unity and solidarity After that, May Day in England was usually celebrated on the Sunday nearest to the first day of the month There 10 many large May Day demonstrations The working people showed on those days their solidarity with the progressive people in other countries Question 4: a) Express the following sentences in single sentences without altering their meaning She spent the weekend at the seaside She enjoyed it  I have to get up early in the morning and I'm used to it  She went to the library She wanted to read books there  She was disturbed by his silly questions She disliked it  b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions What is Ha Noi famous ? May I have a look it? I'm sick doing things for you He ordered me as if I were his wife Some words are difficult to translate one language another Question 5: a- Choose the correct word in brackets to complete each sentence He doesn't have .(much/many) money There are (fewer/less) students in this room than in the next room There is too (many/much) bad news on television tonight Would you like ( less/fewer) coffee than this? Two years (is/are) a long time to wait What he told you (seem/seems) to be of importance Bread and butter (is/are) what she asks for .(A number of/ The number of) students are going to the class picnic ( A number of/ The number of) days in a week is seven 10.A (few/little) people left early Question 6: Do as directed My friend had excellent ideas He did a good job,too (join into one sentence, using not only but as well ) His explanation is not clear The examples he gives are not clear ( join into one sentence, using : neither .nor) People say that the price of gold is going up ( change into passive voise.) He asked me: "When will you give this book back to me?" ( change into Reported speech) Seldom did people travel far from home years ago (Use the ordinary word order) He was given a gift So were you ( Join into one sentence, using "as well") You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this ( start with "No matter " He made a great discovery He was very proud of it ( Combine into one sentence) Lan found it difficult to accept the situation ( rewrite with: difficulty) 10.The farmers had applied new technology in their fields The output of rice was raised (Combine with: Thanks to which ) (7) Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses I cant help (feel) sorry for the hungry children If only there (be) peace in the world An eyewitness described how ten people (kill) in the fire Iam sure the letter wont arrive in time unless it (send) by air Since his death she (not have) the heart to wear it, but she (not like) to sell it The thief (arrest) as he (leave) the bank The uneaten breakfast was still on the table She (call) away in a hurry I (work) in this office for ten years by Christmas The vase (break) when it (move) to the other room Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences That kind of does that pie have? (pleasant) I`d love to come to your party but, , I have to go somewhere else (fortune) Travelling in big cities becoming more .everyday (trouble) is a very serious problem in many countries (employ) he is so .! No wonder he has no friends ( agree) We are selling these toys at a very .price (compete) Nowadays numbers of people are taking up jogging (increase) He is active in spite of his old age ( wonder) He spoke English fluently but with some mistakes ( grammar) 10 They are living in a countryside (mountain) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word Speech is one of the most important of communicating It consists of far more than just making noises To talk and also to be by other people, we have to speak a language, that is , we have to use combinations of that everyone agrees stand for particular object or idea Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language Learning a language properly is very The basic of English is not very large, and only about 2000 words are needed to speak it quite But the more words you know, the more idea you can and the more presise you can be about their exact meaning Words are the thing we use incommunicating what we want to say The way we the words is also very important Our tone of voice can express many emotions and 10 whether we are pleased or angry, for instance Question 4: a) Choose the correct word in brackets to complete each sentence He had so ( many/ a lot of/ much) things to The mixture looks rather dry May be you should add (a few/ a little / little) water We're having a big party We've invited ( a lot of / many / much) friends I feel really tired I havent got ( many/ much/ a lot of) energy He quickly put ( a few / a little/ few )things into a bag Could I try .( a little / a few / little wine? Come on! We havent got .(many/ much / a lot of) time? The school year has just begun The children havent had ( much/ many / a lot of) lessons yet b) Fill in the blanks with "Of "if necessary All cars have weels None .this money is mine Some people get angry very easily Some the people I met at the party were very interesting I have lived in HaNoi most my life Many people watch too much TV Are any those letters for me? Most days I get up before o'clock Question 5: (8) a/ Put the parts of the sentences below into the correct order letter/ has/ the/ given / a / come/ and/ me/ postman/ just get/ the/ comes/ train/ the / to/ we/ station/ will / before that/ needs/ I work/ to / Ann/ think / harder as / you / tell /I / it/ do/ him/ let/ alone tie / don’t / my / on / sit off/ stop / next / the / get / at him / knows / ask / the / if / professor/ he b/ correct mistakes in the following sentences They had rather have their clothes ioned by a maid There have been little rain this summer I am very happy to work by these machines She talks as if she knows everything Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues It's extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days. We find The only thing they didn’t steal was the television stole Patience is the key to success in life as you are The heat was such that I nearly fainted was 5.Everyone heard about the accident before I did was We 've run out of tea  There Are you against working on Sunday? object ? I have to write six letters today There are people always laugh at his funny face He doesn't like it dislikes 10 I seldom come there at night Seldom  They  As long  It I  Do you   He  Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses The radio (play) since a.m I wish someone would turn it off (call), the milkmaid went to see the farmer She (be) here but she (go) down with flu I was just about (leave) the office when the phone rang She was breathing fast and deep, as if she (run) Listen to this ! I think this news (surprise) you Dont talk to me I (try) to learn this page by heart Dont be upset I (understand) perfectly Wood usually (float) on water Question 2: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word The world's oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution However, little known about the long-term effects .2 such slow poisoning The most serious .of modern time is that man is destroying the earth's natural resources and transforming huge areas into wasteland As .4 result, it is becoming very .5 to grow enough to feed the world's rapidly increasing A way of protecting all the wildlife on the earth must also found as many species are in of disappearing completely from the face of the earth The dangers, however, are not confined solely to the land and the sea The smoke in the atmosphere, example, is increasing 10 much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities Man's whole environment is being changed in a serious way (9) Question 3: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences The ring was not valuable; in fact it was almost (worth) I this morning, and was late for school (sleep) The water in this lake is rather , like sea water ( salt) Put the ice-cream in the ., please ( freeze) She is a of theatre programme ( collect) Use a bigger screwdriver to this crew (tight) Bad planning leads to .later (difficult) Nam had eaten so much that he had to his belt (loose) There is a of fruits in Viet Nam ( vary) 10 During his speech, he kept on his tie ( straight) Question 4: a) Express the following sentences in single sentences without altering their meaning In the pubs nearby everyone drinks beer Most pubs, in fact, have piano and on Saturday night the customers may well gather round it and sing a They buy drnks for the planist b The songs they sing are the same all over England c Songs from the 1914 War are easy to learn 2.There are many arguments for and against television The poor quality of its programmes is often criticized It is undoubtedly a great comfort to lonely elderly people And does it corrupt or instruct our children? I think that we must realize that television in itself is neither good nor bad a Television now plays an important part in our lives b Television keeps us informed about current events allows us to follow the latest developments in science and politics c It is the uses to which television is put that determines its values to society Spring is the season of hope and happiness I like it It's the most agreeable of all the seasons and there is nothing like a bright spring day, when you can take a walk in the fields or forests a The collective farmers are especially busy in spring b Spring is the golden time of the year for gardeners c How wonderful it is to breathe fresh air and to listen to the birds' songs! I like winter weather, especially when snow is falling in huge flakes There is snow everywhere The fields and forests are all white Winter is a good time for sport and there is hardly a more pleasant pastime than skating or skiing a However nobody is sorry when winter is over b People who like skiing it most of the time c The falling snow strikes against the face b/ Put the parts of the sentences below into the correct order any / come / but / Sunday / day phone/ there/ our/ be/ must / wrong/ something / with sad/ wants/ why/ so/ he/ were/ you/to/ looking/ know his/ farm/ Mrs brown/ father / asked/ help/ to/ Peter/ the/ on through/ often/ the/ she/ park/ does/ walk/? she/ what/ all/ time/ about/ talking/ that/ was/? Question 5: a) Put in like or as It's raining again I hate weather this Trung failed her driving test she expected Do you think Carol looks her mother? He really gets on my nerves I can't stand people him Why didn’t you it .I told you to it.? I said yesterday, I'm thinking of changing my job I'll phone you tomorrow .usual, OK? This tea is awful It tastes water Your English is very fluent I wish I could speak you 10 Don’t take my advice if you don’t want to You can .you like (10) b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions We learn a lot the year we live in Orient How did you get .the ocean? I didn’t pay much attention his lecture The country has been four different flags Write ink and put your name the top of the page I object being keft waiting Why cant you be time? She began her indefendent life .the age twenty Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt open the door > Try The police let him leave after They had questioned him -> He was We have a six o'clock deadline for this work -> This work He is so stupid that he cant remember his lessons -> So My boss works better when he's pressed for time -> The less They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them -> So fierce I didnt see her for five years > Five years Everyday, it's the same old routin in my job -> Day in They were married in the summer of 1999 -> Their wedding 10 She was not only bad-tempered but very lazy -> As well Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses I sat down at the desk and (wonder) why my father's letter (not arrive) yet I(write) to ask him to send me some money at once All the tickets (sell) out by the time we arrived at the theatre For the last three years I (spend) everyminute of my life on this problem 4.This palace (say)(build) in three years 5.There (be) no guests at all since I left 6.I (wait) for you at the hotel at midday tomorrow 7.Hello, Mary The party last night was great You should (come) Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences I would like to book a .to Hong Kong (fly) Please make your at the counter over there ( pay) He is a very .carpenter (skill) He failed the final exam (luck) There was a look of .on her face (sad) She's very You never know whether she's going to be in a good or bad mood( predict) I enjoyed the book very much, because it was so (read) The of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt (arrive) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word in the following dialogue Judy: Shall we go to the party tonight? Lisa: (1) is giving a party? Judy: Suan You know her, (2) you? Lisa: I'm (3) sure Has she got long dark hair? Judy: Yes, she (4) And she's quite tall (5) you spoken to her? Lisa: No, I don’t think (6) But I know who you mean There are two sisters, Susan and Janet They're twins, aren't (7) ? Judy: Yes, that's right Lisa: (8) one is Susan? Judy: Oh, I (9) .know.They both look the same I can't always tell them apart Lisa: No, (10) can I In any case, I havent been invited to the party Judy: That (11) matter Lisa: OK (12) .go to it then, shall we? Question 4: a) Express the following sentences in single sentences without altering their meaning (11) It's said that his brother speaks French very well  He was short of money He had to borrow some from a friend  She was playing the piano in the next room I could hear it. He had stolen a gold watch He was sent to prison  She came home early so that she might have plenty of time to cook dinner  b/ Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences It/ rain /./ I’d like / stay here / until / rain / stop After / I / entered / house / it / to rain Difficult/ get/ touch/ manager/ company I / be/ sure / he/ tell / truth/; he / never / tell / lie / life He/ bound / say / thank you/ the nurses Question 5: a) Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return later A B C D After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book A B C D George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither A B C D There's a new Oriental restaurant in town, isn't it? A B C D Nam seldom pays his bills on time, and his brother does too A B C D b) Put in the blanks with s"o", "such""such a" They have got much money, they don’t know what to with it It was boring film that I fell asleep while I was watching it It was a great holiday We had a good time I can't decide what to It's problem I have to go I didn’t realise it was .late Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues 1.I'd rather you didn't tell him anything about thatPlease 2.I'm sure it was Tom who cleared everything up Tom must Is this the only way to reach the city centre? Isn't there Provided that you leave an address we will be able to contact you Unless 5.It is said that he died by his own hand He is Eighteen people came although we had expected only sixteen Two extra You donot have to pay for elementary education in Viet Nam Elementary education 8.I am absolutaly sure that they werent playing in this weather They cant He is so stupid that he cant remember his lessons So 10 It seems that no one predicted the correct result Noone Test Question 1: Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs: be, become, change, come, decide, not go, have, live, move, stay, stop, tell, wait, not write; Dear Linda, I'm sorry I to you for so long, but I very busy lately All last month I exams, and I anything else but study for ages Anyway, I studying now, and I for my exam results As you can see from the letter, I my address and in Croydon now I that I wanted a change from centred London because it 10 so expensive A friend of mine 11 me about this flat, and I 12 here about two months ago When you 13 to London this summer please visit me I 14 here until the middle of August then I 15 on holiday to Scotland Question 2: use the correct form of these words in brackets is a very serious problem in many countries (employ) (12) 2.She always listens to what she is told (attention) 3.I am afraid you have me because that is not what I meant (understand) 4.She had a of joy when hearing his steps outside ( feel) 5.Some .singers earn a lot of money ( profession) 6.Put the ice-cream in the ., please ( freeze) Do you think that man with a gun is a (rob) He spoke English fluently but with some mistakes ( grammar) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word A doctor worked in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and asked for his In this way, he was never .3 for his service and he never managed to earn much He made up his to put an end to this One , he was stopped .7 a young man who said to him "Oh, doctor, I've got severe pain in my left side" The doctor pretended to be interested and ."Shut your eyes and open your mouth" Then he went away, leaving the .9 standing in the street with his mouth 10 and a large crowd of people laughing at him Question 4: Choose the correct word to complete the sentences She had to the shopping for her neighbour, .she ? a.didn’t b does c hadn't d isn't I suggest Andrea in touch with the organisers a.should get b getting c to get d should getting There are some reports .now a typing b.that should type c to type d need to be typed Mary doesn't have money in her purse It's just enough for a light reakfast a.some b.any c.much d.non All my life I after my home and children a looked b will look c look d have looked You hardly ever believe him and a.so I b neither I c I either d I believe him) My husband often does with people from Japan a.business b economy c.affairs d.finances In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large from his bank a loan b finance c capital d.dedt tired, I went to bed early a To feel b Felt 10.Listen to what I am saying ? a, don't you b, will you c Feeling d Having c., you d, are you Question 5: a/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions Yesterday we went shopping (1) the morning (2) 10 o'clock, we felt tired, so we had some drink in a cafe We had lunch (3) .12 o'clock, and (4) the afternoon we stayed at home (5) .the evening we went to the cinema, and I got to bed (6) 11 o'clock After breakfast (7) this morning we hired bikes and biked round Brighton We're having a rest now, but (8) .this evening we're going (9) a concert, which begins (10) .8.30 b) fill in each of the blanks with "a, an, the "if necessary I have big supper, I can't sleep at night Summer is warmest season but summer of 1971 was unusually cool Love of money is root of all evil statue of liberty war a gift of frendship from France to United States Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues I would anything for you There is The film was so funny that I burst out laughing It was Why didn't I think of that before ? I should 4.The news of her son’s death was a great shock to her The news that (13) 5.She asked John how he liked her new dress "How " 6.Women in developed countries no longer bear many children No longer 7."Have you done this sorts of work before" She asked me She asked me 8.Unless you save some money, you will never be able to buy a car Provided They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them So fierce 10 I didnt see her for five years Five years Test Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses By the end of this week my illness (cost) me $ 100 I(be) not able to join them in the bicycle ride into the country I (lend) John my bike the day before 3.Coming up to the desk he(take) the key that (leave) there by the doorman and (start) up the stairs to his room Inside he (find) that the letters (be) not where he (leave) them His room (break) in while he was out 4.Writing many letters (make) her happy 5.He (work) on the report when you (arrive) this afternoon I know, but I can't help ( have) a cup of tea afer dinner It is one of my greatest pleasures since I quit (smoke) Question 2: use the correct form of these words in brackets May I borrow your ? (calculate) Not long ago, I was introduced to a famous (art) The of his wife was a great blow to him ( lose) She has been worn down by and illness (poor) The plane arrived .after a violent storm ( safe) Many people find it to advertise (waste) Our pupils are raising money for the (poor) hunters are killing many elephants for their ivory (legal) It was the actor's finest (perform) 10 He's the .of this machine ( invent) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word Many people nowadays have to .1 false teeth when they are middle-aged Since the beginning of this century, decay has greatly increased The amount of sugar .3 our food has also increased Doctors and dentists now know that is the main .5 of tooth Eskimos' teeth, for example, started to decay .7 they began to eat sweeter food Long ago doctors did not like to treat people's teeth Hairdressers and blacksmiths looked people's teeth and pulled them when they decayed Some people thought toothache was a punishment 10 the gods Question 4: a/ Complete these tag questions I'm right, ? They had to it, .? Nobody died in that accidents, ? Don’t tell him about this, ? Let's have a picnic on the beach , ? Noone took him back his hotel, ? b/ Put the words in order so as to make up correct sentences a rule/ o' clock / eight / as / he / at / up / gets he / ten / ready / minutes / breakfast / in / for / is the/ stands / on / Thames/ London/ two/ equal / it / into / divides/ which / parts phone/ there/ our/ be/ must / wrong/ something / with Question 5: Fill in the blanks with a suitable word provided below: Few a few no many much a lot most all a little none In Sweden there is only cigarette advertising because the government has been successful in preventing .cigarette advertisements Although there are cigarette advertisements in magazines (14) (but not many), there are cigarette advertisements at all in cinemas and also on the radio and television In Britain and United States .6 of cigarette advertisements show beautiful girls and handsome men smoking cigarettes In spite of attempts to stop people smoking, there are even more advertisements than before In Sweden, however, there must be people in cigarette advertisements The Swedish government wants as people as possible to give up smoking It tells people that smokers usually die at a 10 earlier age than non-smokers b) Combine the sentences as directed Lan has a nice voice Everybody likes it ( such .that) In spite of all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong (although) Arthur is not in class today He is ill (because of) I need to get apart time job I want to earn some money for my school expenses ( in order to) The air is too polluted for us to breath (so that) Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt open the door Try Nobody helped me to this I She didnt work hard enough, so she lost the job The reason 4.What he does is not acceptable Nobody I would love to live in Paris for a year If only Nobody can deny that she is nice It cant His passport was nowhere to be found Noone 8.A train leaves at o`clock everymorning There is Rich as he was, he never helped the poor No 10 What's the weight of your suitcase? How Test 10 Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses in the following dialogue Minh: Hello, Tuan Tuan: Hi I (1) (not see) you for along time Minh: I (2) (see) you in town two or three weeks ago, but you (3) .not see) me I (4) (be) on a bus Tuan: Well, how are things? Are you still living in Lieu Giai street? Minh: No, I (5) .(move) now I (6) .(find) a flat just before I went on holiday I (7) (be) there for three months Tuan: (8) you (pass) your driving test yet? Minh: Yes, I (9) (pass) in October I (10) (not buy) a car yet But what about you? (11) anything exciting (happen) to you lately? Tuan: Not really My mother (12) (not be) well for a few months now Minh: Oh I'm sorry to hear that Tuan: And my brother's out of work Minh: (13) .he (leave) school in the summer then? Tuan: Yes He (14) (not do) very well in his exams and he (15) (not find) a job yet Minh: Are you still working at the bank? Tuan: Yes They (16) (give) me a pay rise Minh: Well, that's one piece of good news Question 2: use the correct form of these words in brackets 1.There is a of fruits in Viet Nam ( vary) 2.During his speech, he kept on his tie ( straight) 3.That speaks too quickly ( announce) 4.They made a about the heating ( complain) (15) 5.Conservationists belive that we should preserve the rainforests in the world.( tropic) 6.The little village is very quiet and .at night (peace) 7.Make sure that you the electricity before you start mending this light switch ( connect) 8.We`ll our room with some roses (beauty) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word English man living near Sheffield recently had a most unlucky day's fishing He was standing on a low bridge he had the misfortune to knock his tin of bait into the river Leaning over the side of the bridge, he tried to look the tin and pull it out of the river As he did so, his car keys fell out .his pocket and disappeared into the river Feeling completely disappointed, the fisherman leant over the bridge to see where his keys gone Just when, the bridge collapsed and he fell the river The fisherman, then tried get out of the river and got back to his car There, he discovered that he had carefully locked the car doors and .9 not get in His anti-thief had paralyzed his car There was nothing left 10 him to but walked sadly home Question Choose the best answer The weather is to day than yesterday a much better b very better c too better d best 2.He is a busy man that he really needs a helper a so b such c very d so that Not only lost his keys but he had lost all his money as well a had he b he had c he had had d have he 4, Listen to what I am saying ? a, don't you b, will you c., you d, are you Some one is knocking the door a, in b at c, over d, out she plays the piano a how well b how good c what good d, how I'd like to a three - minute call to London a make b phone c set d I was just to go out when you telephone a around b about c thinking d planned The factory my father works in is very big a: which ; b: where ; c: how ; d: when 10 Several people, voices could be clearly heard, were waiting outside a whose b their c of which d whom Question 5:a) Express the following sentences in single sentences without altering their meaning 1.My friend wants to visit London; but there is not any chance  2.I got to my office on foot this morning It took half an hour  3.The problem is very diffcult He can't solve it  4.He wants to become a famous writer He dreams of it  b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions His teacher believes his improvement .first I found the work very tiring, but a few weeks I got used it This street is named .one of our heroes Romeo was deeply in love Juliet Don’t stare her, it is very rude Please tell me once! Do you approve heart transplants? Does she spend a lot of time homework Question 6: rewrite these sentences as direected in the brackets The painters painted our house last month ( had) Someone will meet you at the airport (be) Have you received your salary yet? (paid) My parents made me study everynight ( was) Sue went shopping so she could buy herself a new television (to buy) (16) You use this to open wine bottle Harry left early because I didn’t want to miss the bus I saved up some money to buy a motorbike Jane gave upsmoking because she wanted to save money 10 I came here so that I could see you  This .( for) ( so as) (could) (order) ( to) ĐÁP ÁN Key Test Question 1: are you getting ? is greeting travelling 7.have been repaired have been 8.being treated should stop 9.are seen has collected 10.seeing Question 2: cyclist 5.employees southern boxer 6.housed 10 sleeplessness receptionist 7.endlessly signature 8.liar Question 3: Uncle 5.simplicity 9.on to 6.which 10.being at 7.feeling few 8.is Question 4: a) I am sorry to have kept you waiting He remembered having seen /seeing the girl somewhere before He (she) left the house without saying a word He dreams of becoming a famous doctor His brother is said to speak French very well b) a b 3.a a b Question 5: much 4.so 7.like 10 most of a little 5.any of 8.As such 6.unless 9.if Question 6: a) for about to in - in at b) Nobody predicts what will happen ( Nobody can predict what will happen) He left the house without saying a word (17) My uncle has given up smoking for one year The noise of the traffic prevented me from going to sleep Question 7: She cant get used to studying everyevening He said they had to have a party to celebrate that I lent him my book, but he forgot to return it Nothing has been decided yet Hellen's flight arrives at 8:00 So heavy was the snow fall that all the trains had to be canclled Oh no! I have lost my wallet According to the station clock, it was half past ten So far I have written ten pages of my letter 10 This is the second time I have been to Vietnam/ I have visited Vietnam Key Test Question 1: 1.being treated 5.were having have been repaired 6.have lived will be doing 7.was rescued doesn't answer - have gone 8.seeing Question 2: learned frightening dead modernized tropical peaceful 7.traditional disconnect alive 10.meaningless Question 3: few make of all end afterwards share every frightening 10.mistake Question 4: a) I've lost my ticket which cost five pounds Where is the money that( which) I gave you ? She told a story that I didn’t believe( I didn’t believe the story that(which ) she told) Do you know that girl whom Tom is talking to? The man whose son is my classmate is a famous docror Hoan Kiem lake water of which is always blue is a historical place b) b a b 4.a Question 5: a) I want you to clean the blackboard Your brother has been given a beautiful collection of postcards ( a collection of beautiful postcards) The new school year usually begins on September 1st He remembered his trip to Vietnam b) Put as or like as like like like as as Question 6: "Please wake me up at 6.30" He said to the receptionist He is an extremely honest man I shouldn’t have spent a lot of money on clothes The car was too rusty to be repaired Not until 1981 did people discover AIDS There were so many people on the way that we couldn’t drive on Phong regrets having bought that cheap television set So long as you work hard, you'll pass your exam It is poolish of him to say that 10 Some people find it exciting to live in the city (18) Key Test Question 1: had been disturbed to arrive will be changing Question 2: hopeless personal Question 3: being their not Question 4: a) - was had gone - were sitting has been - happened - shot to have - had stopped - raining belief detective dying scientist presence assistance illiteracy 10 unhealthy if from becomes 4.can 9.for staying 10 famous a a b) Question 5: a b a b a) 1.I apologized to him for not being able to arrive on time My uncle has given up smoking for one year Look! The sun is setting behind the mountains In my life, I have never been to Pac Bo Cave b) Polly forgot to her homework I will always remember having seen/seeing Mrs Trang Anh The shelves need painting The driver stpped to buy some cigarettes The room which nobody slept in for years is painted yellow It was very kind of her to invite me to dinner 5.a 6.a Question 6: It was such an unexpected remark that she didn’t know what to say / she couldn’t say a word Noone in the world plays guitar as/so badly as you (do) I needn't have written that letter Contrary to its(the) harmless appearance, the fish is quite dangerous He forgot all/ everything about it, and so did she It is a pity I didn’t apply for the job If I had known all the facts, I wouldn’t have rung the police The reason why she lost the job was that she didn’t work hard enough Mr Minh let Hai leave early 10 I have no advice to offer you Key Test Question 1: has been teaching(has taught) - came - had lived - is living - comes is to be paid being used locking - was - had dropped would have finished Question 2: appreciatively failure leading marriage artistic doers freedom signature Question 3: ago with in the centre of took part in solidarity celebrated 7.marched meeting showed 10 have been Question a): She enjoyed spending the weekend at the seaside (19) I am used to getting up early in the morning She went to the library to read books She disliked being disturbed by his silly questions b) for at of about from - into much seems fewer 7.are much less is A number of The number of Question 5: 10 few Question 6: My friend not only had excellent ideas but did a good job as well Neither his explanation nor the examples he gives are clear It is said that the price of gold is going up( the price of gold is said to be going up) He asked me when I would give that book to him People seldom travelled far from home years ago He as well as you was given a gift No matter how intelligent you may be, you should be careful about this He was very proud of making a great discovery Lan had difficulty in accepting the situation 10 Thanks to new technology which the farmers had applied in their fields, the output of rice was raised Key Question 1: feeling - were 5.was arrested - was leaving had been killed must have called is sent will/shall have been working hadn't had - hadn't liked 8.broke - was being moved Question 2: pleasuse unfortunately troublesome unemployment disagreeable 6.competitive increasing wonderfully grammartical 10 mountainous Question 3: ways understood sounds important vocabulary well7 express main say 10 show Question a) Choose the correct word many 2.a little a lot of much a few a little 7.much many b) Fill in "Of" x of x 4.of 5.of 6.x 7.of 8.x Question5: a) Put in orders The post man has just come and given me a letter We will get to the station before the train comes I think Ann needs to work harder Do as I tell you Let him it alone Don't sit on my tie Get off at the next stop Ask him if he knows the professor b) Correct grammar mistake had rather -> would rather have been -> has been by > with knows -> knew Question 6: Rewrite We find it extremely difficult to make ends meet these days They stole everything except for the television (20) As long as you are patient , you'll succeed in life It was so hot that I nearly fainted I was the last (one/person) to hear about the accident ( I was the last one who heard about accident) There is no tea left Do you object to working on Sunday ? There are six letters to be written today He dislikes being laughed at ( his funny face) 10Seldom I come there at night Key Question 1: has been playing to leave Being called 5.had been running should have been - has gone 6.surprises Question 2: is of 3.problem a population be danger 9.For Question 3: worthless overslept salty freezer tighten difficulty 8.loosen 9.variety Question 4: a) b c c c b) Come any day but Sunday There must be something wrong with our phone He wants to know why you were looking so sad Mrs Brown asked Peter to help his father on the farm does she often walk through the park? What was she talking all that time? Question5: a) put in like or as like as like like as like like 10.as b) Prepositions during across to under in - at Question6: Rewrite Try as hard as I might, I couldn’t open the door He was allowed to leave after he had been questioned This work must be finished at six o'clock So stupid is he that he can't remember his lesson The less time my boss has the better he works So fierce was the dog that nobody would visit him Five years has passed since I last saw her Day in day out, it's the same old routin in my job Their wedding took place in the summer of 1999 10 As well as being bad-tempered, she was very lazy Key Question1: wondered - hadn't arrived -had written had sold have spent is said - to have been built Question 2: 5.have been 6.will/shall be waiting have come am trying understand 9.floats hard/difficult 10 so collector 10 straightening as as to - in/on at -of (21) flight payment skilful Unluckily unpredictable readable arrival Question 3: who's don’t not has Haven't they which don’t 10 neither 11.doesn't Question 4: a) His brother is sai to speak French very well Being short of money, he had to borrow some from a friend I could hear her playing the piano in the next room He was sent to prison for having stolen a gold watch She came home early so as to have plenty of time to cook dinner b) 1.It is raining I'd like to stay here until the rain stops After I had entered my house, it began to rain It is difficult to get in touch with the manager of the company I am sure he told/ is telling the truth; he has never told a lie in his life He is bound to say thank you to the nurses Question 5: a) C D D D D b) so such a such such 5.so Question 6: Please don't tell him anything about that Tom must have cleared everything up Isn't there any other way to reach the city centre.? Unless you leave an address we won't be able to contact you He is said to have died by his own hand Two extra people came Elementary education is free in Viet Nam They can't have been playing in this weather So stupid is he that he can't remember his lessons 10 Noone seems to have predicted the correct result sadness 6.so 12 let's Key Question 1: haven't written have been had haven't done have stopped Question 2: Unemployment attentively Question 3: who by Question 4: a c Question 5: in to am waiting 11 told have changed 12 moved live 13 come decided 14 will be staying/ is staying 10.has become/ is becoming 15 will be going/ is going misunderstood feeling advice paid money man said a 10 b at 10 at professional freezer robber grammatical mind 10 open day 3.d c 5.c(d) b a a a) at in in at x x b) (22) a - the the the - the the - the Question 6: There is nothing I would for you It was such a funny film that I burst out laughing I should have thought of that before The news that her son had died was a great shock to her "How you like my new dress, John" she asked John No longer women in developed countries bear many children She asked me if/whether I had done that sorts of work before Provided (that) you save some money, you'll able to buy a car So fierce was the dog that nobody would visit them 10 Five years has passed since I last saw her Key Question 1: will have cost was - had lent took - had been left - started - found - weren't - had left - had been broken makes will be working - arrive having - smoking Question 2: calculator wasteful Question 3: wear decay Question 4: aren't artist poor tooth when a) didn't loss illegal poverty performance safely 10 inventor in sugar out cause 10 from after did they will you shall we did they b) As a rule, he gets up at eight o'clock He is ready for breakfast in ten minutes London stands on the Thames which devides it into two equal parts There must be something wrong with our phone Question 5: a) a little most3 a few no none6 a lot few many all 10 much b) Lan has such a nice voice that everybody likes it Although our plans were careful, a lot of thing went wrong Because of his (the) illness, Arthur is not in class today In order to earn some money for my school expenses, I need to get a part time job The air is so poluted that we can't breath it Question 6: Try as hard as I might, I couldn't open the door I built this on my own The reason why she lost the job was that she didn't work hard enough Nobody accepts what he does (23) Of only I could live in Paris for a year It can't be denied that She is nice Noone found his passport anywhere There is an eight o'clock train every morning( There is a train leaving at o'clock every morning) No matter how rich he was , he never helped the poor 10 How much does your suitcase weigh? Key 10 Question 1: haven't saw didn't see was found have been have you passed? passed 11 has happened ? 12 hasn't been13 did .leave ? 15 hasn't found 16 have given Question 2: variety straightening announcer tropical peaceful disconnect Question 3: an into Question 4: a b when to b a for could a 10 a 4.b have moved 10 haven't bought 14 didn't complaint beautify out 10 for b Question 5: a) There is no chance for my friend to visit London It took me half an hour to get to my office on foot this morning The problem is so difficult that he can't solve it He dreams of becoming a famous writer b) in at at - in - to at after of with on Question 6: we had the painters paint our house last month You will be met at the airport Have you been paid your salary yet? I was made to study everynight by my parents 5.Sue went shopping to buy a new television This is used for opening wine bottle Harry left early so as not to miss the bus I saved up some money so that I could buy a motorbike Jane gave up smoking in order save money 10 I came here to see you of a had a (24)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2021, 01:35

